Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate




I went to my car with a wide smile on my face. The force of my grin threatened to split my face in two but I couldn't bring myself to care. The more I thought about what happened with Kaden and I, the wider my grin grew. When I kissed him, I didn’t expect him to reciprocate. Kaden had been insistent on pushing me away and it didn’t matter how hard I tried, my efforts always fell to naught, until today. His mother always told me to be patient because I would succeed and I didn't believe her- until today. I couldn't wait to tell her everything

He kissed me back and I could still feel his hardness between my thighs and the thought of it had me flushing pink. I always knew that Kaden was huge but I didn’t know he was that big. It was like a dream come true but there was something wrong.

I didn't feel anything.

He had a physical reaction to me but there was no emotion. It felt like kissing a robot- a hot robot- but a robot nonetheless. It felt dragged and like he had no interest in me. It was almost like he was trying to use me to fulfill his duties.

There was more emotion on his face when Amelia walked into the room than when I was kissing him. He held Amelia to such high standards and I had no idea why. She was a runt, I was the daughter of a war general. Why would he be more concerned with her than me?

A loud horn had me snapping back to reality and I realized I was veering of my lane. Thinking of Kaden was dangerous and I knew I needed to be careful but it didn’t stop him from infiltrating my thoughts.

I was furious at Amelia for interrupting. If she had just waited a few more minutes, I would have been able to get Kaden to fuck me. If I had done that, there would have been no doubt in my mind that he was mine. She always seemed to come in at the wrong time and if I had my way, I would have thrown her out of the pack a long time ago. I didn't know why Kaden was determined to keep her around

I made a mental note to find out everything I could about Amelia at whatever cost. Even if I had to break into Kaden's office or Amelia's house, I was more than determined to do it. There was something about Amelia that they were hiding and I wanted to know what it was. I was not going to let anyone stand in the way of my happy ending with Kaden, much less a poor girl like her.

I arrived at my destination and I had to check my phone twice to be sure I had gotten the right destination. Aiden had told me that he was having a study group so I was expecting a dorm room or a house not an exotic bar. I smoothed down my dress and made my way towards the front door. The guard there leered at me and it took all my self control not to take my heels off and stab his eyes for staring at me.

When I passed him, his hand brushed against my ass and I knew it wasn’t an accident judging by the ugly smile he shot my way. I planned to ignore him but he brushed my ass again and that had my anger flaring. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him into the wall behind me. He was shocked, that much was clear as I leaned in.

“If you ever touch me like that again. I will make sure it is the last thing you do,” I spat and he nodded quickly.

Most people looked at me and assumed that I was weak but I grew up with the most decorated war general as a father. I knew how to defend myself before I knew how to run. I could have this man on his back without breaking a sweat or a heel. I released his shirt and he swallowed deeply then moved a respectable distance away from me.

I smiled at him and walked into the bar. The inside was somehow worse than the outside. If Aiden had picked an upscale bar, I wouldn't have minded but this place looked like somewhere frat boys went to get high and have orgies. The walls and floors were tiled but the tiles were cracked and dirty. The air smelled like sweat, sex and alcohol and it made me gag.

The lights were soft to create an arousing atmosphere but all it did was give me a headache. The bar was packed so I knew finding Aiden would be a challenge. Still, I moved forward determined to finish what I started. I had to push off drunk boys and cheap sluts. I had not spent five minutes in the bar but I was ready to leave.

I finally saw Aiden on the top floor. It had less people than the ground floor and I assumed it was the VIP section. I saw the stairs leading up there and I started to make my way there but I was blocked by another guard. I was beginning to get fed up with the guards in this establishment.

“I need to see Aiden,” I said and he ran his eyes over me. “You can tell him that Lucy is looking for him. He knows me “No can do, miss, that’s what they all say. I can’t let you up without orders.”

“That's why I am asking you to confirm your orders from Aiden. He is expecting me. He asked me to come here. Do you really think that I would go out of my way to came here?”

His eyes narrowed. “Being rude isn’t going to get you in there. Why don’t you just find somewhere that fits your tastes?”

I had to breathe through my nose to calm down. I hated not having the upper hand in situations like this. I hated knowing that in this pack, I wasn’t anyone special. If I were home, I would have ordered for this man to be thrown in jail but unless Kaden started to take me seriously, there was nothing I could do about it.

“I think we got off on the wrong foot.” I began softly with a smile to emphasize my apology. “I really need to get up there to meet Aiden. Can't you make an exception just for me?”

His eyes ran over my body and the corner of his lips quirked up. “I could but what do I get in return?

You get the pleasure of not having my foot up your fucking ass, you bitch. “I'll be sure to take care of you on my way out, how does that sound?”

He stepped aside and I made sure to trail my handover his shoulder as I walked past I made my way up anc made a. mental note to find another exit. EVEn if it meant jumping quit of the witidow, I was going to day that. There was no way I was giving that st@azebag what he wanted: Content belongs to swnovel.ne

I was already frustrated so when I got to Aiden aitd I saw him with not one bu tweegirls on his arms, I was furious. Lérossed my arms over my chest and stood in front of him-but he dida’t even notice that I was~’ standing there. It was until IX slarnmed my hand on theable in front of him that his eyescame up to mine. Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

“Lucy,” he slurred and it was obvious that he was drunk. I could smell the alcohol on his clothes and body. It was also obvious because one of the girls currently had her hand in his pocket and was pulling out his wallet.

“Get out,” I said to both girls before adding. “Leave the wallet or I will make sure you get thrown in jail.” She rolled her eyes but placed his wallet back. “Put back everything you've taken.”

“You are such a joy killer,” she mumbled under her breath then she pulled out his watch and some wads of cash from her pocket. She placed them in my outstretched hands and walked away.

Aiden didn’t seem bothered that he had almost been robbed. He picked up a glass of vodka in front of him and downed it at once then tapped the seat next to him. I eyed the chair but decided to stand. It looked dirty enough to give me a rash just by sitting down.

“Is this your study session?” I asked sarcastically and he flashed me an open mouthed smile. “l expected something more dignified from you.”

“Stop acting like you shit jewels and gold. At your core you're just as wretched as the rest of us.” he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Can I have my stuff now?"

I dumped them unceremoniously on his lap and I wanted to leave but my desire for answers was greater than ny pride. -hKnew I had to lower my standards for him to speak to mé'so picked up Aiden’s jacket that.was hanging on the chair, spreadit acfOss the seat and sat dewn. I made sure my skin wasnt touching the bare seats.


“We need to talk, Aiden,” I said and that seemed to sober him up because he whistled loud enough to get everyone's attention. “One free round on me downstairs.

It was like a stampede was waiting to happen as all the people rushed out of the VIP section leaving us in complete silence. Aiden smirked at me and poured me a shot of vodka. I downed it and cringed from the harsh taste. I had always been a champagne girl.

“Did you invite Amelia?” I began slowly and he scoffed. “I did but she said she had something with Kaden. I stopped listening after she mentioned his name.”

I was grateful that he opened the way for the conversation I wanted to have. “Have you noticed how close they are? I just think it is weird for Kaden to have such an interest in someone so unimportant.”

“I was thinking the same thing but I don't give a fuck about my cousin. He always took interest in the weirdest things. I wouldn't be surprised if he is just looking to get his dick wet.”

“He isn't you,” I spat and Aiden raised a brow. I exhaled deeply. “I’m just saying that Kaden doesn't seem the type. He wouldn't just take interest in anyone. I had a theory but-

I trailed off because I didn’t want to voice the words but I had gotten Aiden’s attention because he turned to face me fully. ‘I'm listening, Lucy. What do you think the reason for all of this is? Do you think she is special?”

“What if she is his mate?”

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