The Fated Match


“How am I supposed to look sexy when you make me bloated like this” I grunted leaning back in the chair as I finished off my overly generous plate. Theo just grinned over at me. I thought it might be rude if I left food, so I just kept going.

Big mistake.

“you’re more sexy when you eat my food anyway, I don’t care what you wear Elle” he said grabbing both of our plates.

I watched him walk away, wondering how he could say that so casually.

” I’m not going to turn into one of those fat sport coaches Theo, I need to look the part as well” I said slowly making my way to the kitchen. I felt bad that he was doing everything tonight. Luckily, he was emptying out the remains into the bin.

I raced over to the sink and stood ready for the plates.

“what are you doing, move” he tried to nudge me with his body since he had his hands filled with my plates.

I shook my head.

” I want to help” I said reaching out for the plates.

He looked like he was having an internal battle with himself. But after a while he finally gave in much to my surprise.

” Theo what are you doing” I paused when I felt his arms come around me.

” well, you said you were bloated we should probably start with removing this extremely tight belt” his fingers worked the buckle from the front.

Let’s hope he stops there.

” oh okay” I admit it was a relief to have the belt removed but the wasn’t stopping there, no he decided that I needed the first button on my jeans loose.

I went to take my hands out of the soapy water and step back but Theo roughly pinned me to the sink. ” no” he whispered into my ear.

This is just torture, he gets to have his fun but yet I’m here completely trapped and not able to touch or see him. I could just about see him through the window but it was barely visible.

Once the button was loose he slides his hands down my waist. His fingers were warm against my skin which had me relaxed and less jumpy.

As I washed the plates he continued to touch my body. He was tracing my curved so gently it was more of a massage than just groping me in his kitchen.

” Make sure you get the sides” he whispered against my jaw as I scrubbed. I was losing it here, how much longer can I take of this.

“I’m debating on whether I’m going to strangle or kiss you when I’m finished with this” I said with a groan, now I was just desperate to get these done.

I fished in the water looking for any utensils, when I realised that I had finished everything Theo had practically jumped away from me.

Oh the little.

“come her you jerk, that was not funny” I ran after him, chasing him through his house.

Clearly I was at a disadvantage not knowing the ins and outs of his house. I made it to the lounge when suddenly he wrapped his arms around me.

“It was a little bit Elle, c’mon laugh for me” he said as he spun me around. Now I could get a real look at him, seeing that gigantic smirk on his lips.

I couldn’t help but smile.

” that’s better” he grins down at me pulling me incredibly tight against his body.

We made our way down to the sofa. He pushed the cushions away so that I could lay down with him.

” can you stop feeling my rolls please” I said after a few minutes. I felt his head come down to my neck as he laughed.

” you’re just so cuddly” he said pinching my waist. The nerve of this man.

I slapped him hard on the leg.

” Thanks for helping me out earlier by the way” I said after a few minutes.

He stopped touching me and just wrapped his arms around me.

” oh it was nothing, Josh isn’t just some lanky photographer, guys got some muscle” he laughed.

I wished I saw that.

” I’m not normally for the whole relationship thing whilst training but I think it’s good for her, plus she’d probably murder me if I banned josh”

” I think you’re underestimating how scary these kids find you” he said against my shoulder.

“Bryony looked absolutely terrified when I walked in this morning” he told me. I was wondering why Theo was here this morning.

what was he doing in the office.

” she came to you?” I asked astonished.

” Apparently I’m the only one who isn’t scared of the ultimate coach” he grinned down at me. I didn’t think I was scary at all.

he shifted beneath me trying to get more comfortable. I decided to turn around so that i could actually face him. He beckoned me over with his fingers. I scooted closer, my legs on either side of him.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

” some might say I’m your weakness” He whispered his fingers stroking my jaw. His fingers kept coming close to my lips which had me wanting to lick them. Call me weird.

Was Theo really my weakness.

“Chloe has been asking about you, you know” I had to think for two seconds on who Chloe was I’m glad I didn’t ask that out loud.

“She wanted to know if I’m treating you well, apparently she can’t trust her older brother to treat his girlfriend” he rolled his eyes.

Chloe really was a special girl, I’m glad someone is keeping Theo in check. But that’s what sisters are for, I guess.

“I’ll let her know” I smiled innocently back at him.

I felt him pinch my sides. “Lying is a sin just remember that”

I couldn’t help but let out a giggle, we both know I was just joking I don’t really have a bad word to say about Theo.

God must have heard me because the next thing I know Theo’s phone rings rather violently on the table.

I slowly started to retreat but Theo kept me on his lap as he reached for his phone. He looked genuinely confused as he saw the unknown number.

” Hello” he said into the phone. I watched his face make weird expressions as the person on the other end spoke.

I couldn’t understand any of the words it just sounded like a bunch of mumbles at the minute. One thing I didn’t know though, it wasn’t a male voice. Just my luck.

“oh yeah I remember, yeah its been a long time” Theo gave me a side glance.

Thanks god.

“I’ve been good just busy with the restaurant, im not actually playing anymore” he went on to explain.

I felt like I was invading him personal space sitting her just listening in.

” I don’t think it’s a shame actually I’ve always loved to cook” I coughed. Yeah a real shame Theo isn’t some multi million footballer.

Theo sent me a harsh look which I didn’t miss.

I took this as my chance to get up from his lap. This time he didn’t stop me and I was glad.

” Well you know I’m never against an interview, I don’t mind doing it at the restaurant either”

Oh for the love of god Theo.

I sat cross legged on the opposite sofa finding my own phone very interesting.

Whoever this girl is, clearly an old friend maybe an ex who knows.

” Yeah nice speaking to you too, I’m a little busy right now but I’ll let you know when im free” oh real nice Theo, actually remembered that you were busy on a date with your girlfriend.

I didn’t bother looking up when he ended the call.

” Elle” nothing

“Elle come here” I glanced up watching to see the annoyed expression on his face.

Hang on a minute, why does he get to be the one that’s annoyed.

“Must be nice having girls at your call” I rolled my eyes, id dint really care at how childish I was being right now. All I knew was that I couldn’t risk being played again.

“You know it’s not like that, she’s just a journalist I used to know, old friends I’m allowed t have them” he argued to his defence. His temper was rising.

I felt defeated and embarrassed I know I was being childish and jealous. Of course he has a right to have friends, girls in particular.

“now come here Elle, I don’t want to ruin the night” this time I got up, knowing that if I carried on in this foul mood I would ruin the night.

Try having a professional footballer as a boyfriend and not be jealous when old flames call out of the blue it’s extremely difficult.

I barely made it to him when he grabbed arm pulling me forward. He swooped his arm around me and wrapped my legs around his waist. Lord knows how he was holding me up.

“This new side of you is refreshing but there’s no need for it, you know that I only care for you. Please don’t let this be difficult” he said.

I relaxed against him ” I’m sorry” I whispered against his neck.

I felt his whole body relax. He trailed his finger down my cheek before sliding down the valley of my breasts In this tight tube top I decided to wear.

“You have nothing to worry about Elle” he whispered staring into my eyes. His stare was so intense I was forced to look away.

Nodding my head, I leant down and kissed him lightly on the lips. I was surprised we survived until now without kissing.

Theo must have been too because as soon as he could he grabbed onto the back of my neck and started to kiss me passionately. He slipped his tongue between my lips tasting me.

I grabbed onto his shoulders and let his lips take mine in abandon. It was an extremely erotic kiss, one that I wasn’t used to.

I found myself practically dry humping his leg, the kiss had turned me on that much.

I didn’t know what was going through my mind but all I could think about was getting this shirt off.

I slipped my hands underneath. He didn’t say a word he just continued to kiss me.

When I finally got rid of the shirt my fingers smoothed across his stomach, the ridges from his muscles were extremely hot and I was adamant on not looking because im sure it would ruin any common sense I had left.

” I should probably stop before I get too excited” I felt him mumble into my neck.

I glanced down and realised that maybe it was too late for that.

I made the brave move of tugging down the top exposing my breasts to him. I grabbed his hand smoothing it over my nipple. His head jerked back.

“Elle “he groaned is eyes not moving away.

” I know it may seem like I’m claiming you right now but I want us to go further not because of my jealousy but because I really like you Theo, I want this and now im turning desperate” I really hoped he wouldn’t think too much into it.

He must know how handsome he is, he must know that I have needs.

He stared at me for a good few seconds before standing up abruptly, he grabbed my hand dragging me along with him.

“we won’t be doing it down here that’s for sure” He said as he rushed up through the doors and up the staircase.

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