Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“Our enemies aren’t concerned with ethics!”

“Then how do we differentiate between them and you? There’s protecting yourself, and there’s being a dick. The first is defensive. The second, offensive.”

“That’s enough Henry,” Roy finally said to intervene as he saw Henry’s agitation growing.

Henry looked to him and took some deep breaths to calm himself.

“For National Security, I can have the asset seized.”

“I’ll save you the trouble,” Henry jumped in again and handed the man a USB memory stick. “There it is.”

Roy made a noise of protest while Camila’s eyes flashed to Henry’s.

Director Yosman looked at him in surprise then his look turned suspicious. “You’re giving me the software? What’s the catch?”

Henry nodded. “The catch is the fact that without the encryption key you can’t decrypt the application source code to customize the included configuration files for any other networks. No configuration, no firewall. The catch is that the encryption key exists nowhere except in the mind of its creator, Stanley Garin.”

The Director’s eyebrows rose as he looked to Camila. “The one who died recently in Ireland.”

She nodded. “I’m sorry, we can’t help you with your request for the firewall. It’s running on the network Stanley installed it on, and that’s all we can ask of it,” she said smoothly.

“We could have people review the code on your servers!” the man exclaimed.

“It’s a black box, encrypted application. There are only a few controls available and no way to adjust the local configuration file without the encryption key.” Henry explained.

“Wait! It was running in Japan on a server at a school there,” Yosman challenged.

“It was only running a remote version of the New York instance, used the New York configuration, and only for a limited time. Again, Stanley did it,” Henry explained. “You’ll find the remote copy has deleted itself.”

Looking at the memory stick in his hand, the man deflated a little. His expression became stubborn once more. “I’m going to have my R&D people review this. Maybe they can reverse engineer the encryption.”

Camila looked to Henry who was nodding to the man.

“Let me know if you have any success with that,” Henry said and got an annoyed look in response.

The Director stood, and Henry and Roy rose as well. Camila remained seated.

“Once more I extend my sincerest apologies to you Ms. Villamor for what transpired here today. I’m completely shocked they could have done such a thing, but the evidence is damning.” He touched his pocket where another memory stick containing the evidence rested. “They will be punished for their actions. Thank you for letting us deal with this privately.”

Camila nodded stiffly. Roy led the Director to the door and opened it for him. He stepped out, and Roy nodded to his two men who would escort the visitors out.

With the door closed once more, Camila activated the privacy ward, and Roy rushed back to glare at Henry. “Tell me you didn’t give him the software! After everything Camila went through!”

Henry turned a pained expression to the woman who was carefully watching him. “I’m horrified you went through that! I wish you’d thought to ask me what we could do about their wanting the software. I figured they weren’t going to accept no for an answer, so the obvious answer was to give it to them, without the encryption key.”

He looked to Roy. “Yes, that memory stick has the firewall application on it in an encrypted state. It doesn’t matter. It will take a few millennia to crack the key, even with their beefiest hardware. If they ever come back to ask us what the application password is, we’ll know they decrypted it, but I think we’ll be long dead by that time.” Henry frowned. “Or not, if what I’ve learned about my potential longevity is true.”

Camila watched him to see how he felt about that. “I’m sorry I didn’t speak to you earlier about it. The Hidden Races typically have longer lifespans to compensate for not being prolific breeders.”

“That’s my cue to leave,” Roy said with a final frustrated glance at Henry, and they watched him step out of the office and close the door behind him.

“He gets squeamish being in parental discussions,” Camila said to Henry who just nodded recalling his earlier birds and the bees conversation with the man. She stiffly climbed to her feet and walked over to the couch, holding her hand out to him. He helped her down and sat next to her, holding her hand.

“I understand why you didn’t tell me your plan for today, but if you had, we might have been able to avoid this,” he said softly. The CEO nodded wearily. “I’m sorry for involving you in the little act we had to put on for those creeps. Your honest reactions were integral. I want you to know I never want to be anything less than completely honest with you. It’s crucial you know that,” Camila said, looking into his eyes.

He nodded and lifted her hand to his lips. “Thank you. Now, we should get you home and in bed to recover.”

He caught the look of hope in her eye and smiled. “And fed.” Her smile held sweet relief.

Camila arranged for a driver to drive Henry and her home in her car while they cuddled in the back seat. They parked in her spot, and the driver left them at the lobby to head back to the office. They rode up to Camila’s floor, and Henry could tell the ordeal had taken more out of her than she wanted to admit. He scooped her up in his arms as they exited the elevator and he carried her down the hall to her unit.

“Mmmm, I could get used to this!” she purred. Her door unlocked as they stood close to the handle, so he carried her inside. She locked the door again, and he kicked off his shoes before making his way to the master bedroom to lay her gently on the bed. He heard her sigh in relief.

“Don’t get me wrong but I don’t think you’re up for a feeding. Maybe you should rest first,” Henry said in concern.

A cute little pout appeared then smoothed away as a sultry smile replaced it. “Oh, there are many ways we can do this that won’t strain… me.”

He couldn’t stop the smile from slipping onto his lips. Camila patted the bed, and he took a step back which made her look at him in surprise. When he began to unbutton his shirt slowly, her satisfied smile returned, and she eased back against the pillows to watch him undress for her.

Henry wasn’t very skilled in the arts of seduction, but Camila loved the innocence of his attempt. He pushed the shirt off his shoulders while he ran his fingers down his hard stomach muscles. The shirt dropped to the floor. He tugged the belt loose then the pants slid down as he turned his butt to her. She purred her approval at his silk boxers, and her purring got louder as he slid them down slowly. He bent down to pick up his clothes and tossed them onto a chair as he looked over his shoulder. “They’re real, so I don’t want them wrinkling,” he said with a slight grin. Off went his socks and he turned around. Her eyes went to his cock which was at half-mast and climbing. She licked her lips in anticipation which made his cock jump.

“Do you want me to switch to my true form?” he asked.

Her eyes were devouring him as she shook her head. “No, this will do just fine! Climb up on the bed and rest back against the pillows.” She slid over to give him room then she dropped her glamor.

It was Henry’s turn to pause in appreciation of her breathtaking allure. Her skin was a mix of deep ruby red and black which looked like wet latex. He knew how incredibly soft it was. Her mane of thick black hair almost obscured the thin and short black horns rising from her temples to point back. Her dark gold eyes happily twinkled as she saw the awe on his face.

Once he was in place, she swung her leg over him and brought her lips to his. He gasped at the feeling of her full tits pressing against his chest, and her tongue slipped between his lips to stroke across his. He moaned and reached for her, but she pulled back from the kiss.

“No, you lie back and let me touch you. I’m still a little sore, so this works for me. Ok?”

He nodded, speechless as he gazed into her eyes. She smiled and leaned in to kiss him again, deeper this time. He could feel himself throbbing at maximum rigidity, waiting for her promised touch.

She pulled back and kissed her way down his body, teasing his nipples until he was writhing under her.

Camila gave him a sultry smile, and she kissed his trembling stomach muscles.

Finally, she reached his cock, but she didn’t immediately give it any attention. Instead, she gently lifted his heavy balls in her fingers and purred.

“Oh, they’re heavy with cum for me!” She pressed her lips against each of them, and Henry gasped at the feel of her soft kiss. Her tongue slipped out and stroked his balls until she had to hold him down.

“FFFFFUUUCCCKKK!!! Camila! You’re driving me insane!”

She chuckled and sucked one of his balls into her hot mouth as her fingers finally wrapped around the tight skin of his cock.

“YYYEEESSSS! Fuck! Yes!” he sighed as her fingers slowly stroked up and down his shaft as her tongue caressed the weight in her mouth.

Camila released his testicle with a pop, and he sighed in relief but grunted as she moved to take the other one into her mouth.

She moaned, and he sucked in a sharp breath as the vibration did delightful but intense things to his sensitive dangly bits. Her fingers began to speed up their stroking, and his hips started to lift off the mattress.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

She released his other testicle with a pop, and he sagged to gasp for breath. “That’s… almost… too much!”

“I’ve only begun!” she purred.

Camila moved her fingers down to ring the base of his cock and held it pointing straight up in a firm grip. She extended her long tongue and stroked him from base to head in long slow licks, each ending with a flick at the head which sent spikes of pleasure through his entire body.

“Fuck!” he grunted out between his clenched teeth.

When she wrapped her tongue around his cock twice like a wet fist and pumped it slowly up and down while gently fondling his balls, it was too much.

“FUCK! Camila! Shit! I’m close! I- I’m gonna-”

Camila suddenly lifted her head over his cock and took him all the way to the base while gently scratching the underside of his balls.

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