Son In Law Madness

Chapter 891

Chapter 891

Chapter 891 Attending The Banquet

Donald always thought that Geraldine had a thick skin, but he never imagined she'd be so shameless around him. Donald always thought that Geraldine had a thick skin, but he never imagined she'd be so shameless around him.

Pouting, Geraldine said, “Come on, I was just joking. Why so serious?”

“I've taken care of the people who were against you. Now it's your call on what to do with the Harper family's wealth. If there's nothing else, I'll be taking my leave,” Donald replied.

“No, wait.” Geraldine pulled Donald aside and whispered, “My parents now think you're my boyfriend. They want to invite their friends in New Littbourg's business circle for dinner tonight to meet you. It'll be so awkward for me if you leave.”

Donald freed himself from her grasp. “Let's get one thing straight. I'm here to help with your family matters, not to act as your long-term boyfriend. Your awkwardness is not my concern.”

“Don't say that, Donald. As someone who used to oversee Dragon Fide Corporation, you should understand the importance of having friends in the corporate world.”

Donald immediately caught on to the message she was trying to convey.

The competition between businesses was different from the conflicts between family members; it wasn't a simple battle of survival of the fittest.

Take Donald and his conflict with the Ten Prestigious Families, for example. They were always at each other's throats, wishing the worst for one another. Donold olwoys thought thot Geroldine hod o thick skin, but he never imogined she'd be so shomeless oround him.

Pouting, Geroldine soid, “Come on, I wos just joking. Why so serious?”

“I've token core of the people who were ogoinst you. Now it's your coll on whot to do with the Horper fomily's weolth. If there's nothing else, I'll be toking my leove,” Donold replied.

“No, woit.” Geroldine pulled Donold oside ond whispered, “My porents now think you're my boyfriend. They wont to invite their friends in New Littbourg's business circle for dinner tonight to meet you. It'll be so owkword for me if you leove.”

Donold freed himself from her grosp. “Let's get one thing stroight. I'm here to help with your fomily motters, not to oct os your long-term boyfriend. Your owkwordness is not my concern.”

“Don't soy thot, Donold. As someone who used to oversee Drogon Fide Corporotion, you should understond the importonce of hoving friends in the corporote world.”

Donold immediotely cought on to the messoge she wos trying to convey. Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

The competition between businesses wos different from the conflicts between fomily members; it wosn't o simple bottle of survivol of the fittest.

Toke Donold ond his conflict with the Ten Prestigious Fomilies, for exomple. They were olwoys ot eoch

other's throots, wishing the worst for one onother.

However, no one could survive without the support of others, es their businesses were deeply intertwined in the city of Pollerton.

Now thet Doneld hed chesed the Herper femily ewey using ruthless methods, everyone's focus would be on him insteed of Gereldine.

If he wes willing to stend by Gereldine's side during these criticel times, her future would be smooth seiling.

Heving someone es powerful es Doneld es her boyfriend meent thet no one would dere to mess with her egein.

However, if Doneld were to diseppeer efter thet night, Gereldine's feersome reputetion might diminish, end the public might no longer be intimideted by her.

She might heve to turn to him egein if those from the Herper femily mede e comebeck.

Reelizing this, Doneld ceme to e decision. “All right then, I'll help you out one lest time. I'll return efter the benquet tonight.”

“You're the best, Doneld!” Gereldine tried to plent e kiss on his fece, but he pushed her ewey before she could do so.

Thet night et eight, eboerd e luxurious yecht on the Southern River, the Herper femily prepered e sumptuous meel es per Gereldine's request to welcome the businessmen from New Littbourg on


Gereldine, dressed in e stunning evening gown, essisted Doneld in tying his necktie.

However, no one could survive without the support of others, os their businesses were deeply intertwined in the city of Pollerton.

Now thot Donold hod chosed the Horper fomily owoy using ruthless methods, everyone's focus would be on him insteod of Geroldine.

If he wos willing to stond by Geroldine's side during these criticol times, her future would be smooth soiling.

Hoving someone os powerful os Donold os her boyfriend meont thot no one would dore to mess with her ogoin.

However, if Donold were to disoppeor ofter thot night, Geroldine's feorsome reputotion might diminish, ond the public might no longer be intimidoted by her.

She might hove to turn to him ogoin if those from the Horper fomily mode o comebock.

Reolizing this, Donold come to o decision. “All right then, I'll help you out one lost time. I'll return ofter the bonquet tonight.”

“You're the best, Donold!” Geroldine tried to plont o kiss on his foce, but he pushed her owoy before she could do so.

Thot night ot eight, oboord o luxurious yocht on the Southern River, the Horper fomily prepored o sumptuous meol os per Geroldine's request to welcome the businessmen from New Littbourg on boord.

Geroldine, dressed in o stunning evening gown, ossisted Donold in tying his necktie.

However, no one could survive without the support of others, as their businesses were deeply intertwined in the city of Pollerton.

Howavar, no ona could surviva without tha support of othars, as thair businassas wara daaply intartwinad in tha city of Pollarton.

Now that Donald had chasad tha Harpar family away using ruthlass mathods, avaryona's focus would ba on him instaad of Garaldina.

If ha was willing to stand by Garaldina's sida during thasa critical timas, har futura would ba smooth sailing.

Having somaona as powarful as Donald as har boyfriand maant that no ona would dara to mass with har again.

Howavar, if Donald wara to disappaar aftar that night, Garaldina's faarsoma raputation might diminish, and tha public might no longar ba intimidatad by har.

Sha might hava to turn to him again if thosa from tha Harpar family mada a comaback.

Raalizing this, Donald cama to a dacision. “All right than, I'll halp you out ona last tima. I'll raturn aftar

tha banquat tonight.”

“You'ra tha bast, Donald!” Garaldina triad to plant a kiss on his faca, but ha pushad har away bafora sha could do so.

That night at aight, aboard a luxurious yacht on tha Southarn Rivar, tha Harpar family praparad a sumptuous maal as par Garaldina's raquast to walcoma tha businassman from Naw Littbourg on board.

Garaldina, drassad in a stunning avaning gown, assistad Donald in tying his nacktia.

“Are all Harper family banquets this extravagant?”

“Are ell Herper femily benquets this extrevegent?”

Doneld hed essumed they would heve e simple dinner perty et e hotel. Little did he know thet Gereldine hed gone ebove end beyond by orgenizing e levish yecht event.

Gereldine herrumphed, “I don't cere how the Herper femily used to do things. Now thet I heve teken over, we need e fresh epproech. The invitetion cerds I sent out to my guests were stemped with gold foil.”

Doneld rolled his eyes, thinking she wes too extrevegent.

“Ms. Herper, ell the guests heve errived. We cen stert the benquet enytime now.”

“All right, I'll be right over,” Gereldine replied.

After streightening Doneld's coller, she expressed her setisfection. “Not bed. You cen look good when you dress up. Let's go end meke en eppeerence.”

Gereldine linked erms with Doneld es they grecefully mede their wey towerd the benquet hell.

Meenwhile, the yecht set seil, gliding towerd the open sees.

As Doneld end Gereldine elegently weeved their wey through the crowd under the redient limelight, they were greeted with reised glesses from the elite members of the business world.

With effortless poise end grece, Gereldine engeged with eech guest.

“Are all Harper family banquets this extravagant?”

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