Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“Yeah, they’re a mess right now. Emotions completely out of control,” Roy conceded.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why did she do this?” Henry asked.

“The agents were threatening to shut VRL down, to arrest Camila and you on bogus charges just because they had the means to do it. Complete abuse of power. They wanted your firewall, the secret of how it works. They didn’t like not being able to poke around in our private files. Camila defused their threat by making the agents a liability to the NSA, by recording the ordeal, and by acting as she did, to make it credible evidence. We’re sorry to put you through that, but it was necessary to make it look credible. She and I worked out the scenarios and this way was our best chance at success. She was never in any real danger, being far stronger than both of the agents. Camila would never have gone through it if she hadn’t thought it was essential for the safety of VRL and its people.”

Henry sat back and thought about that. He finally looked up at Roy. “Is she ok?”

Roy smiled at Henry’s genuine concern. “Aye, but she’s sore and exhausted. The effort to express that much pheromones alone would have drained her.”

Henry thought about that. “Does- will she need a feeding?”

Roy grinned. “I think she would very much appreciate that… after speaking with the Director of the NSA. He’s set to arrive shortly, and she needs to appear as she currently does. I’ll meet with Camila and him. You need to be close by in case he wants to speak to you. You can tell him exactly what you saw, no embellishing. Also, we’re telling him that your brother created the firewall and you only maintain it. Let’s stick with that, all right?”

“Yes sir,” Henry mumbled.

“Thanks, and again, our apologies for the ordeal you went through,” Roy said.

“What happens to the agents?” Henry blurted.

Roy watched Henry’s expression and saw his worry. “Understand, Camila didn’t make them do anything they didn’t want to do. She just lowered their natural and societal inhibitions, and their impulses took over. I’m not saying they deserved it, but if you’d heard how they treated her from the start in the meeting, you’d quickly get the idea that these weren’t nice people. So, what goes around, comes around,” he finished firmly, and Henry nodded his acknowledgment.

“Now, about the lady who can toss my crew around like puppets.”

“Mary Carsten. Police officer. She was the one who picked me up from the subway-”

“AH! The one whose husband- oh, sorry.” Roy stopped when he saw Henry flinch.

“Yes, that one. Mary was affected by the gas, and we had sex. I insisted on wearing a condom, but she still managed to… ingest a large quantity. I don’t know what she’s become, but she’s no longer human.”

“What? She was Human?!?” Roy exclaimed.

“Yes. Before her exposure to the magic,” Henry nodded as he watched Roy’s face.

Roy scowled as he struggled to understand. “They don’t change. Humans are immune to magic!” he insisted.

“Not Wild Magic. It changes them, but the outcomes are random. For the Hidden Races, it seems to boost their existing abilities, but for humans, I think there’s an element of chaos at work. You never know what will happen,” Henry sighed.

“Wait, wait, wait! Hold on, how do you know all this? Has it happened before?”

Henry looked at Roy in surprise. “Didn’t Camila tell you about my neighbor Sandy?”

“NO! GEEZUS! You changed her too!?!” Roy barked.

Henry held up his hands. “Not directly-” He closed his eyes and shook his head as there was no way he was going into the details with Roy on what happened. He looked to the man again. “… never mind, yes, but her exposure was limited, so she hasn’t noticed. A minimal change, not a complete transformation. I didn’t have sex with her, but she still came into contact with… some.” He felt awkward talking about sex with Roy. Like talking to his Dad or something. His embarrassment must have shown on his face as Roy suddenly caught on and became flustered himself.

“Ok, ok. You, uh, you need to avoid sex with Humans,” the man mumbled his advice.

Henry gave him an exasperated look. “I try but… I’m a Satyr. It seems like it’s something we do. It just happens!”

“Sex doesn’t just happen!”

“Can- can we not have this conversation now?” Henry pleaded.

Roy threw his hands up. “Fine! Be more careful!”

Henry nodded as his cheeks burned.

“This Mary Carsten. Where does she live? I need to speak with her.”

“I didn’t get her address. I took the bus the morning after, but I was shaken up, so I wasn’t paying attention. Her ex… he pointed his gun at her back. She was on top of me, and he shot her twice before turning the gun on himself.” Henry forced out.

Roy blinked at him. “She’s bulletproof?”

Henry nodded, thinking of the fight in the stationhouse and how energized she seemed in the jail cell afterward. “I think she gets energy from the impacts. The more she’s hit, the stronger she gets,” Henry guessed.

“Yeah, I picked that up when she saved my ass in the alley behind Sigrid’s house. Of course, her interference caused me to need her intervention,” he grumbled.

Roy’s phone buzzed. “Hold on,” he said to Henry as he picked up and listened. “We’ll be right up.”

He hung up and looked at Henry. “The Director of the NSA will be here shortly to collect his people. We’ll go up, and you wait in your office for us to call for you, ok?”

With a nod, Henry stood, and they went to the elevators. As they reached his office, he went inside with a glance at Roy who nodded to him. He sat at his desk and poked around the firewall logs to see if there had been any further attempts but nothing outside of the usual amateurs.

Thinking of what he might face, he made some preparations. He tinkered and fidgeted and kept glancing at his phone. He wondered what happened to Kent. These were the guys who unleashed him on VRL.

Henry jumped when his phone beeped. “Yes!” he squeaked.

“Join us in Camila’s office please,” Roy said tersely.

Henry was going to answer, but the line was dead. He locked up on the way out of his office, and as he entered Camila’s waiting room, he saw two of Roy’s men standing across from two strangers in dark suits. He raised his eyebrows at the security team, but they just smiled at him, so he walked past to the door. He knocked then entered.

His eyes went immediately to Camila, and his heart leapt in his chest at her bruises and apparent exhaustion. He felt a definite pull and need to comfort her. Her eyes lifted to his and she caught the compassion. She got a little teary-eyed and looked away. He wasn’t sure if that was genuine or part of the act for the Director. That thought made him distinctly uncomfortable.

Henry saw the grim expression on Roy who gestured to the chair between him and an older man in a beautifully tailored suit. That man’s expression showed his seriously conflicted emotions. Embarrassment warred with resentment, frustration, and outright rage. He nodded to the man and sat.

“Henry, I was telling Director Yosman here that the firewall was a custom creation of your brother, Stanley, and you manage it for us,” Camila said quietly.

Henry nodded and looked to the Director who glared at him.

“I’ll be blunt as that seems to be the theme for the night. The NSA wants the firewall technology VRL is using. I understand you are the only one who currently understands how it works,” Yosman said to Henry who nodded slightly wondering where he was going with this.

“I’d like you to come work for us-”

“No, thank you,” Henry immediately said.

“You haven’t heard my offer,” the Director said.

“I don’t need to. I’m happy here.”

“You’d be protecting your country!” Yosman insisted.

Henry stared at him. “My country would be safer if it didn’t have to deal with some of the people who work for you.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“The first time someone from the NSA tried to hack us, when he discovered he couldn’t, he attempted to hire the most notorious dark web hackers to do it for him. It seems they figured out who he was before they fell for it. These were the same people who, I understand, hacked into the NSA servers-”

“That’s classified!”

“It’s publicly available. The information is freely available on the dark web. It’s all you see on the message boards. How a not-so-white white hat hacker from the NSA tried to trick them and lost everything while handing over the keys to the kingdom. His personal history is there for everyone to see! He had a disgusting sideline business!”

“Fine! He was a disgusting little troll, but you can’t judge us by him!” the man snapped.

“I’m sure that’s true, but just this morning another hacker from the NSA attempted to overheat our web servers to cause them damage. They used a website exploit I’ve since plugged. How ethical is that? Is that the kind of behavior I’d be expected to adopt if I worked for you? No, thank you.”

“What proof do you have that this hacker was from the NSA?” Yosman growled.

Henry blinked at him. “You aren’t aware of the bell?”

“What bell?” the man growled.

“The dark web hackers tagged all of your IP’s. When someone from the inside tries to hack someone on the web, the connection leaves an NSA calling card and plays a ringing bell sound.

The Director stared at Henry to see if he was joking but realized he wasn’t. “My people would have noticed this!”

“Not if they’re watching from inside. The hack probably hides itself to keep you in the dark. You’re going to need all new connections.” Henry sighed. “Listen, you have smart people. You need to raise the bar on the ethical behavior-“

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