Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 73

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 73

Through the eyes of my alpha Chapter 73

NADIA My birthday would be in a week’s time, and Jenny and I decided to drive to the neutral city to buy things we would be needing for my birthday dinner.

Initially, Riley wanted to spend my birthday with just the two of us somewhere away from the territory, but the event with his mother changed everything.

We decided to have a private dinner with just a few guests, which included his mother and her family.

And I couldn’t be more excited.

Riley and I didn’t discuss again his meeting with Zahra, but he would ask me for information once in a while about my experience with them, especially about his sisters.

Even if he wasn’t saying anything, I think he looked forward more to meeting the twins.

And I wished I could pull the days faster so it would be my birthday soon.

I couldn’t remember any birthdays that I was excited about except this one.

I guess having Riley did change everything for me and my outlook on life.

I was eager to wake up each day just to see my mate because my reality was now better than my dreams.

And most of the time, if not all of the time, I would wake up to find him already awake and staring at me.

He would look at me like I was the best thing he’d ever seen and it always brought butterflies to my stomach because it was exactly how I felt.

Riley will always be the best thing I’ve ever seen and had, and I will always be grateful to the Goddess for giving him to me.

I was still lost in my thoughts when a sudden pull on my arm jerked my body into a halt.

My head snapped up to look at Jenny, who had stopped in her tracks and subconsciously tugged my arm since we were walking arm in arm through the neutral city, with a few of Riley’s men following us.

Jenny’s eyes were rounding, her eyes fixated on something in front of her.

My gaze followed her line of sight, and it was only then that I understood what her reaction meant.

Standing a few meters away from us was a female with dark, hazelnut brown hair and hazelnut - colored eyes.

She was staring at me, and the moment our eyes met, her lips curled into a friendly smile.

“Nadia, right?

” Her sweet, angelic voice made me swallow as I nodded my head.

A pain crossed my chest, but I reminded myself that she was all in the past, and I was in the present.

I fixed my posture and let a smile curve across my lips before I extended my hand to her.

“Yes, my name is Nadia.

It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Andrea.

” Jenny’s grip on my arm loosened as she sighed in relief.

“The pleasure is mine.

I’ve always wanted to meet you and I guess, this is just the perfect timing.

” we let go of each other’s hands before another hand took mine, and it was only then that I saw another female standing beside Andrea.

“Oh my Goddess, I finally got to see and meet the female that made my cousin’s knees weak!

” The female shrieked excitedly before her arms wrapped around me, to which Jenny and Andrea responded with a giggle.



” I asked as I squeezed her body while I hugged her back.

She withdrew from my arms as she looked at me, her eyes flitting with amusement.

“You know me?

I’ll be impressed if Riley was the one who told you about me.

” It was my time to giggle as I nodded my head.

“He has shown me pictures of you and your whole family.

I met Alpha Vesmont and Luna Graciella, and your brothers.

Only you were missing…” It didn’t slip my eyes the way her eyes rolled at the mention of her father, but she still had a friendly smile on her lips.

“Well, I hope Alpha Vesmont didn’t give you a hard time.

” “No, he didn’t.

Well, Dawson said your father won’t be too hard on me even if he wanted to because Riley has always been his favorite.

” I answered her, smiling, but my eyes were on Andrea, who was just looking at me.

I was checking for any trace of hatred or jealousy, but there was none.

“Yes, that sounds like my father.

” Alba chuckled as she moved back, allowing me to stand in front of Andrea again.

I turned my head to look at Jenny behind me before I reached for her hand, clasping it in mine as I pulled her closer to where I stood.

“I’m sure Jenny here is happy to see you both.

” Andrea’s eyes pooled with tears as her gaze fell on Jenny before shifting back to me.

“Do you mind if I hug your Gamma female?

” I let go of Jenny’s hand and stepped aside.

“Of course, I’m sure she misses you too. C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

” My eyes welled with tears as Andrea and Jenny hugged right in front of me.

Jenny told me they didn’t have a proper goodbye when Andrea ran away, and she always wondered if Andrea was really happy with where her life took her.

Alba stepped beside me and snaked her arms around my waist from behind as she hugged me, resting her chin on my shoulder as tears poured from my eyes.

“I’m happy he found you, Nadia.

You have no idea how you saved Riley and all of us from his wrath.

” She chuckled at her words, but she was shedding tears too.

“I’m glad I found him too,” I mumbled back, trying not to choke on my own tears.

“Do you like him?

” “I love him, Alba.

” Alba let go of her arms around me and faced me, her hands still holding on to my arms.

“I always knew only a strong female could make Riley bow down, so thank you.

I can’t say it enough.

” “I guess I have to thank Andrea because…” I didn’t know why I said it, but I regretted it the moment it slipped from my mouth.

“I guess it’s time I had a private talk with Nadia if you’re okay with that,” Andrea spoke, and my eyes darted to her and Jenny as I nodded my head.

“Yes, that would be lovely.

” Andrea and I chose an alfresco coffee shop just nearby.

Jenny and Alba were just at the other table while both our guards were just within the vicinity watching over us.

We sat down with the coffee we ordered from the counter inside, and we just smiled and giggled at each other because we didn’t know how to start our conversation.

I still felt a little awkward because she was so beautiful and innocent-looking that I couldn’t help but compare myself, but it was strange that now that she was in front of me, I didn’t feel any resentment towards her.

Jenny was right.

Andrea seemed to be a lovely person, inside and out.

“Uhm…” I cleared my throat, my hands cupping the mug in front of me as I looked at her.

“I want to apologize for everything Riley has done.

…” “Hey!

You don’t have anything to apologize for.

Riley has apologized to me and Caspian, so I want to move on from it.

” “Thank you.

” “What for?

” “For your forgiveness.

Riley is a good man.

He’s just lost.

” Andrea reached for my hand that was resting on the table and gently squeezed it.

“If there’s anyone who knows what it feels like, it would be you.

I know you find it hard to forgive the people who did wrong to you, and it wasn’t easy for me either to forgive Riley.

But I did, because I knew who Riley was before all of this took place.

And you’re right, he was just lost, and I’m happy that he seemed to be in a good place now.

” “He is doing much better now,” I added, smiling at her as she pulled her hand away from me.

“I’m sure it’s all because of you.

Nadia, I don’t want you to think that you’re where you are now because I ran away from Riley.

I want you to take off all the doubts that you feel because even before I left Riley, he was already losing his interest in me.

” I swallowed and didn’t say anything as I listened to her.

Riley had told me about it one time, but I still had my doubts.

“Riley smelled you once in Alpha Darvin’s pack, and he was never the same after.

I think he realized that the one meant for him was somewhere out there, waiting to be found.

He did try to look for you.

For weeks, he would leave the packhouse early and come home late, only for the rest of us to find out that he spent the whole day with Alpha Darvin.

So you see, I am nothing compared to you when it comes to Riley.

” “Thank you.

That means a lot to me.

” And I mean it.

Even if Riley and I were growing stronger together, at the back of my mind, there were still what-ifs and doubts in my head.

And I was glad Andrea was kind enough to ease my mind.

“I want us to be friends, Nadia.

We’re neighboring packs, but I’m not pushing it.

Once you’re ready, I’m just a few minutes away.

” “I would love that.

But yes, one day at a time.

Riley and I are still figuring each other out and we’re taking baby steps too.

But I’m happy with him.

” “He loves you, Nadia.

He told me and Caspian that he’s scared that he can’t make you happy.

It takes a lot for a person like Riley to admit it, but he did.

” “Are you happy, Andrea?

” I asked her.

I just wanted the guilt of everything that Riley did to her washed away by knowing she was living the life she deserved.

She smiled at me.

Her eyes sparkled as she answered my question.

“Yes, I’ve never been this happy as I am now.

And one day, I hope you can meet the man behind my happiness.

” After my time with Andrea, Jenny and I went around the shopping center for another hour before we called it a day and decided to drive home.

I was in the passenger seat while Jenny drove, and another car with three warriors was following behind us.

We were just fifteen minutes away from the border of the territory, and we were threading the rough road along the forest line when something white appeared in front of the car.

Jenny made an abrupt halt, making my body jerk forward, but her reflexes were fast as her arm went around my chest to stop me from bumping my head on the dashboard.


” Jenny shrieked.

“I think I hit someone!

” My eyes widened as my chest heaved while my hands held my stomach, wanting to make sure that there were no pains in my tummy.

I saw Jenny’s eyes flecked with white, letting me know she was in mindlink with someone, and in seconds, the warriors in the car behind us went in front of Jenny’s and immediately crouched down.

It looked like they had found someone in there.

“Don’t come out, Luna,” Jenny told me as she slipped out of her seat and out of the car.

I watched as she talked with the warriors with a worried expression in her eyes before a head slowly popped out of the front hood and a figure of a female stood up.

She was wearing a white nightgown, which was already almost torn from her body and was too filthy.

I opened the door and stepped out.

“Luna,” One of the warriors blurted out, and immediately the other two stepped beside me as I faced the female.

Her face was dirty with dried tears on it, but I could see how beautiful she was.

“Who are you?

Are you okay?

Did we hit you?

” I asked her as my eyes scanned her whole body.


I stumbled and fell, and the car stopped at the exact moment.

” She answered in a low voice, and I was guessing she was trying to control her voice from shaking.

“What’s your name?

” “Alexa.

” I extended my hand to introduce myself, but Jenny blocked the space in between me and Alexa as she held my hand back.

“She’s a rogue, Luna.

Be careful.

” “I don’t smell her.

” “It’s a faint smell.

Some rogues know how to cover their scent.

” Tristan added.

“Please, Luna.

I’m not a bad rogue.

I just need help to take this off my neck and you will never see me again.

” It was only then that I noticed the metal shackle on her neck.

It prohibited anyone from shifting into their wolf.

And it was probably the reason the warriors were not too worried about her presence right now.

I looked at her, trying to read her eyes, but all I saw was the fear she was trying to hide.

My heart thumped loudly because I, honestly, had no idea how to act and handle this one.

“I think we should go.

Let the men handle this.

It’s dangerous for you to be here.

It might be a trap.

” Jenny held my arm and was about to guide me back to the car when a loud growl erupted in the thin air before four big wolves appeared from the forest line.

Everyone around me moved too fast.

Jenny stood in front of me as the three warriors circled us.

While Alexa crouched down on the ground and hugged her knees, her whole body was shaking.

The biggest of the four wolves let out a snarling growl, and in an instant, the three wolves behind him retrieved and disappeared from the forest line.

What was happening?

My eyes were fixated on the black wolf approaching, and I could sense his strong aura.

It didn’t take long before the three warriors guarding us started to relax their shoulders.

Tristan turned his head and looked at me, a smirk plastered on his face.

“Don’t worry, Luna.

It’s an ally Alpha.

We’re not in danger.

” And before he could even finish his words, the big, black wolf shifted in front of us, revealing a very naked Alpha Aeon.

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