Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 44

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 44

Through the eyes of my alpha Chapter 44

RILEY. The moment we stepped inside the conference room, I felt Nadia’s emotions bouncing all over the place. She was terrified of something, but she was putting on a good face, smiling and shaking hands with people who were eager to meet her. But I knew better, something was off. This was more than just nervousness.

I held her back with my palm, hoping my touch would calm her down as I guided her to the – seat assigned to us.

The meeting commenced, and although my attention was focused on the people speaking, I was still looking out for Nadia.

She was just listening, but her neck was stiff as f**k as if she didn’t want to turn her head in another direction.

I let my eyes wander around the room, and that was when I noticed someone who had been staring at my mate for a long time already.

Benedict Solange.

He was the son of the mayor of the eastern territory.

If I remember correctly, that was the border where I picked up Nadia when her uncle brought 1, and I was assuming that if the eastern border was the nearest to where Nadia and her uncle were residing, she might have crossed paths with this fr who was known for f*g she-wolves within and outside of the territory.

My heart clenched at the idea of them having a past.

But Nadia told me I was her first and she had never had anyone before me.

Or was she lying?

I wish I had taken the time to find out during our first encounter that I was her first, and make sure I didn’t hurt her instead of just ramming my c**k into her.

But in my defense, I would never know.

I didn’t f**k anyone aside from Nadia, so I have no one to compare it with if I were to find out whether she was a virgin or not when I touched her.

But I believed her.

She would never lie to me.

*Do you know Benedict?

He’s been staring at you since we got here.

’ ‘Yes, but not that much.

’ ‘Is there something I need to know?

‘ ‘I can tell you once we’re home.

’ “No.

Talk now.

I think this f****r will make a scene soon, and I better not be caught surprised: or it won’t end well.

’ ‘You’ll be upset…’ ‘I’m already upset, Nadia.

Talk now.

’ ‘You’ll be disappointed in me.

’ This wasn’t going well.

What did she have with this male that would make me disappointed?

‘I could be, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to humiliate or put you down in front of the crowd.

I want to know what I was about to face.

’ She didn’t answer back, and her silence was already pissing me off.

I rolled off my Alpha aura and I saw everyone flinch in their seat until the male I was targeting dropped his gaze away from my mate.

‘I’m waiting.

’ ‘Benedict is the nephew of Elliot.

When Elliot came to see me, he’d sometimes bring him along.

‘Did you have any relationship with this male?

’ ‘No.

At least nothing sexual.

’ My hand resting on my thigh coiled into a fist as I opened my mouth to answer the question thrown at me by one of the Elders.

I was trying my best not to be sarcastic with them because I was already pissed off and just wanted to take Nadia away from here.

‘So you are friends with him.

’ ‘Not really.

Well, I thought we were until he made a proposal when I turned eighteen.

He was hoping we would turn out to be mates.

‘ “So he f*g wanted you.

’ ‘He said if we were mates, then his uncle couldn’t take me anymore.

’ ‘Were you hoping you were mates?

’ “No.

But when we didn’t turn out to be mates, he asked me to sleep with him and pretend we were in a relationship so his uncle would back down.

‘ “Did you?

’ “Are you listening to me?

I told you we were not in a sexual relationship, and you were my first.

Did you forget that?

’ She snapped at me.

I let out a sigh as I nodded my head in response to another question thrown at me by the mayor of the western territory.

This was f*g harder to do.

I could always listen and mindlink at the same time, but my emotions were all over the place that I couldn’t concentrate anymore.

And Hunter growling in my head wasn’t helping at all.

I glanced at Nadia and I saw her eyes were flecked with white, but she wasn’t sending any messages to me.


She must be talking with him.

Was this jealousy I felt?

Because I was f*g ready to rip Benedict’s head off.

‘Turn off your mind link and stop talking with him.

’ ‘Can you let me handle this?

’ ‘Are you defying me?

’ ‘What are you going to do?

Tie me up and lock me up in a room?

’ ‘F**k, Nadia.

Just this once, don’t make me lose my control.

’ ‘That’s your problem then, not mine.

I’m not doing anything wrong.

’ “Enough,” I called out, and almost everyone in the room jolted from their seats.

“Let’s call it a day.

Your Luna and I needed to be somewhere.

” “But Alpha, we were not even halfway.

” Elder Maurius rose to his feet, a worried look flashing on his face.

“Schedule another meeting in a week’s time and make sure every leader is here and not some f*g proxy.

” I snapped at him as I stood up from my seat before I laid my hand in front of Nadia.

I would have wanted to grab her, but I didn’t want to hurt her or make a scene.

And I was hoping she would take my hand and not humiliate me in front of my people, especially in front of Benedict.

I wasn’t looking at her, but I kept waiting until I felt her soft hand clasped around me.

It was only then that I let out the breath I was holding.

“Excuse us, gentlemen.

” I bid my farewell to everyone as I snaked an arm around Nadia’s waist before pulling her to my side as I guided her out of the room.

We were already walking down the corridor alone after I refused the offer of some of the leaders to walk us out.

“Why did you do that?

You didn’t have to stop the meeting because of me.

” Nadia was talking in a hushed tone as she skipped and walked to keep up with my pace.

“I can’t f*g control myself anymore.

If I hadn’t stopped the meeting, I would have killed that man.

” I answered her back in a hushed tone, gritting my teeth.

I was beyond furious and walking out was the best option at the moment.

“Do you plan to kill me too?

” “I will deal with you later once we’re home.

” She pulled her body away from me and swatted my hand when I tried to reach for her.

“I didn’t do anything wrong.

” Didn’t do anything wrong except defy me.

My chest was already heaving.

If I answered her one more time, I might snap and end up losing my temper, so I just kept my mouth shut.

We were already outside the building when someone called behind us.

“Alpha Riley.

” F*k I grabbed Nadia’s waist and pulled her beside me before I turned our bodies around, placing my mate slightly behind me as my eyes squinted looking at the man who had the fg nerve to follow us.

“What do you want?

” I asked him in a cold voice.


“What do you want?

” Riley’s voice was too cold and if he wasn’t holding me, I would have probably fallen on my a*s because his Alpha aura was rolling off and it was affecting me right now.

I swallowed hard as my hand flew to Riley’s chest.

I wanted my touch to calm him, but at the same time, I wanted to feel that he would not leave me alone in front of Benedict.

Benedict was Elliot’s nephew.

He was older than me by four years.

I thought at the beginning that he had good intentions whenever he would talk to me when he and his uncle started visiting me when I was seventeen.

I wouldn’t deny that I was attracted to him at the beginning, but it just faded away.

Maybe because there was really nothing special about him except his good looks.

When I turned eighteen, he told me that he was hoping he would turn out to be my mate, but fortunately for me, he wasn’t.

It was then that he asked me if I was willing to do everything so I could get away from his uncle.

I tried to ignore his proposition because I didn’t need it yet.

Until everything was decided and I was just a month away from being mated to Elliot.

I was desperate.

I met him a week before the full moon that I ran away and met Riley.

I asked him if he was still open to the suggestion he gave me before.

I was thinking he was better off as a chosen mate than Elliot.

At least he was younger, and maybe if he met his mate, he would eventually let me go. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

He agreed, and we decided to meet up again and plan everything.

He was proposing that we run away and live together so that his uncle couldn’t do anything, and he promised that his father would be behind us.

But I got cold feet.

I couldn’t do it.

So I sent him a message calling off the agreement, and he blackmailed me, saying that he would tell my uncle everything.

I tried to sway him and pretended we were still doing what was planned, but I was already planning to run away on my own.

And when I did, I never looked back.

I had no idea he belonged to Riley’s pack and that his father was an influential man in this territory.

And now, I was terrified at the idea of Riley finding out about us from Benedict’s mouth, because I was sure that he would be spewing lies.

“I just want to congratulate you on finding your Luna.

I heard Nadia is your fated mate.

” “Address her as Luna Nadia.

” “That’s noted, Alpha.

I just thought since Nadia, I mean the Luna, and I were friends and have a history together, we didn’t need the formality.

But I get it.

Luna Nadia, it is then,” he answered coyly and I felt Riley’s grip on my waist tighten.

“I don’t think suggesting to my mate that she sleep with you to avoid being sold to someone was a chivalrous act or something a friend should do.

It’s called taking advantage, and that doesn’t count as a history together.

” Riley let go of my waist and reached for my hand instead, clasping it with his before bringing it to his mouth, gently pressing his lips before he continued talking.

“If you excuse me and my Luna, we have important matters to attend to.

And please let Mayor Solange know that I am expecting his presence at the next meeting, not a proxy who didn’t even pay attention to the meeting at all and spent the whole time gloating at my Luna.

” He said the last part in a cold tone again before turning us around and guiding me towards the car, I bit my lower lip, suppressing the smile from curling around my mouth as I glanced at Benedict, who tried to send me a mind link, but I shut it off before he could even utter his first word.

Riley helped me to my seat before he made his way around to his own.

Once he started driving, I prepared myself to say thank you to him for defending me when my gaze caught his expression and his aura.

It was deadly.

And I felt a shiver of fear run down my spine.

Why was he angry?

I didn’t do anything wrong.

Or did I?

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