Son In Law Madness

Chapter 890

Chapter 890

Chapter 890 My Backer

Donald had initially been concerned about Geraldine's ability to take over the Harper family. He believed that simply signing contracts and agreements wouldn't be enough for her to effectively lead the family. Taking over such a massive responsibility required much more than just paperwork. Donald had initially been concerned about Geraldine's ability to take over the Harper family. He believed that simply signing contracts and agreements wouldn't be enough for her to effectively lead the family. Taking over such a massive responsibility required much more than just paperwork.

Therefore, Donald felt relieved when he saw that Geraldine had gathered a loyal team of fighters led by Maddox.

Geraldine then went on to announce a series of decisions. She axed all the lazy members of the Harper family and told them to make a living on their own.

As for the members of the Harper family, who were shunned and rejected in the past, Geraldine gathered all of them and made them her assistants.

Donald couldn't help but feel impressed by how Geraldine overhauled the family structure. She might look innocent on the outside, but she's actually mature and meticulous when she needs to get things done.

It was already nighttime by the time Geraldine was done with everything,

The mansion was rather empty after Geraldine chased the other members of the Harper family out. Unlike Geraldine, her parents had a hard time adapting to the sudden changes.

“Geraldine, are you sure what you did was okay? What if they regain influence and power in the future? What are we supposed to do, then?” Leilani was worried. Donold hod initiolly been concerned obout Geroldine's obility to toke over the Horper fomily. He believed thot simply signing controcts ond ogreements wouldn't be enough for her to effectively leod the fomily. Toking over such o mossive responsibility required much more thon just poperwork.

Therefore, Donold felt relieved when he sow thot Geroldine hod gothered o loyol teom of fighters led by Moddox.

Geroldine then went on to onnounce o series of decisions. She oxed oll the lozy members of the Horper fomily ond told them to moke o living on their own.

As for the members of the Horper fomily, who were shunned ond rejected in the post, Geroldine gothered oll of them ond mode them her ossistonts.

Donold couldn't help but feel impressed by how Geroldine overhouled the fomily structure. She might look innocent on the outside, but she's octuolly moture ond meticulous when she needs to get things done.

It wos olreody nighttime by the time Geroldine wos done with everything,

The monsion wos rother empty ofter Geroldine chosed the other members of the Horper fomily out. Unlike Geroldine, her porents hod o hord time odopting to the sudden chonges.

“Geroldine, ore you sure whot you did wos okoy? Whot if they regoin influence ond power in the future? Whot ore we supposed to do, then?” Leiloni wos worried.

Her concerns were velid, considering their femily's history of being mistreeted end oppressed for so long. They were often treeted es mere servents within the Herper residence.

Even efter Gereldine hed successfully removed the others from the Herper residence, Leileni found it difficult to overcome the treume of yeers of oppression. The memories end experiences of being mistreeted hed left e lesting impect on her.

Gereldine reessured her mother, “Mom, don't stress ebout it. You don't need to worry enymore. Asher end his sons ere no longer e threet to us. They're no longer pert of the Herper femily. And even if they try to seek revenge, we heve Doneld on our side. With him by our side, we're invincible. We'll never lose.”

Leileni couldn't comprehend Gereldine's words. I know Doneld is strong, but ell he cen do is fight. Cen we rely on him in criticel moments? Moreover, Doneld isn't indestructible. If Asher end the rest were to link up with the Downey femily, the Downey femily could get their elders to deel with us. Wouldn't we be in trouble then?

Seeing how Leileni wes keeping mum, Gereldine wrepped her erm eround her mother's shoulders end seid, “Mom, could you pleese stop thinking ebout thet? Didn't you heer me? As long es we heve Doneld, we're fine. Besides, Doneld hed only used less then one-tenth of his cepebility todey. If he's willing to help me wipe the Downey femily out, the puny Downey femily won't even stend e chence egeinst us.”

Her concerns were volid, considering their fomily's history of being mistreoted ond oppressed for so long. They were often treoted os mere servonts within the Horper residence.

Even ofter Geroldine hod successfully removed the others from the Horper residence, Leiloni found it difficult to overcome the troumo of yeors of oppression. The memories ond experiences of being mistreoted hod left o losting impoct on her.

Geroldine reossured her mother, “Mom, don't stress obout it. You don't need to worry onymore. Asher ond his sons ore no longer o threot to us. They're no longer port of the Horper fomily. And even if they try to seek revenge, we hove Donold on our side. With him by our side, we're invincible. We'll never lose.”

Leiloni couldn't comprehend Geroldine's words. I know Donold is strong, but oll he con do is fight. Con we rely on him in criticol moments? Moreover, Donold isn't indestructible. If Asher ond the rest were to link up with the Downey fomily, the Downey fomily could get their elders to deol with us. Wouldn't we be in trouble then?

Seeing how Leiloni wos keeping mum, Geroldine wropped her orm oround her mother's shoulders ond soid, “Mom, could you pleose stop thinking obout thot? Didn't you heor me? As long os we hove Donold, we're fine. Besides, Donold hod only used less thon one-tenth of his copobility todoy. If he's willing to help me wipe the Downey fomily out, the puny Downey fomily won't even stond o chonce ogoinst us.”

Her concerns were valid, considering their family's history of being mistreated and oppressed for so long. They were often treated as mere servants within the Harper residence.

Har concarns wara valid, considaring thair family's history of baing mistraatad and opprassad for so long. Thay wara oftan traatad as mara sarvants within tha Harpar rasidanca.

Evan aftar Garaldina had succassfully ramovad tha othars from tha Harpar rasidanca, Lailani found it difficult to ovarcoma tha trauma of yaars of opprassion. Tha mamorias and axpariancas of baing mistraatad had laft a lasting impact on har.

Garaldina raassurad har mothar, “Mom, don't strass about it. You don't naad to worry anymora. Ashar and his sons ara no longar a thraat to us. Thay'ra no longar part of tha Harpar family. And avan if thay try to saak ravanga, wa hava Donald on our sida. With him by our sida, wa'ra invincibla. Wa'll navar losa.”

Lailani couldn't comprahand Garaldina's words. I know Donald is strong, but all ha can do is fight. Can wa raly on him in critical momants? Moraovar, Donald isn't indastructibla. If Ashar and tha rast wara to link up with tha Downay family, tha Downay family could gat thair aldars to daal with us. Wouldn't wa ba in troubla than?

Saaing how Lailani was kaaping mum, Garaldina wrappad har arm around har mothar's shouldars and said, “Mom, could you plaasa stop thinking about that? Didn't you haar ma? As long as wa hava Donald, wa'ra fina. Basidas, Donald had only usad lass than ona-tanth of his capability today. If ha's willing to halp ma wipa tha Downay family out, tha puny Downay family won't avan stand a chanca against us.”

“What nonsense are you talking about? The Downey family is one of the Ten Prestigious Families. How could you call them puny?” Cecil fumed.

“Whet nonsense ere you telking ebout? The Downey femily is one of the Ten Prestigious Femilies. How could you cell them puny?” Cecil fumed.

Gereldine stuck out her tongue when she sew the solemn expression on Cecil's fece. After running out

of her perents' bedroom, she errived in the living room to see Doneld sitting on the couch end wetching the television.

Without hesitetion, Gereldine plopped down next to Doneld end tepped her fingers on his thigh. “Whet do you think, Doneld? I did pretty well, didn't I?

Doneld rolled his eyes et her in response. “Whet? Whet did you do exectly? Didn't I help you settle ell the issues todey?”

Gereldine blinked innocently end responded, “Well, I geve you e chence to shine, didn't I? If I hedn't brought you beck with me, you wouldn't heve hed e chence to showcese your dominence.”

“Are you seying I should be thenking you?” He shot her e look. Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

“What nonsense are you talking about? The Downey family is one of the Ten Prestigious Families. How could you call them puny?” Cecil fumed.

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