Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 71

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 71

Through the eyes of my alpha Chapter 71

NADIA. The day I’ve been waiting for finally came. Riley decided it was time to meet his mother. Zahra flew from Atlanta with Leandro, but we decided that she would be the only one meeting Riley for now. We didn’t want to overwhelm my mate with Leandro and the twins. Zahra was already at the restaurant that Riley had booked when we arrived.

My heart was thudding loudly the moment I saw her sitting at our reserved table with a worried expression on her face.

I’ve never seen Zahra in such a state.

She was always classy, elegant, and full of confidence, even on those days when we talked about Riley.

I’d always see the longing in her eyes, but I’d never seen her confidence drop as low as the one I saw in her right now.

I walked towards her with Riley trailing behind me, and she stood up as soon as her gaze fell on us.


I had no idea what Riley was feeling at the moment because he had his wall up again.

My arms snaked around Zahra as she pulled me into a tight hug.

“You look lovely, sweetheart.

He was surely taking good care of you.

” She whispered in my ear, and I nodded my head in response.

“He does, and he’s very good at it.

” “I’m glad…” She replied as we let go of each other.

Her eyes were already on Riley’s, and I could see longing flitting in them.

I took a deep breath before I turned my head to look at my mate.

He was standing at least ten feet away from us, hands in his pockets with a stoic expression on his face.

I couldn’t read him.

He was really good at it.

Zahra cleared her throat before she spoke, a loving smile plastered on her face.


I’m Zahra.

Riley nodded his head before he moved closer and extended a hand.


Riley Adams.

” My gaze followed his hand, and my heart wanted to burst out in happiness when it clutched Zahra’s.

It was a good start.

They shook hands like they were just acquaintances, and I saw tears brimming in Zahra’s eyes, but she blinked them back away, while my mate’s eyes were showing no emotions, but he was looking

straight into her.

It’s a good sign.

“Shall we take a seat?

” I broke the awkward silence, and it was only then that Riley withdrew his hand away from Zahra and pulled a chair for me to sit on.

The server came and we placed our order, but I didn’t find anything appetizing, so I just ordered a cream of mushroom soup.

“Are you sure that’s all you want to eat?

You almost ate nothing for breakfast either.

” Riley asked me as soon as the server went away.

His hand reached for mine at the top of the table.

I smiled at him before I answered him.

“I don’t have an appetite, but I can taste what you ordered.

Maybe if I end up liking it, then we can share.

” He smiled and squeezed my hand before withdrawing, and his face went back to its stoic state.

I turned my head to find Zahra looking at us.

There were too many emotions in her eyes, but I could see happiness in there.

She must have been proud of how attentive Riley was to me.

“How was your flight?

Did you just arrive today?

” I asked Zahra, trying to lighten the atmosphere.


Just two hours ago.

And we drove directly here from Hartly.

” “We?

Who was with you?

Nadia told me you have a family, so I assume you have kids.

” Riley butted in, and I was glad he did.

At least the conversation would roll.

She smiled meekly while she looked directly into Riley’s eyes.

“I have.

Twins, both females.

” “Are they with you?

” “No.

Just Leandro is with me today.

” “Why didn’t you take them?

” He asked, his brow arched up.

“I’m not sure if you wanted to meet them, but I can call them and they can fly…” “No need.

I was just asking.

” “I see.

How have you been, Riley?

” Zahra asked, and I felt like a spectator, but I wasn’t complaining “I’ve been good.

But better now that Nadia is here. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

” “I’m glad too.

You have a wonderful mate.

” “I do.

Unfortunately, not everyone gets to have a wonderful mate.

” His voice was full of sarcasm, even if his face wasn’t showing any.

“Riley…” I blurted in a hushed tone, and I felt my cheeks burning in embarrassment.


It’s true.

” He told me before his gaze went back to meet Zahra’s.

“Anyway, I really don’t have anything to say.

I’m only here because Nadia requested this.

So if you have something to say…” His words were cut off when the server arrived with our meal, and everyone just stayed silent.

My eyes darted to Zahra.

She was affected by Riley’s harsh words, but she wasn’t backing down.

Her eyes were still showing determination as she smiled lovingly at me, The server took a while before he was done with setting our table with the food we ordered.

We started eating in silence the moment he left, but my stomach didn’t like the soup at all, so I pushed the bowl slightly away before grabbing the glass of water beside me.

I didn’t notice that Riley was watching me until I saw the bowl being lifted away and replaced by his plate.

“Try the beefsteak.

It tastes good.

Well done.

” He said this while slicing the steak in front of me, not minding that Zahra was looking at us.

“You should eat.

Otherwise, the pup will take all your energy and nutrients, and I’ll be left with a malnourished mate.

” I giggled.

“You’re scared I’ll end up being too ugly?



You’re ugly already.

It won’t change a thing.

” He chuckled, and I slapped his arm in fake annoyance.

“I want you to be healthy so you can keep up with my…” He added, making my face burn in embarrassment.

I knew he was sending sexual innuendo.

It was probably then that he realized we were not alone, as he stopped his sentence midway.


” He gave me a knife and fork before taking a spoon and starting eating the soup that he took from me.

We ate in silence for a while, and I actually liked the steak in front of me, but I couldn’t enjoy it as I felt the tension in the air.

I was about to start a conversation when Riley beat me to it.

“Your kids.

How old are they?

” He asked.

His eyes were on Zahra.

Zahra raised her head and met his gaze, smiling at him warmly as she spoke.

“You have a twin sister.

They’re nineteen, and they’re currently studying at a university in Atlanta.

Their names are Bella and Ellie.

” “And they’re excited to meet you,” I added.

His gaze met mine, and he smiled at me.

“Were they nice to you?

” He asked in a soft tone, different from how he was addressing Zahra.

I nodded my head, “They’re wonderful and lovely!

They’ve been really nice and sweet to me.

” “That’s good to hear.

” “Riley,” Zahra spoke, and both our heads swung in her direction.

“I know this is long overdue, but I want to apologize for leaving you, for not being around all your life.

But if you will give me a chance, I would love to be present in your life moving forward, for the rest of my life.

We can move and settle her in the neutral city so it is near your territory if that’s okay with you.

” Her eyes started to well with tears, but she was holding them so as to not let them fall.

Riley cleared his throat, and his hand on my thigh tightened its hold on me.

“You don’t need to rearrange your life because of me.

I’m open to meeting you and your twins once in a while.

Something like this.

You don’t need to move back here.

” My heart dropped at the coldness of his voice.

But Zahra smiled warmly and just nodded her head.


I could live with that.

Would you allow me to see my grandchild?

” “Yes.

If Nadia is okay with that.

” “Of course, and I promise Bell and El that they can spend time with our pup once I give birth, so if you’re okay, maybe they can stay with us for a couple…” “Wait.

Hold your thoughts on that.

We need to discuss that first.

” He cut me off, his brows furrowing “Of course.

” I couldn’t stop the pain in my voice.

I thought we were making progress, but Riley was still cold.

But I dare not object to his words.

I promised him that this meeting would go according to his will and I would respect that.

Maybe I’ve gone too far, but I was just excited to share motherhood with his sisters.

“Anything you want to add more?

” His question was directed at Zahra.

“I hope you will forgive me and give me time to explain.

” “Nadia told me what I needed to know.

It’s enough for now.

Maybe one day.

Anything else?

” “Can we meet again some time?

I will take your sisters with me.

” Riley just nodded his head.

“Nadia will let you know when I’m free next time.

Anything else?

” I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

I knew Riley was stubborn, but I didn’t know he was this stubborn.

“My mate.

I know I don’t have the right to ask you, but he wanted to meet you one day.

It doesn’t have to be at the next meeting or the next.

At your own time, I just want you to know that he wanted to meet you.

” “Leandro, right?

I really don’t have business with him, but if that will make you happy, you can tag him along next time, and everyone else you want to introduce me to.

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