Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 72

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 72

Through the eyes of my alpha Chapter 72

NADIA. “Leandro, right? I really don’t have business with him, but if that will make you happy, you can tag him along next time, and everyone else you want to introduce me to.” His voice was so cold that it sent shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes as my heart clenched with pain for Zahra. I blocked off all my walls so as to not let Riley feel my emotions.

He was too cold-hearted.

“I guess if that’s all, then we can end this.

I have things to do.

Nadia will just inform you when we can meet next time.

” Riley continued, and my eyes snapped open in disbelief.

– My eyes were still wide as I looked at him.

Our gaze met, and I opened my mouth to speak.

” I’m not done with my food.

” .

“I’ll make one for you at home.

I can do better than the steak here.

” My jaw dropped open as I watched him wipe his mouth with the napkin and place it back on the table.

I turned my head towards Zahra at the same time I heard Riley’s chair screech, letting me know he was about to stand up.

1th Zahra smiled at me and nodded her head, dropping her napkin on the table as she stood up and opened her arms for me.

I stood up like a zombie and went into her arms.

“I’m sorry…” I told her in a hushed tone.

“I’ll wait for you in the car, Nadia.

Nice to meet you, Zahra.

Till next time.

” Riley spoke in a cold tone, as if he were meeting a business partner.

He didn’t wait for a response as he turned on his heel and walked away after leaving cash on the table.

“Zahra…” My eyes welled with tears as I bit my lower lip.



” She hugged me tightly, her hand brushing my hair.

“You have nothing to apologize for.

I’m thankful for your presence, Nadia.

I know he met me because he wanted to please you.

I’m sad, yes, but you have no idea how happy I am too.

I get to hold Riley’s hand, and it is enough for now.

” I was sobbing on her shoulder, and I had no idea how she could still hold herself together while I was a crying mess.

I guess, years of longing for Riley had toughened her.

“It’s going to be okay, sweetheart.

I have a lifetime to wait for him to warm up to me.

You didn’t fail me today, Nadia.

You gave me the gift I’ve been praying for the Goddess for twenty three years,” I nodded my head as I pulled away from her hug.

She wiped my tears with her thumb and cupped my face.

“Take care of yourself, Riley, and your pup.

And call me anytime.

Don’t push Riley too much to meet up with me again.

I can wait.

” She kissed my cheek and brushed the lipstick stain with her thumb.

“Go now, your mate is waiting.

Thank you, Nadia.

” “I will call you, and send my hugs to the twins and Leandro.

” “I will.

And Nadia, call me mom.

If that’s okay with you.

” I smiled at her and flung my arms around her once more.

“Yes, Mom.

I would love that.

” “Why the hell are you crying?

” Riley asked as he drove at a slow speed in the center of the neutral city.

“And stop saying it’s your pregnancy that’s making you cry” “Nothing.

I was just emotional.

Pregnancy does that.

” “Can you be honest with me?

You have your walls up, so I know you’re trying to hide what you feel.

Did I disappoint you?

I did my fucking best out there.

If you think it’s easy, it is not.

” “I know.

That’s why I told you it’s okay.

I’m just emotional.

” I tried to wipe off my tears as I smiled at him.

“Tell me why.

I want to know.

I fucked up again, right?

” “No.


You have given more than I expected.

” “And why the fuck are you crying?

” “It’s just that you’re too cold,” I told him in a low voice.

I was expecting him to defend himself, but he didn’t, so I continued.

“I’m sorry if I’m crying.

I just feel bad for Zahra.

” “How about me?

Don’t you feel bad for me?

” “I do.

That’s why I asked you if you could just ignore me.

I’ll be okay soon.

” “I don’t want to fucking disappoint you, Nadia.

Tell me what I should have done?

” “I’m sorry.

It’s just that you were too cold towards her.

And I could only imagine what she was feeling.

I’m going to be a mother soon, and if my pup treats me that way, I don’t know how I would handle it.

But of course, I understand you.

It’s my pregnancy that’s making me so sensitive.

” The car suddenly made a u-turn and my hand grabbed his forearm as my eyes widened in complete shock.

“What are you doing?

” I asked in a high-pitched tone.

“Riley, please… You don’t need to do anything.

I swear, I was just emotional and it’s common for pregnant women to cry all the time, but it doesn’t mean you need to…” He chuckled as he drove in the direction of the restaurant where we met Zahra.

“Shh… You can stop talking now.

” I withdrew my hand from his arm and wiped my tears away.

Why was he chuckling?

What the fuck was going on in his mind?

The car stopped in front of the restaurant.

He took off his seat belt before ejecting mine.

“You can stay here or you can come with me.

” “What are you going to do? This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

” I asked him.

I was already confused by his actions.

He leaned his face closer and kissed my forehead before stepping out of the car and walking to my side to open my door.

“Are you coming?

” I nodded my head and took his hand as I stepped out.

I thought we were going back inside the restaurant, but we weren’t.

We passed by the entrance and continued walking on the sidewalk.

It was only then that I saw one car parked at the far end, and Zahra was inside.

Her head was slumped on the steering wheel as her shoulders shook.

She must be crying, and my heart clenched in pain for her.

I tugged Riley’s hand that was holding mine, and it made him stop walking toward Zahra’s car.

“If you’re just going to say mean things to her, please.


You’ll just break her more.

” He didn’t respond, and I couldn’t read his emotions.

He proceeded to walk, taking me along with him, and stopped beside Zahra’s car.

He knocked twice on her window, and it startled Zahra.

Her eyes widened at the sight of Riley as she scrambled to wipe the tears off her face before she opened the car door and stepped outside.

“Hi,” Her voice was shaking, but she tried to smile.

“Did you forget anything?

” Her eyes were shifting back and forth between me and Riley, and I just found myself shrugging my shoulders, letting her know I had no idea what was going on.

“I forgot to tell you that Nadia’s birthday is in two weeks.

I was planning to have just a private celebration with her since it’s her first birthday with me, but I’m thinking it would be lovely if you could come and celebrate with us.

You can take Bella and Ellie.

And Leandro.

If they want to come.

” Riley said it in one breath as the tears that were pooling in my eyes started to trickle down my cheeks again.

I had no idea Riley knew my birthday was approaching.

I totally forgot it myself with all the things happening in our lives right now.

I felt Riley squeeze my hand and I squeezed it back as I opened my walls to him, letting him know how happy I felt at the moment.

“Of course.

Of course, we will be there.

” Zahra answered excitedly, and her eyes dilated for a moment before they returned to normal, sparkling as she spoke.

“Don’t forget to bring a gift for her.

One for each of you.

No gifts, no entrance.

” Riley’s tone was mellowed down, almost as if he was joking, and I couldn’t contain the happiness brewing in my chest “Riley…” I giggled as I slapped his arm playfully.

“Don’t believe him.

I’m okay with just your presence.

” “No.

” Riley turned to look at me before he squeezed my nose gently in between his fingers.

” I’m not kidding.

It’s a requirement.

” “Yes, yes.

We will have gifts for Nadia.

Each one of us.

” Zahra’s voice was so delighted and her eyes were beaming with happiness.

And before I could see what was coming, she threw her arms around Riley and hugged him.

“Thank you.

” Riley dropped my hand from his hold as his body stiffened, as mine did.

I was so terrified he would push Zahra away when he raised his hand, but he surprised me again.

Instead, he reached for Zahra’s back and tapped it three times, as he does when congratulating his warriors with a hug.

It was an awkward hug, but it made my heart burst with happiness.

Zahra let him go as her face reddened.

“I’m sorry, I got carried away.

” Riley didn’t say anything and just took my hand again.

“We will go now.

See you in two weeks.

Nadia will let you know the details.

” I smiled widely as I nodded my head before my free arm went around to hug Zahra.

“See you in two weeks, Mom.

” Here’s the second one!

I hope this second part makes up for the cold-hearted Riley we saw in the first part.

And… I can’t wait to write about Nadia’s party soon.

It’ll be an exciting turning point for some of our side characters, so watch out for it!

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