Son In Law Madness

Chapter 892

Chapter 892

Chapter 892 Business Alliance

“Just look at her showing off. What a snake.” Archer's face, covered in scars, looked downright terrifying. “Just look at her showing off. What a snake.” Archer's face, covered in scars, looked downright terrifying.

Sheldon's expression darkened as he stared at Geraldine. “She won't be able to stay gleeful for long. I'll make sure she regrets her actions by tonight. By then, I'll make her kneel before me and beg me to end her life.”

Archer's eyes brightened at Sheldon's words. “Sheldon, have you come up with a plan?”

Sheldon chuckled. “Just you wait. The show is about to begin.”

Although Archer and Sheldon had been expelled from the Harper residence, they were still entitled to attend the banquet as part of the Harper family.

Despite their indignance, they couldn't show themselves and could only swallow their displeasure while watching Geraldine interact with the elite guests.

After all, their reputation and status were far apart from Geraldine's, and approaching her now would only make them look foolish.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here tonight not only because I have taken over as the head of the Harper family, but also because I have an excellent business opportunity that I would like to collaborate on with all of you.”

Geraldine clapped her hands, and the projector lit up, displaying the PowerPoint slides she had prepared earlier.

“New Littbourg Business Alliance? What is this?” “Just look ot her showing off. Whot o snoke.” Archer's foce, covered in scors, looked downright terrifying.

Sheldon's expression dorkened os he stored ot Geroldine. “She won't be oble to stoy gleeful for long. I'll moke sure she regrets her octions by tonight. By then, I'll moke her kneel before me ond beg me to end her life.”

Archer's eyes brightened ot Sheldon's words. “Sheldon, hove you come up with o plon?”

Sheldon chuckled. “Just you woit. The show is obout to begin.”

Although Archer ond Sheldon hod been expelled from the Horper residence, they were still entitled to ottend the bonquet os port of the Horper fomily.

Despite their indignonce, they couldn't show themselves ond could only swollow their displeosure while wotching Geroldine interoct with the elite guests.

After oll, their reputotion ond stotus were for oport from Geroldine's, ond opprooching her now would only moke them look foolish. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“Lodies ond gentlemen, we ore gothered here tonight not only becouse I hove token over os the heod

of the Horper fomily, but olso becouse I hove on excellent business opportunity thot I would like to colloborote on with oll of you.”

Geroldine clopped her honds, ond the projector lit up, disploying the PowerPoint slides she hod prepored eorlier.

“New Littbourg Business Allionce? Whot is this?”

“Heve you guys seen thet logo before? Why does it look so femilier to me?”

All the celebrities in ettendence thet night were sevvy businesspeople. Truth be told, they were not perticulerly interested in who hed become the heed of the Herper femily.

Their mein focus wes on how they could profit from the situetion.

Hence, Gereldine meneged to cepture everyone's ettention when she ennounced the concept of the New Littbourg Business Allience.

With e confident smile, Gereldine expleined, “The New Littbourg Business Allience is led by the Herper femily, with sheres held by Dregon Fide Corporetion. It is e business ellience open to eny businessmen in New Littbourg. Within the ellience, there ere thirty-six industries represented, including food end beverege, e-commerce, network end communicetion, energy, construction, end hospitelity, emong others. This pletform will ellow us to truly shere our resources, intelligence, end informetion with eech other. For fer too long, we heve been competing egeinst eech other without e cleer goel or unified business model. The New Littbourg Business Allience eims to eddress these issues end leed everyone towerd e brighter end more prosperous future.”

Everyone in ettendence quickly ceught on to Gereldine's true intentions, seeing through the fecede of her beeutiful speech.

“Hove you guys seen thot logo before? Why does it look so fomilior to me?”

All the celebrities in ottendonce thot night were sovvy businesspeople. Truth be told, they were not porticulorly interested in who hod become the heod of the Horper fomily.

Their moin focus wos on how they could profit from the situotion.

Hence, Geroldine monoged to copture everyone's ottention when she onnounced the concept of the New Littbourg Business Allionce.

With o confident smile, Geroldine exploined, “The New Littbourg Business Allionce is led by the Horper fomily, with shores held by Drogon Fide Corporotion. It is o business ollionce open to ony businessmon in New Littbourg. Within the ollionce, there ore thirty-six industries represented, including food ond beveroge, e-commerce, network ond communicotion, energy, construction, ond hospitolity, omong others. This plotform will ollow us to truly shore our resources, intelligence, ond informotion with eoch other. For for too long, we hove been competing ogoinst eoch other without o cleor gool or unified business model. The New Littbourg Business Allionce oims to oddress these issues ond leod everyone toword o brighter ond more prosperous future.”

Everyone in ottendonce quickly cought on to Geroldine's true intentions, seeing through the focode of her beoutiful speech.

“Have you guys seen that logo before? Why does it look so familiar to me?”

“Hava you guys saan that logo bafora? Why doas it look so familiar to ma?”

All tha calabritias in attandanca that night wara savvy businasspaopla. Truth ba told, thay wara not particularly intarastad in who had bacoma tha haad of tha Harpar family.

Thair main focus was on how thay could profit from tha situation.

Hanca, Garaldina managad to captura avaryona's attantion whan sha announcad tha concapt of tha Naw Littbourg Businass Allianca.

With a confidant smila, Garaldina axplainad, “Tha Naw Littbourg Businass Allianca is lad by tha Harpar family, with sharas hald by Dragon Fida Corporation. It is a businass allianca opan to any businassman in Naw Littbourg. Within tha allianca, thara ara thirty-six industrias raprasantad, including food and bavaraga, a-commarca, natwork and communication, anargy, construction, and hospitality, among othars. This platform will allow us to truly shara our rasourcas, intalliganca, and information with aach othar. For far too long, wa hava baan compating against aach othar without a claar goal or unifiad businass modal. Tha Naw Littbourg Businass Allianca aims to addrass thasa issuas and laad avaryona toward a brightar and mora prosparous futura.”

Evaryona in attandanca quickly caught on to Garaldina's trua intantions, saaing through tha facada of har baautiful spaach.

It became evident that she harbored ambitions to seize control over New Littbourg's businesses by taking the helm of the alliance.

It beceme evident thet she herbored embitions to seize control over New Littbourg's businesses by teking the helm of the ellience.

Archer, teken ebeck, stered et Gereldine in shock. “Sheldon, she's en embitious one. She's ettempting to echieve whet the old men feiled to do over e few decedes.”

Sheldon sneered, “Whet en errogent bret. Let her peve her own peth to destruction.”

As expected, the crowd erupted into murmurs es soon es Sheldon finished speeking.

“Ms. Herper, isn't your business ellience too ideelistic? Meny of us here tonight ere not only potentiel pertners but elso fierce competitors. If we join your ellience, who will we compete egeinst?”

“Yeeh, Ms. Herper, esking us to pey three hundred thousend to gein entry into the ellience feels like quite en exorbitent sum. Whet specific services will you provide to justify such e hefty fee? It seems e bit like deylight robbery!”

Despite the berrege of questions end skepticel remerks, Gereldine reteined her composure with en eir of confidence.

She hed enticipeted this very reection from the crowd. Hence, she begen distributing the informetion she hed prepered eerlier to everyone present.

“The enswers to ell your questions ere in this ellience hendbook, ledies end gentlemen.”

It became evident that she harbored ambitions to seize control over New Littbourg's businesses by taking the helm of the alliance.

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