The Lycan King

Chapter79. Negotiations and Aftermath

Chapter79. Negotiations and Aftermath


My eyes teared further. We were winning and now I put everyone in the position to lose everything. I

should have been more alert! I should have been paying more attention to my surroundings! What was

I thinking?

"Rogue." Emilio hissed. "You planned this whole thing?" And then he shifted to glare at Max. "And you

devious motherfucker. I must admit, I'm impressed."

"Thanks." Max gave him a wide grin.

"You will let me and my pack members go alive to my pack or else I will shoot this bitch right now." He

pressed the nozzle of the gun harder.

'Ava, use your powers and throw him a couple of feet away from you. I will save you I promise.'?Nik

mind- linked me.

I closed my eyes and imagined me flicking him away a couple of feet but it didn't work.

"Don't even think about using your magic you witch," he hissed in my ear. "You may snap my neck or

throw me off but I still have a gun in my hand. It will not take me more than a split second to finish you.

Which I should have done when I decided I was done with you."

Nikolai growled. Loud enough for the land to vibrate.

"Release her and fight with me. If you are a true Alpha like you claim you are, fight me one on one?? a

duel to death." Nikolai challenged.

"Why would I do that when I have your precious slave in my arms?" His manhood pressed against my

butt and then he grind himself against me.

A tear slipped down my cheek. He always found a way to make me feel dirty.

I can't let him take me away again. I won't survive it. I just won't. Not after Nik, not after having a taste

of how beautiful a free live can be, how amazing living with family can be.

I would rather die than go through that again. I got why Viktoria did what she did now. She wasn't a

coward. She was a very strong woman, one who was strong enough to not fear death. She was strong

enough to kill herself and life a free life in heaven.

I tried using my powers again but to no avail. The one time that I truly need it and I can't even use them

properly. First to light those people on fire and now.

"Fine. Just don't touch her." Nikolai gritted, his eyes black.

"No can do." And then he grabbed my breast and squeezed.

A sob rose my throat but I pressed my lips further, having no intention to show any more weaknesses.

"You will escort us all out of your pack, alive. If I had known that this slut has magical powers, I would

have never let her go." And then he I felt his extended canine touch my neck.

I didn't dare move.

'Avalyn. Remember that day in the backyard when I climbed up that tree and pushed April off and you

change places with her? Just like that, I want you to change places with me. Please concentrate, Love.'

Nik said gently but outwardly, his face remained stone cold. There is a good chance that Emilio might Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

actually shoot. Nik was ready to give up his life for mine.

"But??" I didn't want Nik to die.

"Do as I say Avalyn." He knew exactly what I was worrying about. And I was ashamed that I didn't have

the courage to fight against it. I just needed to get away from Emilio.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. Just as Nik said. But then I couldn't truly concentrate when all I

could think about was Emilio's hand on my body. The man I despised and feared the most was holding

me captive. Again.

'Concentrate harder, Avalyn.'?Nikolai gritted.

"Fine." I heard Nikolai say as I concentrated harder. "But we will keep your men as slaves."

"You are in no position to order me but since I'm a generous man, you can keep them." Emilio smirked.

There were several growls of protests at that.

I concentrated harder. I imagined Nik being in my place and I in his. I imagined us exchanging places. I

so desperately imagined that.

I never truly believed in moon goddess. But in that moment, I prayed to her. I prayed to her to help me

use my powers. And that if we got out of this alive, I will never doubt her existence.

He pushed his groin against my ass again and I could feel his hardness. Tears spilled down my cheeks.

I can't. I can't.?I can't...

My powers weren't working and I was getting desperate here. Frustration filled me. I hated his touch. I

hated being held by him. I hated this. I just wanted to be free.

"Release her.?Now." Nikolai growled furiously.

"Not right away. I do not trust you to follow through your word. Escort us out, only after that will I let her

go." Emilio's hold on me tightened.

'It's not happening, Nik.'?I said frantically, disappointed in myself, tears quickly filling up my eyes again.

'Look at me.' My eyes snapped to his black ones. 'Remember the spanking I gave you today?' I have

him an small nod. Even though I had healed myself, the imprint of it hadn't left my mind. My ass will

always remember what it felt like.

'That will feel like a feather's touch if you do not exchange places with me right away. I will fucking belt

you if you take a second longer Avalyn.'?A tremble shot down my spine at Master's words and I shut

my eyes to focus again. 'Forget Gonzalez. Forget everyone else. Focus on?me.?I'm?your fucking

Master. Not him. Me.?Only?me. You do as?I?say. You follow?my?command. Now do as I fucking say.

At once!'?Another tremble shot down my spine at his words.

I heard some noise and my eyes snapped open and that's when I realised that it worked! My powers


In front of me, I saw Master twist out of Emilio's hold, having a tight hold over the hand which held the

gun and then brought it to Emilio's temple, easily overpowering him.

"Bring the chains. Tie them all up." Master growled as he held him captive. "Kill anyone who does not

comply. The war is over. We have won."



I tightened my arms around Ava as she sobbed into my chest. Warm shower water fell over our heads,

washing away all the dirt and sweat that coated our bodies and the blood that coated mine.

"You are safe now, Ava. In my arms. I'm never letting you go." I softly cooed in her ears. "You did good,

Love. You were so brave out there??" she began shaking her head in denial.

"I wasn't." She sobbed in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, you were. I'm very,?very?proud of you Avalyn." I kissed the top of her head. "You leave me in

awe of your strength."

Her arms just tightened around me and I rocked her in response.

"I felt?so?weak,?so?powerless." She whispered, her voice thick.

"I promise you that you will never have to feel like that again. I will train you, I will do whatever I need to

do. And then you will be able to use your powers at your whim." I caressed the soft skin of her back.

"You won't need me to order you to focus, nor will you need me to threaten you with a punishment."

"It's the only thing that seems to work." I heard a smile in her words.

"And we will change that soon." My hands moved over the curve of her back before settling over her

ass. I caressed it before I started moulding and squeezing it. "I love you, Ava. Every fucking inch of

you. So much."

"And I love you, Nik. All of you. More than anything." She stepped out of my hold. "Bathe me, Nikolai."

She ordered softly. "Wash away his touch."

"As you wish,?Moya Lyubov." And I did. I lathered soap all over her body before rinsing it thoroughly,

removing another man's touch and making my claim again.

I held her soft moulds in my palms before kissing each one. "These are mine." I pinned her with my

eyes. "No one will touch these, expect me. No one will touch you except me, period." I vowed.

"Thank you." She stood on her toes and kissed me softly.

"You don't have to thank me. It's my job to protect you. I actually half expected you to get mad at me." I

scratched the back of my head. "I did a bad job of doing it today."

"You were busy saving lives, Nikolai. You were busy saving our pack. I understand." She said softly.

"And you saved me, and that's all that matters."

"But I should have??" She pinched my side, silencing me effectively.

"If I had known that pinching you worked, I would have done it ages ago." A smile cracked on her face.

"I don't think anyone has ever pinched me." That made her very happy. It was amusing to be honest.

"I'm your first." She grinned and pinched my abs again.

"You have a lot of my firsts, Ava. This shouldn't surprise you." I turned off the shower and took out two

towels, giving one to her.

"I don't think there are a lot."

"You are the first time I bathed someone. First time I fed someone. First time I loved someone. First

time I made love to someone. First time someone rode me." Her eyebrows quirked at that and I

smirked. "I love being on top. You know that. But with you, Ava, I'll take whatever you give me. Always.

You know that too," my smirk turned into a soft smile.

I took out two robes and handed her one and wore the other myself.

"Let's get out. We have a guest." I tightened her robe and pulled her forward with it before pecking her.

We walked out and saw Dimitri eyeing the closet door. I heard a soft heartbeat and a human smell.

Must be Ava's slave.

His eyes snapped to ours, more specifically Ava's before he launched himself on her and hugged her

tight, twirling her in circles. My wolf didn't even bat an eye. We understood their bond. Blood bonds is

the strongest bond, next to the mate bond. "Thank fuck your alive and well."

Ava giggled and put her arms around his neck for support until he set her down again.

"You're here because?" I raised a brow.

"Oh yes." He went down on one knee before his head lowered it. "I'm sorry, Luna."

"Stand up, Dimitri." She said softly. He did but his head remained lowered.

"I failed to protect you. I should have done something." His mood turned sombre.

"Fail? I'm still alive and well. What could you have done anyways?" She genuinely asked.

"Well..." He trailed his fingers through his hair. A nervous trait. "I should have kept an eye on you. Or at

least someone should have. We won the war but today shouldn't have happened." He shook his head.

Damn right it shouldn't have.

"And when would you have done it?" She tilted her head. "When you were busy killing our enemies and

fighting for our pack, for me and putting your life on the line? How can I be angry at you?"

He sighed, "you're too good. Just accept the apology, please."

"I accept your apology, Dimitri." She gave him a soothing smile and squeezed his shoulder. "I'm proud

of you. You fought well."

His chest puffed up at that. "I'm truly great, aren't I?" And Dimitri is back.

"Sure." Ava chuckled.

"Thanks." He grinned broadly. "And who is your new slave?" He jabbed his thumb towards the closet


"Someone who is off limits." Ava narrowed her eyes.

Dimitri raised his hands in the universal 'okay fine, chill' motion. "See you at the training grounds." He

told us and nodded at me before he left.

"What's at the training grounds?" She asked.

"We are having a funeral for the ones who died in the battle. Wear a white dress." I replied before I

went in the closet, Ava just behind me.

"Here are your clothes, Mistress, Alpha." Tessa motioned towards the black dress and black and black

outfit she had placed for me on the aisle.

"We wear whites to funerals." I told her as I took out a white linen shirt and dark blue jeans.

"Forgive me, Alpha. I didn't know."

"It's fine." I replied as I took off my robe and got dressed.

"Give me a second, Mistress." She whispered as I heard rustling of clothes.

"Meet me at the field. Fifteen minutes, Ava don't be late." I told her and then left before after she


I met Max and Natalia in my way out so I joined them.

"Where is Avalyn?" She asked.

"Getting ready." I replied. "She will be there in fifteen."

"I'll wait for her, you both go ahead." She replied and we shrugged before we started walking.

"How many are dead?" Max asked.

"Twenty eight." I clenched my jaw. No one was supposed to die.

"That's good considering the odds."

"No one was supposed to die, Max. That was the entire objective of the plan."

"Death is a byproduct of war, Kol. And to die fighting for your Alpha and pack is the best death a wolf

can receive." In times like these, Max was too wise.

When we reached the training grounds, the mourning people moved to make way for us. We stood in

front of the pyres. There was a blaring silence in the air and a couple of sniffles here and there.

"Where are the enemy bodies?"

"I took care of it." Mikhail replied. I nodded at him.

"Where is Gonzalez?"

"In the dungeon back at the house." Dimitri replied. "I also talked to Vladimir about the dead vampires

and had their bodies delivered." I nodded at him.

In a couple of minutes, Ava and Natalia made their way next to us. I took Ava's hand in mine before I

addressed the entire pack.

"Even though we won the war, it was not without a loss that rests heavy on our hearts. Twenty one

wolves from our pack along with seven vampires died fighting for us. It is said that to die fighting for

your Alpha, Luna and your pack is the best way to die." My eyes found Max's. "The death of these

strong wolves wasn't a casualty. They knew what they were getting into and knew that this could be an

outcome of it. They aren't just a casualty. They are martyrs."

Dimitri brought forward two bamboo sticks that were already burning and gave one to me and the other

one to Ava.

"To the martyrs." I raised the stick in the air before I released Ava's hand and both started lighting all

the pyres, taking time to pay our respects.

"To the Martyrs." The crowd chanted till both of us lighted all the pyres. When we reached our last pyre,

we threw the bamboo sticks inside the fire.

We went back to the crowd and stood silently, watching the flames lick up all the pyres and turn into

nothing but ashes. Silence reigned as all of paid our respects. Everyone mourned the loss of their

loved ones and their pack mates. Ava threaded her fingers with mine. I could feel each and every

single member's emotions as their Alpha. And since Ava isn't used to this, she is feeling more upset

about it.

Once the fire was burned out, the family and friends of the wolves made their way towards their loved

ones and started collecting their ashes.

"Come." I gently tugged Ava's hand and started walking towards the cliff, all the pack members

following us.

A couple of tears streamed down her but I made no move to wipe them. She has the right to mourn our

pack members and doesn't need to put up a strong front like I do. I need to be the strong for our pack, I

need to show that even though all of us are upset, we are still okay.

We walked through the forest before we reached the cliff. The wind was blowing hard and the waves

are unforgiving. The sky looked gloomy too, almost like it was agreeing with us and that it was sad too.

Ava and I stepped back as the people poured the ashes into to vast sea that lay beneath the cliff. Once

everyone was done, I growled out my command, "shift."

I too shifted into my fur and howled to the moon goddess so that she will be kind to them when they

walk the moon and so that they have a peaceful afterlife.

All the pack members joined me and we all prayed to the moon goddess.

We all mingled with each other, rubbing cheeks as we greeted and comforted each other. It late

evening when we all made our way back to our own homes.

"Go, I will meet you at night." I told Ava once we entered the mansion.

"Where are you going?" She frowned.

I kept my mouth shut. Her mood has just gotten a little better and I have no intentions for it to go

downhill again.

Understanding dawned on her features and then she nodded. "I will be waiting for you at the dinner

table." She placed a kiss on my cheek before she went to go upstairs.

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