The Lycan King

Chapter78. War 3

Chapter78. War 3


'They are in, brother.' Mikhail mind- linked me.

'Okay.' I grinned.

"The enemies have crossed our borders." I announced. "In the next ten minutes, they will be inside our

homes." My voice boomed in the courtyard of the Pack House.

"The seventy five enemy wolves coming from the Western and Northern borders will straight up run to

the Pack house to kill everyone in it to symbolise that the Rogue Pack has fallen. In fifteen minutes of

them crossing our borders, they should reach the periphery of the pack house."

Alpha made a red arc around the pack which covered the west and the south area of the pack house.

"Will we let our pack fall?" I asked.

"No!" Everyone roared unanimously.

"Will we let a single intruder breathe one more second on our lands?" I asked.

"No!" Everyone roared again.

"Good." I lowered my voice. "And that's the energy I want to see in every one when we are on the

battle field. It's kill or be killed. And I prefer to kill." A grin started forming on my face, "in fact, I?love?

killing. Do you?" I growled out my question.

"Yes!" They all growled back.

"Good. Take your positions. They will be here in ten minutes." I commanded and everyone ran.

I too, went to my position which was on the terrace of the Pack House. Everyone were already lined up

on the west and north walls. They were sleeping flat on the floor with their guns in front of them, ready

to aim and shoot on my command. This way, everyone was hidden from the view.?

I heard a twig snap before I heard wolves running and I too, laid flat against the terrace and placed my

gun in front of me.

"We will only have fifty men to defend the Pack House. For the last phase, that is Phase Four, I want all NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

of those men on the terrace of the pack house. Each man will have a gun and bullets. Once the fast

arriving enemies enter the shooting range, you will start shooting." Alpha made arrows depicting the

enemies entering the open area around the Pack House. "Kill as many as you can."? And then made

crosses in front of it.

I saw wolves, dozens of them emerge from the forest line and all of them were making their way here.


'Aim.' I commanded through our mind-link and then waited for them all to enter the shooting periphery. I

waited till every single wolf was near and was in line of fire. Hardly a fourth were in shooting range

when they stopped and I heard a few low, angry growls.

My skin prickled and I knew something was wrong.

And then the grey wolf leading them looked up and his eyes caught mine and then widened.

'Fire!'?I commanded, before he could turn around and started shooting left and right. A fourth of them

dead before the war is better than none. Wolves were falling felt and right before all of them turned

around and started running away. We killed about twenty wolves and that was enough. Mikhail and

Andrei should be here anytime and we can hold our own. But I cannot afford a single wolf running away

and hiding in the pack.

'Stop.' I ordered just as they stood outside of the line of fire. My eyes met a grey wolf's again and he

growled loudly.

I stood up and gave him a shit eating grin. "We love to treat our guests. Please do come in our homes."

He shifted to his skin and glared at me. "I did not know that firing at your guests is a way to treat them.

Throw those guns away and come here fight like real men."

My grin widened. I just loved pissing the fucking out of people. "Real men?" I mocked. "You mean

trespassing the borders of a pack with the intention of massacre is called being a real men?"

He only growled loudly.

I laughed. My wolf was craving for blood shed and who am I to deny him that? My eyes caught more

wolves shooting out of the forest and my grin widened. I saw Mikhail leading the group. Waiting time is

over. It's time to play.

"Once your bullets will get over, you will abandon your posts and attack the reminder of men." Then

Alpha made a blue arc between the previous one and the Pack house. "By that time, Mikhail's team,

which was spread across the western and southern border will arrive and corner them so no one can

escape. We will not let anyone get away."

"I will show you what being a real man is." I growled. "Attack!" I growled and jumped, shifting into my

fur in mid air and ran towards them in full speed.

I'm going to fucking kill them all.

They were more than us in numbers but Mikhail was approaching with his team quickly. We will make it


We engaged in a full blown battle against a force that was larger than us.

I caught Mikhail's team and they started engaging themselves in a fight with some other wolves. And I

saw Andrei in the mix. Did Phase Two not go well?

What the fuck?

I concentrated on fighting my war.

I caught an enemy wolf over powering one of my wolves and I ran towards them bit into his neck before

throwing him away. Rick nodded at me gratefully. I nodded back. We both joined the fight again.

I would not say that we were winning. But we weren't loosing either. We were just holding ourselves up.

Which was not fucking enough.

I caught the sight of the grey wolf tearing into one of my pack members and I growled loudly at him.

He raised his head and licked his canines when he saw me. We both started running towards each

other and pounced. I got a good chunk of his face and ear and he got a chunk of my shoulder. I hissed

at him before attacked him again took another swipe at his injured face. His eyeball dropped on the

group and I grinned.

I growled in challenge and tilted my head.?Whatcha' gonna do pup?

He growled and ran towards me to attack me and I ran at him again but then a weight on my back sent

me crashing down.

I tore the wolf on my back off my back and threw him off but I got tackled my the leader.

'Status?'?Alpha growled.

I kicked him off with my hind legs, making him fly back. 'Not good. Mikhail's men are engaged in a

different. I'm guessing Phase Two did not go well." I growled. Fucking Andrei. "We are holding our own

but come fast.' I gritted and fought against the two wolves together.

'We're on our way.' He growled.

I first attacked the leader and took advantage of his partial sight and bit into his neck from the side he

did not see me coming. I vigorously shook my head, hearing him whine and whimper under my hold

before I tore his motherfucking head off his body.

I focused on the other, apparently traumatised wolf and ran to attack him. He was so frozen in shock

that he didn't even register me approaching him so I detached his head in a single move. That's when I

realised he was hardly sixteen. Fucking Gonzalez. Bringing children into war.

Without wasting more time, I joined the fight again, killing every wolf that I crossed paths with. Unlike

usual, I didn't waste time?? I went straight for the kill. I didn't need to dominate them right now, I

needed to save my dwindling team members by killing as many enemies as I could. They were all my

responsibility and I would never let anybody get hurt if I could do anything about it.

"By the time all of the enemies at the pack house are dead, Ava and I will arrive with our twenty special

guests." Alpha said and crossed the '30' and made an arrow that led the '20' to the pack house.

"We will engage them in a fight but not kill them. When Andrei arrives with his team, we will surround

them and they will have no where to go. I want to see the terror on their faces. I want them to see their

death looming over them. I want to see the fear of death in their eyes. But we won't kill them. Oh no.

We will take them captives. And then torture them to death."

I couldn't help but think that the plan has gone up in flames.

No one from our pack was supposed to die. This wasn't supposed to happen. It was supposed to be an

easy win.

A thunderous growl reached my ears before the ground beneath my feet shook.

Alpha and Luna are here.

But then so are the additional twenty men. Who are the best fighters of Montana Pack.


'We are about to reach. The moment we get there, you will get off my back and climb up the tallest and

nearest tree you can find. Make good use of your powers and stay out of sight. Anything happens, you

mind- link me. And Avalyn?'?His speed increased tremendously and I after a couple of minutes, I could

hardly see the twenty wolves that were chasing us. That meant Nik was holding back all this while.

'Yes, Nikolai?'

'If you get yourself killed, I'll be very... displeased.' His voice reverberated through my head.?'I do not

give you the permission to let yourself get hurt. I don't want to see a scratch on your body. Do you


'Yes, Master.' My lips lifted up in a smile at his unconventional way to tell me to be safe.

My eyes widened a bit when I saw a blur of wolves fighting. I did not realise that it would be this...

intense. I had never seen a real battle.

'Good girl, now get off.' His steps slowed when we reached a thick tree and I jumped off his back.?

"Stay safe. Love you." I whispered before I dashed up the tree, using my werewolf strength to push

myself off one branch and then land on another till I reached in the middle where I would stay hidden

but still be able to see everything.

When I looked down, a shiver shot through my spine when I took in the sight in front of me. I shouldn't

be surprised to see the brutality in front of me but I was. I had never seen anything like it.

Every where I could see, all I could see was wolves and vampires fighting and fangs and claws, and

dead bodies and blood. Oh god, the blood. The smell of blood was so thick in the air that it made me


Suddenly my eye caught a pair of two fighting wolves and I caught the enemy wolf overpowering my

pack member.

And just like that, my anger surpassed my shock and I flicked the wolf off the pack member before I

snapped his neck, making him fall on the ground with a thump, dead.

The pack member looked confused but then shook it off and ran to fight another opponent.

Just like that, I started snapping the necks of every enemy wolf I laid my eyes on. It was intense. I

needed to concentrate hard or else the wrong wolf could end up losing his life. This was hands down

the most difficult way I have used my powers.

While I also let my pack members fight their fights, I helped them a bit if I found out that they were

about to loose. I killed a total of thirteen wolves, yes, I counted, before things started looking a bit


Then my eyes fell on a particular mid-night blue wolf as he fought his way around the wolves, killing

everyone around him.

No, I thought as I watched him further. He did not made his way around them.

He?hacked?through them.

Nikolai fought like he did everything else?? with the utmost confidence and with total concentration. His

every move, every strike was precise and deadly. Not a single muscle of his moved without some use.

Nikolai's presence was bold on the battlefield. Wolves feared to cross him. The ones that weren't busy

fighting him were busy being killed and those who weren't busy being killed were busy running away or

busy being dead.

It was enticing to watch him dominate the field like that.

Unlike Nikolai who was silent and deadly, Max and Dimitri were?wild. They?laughed?as they killed.

Almost like it was fun for them to take lives. Like they fed off of it. Like they thought it was funny that

anyone even dared to assume that they would be able to kill them. Their dark, rambunctious laughter

dominated the field.

It was Max more than Dimitri. It was almost as if the devil sat on his shoulder and whispered funny

ways to torture the wolves before he could kill them.

A shiver went down my spine when I watched them kill their opponents. I daresay they were almonds

as good as Nik. While my mate was goal oriented, these men looked like they were here to play. And

this battlefield was their playground. They clearly were in no need of my help. And I'm pretty sure that if

I did help, they would feel bad that they didn't get to kill more people. They would be upset that I took

their chance away.

And then I saw Natalia and Mikhail. They fought together like a well- oiled machine. Whenever Mikhail

was fighting off a wolf, Nat had her back and vice-versa. They weren't just best friends, they were

partners in crime,?literally. Natalia fought better than any woman I had seen, hell, she fought harder

than most men. Now I knew why Nik had chosen her to go to Emilio's club in the beginning. I shouldn't

have been worrying for her, I should have been worrying for those who were her enemies. It made me

realise that she was holding herself back in that little spar against Sofiya. Natalia was one badass


Both of them, together were fighting a total of six wolves. A wolf pounced on Nat's back while she bit

into the belly of another wolf. Mikhail bit into the wolf's leg and pulled him off her. Nat spun around and

attacked the wolf that was about to attack Mikhail. I used my power and killed one wolf who was about

to attack Mikhail. By this time, they had killed their opponents and two remained. My heart thudded as I

wondered if I should intervened. Suddenly, wolf began running towards them, and was clearly about to

pounce. Nat crouched down, and Mikhail ran, jumped on her back and Nat jumped to, giving him a

push. Mikhail landed on top of the wolf who had pounced and Nat's jump landed her on top of the wolf.

And both of them tore apart their enemies at once. They were a force to reckon. They didn't need my

help anymore either.

Then Andrei caught my eye. He was fighting four wolfs together. He, like Nik, made a quick a clean kill.

He didn't play around. I killed two of the particularly nasty wolves he was engaged with. Three against

one is hardly fair. Without even blinking once at the suddenly fallen enemies, Andrei fought against the

one wolf. Like he knew it was me, like he knew I was looking out for all of them.

The entire pack fought hard. They fought for their Alpha and Luna, for their pack, for their freedom. It

wasn't just for their own lives. Now I knew what Nik truly meant when he said that the rogues are more

wolf than human. They were wild. They killed without flinching and fought like they had lived in their fur

longer than their skin, like the wolf part was better than their human part.

But like always, Nik had my unparalleled attention. His deadly grace compelled me. Him fighting was a

sight to behold.

I killed a few more wolves. There were hardly any enemies of ours left alive. We were over powering

them. It was a ratio of of five to one.

My heart started swelling with pride.

It worked. The plan actually bloody worked!

I was crazy to even ever doubt Nik. Seeing him like this now, I realised that this wasn't his first time in a

battle, it wasn't even his tenth time. I can't going through so many gruesome battles to get to where he

is today.

So much so that he fought like he breathed. It was like a second nature of his. He had so much

experience that he planned everything to the dot. It didn't go as he had planned but most of us are at

least alive. It was much more that what I could say for our enemies. And they surpassed our numbers

by a hundred.

Suddenly, a hand shot around my waist and I was pushed against a broad chest.

My heart dropped when I realised who it was.

"Gotcha." He whispered harshly against my ear and jumped.

I squeezed my eyes shut as we made a fall off the tree. He landed on two feet and them held me

tighter. Tears filled my eyes.

"Stop!" He roared and then everyone paused.

I saw dread in everyone's eyes as they realised what just happened.

I felt a cool metal pressed against my temple. "No one moves or the slut is dead." He growled.

Nikolai growled, having shifted into his skin now. I could feel the dread he felt through our bond. But

outwardly, he remained calm. "Gonzalez." He hissed.

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