The Fated Match


I ended up being an hour late to work. Mainly because I had to go with my dad to his hospital appointment. He has been having really bad back pain lately and I had to practically force the man to go see his doctor.

Why are men so hell bent on not seeking help.

My head was buried in my hone as I walking throught the campus. I was answering emails from numerous different people. Parents and other staff taking up most of my inbox.

I pushed the doors to my office open not prepared for the scene before me.

Sitting at the table was Bryony and Hannah with Theo rubbing Bryony’s back as she cried into a pile of tissues.

Well this isn’t good.

“can you give us a minute” I asked the two waiting to personally speak to bryony. As the person who suggested her to take a few tests I was more than knowledgeable on what was going on.

Hannah grabbed her tablet and left the room. Theo touched my arm before following Hannah out.

“hey honey, look at me” I said as I sat down reaching for her hands which were busy fiddling with he tissues in her lap.

Her hair was down in waves, a oversized hoodie covering her tanned legs. This was different from the normally very clean cut bryony I have come to know.

She refuses to look up at me.

“bryony, you’re crying even if you don’t know the result yet cmon” I urged her even more. I bent down and kneeled before her.

She shook her head ” It doesn’t matter coach, I was stupid enough to let it happen. Why would he do this to me. He knows how important swimming is to me” she cried even more her tears dripping onto her leggings.

I ssighed.

” theo poked his head inside ” girls, I can only do so much to this boy to keep him calm before I get charged for assault” I watched as bryony cracked his smile.

” That boy outside is fighting a professional football player because he cares for you. Yoy both knew what you were getting into and I don’t think we can just blame him” I said feeling sorry for the both of them.

Normally I would be livid that any of my students would even risk it but at the same time being angry would not help the situation at all. I needed a better approach.

” im so sorry coach” she wimpered burying her face into her hands.

I grabbed her hands ” Bryony youre not pregnant”

” you don’t know that” she replied wiping her hands on her hoodie.

” cmon look, all three tests you took are negative and Hannah just confirmed it” I showed her hannanh’s tablet where her results were.

She finally looked at it ” but I was being sick and and it just seemed” I leant back agaisnt the table edge.

” I know, but these results don’t lie. Will you finally talk to this boy before I do” I taunted her. I think she knew that I would most likely embarrass them both if she didn’t,.

Weakly she nodded her head.

With a motion with my fingers at theo he released josh letting him come inside.

I followed after both Hannah and Theo letting them have their own little moment.

Once we all got inside I think we all breathed a sigh of relief. That was way too much action for the morning.

” is she okay” I lifted my head seeing Melissa with worry on her face.

We agreed that this would only stay between us the team didn’t need to know anything. But I guess josh confined in his sister.

“she’s ging to be fine. You two should probably do something help her get her mind off it” I suggested. I can only do so much as her coach.

” what is exactly making her sick?”

I looked over at Hannah. ” Bryony and scott started taking these special diets after their lecture on nutrition. I am confident that bryony is allergic to the new foods. These diets are used in Russia and aren’t necessarily good for you even though they seem to work for the thletes over there”

After this all calms down ill have to speak with that lecturer. They should have explained that to the students. Ofcourse any special diet that has some results are going to have a positive impact.

Drugs help too but you don’t go using them do you.

A few hours later

” do you normally just strip in your office”

I looked back and found Theo staring at me as I removed my jumper and was about to get started on my leggings.

” only when theres a chance some sexy athlete might walk past” I giggled to myself.

“Elle” he groaned as he walked up behind me. He grabbed onto my waist.

I turned around to face him. His hair was freshly washed froma shower and it looked good enough to run my fingers through.

” im doing a fun game with the team, do you want to join” I asked him. Bryony ended up confinding in her whole team since there were rumours going around.

I thought that was very brave of her.

” unfortunately I cant I need to take Dillon to his moms. But ill be around for our date tonight”

I stared at him ” what date” I asked, have I forgotten again. I did this the other night.

” I just made it up but I do pplan on cooking you dinner tonight” well its not like I can say no to that.

I brought my hands down to wrap around his neck. ” your place or mine”

He grinned at me ” mine ofcourse” he detached himself from me and headed for the door.

” bring some extra clothes” he said before pulling the door open and exiting my office.

I think I actually blushed.

I grabbed my whistle and headed to the pool.

I looked around and found Scott standing at the edge talking to Thomas as two random girls were watching them on the bench.

It wasn’t training time so I didn’t mind that they had people in here.

He really puts himself in terrible situations.

I brought my fingers to my lips as I sneaked up behind him.

The girls grinned over at me.

When I got close enough I pushed him into the pool. He screamed before diving in. when he surfaced he glared at me as I stood there smirking at my accomplishment.

“coach”From NôvelDrama.Org.

“scott” I mimicked him.

” no more Russian diets for both of you, understand” I pointed at both bryony and scott.

“okay” I clapped my hands together.

” coach training has finished for the day” Thomas interrupted me way to quickly is you ask me.

I sat at the dge of the pool dangling my feet into the water.

” I know but since youre all still here why don’t we play a agame, don’t worry your girls can join too” I looked back almost asking them which they nodded their heads too.

” nothing too technical, we are just going to play volleyball but in the water obviously, scott!” I pointed at him.

“pick your team” he clapped his hands together.

“coach, I’ll have you” he laughed to himself. I held my finger up ” no can do scotty, I’m the other team captain”

His mouth hung open. “that’s not fair” he said annoyed.

” we all love a loser” I winked at him. The girls laghed at this.

I waited as he picked his team. I was left with Melissa, james, jen and Georgia who was one of the guests.

Scott clearly thought having a mostly boy team was going to get him points but girls were surprinsingly good at volleyball.

I pulled a net over the centre of the pool.

” everyone to the edge of the pool.”

They all looked confused as I jumped out and headed to one of the interactive screens.

I pressed one of the buttons which started to raise the floor platform so that it was all the same level now. It would make it easier to play the game.

” oh that’s cool” Thomas said watching the floor move. I was only told about this the other week I was waiting for the moment where I could use this finally.

We ended up playing for quite a while. It was refreshing to not be so serious with them for once. The really can be competitive though.

“since you lost you have to buy us all a drink” Scott laughed as he ran upto us after sepnding way too much time singing in the shower. Thomas’s words not mine obviously.

Would be a problem if I was caught listening into the boys changing rooms.

“no can do pretty boy, shes got a date with my brother” Jen says coming to my side. I may have told jen about my date tonight with her brother. Weirdly she is interested in the relationship between me and her brother.

Not something that I ever expected.

” Here, have some drinks on me” I plucked out a few notes from my wallet. Scott grabbed the money without any hesitation.

I wasn’t surprised that he did that to be honest.

After they all left to spend all the money that I gave them I got into my car and headed for home to get ready for my date with Theo.

I was never someone to be all giddy and excited when I had a date but something about theo makes me feel that way. He isn’t like the guys ive dated before.

When I was fully dressed and ready to go I got into my car and headed to his place.

I barely got out of the car when Theo opened up the door standing looking handsome in his button ed tshirt and trousers. When I reached him I could instantly smell him, why did he have to smell so good.

” Hungry” he raised his eyes looked at me with a smirk.

I took one step and shoved the bottle of wine I had brought into his chest.

As I walked inside his house I could hear him laugh as he closed the door.

When he entered the kitchen behind me, making sure to plaster himself to the back of me, his hands secured on my waist.

I felt my hair being pushed to the side as he planted kisses all over my neck.

” I thought you were cooking for me, the stove isn’t even on” I said ignoring his kisses, believe me easier said than done.

Theo rounded the kitchen island.

” I said id cook for you but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to help” he said as he open u the bottle and started to pour is both some wine to start the night.

Minutes later I found myself standing against the counter stirring some sauce in a really large saucepan as I sneaked looked at Theo as he chopped vegetables finely.

I was mesmerised by his kitchen skills.

” Elle the sauce” he exclaimed. I jumped out of my trance, too busy staring at his arm muscles as he chopped.

The sauce was now bubbling rapidly and spitting all over the hob.

Theo moved over successfully turning down the heat and stirring the sauce quickly so it didn’t burn and ruin the taste.

” sorry” I whispered over his shoulder.

Theo turned around to face me. He caught my jaw with his fingers and leant in to kiss me on the lips. My hands instantly went to his waist and started to kisss him back.

” How im going to get throught the night is beyond me” he pressed his forehead to my own.

I could say the same with the way he’s looking at me right now im about to soak right rhough.

” since I’m hopeless in the kitchen I’ll just sit here and watch you” I got up onto one of the stalls and faced him.

I was never really a good cook, my accommodation was always catered and when I swam professionally I had a cook.

Lucky bitch I know.

” hey hey, that’s too spicy stop adding those chillies” I watched in horror as he continued to add even more. If he thinks I can handle my heat he is sadly mistaken.

Theo all but grinned as he stirred in the chillies.

“The cream will filter it down” he said like that was the most obvious explanation on the planet.

I shut my mouth for the rest of the time just so he could concentrate. It was actually fascinating to watch him run around the kitchen cooking.

I could definitely get used to this.

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