Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate




I had been dreading my meeting with Kaden in the pack house because I was unsure of how to act around him. Things had changed now and he wasn't just my Alpha anymore- he was my mate. I wondered if it would change anything or if things would stay the same and I also didn’t know how I was going to be able to sit across him for an hour while feeling the mate bond surging between us.

At the end of school, Clara offered to drive me but I turned her down. It was something I needed to do by myself so I could weigh my pros and cons alone as well as prepare myself for the inevitable surge of emotions that would surface from seeing him. Although, when I got to the pack office, I began to wish I had asked Clara to come with me because there was a gnawing feeling at the centre of my chest.

It took me almost five minutes to get out of the car because I couldn't help but feel like something bad was happening or going to happen. It was a constant ache in my chest that I tried to rub off but it refused to leave. It had stuck to me like a leech and no matter how many breathing techniques or calming effects I employed, the feeling did not leave me. By the time I had convinced myself to get out of the car, the feeling increased. It rocked me on my feet and I had to hold onto the wall to stabilize myself.

“Are you okay?” I heard a guard ask but I nodded. He didn’t believe me and I stood to my feet with a wobbly smile in order to convince him I was fine.

I could tell he still wasn’t convinced but he let me pass. He must have seen me around before and that was why he didn’t ask any more questions or maybe he was scared that I was going to pass out and he didn’t want to be the closest person to me while I passed out. I brushed past him and made my way into the large office building. It still looked and smelled the same.

I made my way up the stairs that I knew led to Kaden’'s office and while I passed, I saw Aiden talking to a few guards and I didn’t want to bother him so I just waved to him and to my surprise, he returned the actions. It still shocked me that I had unfiltered access to the Alpha and the Beta of the pack to the point of being obligated to see the Alpha every week seeing as I was nothing but a lowly pack member.

I got to Kaden’s floor and I was met with his secretary. She was typing so fast on the laptop that I could barely see her fingers touching the keys. She was so lost in her work that it wasn’t until I was directly in front of her and I cleared my throat that she even noticed that I was standing there. She had her hair in a tight ponytail and her glasses hung low on her nose.

“Hello, Amelia, right?” she asked pushing back her glasses and I nodded. “Is it time for you to see the Alpha already? I thought it was tomorrow?” “He said weekly,” I reminded her and she hummed.

She glanced at the door almost as if she didn’t want to go in and I felt that gnawing feeling in my chest return. I was about to offer to return later when she finally stood up. She gathered some documents in her arms and gestured for me to follow her.

“If he’s busy,” I began but she cut me off. “He shouldn't be, the last time I checked she just went to drop off some documents so he should be alone.

I wanted to ask who ‘she’ was but I didn’t want to seem jealous and I also knew that I had no right to pry into his life. I swallowed down my discomfort and followed behind his secretary whose name I still didn't know. She knocked on the door but there was no reply. I knew the room was sound proof but I figured that we would still be able to hear a response from him

She knocked once more and there was no response again so she pushed it open. “I’m sorry to bother you Alpha, but you appointment- She trailed off and I peeked over her shoulder. My mouth fell open and suddenly, I was not surprised by her reaction.

Kaden sat in his chair with Lucy straddling him. Even though they had pulled back, it was obvious that they were kissing before due to how swollen their lips were. Lucy’s hair was in a tangled mess on her head and I saw Kaden's hands splayed on her ass. The scent of their arousal filled the air and I couldn't help but wonder what they would have done if we had not walked in

It suddenly became clear to me why I felt so uneasy before. Somehow, my wolf had known that something wrong was happening and she had tried to warn me but nothing could have prepared me for what I had seen and my knees felt like they were about to buckle beneath me. Kaden watched me and I saw guilt flicker in his irises but it was too late for him to feel guilty. He would not have felt guilty if he had not seen me so there was no need to feign it now.

“I think I should return later,” I began and I started to take a step out of the room but I heard Kaden's voice as clear as day stopping me.

“Wait,” I turned to him and in one quick move, he had pushed Lucy off him. She stumbled slightly and I saw a look of frustration and annoyance cross her face and it was directed at me. “Lucy was just leaving. We have an appointment.

Lucy looked both offended and irritated. “We were-"

He held up a hand to silence her and she instantly fell silent. He stood up from the chair ‘and despite how upset I was.with him, I could still appreciate his physique and the way he seeffied to fill up the room. He S h

arted walking towards me.and my east began to beat like I was rtining a marathon. I reached out to grab his secretary for stability but when I turned, she had disappeared leaving me to face things myself.

Kaden made his way over to me and he reached out to me but I took a step back. I was not going to let him touch me with the same hands he used to make out with Lucy. My steps were shaky and I had to lean against the wall in order to prevent myself from collapsing due to the pain and betrayal that was coursing through me.

A dark look crossed Kaden’s face and without looking away, he spoke. “Leave, Lucy, I have an appointment that requires my attention.

She looked like she wanted to protest but at the last minute; she decided against it and stormed out of the room. She made sure to clip her shoulder with mine as she passed and she did it with so much force that I would have fallen over if not for Kaden's hand reaching out to steady me.

Once I was standing straight. I quickly jerked my hand out of his grip. “Thank you, can we sit now?”

I steadied myself while trying to draw strengthfrom my wolf because the fest thing I wanted to do was break down in front of Kaden nd she Gbliged. She chose to stay lent trough everything but I eduld ee ber hurt through our bond: f inything, I think she was more hurt than I was about the entifé thing. I walked past Kaden while making sure that no part of my body brushed up against his by accident.




I sat in the seat opposite his and I couldn't look at him in his chair without picturing him with Lucy sitting over him. I couldn’t help but wonder who initiated it. Did he start it? Did he want to have sex with her? Was it because of something I did? Was he trying to get back at me because of Blake? I didn't know what the reasons for his actions were and it was driving me crazy.

The air between us was strained with so much tension. We sat there in an uncomfortable silence for a few seconds before Kaden broke it by clearing his throat

“Amelia-" he began and I didn't want to hear his apology. I didn’t want to talk about what I had seen so I looked away from him and stared out the window.

“Training this week was very productive,” I began effectively changing the course of the conversation. “I am progressing well and I have started sparring with Ronald for better practice. He thinks I should be able to move to training with the teenagers instead of the kids scon.”

He had a pained expression on his face as if he knew that I was trying to get out of spending time with him and it hurt. It annoyed me because he had no reason to act hurt seeing as he was the one who committed the actions. My reaction to him was a response to what I had caught him doing and he had no reason to act guilty or hurt because of that.

“School is a bit stressful seeing as I have missed a lot but I have a friend named Serena who gave me her notes so that I can catch up. I am confident that within the next week, I should be back to the same level as my mates.”

I didn't give Kaden a chance to speak. I blurted out everything there was to say about my week. I didn't even pause to take a breath and by. the timeCwas done, I was breathing heavily because of how fast I had spoken. Throughout the entiretime I spoke, Kaden did not look away ff6ém me once. He implored me to meet his gaze but I pointedly refused and kept my eyes on the table separating me from him.

I made sure to act as nonchalant as I could. I did not want him to know that I was affected by what I had seen. I did not want to give anyone that kind of power over me again. By the time I was done speaking. I waited for him to give me permission to leave. When he didn't, I finally looked up at him but made sure to keep my face devoid of all emotion.

That seemed to snap something in him because he stood to his feet. I stood to mine too unsure of what was happening and he crossed the length of the table so he was standing in front of me. My back was pinned to the table and I was staring at the door frantically looking for an escape.

“What is going on?" I asked and when I opened my mouth to ask another question, he pressed his lips ta mine in a kiss. Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

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