Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“GAME! This isn’t a game! What they did to me WASN’T A GAME!” Camila roared then took some deep breaths. “The meeting was recorded. Video. Audio.” She cued up the recording to the spot where she’d pushed the agents beyond their ability to resist their impulses.

“So, it’s to be blackmail from some fabricated evidence.”

Camila pressed play. “You fucking whore! Yosman wants the software, and you’re going to give us what we want! Come here. I said FUCKING COME HERE!” There was a sound of a hand striking skin and Camila’s cry of pain. She stopped the playback and looked to Roy who nodded appreciatively at her acting.

They heard a choking sound of the director trying to contain his reaction. “What do you want?” the man said quietly, surprised and shaken by his recognition of Kaiba’s voice.

“I want you to deal with them! I don’t want this video to go public. I don’t want to go to the police. I don’t need my reputation marred by this! I want you to come here to take your people away. I want assurances from you that they’ll receive punishment for their actions! I want an apology from you for what they did to me.” Her voice broke a little on the last demand.

There was silence on the other end for a moment. “Where are my agents?”

“Our in-house security managed to catch them and secured them. One of my people was shot in the arm by your agent in the process. When can you be here?”

More silence then quiet cursing. “I’ll be there in ninety minutes.”

“Thank you,” Camila said and hung up. She looked to Roy. “Henry-”

Roy’s cell vibrated, and he lifted it to his ear. “Roy.” His expression went dark. “Shit! Tell everyone to back off! Nobody touches her!” He hung up and looked to Camila. “The one who helped me in the alley behind Sigrid’s is in the lobby. She grabbed Henry, and now she’s tossing my people around.” He ran for the elevator.

He hoped she was still there when he arrived.


Mary walked in the front door of VRL and stood for a moment watching the workers on their way home. It was the end of the day after all. Mostly, they seemed happy. Could mean it was a nice place to work or that they were relieved to leave.

She spotted Henry on one of the guest chairs, resting his eyes. He didn’t look happy. Maybe he’d learned one of VRL’s dark secrets that drove a New York Detective to an early grave. She marched over to stand next to his chair and glared down at him. He still hadn’t noticed her, but her frustration was bubbling to the surface. Finally, she kicked his chair, and he yelled out in fright, wide eyes looked up at her in fear. His overreaction triggered a release of her nervous energy. She reached down, grabbed the front of his shirt and hauled him to his feet. She pulled him in close to snarl in his face.

“What did you do to me?!?”

He looked around the lobby at the people stopping to gape at them. He looked back to her and shook his head. That wasn’t what she wanted to hear. She gave him a shake. “What happened to me?”

Henry tried to lean closer to whisper to her, but she just shook him again. “Speak up!”

He was beginning to look a little panicked when she heard a voice behind her. “Step away from Mr. Gable.” She glanced over her shoulder to see a couple of large men in dark suits. They had the bruiser aura about them of security goons.

“Piss off, I’m talking to him,” she snapped.

“Last warning,” the other security agent growled quietly. Additional agents were entering the lobby to shepherd the bystanders out the front door and to direct those exiting the elevators to leave by the rear entrance. Soon they had the space to themselves.

“I said piss off!” She shoved Henry, and he dropped into the chair once more.

That was all the guards were waiting for. They jumped on her and quickly learned she wasn’t going to be a simple takedown. She was surprisingly strong!

Mary spent the afternoon at a boxing gym sparring with anyone willing to get into the ring with her. She threw very few punches but took them hour after hour until no one wanted to try to take her on. She’d worn out every opponent and left the gym feeling like she might ignite with the energy she contained. When she’d walked behind enemy lines, she felt like she was armed with atomic bombs.

She slammed the two men together then shoved them to send them tumbling. Another guard leapt forward and landed a brutal right to her chin, but she just grinned and stepped inside his reach to hit him with a rapid series of rabbit punches to his ribs. He collapsed as one broke. Mary was caught in a flying tackle and crashed into the hard, polished stone floor. She drove her knee up into the man’s crotch and hit him in the kidneys making him cry out. She shoved him aside, rolling to her knees and was preparing to leap back to her feet when Henry dropped to his knees before her and wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug.

“Please! I can tell you everything you need to know, but it has to be in private!” he pleaded quickly into her ear.

With an explosive snort, she pushed him away, her anger and frustration not ready to be swayed by sweet words. He tumbled into the chairs to clock his head against a sharp metal corner, gashing the back of his scalp. He winced and touched the area and saw blood on his hand.

She got to her feet and gestured for the next opponent to give her a try, but they all just stood back.

“Fucking cowards!” she raged.

“No, just well disciplined,” the large redhead she’d met before said as he strode through their midst to reach Henry. He pressed a handkerchief to Henry’s wound and moved Henry’s hand to hold it in place. Then he stood to face the woman who bested his crew.

“Did you come here to beat people up or is there something I can help you with?” he asked.

She glared at him as frustration surged within her. “Detective Harmon is dead. Something terrified him so much he couldn’t live with it. Something involving VRL. Now he’s dead.” She was surprised to see the sadness appear in the big man’s eyes. He was genuinely sorry to hear about Harmon.

“It wasn’t VRL. We can talk but not here. I don’t even know your name. I’m Roy. Roy Duncan.”

Mary was still jittery from the energy she’d absorbed. She was going to have to watch her intake from now on. She suddenly wanted to be… elsewhere.

She looked to Henry who was giving her a sad look of his own. Enough. “You want answers? Ask him. He seems to know everything.” She turned and walked away.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

The guards between her and the front door stiffened and looked past her, presumably to their leader. Then they parted, and she pushed through the door and walked into the crisp night air.

She’d find Henry at a quieter location and get her answers from him then.


Roy looked at Henry and caught a few of his crew eyeing the bloody handkerchief. So, the story had gotten out. He sighed. “Come on Henry, let’s get that taken care of.” He wiped the drops up on the corner of the chair.

They left the lobby to walk into the security office and the small infirmary. Roy closed the door and locked it as Henry watched nervously.

“We need to seal the cut. Head wounds bleed too much. I’m going to do the honors which means I have to change,” Roy explained.

Henry nodded and relaxed again.

“I… evolved with the last time I did this so please remain calm.” Henry nodded again, though his eyes did widen.

Roy replaced Henry’s hand with his own on the cloth. “Ready?”


Roy dropped his glamor, and the room became so much smaller. Before Henry could react, he yanked the handkerchief away roughly which, of course, broke the scab and blood surged up once more. Roy’s tongue pressed against the wound and he licked Henry’s head and hair clean of the blood. Two more licks and the wound closed.

He popped the bloody fabric into his maw of sharp teeth and quickly chewed while rolling and squeezing it with his long tongue. Soon the entire cloth was light pink from the blood and Roy was swallowing. He spat the shredded remains into the trash then grabbed the countertop as the energy rushed through his cells. He managed to remain conscious but just barely. Once he was stable again, he swapped back to his Human disguise.

Tingling madly, Roy looked to Henry and struggled to contain his snort. The young man’s hair was wet from wolf spit and was sticking up all over the place.

Henry moved to the small sink and wet his hair, running his fingers through it.

“How is Camila? I don’t understand how that happened to her,” he said in anguish.

Roy looked at the innocent confusion and despair on Henry’s face and sighed. “Let’s go talk in my office.”

Once they were behind Roy’s door, he began. “You know the two Camila was meeting with were NSA agents?” Henry nodded. “Camila discussed potential outcomes of the meeting with me in advance. What you saw upstairs, what you played your part in, was staged for a camera in Camila’s office. The recording will be used to prevent the NSA from acting against VRS, Camila, and you.”

Henry was watching Roy in shock. Staging a rape? True, it made more sense than a Succubus falling victim to it but still, it stretched his credulity to its limits. “How?”

“When the questions and demands began to get aggressive Camila saw how to use the agent’s personalities against them. She released pheromones to amplify their natural inclinations,” Roy explained.

Henry rocked back in his chair. He recalled the overwhelming power of her pheromones when he first entered. How excited he became and how quickly.

“I watched from here to keep an eye on her, ready to send the two guards from upstairs into the room if Camila lost control.”

“SHE WAS CONTROLLING THEM?” Henry exclaimed.

Roy winced. “Control is too strong a word. It was more like she was stoking their fires and there was a chance that fire could have taken over and they’d slip into madness.”

Henry remembered the crazed look in their eyes when they turned to look at him. “I think they did, in the end,” he said quietly

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