Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 45

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 45

Through the eyes of my alpha Chapter 45

NADIA. We were already driving for more than ten minutes but Riley wasn’t talking or even glancing my way while I already positioned myself at an angle so that I was facing him but he wasn’t budging from looking just straight ahead. This was already frustrating. “Riley, talk to me,” I told him in a low, hoarse voice.

“What do you want me to say?

” “I don’t know.

Just say something, anything, just don’t ignore me.

” Silence.

I let out a loud sigh before crossing my arms against my chest.

“Do you have questions?

Do you want to know something?

” “Why didn’t you turn off your mind link when I asked you to?

” “Because I didn’t want to.

Why are you making a big fuss about it?

Why don’t you ask me what we were talking about instead of restricting me?

Are you trying to control me?

” “If it’s a matter of life and death, you need to f*g obey me!

I’m your f*g Alpha!

” “So you’re the Alpha!

And what am I?

Your puppet?

” I asked sarcastically.

“And besides, it’s not a matter of life and death!

” “Stop acting childish!

” He snapped at me.


Look who’s talking!

I’m not the one sulking here over a mind link!

” “I’m fg jealous of that fg Benedict!

I don’t know who he was in your life and why you were even linking him and you didn’t want to cut it even if I asked you to.

Because you know what?

If you asked me to do the same thing, I would do it.

I will cut connections with everyone in a heartbeat just to appease you.

” I swallowed hard as I listened to him.

He stopped the car, and it was only then that I realized that he had maneuvered us to the side and the car was already parked.

I saw our convoy stopping and parking behind us as well.

“But I will never ask you to do that.

” “Because you don’t care about me or what I feel!

Plain and simple!

” He slammed his coiled fist into the steering wheel before his hand flew to his hair, brushing and tugging it harshly.

“Oh, shut up with your lines that nobody cares about you!

It’s getting old already!

” I snarled at him before I ejected my seatbelt and inched up nearer him, My hand coiled into a tight fist as I raised it to throw a punch at his buffed arm.

His muscles tightened, but he didn’t stop me from hitting him.

“You think I don’t care about you?

You think I don’t feel anything for you?

Look at me, Riley!

Why do you think I’m still here?

” My frustration and anger mixed together made me throw another punch at his arm.

“Because you have nowhere to go.

” He answered in a low voice.

He was looking at me with a pained expression.

And my hands tightened into fists, out of frustration, but I didn’t punch him anymore and instead dropped my hands on my thighs as I leaned my head back, closing my eyes.

I needed to control my outburst.

“Is that why you think I’m still here?

” “I don’t know.

I’m a f****d up man.

How can you stay with me?

I messed up all the time.

But don’t take it wrong, I don’t want you to go.

I don’t f*g care what your reason for staying is, just stay.

” This man is so complicated.

I didn’t know what to say anymore.

He’s hot and then he’s cold.

But regardless of what state he was in, I always got burned.

“I’m jealous of Benedict.

I’ve never been this jealous in all my life.

I was hoping you’d choose me and stop linking with him, but you chose him.

” “Riley… It was never like that.

” I sighed in frustration.

“Was he too important for you to ignore me?

” His voice was too low.

I snapped my eyes open and saw him resting his forehead on the steering wheel.

I grabbed his shoulder, pushing his body back to lean on his seat before I mustered up the courage to crawl to his lap and straddle him.

“Look at me, Riley.

” I cupped his face, urging him to look in my eyes.

“I will tell you everything that I told Benedict, but look at me first.

I want you to listen to this.

Because this is important.

” I swallowed hard as my eyes met his piercing blue eyes.

Pain was flitting into them and my heart ached for my mate, for us.

When will we ever get over this?

“Riley, I love you.

I’m here because I love you.

A sane person should have run away and left because there’s a part of you that still scares me.

I’m scared that I will just wake up one day and you will tell me I can’t leave the house anymore or that I’m not allowed to talk with anyone.

But I’m not sane, I’m crazy.

Totally crazy for you.

I want you, Riley.

All of you.

The good and the bad.

I will take them both if it means I can have VOU.

And that’s the biggest reason I’m still here because I love you.

” “Do you still love me after you found out what I did to Andrea?

” “You’re not easy to un-love if there is such a word like that.

” His hand flew to my cheeks, caressing them before he pulled my head and rested our foreheads together.

“I’m sorry about everything.

I’ve done too many things wrong, and I keep doing them.

I don’t even know now what I was saying sorry for.

” “But at least you’re getting good at saying sorry now.

” I chuckled, enjoying the sparks dancing between us.

“Nadia… Please don’t make me jealous.

I don’t like that feeling.

It makes me want to do bad things.

” V “I’m sorry.

But it was something I had to handle on my own.

” I pulled my face away from him as my hands rose to his collar, fidgeting around them.

“You could have asked for my help, but of course, you didn’t want my help.

” “Because it was something I was not proud of.

” “Tell me.

” “Promise me, you won’t judge me.

” “There’s nothing worse than what I did in the past.

” He smiled weakly at me before his hand cupped my a*s, lifting me away from his lap.

“Climb to the back seat.

” “What?

” I asked, my eyes squinting as I held on to his shoulders.

“Just do what I ask you, please.

It’s nothing dangerous.

” I didn’t answer.

Instead, I crawled my way to the back seat of the car.

As soon as I was seated, Riley opened the car door and slipped out.

My forehead creased in confusion as my gaze followed his movement outside.

It didn’t take long before one of his men from the other car came in and took the driver’s seat while Riley opened the door beside me and climbed in.

“What’s going on?

” I asked him.

“He’ll drive so we can talk better. This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

” “Then he will hear us,” I told him in a hushed tone.

There’s no way I would tell Riley all about Benedict with someone around us.

“Do you have your headset?

” Riley asked in a slightly higher voice.

I thought he was asking me until Tristan replied.



” Tristan raised his hand and showed Riley the headset before he slipped it on his ears and positioned his phone on the dashboard.

“I ordered him not to listen to us or even look at us unless there’s an emergency.

” His arm coiled around my shoulder as he leaned in, whispering directly into my ear before pressing my head to his lips and kissing my temples gently.

His simple gesture was making me melt in his arms as his warmth enveloped my senses.

I closed my eyes as I slipped an arm around his back and my other arm snaked around his body, hugging his huge frame as I closed my eyes and rested my head on his sides.

“Hey…” His voice was too gentle.

“Don’t sleep on me.

You owe me an explanation.

” I wasn’t sleeping.

I just wanted to revel in his warmth.

I giggled but didn’t open my eyes.

“Let me just enjoy this for a moment before you turn cold and start getting angry again.

” “Am I that bad?

” “Sometimes,” I answered him before I felt my whole body being lifted up and landed on his lap.

Both legs were facing the door while his arms were snaked around my body, pulling me closer to his.

“But I’m trying.

” “I know.

And you are doing so well.

Just sometimes, you will snap…” “It’s your fault.

I can’t control myself when it comes to you.

” I coiled my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder, smiling widely as I snuggled onto him.

“You still need to talk and explain.

Don’t try to lure me with your warmth, Nadia.

I want answers.

” His one hand cupped the back of my head, his thumb caressing my hair.

I giggled softly before nodding my head.

“Yes, Alpha.

But promise me you’ll keep your rage or disappointment to yourself until we’re alone.

” “Hmmm…” “Benedict mind linked and asked me if I was happy that I got a bigger fish.


,” I felt his grip tighten on my head for a second before it loosened.

He was trying to control his emotions.

“I told him I am happy.

And that he should be happy for me too.

” “He said I played him, making him believe I liked him.

And I told him, he and his uncle played me too.

I was just doing my best to survive.

” “I don’t understand.

Enlighten me, love.

What history do you exactly have with this man?

” I smiled at his endearment of me.

It rolled off his tongue nicely.

I pulled away from his neck and tilted my head to look at Tristan in front of us.

When I saw him not minding us, I shifted my body and positioned myself straddling him.

“A week before the full moon that we first met, I asked Benedict if he still wanted to take me as his girlfriend.

I was just a month away from being taken by Elliot and I was desperate.

I didn’t want to be mated with Elliot.

So I thought maybe Benedict was the better option…” A low growl vibrated from his chest, making my hand reach for his heart, hoping my touch would calm him down a bit.

I bit my lower lip as I waited for his grumbling to ease down before I continued.

“He said we needed to live together and mate for it to be believable.

I agreed.

” “Nadia.


” He was growling.

“Sssh… Listen.

” I brushed my palm on his chest again.

“But I got cold feet.

I couldn’t do it, so instead, I went back to my old plan of running away on my own.

But Benedict wouldn’t hear of it when I told him after a few days that I didn’t want to continue with our plans.

He said he would tell my uncle.

So I pretended we were still pushing through with it just so I could have him off my back.

I told him we could elope together a few days after the full moon.

” I let out a deep sigh, cupping my mate’s face and letting my thumb run over his plump lips.

” But I ran away that full moon.

And then I met you.

” We arrived at the pack house in a better mood.

I answered all Riley’s questions, and I didn’t keep anything from him.

To be honest, I had nothing to hide.

I just thought it wasn’t necessary to tell Riley because I had no idea it would come back to haunt me.

But I hope that chapter is over.

And Benedict or Elliot, or even my uncle, would stay away from my life from now on.

Riley helped me out of the car and our gazes both landed on the motorcycle standing just beside where Tristan parked the car, and I couldn’t help the gasp of excitement that left my lips.

Katarina is here.

Thank you for waiting and reading!

I was a few minutes late in uploading, but I still made it!

More to come tomorrow!

Thank you again for all the gems.

You spoiled me with your generosity.

We are number #1 and it only happens once in a blue moon, so I’m enjoying this while it lasts!

And again, there are still many things to come.

Each scene and parts are relevant to the story, so just hang in there – and let’s trust where the story is going.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.