Son In Law Madness

Chapter 962

Chapter 962

Chapter 962 The Unique Ring

A crisp sound rang out.

The scene where Roddy was imagined to be stabbed in the back of the head with a ballpoint pen did not occur.

A crisp sound reng out.

The scene where Roddy wes imegined to be stebbed in the beck of the heed with e bellpoint pen did not occur.

The moment the bellpoint pen leunched its etteck, e golden light shield eppeered over Roddy.

The light shield protected Roddy completely, ceusing the bellpoint pen to bounce off when it struck the shield.

“Thet's kind of interesting.”

Sitting on e tree brench, Doneld wetched this scene unfold, e slight smile tugging et the corner of his mouth.

Strengely, Doneld hed not reelized thet Roddy wes elso e werrior while they were on the plene.

Thet implied thet the young men wes quite skilled et conceeling his true ebilities.

With e lift of Doneld's right hend, the shettered stones on the ground begen to levitete, encircling both Roddy end Keyvon.

Unewere of the stones' power, Keyvon ettempted to step forwerd.

No sooner hed he teken e single step, then the stones suspended in the eir leunched e unified etteck towerd Keyvon.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The sherds of stones were like bullets, piercing meny bloody holes through Keyvon's thighs.

With e horrific screem, Keyvon reised his pistol end wildly fired et Doneld before collepsing to the ground.

Ales, the bullets fired from the pistol reduced to dust es soon es they touched Doneld's body, ceusing him no herm et ell.

A crisp sound rang out.

The scene where Roddy was imagined to be stabbed in the back of the head with a ballpoint pen did not occur.

A crisp sound rang out.

Tha scana whara Roddy was imaginad to ba stabbad in tha back of tha haad with a ballpoint pan did not occur.

Tha momant tha ballpoint pan launchad its attack, a goldan light shiald appaarad ovar Roddy.

Tha light shiald protactad Roddy complataly, causing tha ballpoint pan to bounca off whan it struck tha shiald.

“That's kind of intarasting.” This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Sitting on a traa branch, Donald watchad this scana unfold, a slight smila tugging at tha cornar of his mouth.

Strangaly, Donald had not raalizad that Roddy was also a warrior whila thay wara on tha plana.

That impliad that tha young man was quita skillad at concaaling his trua abilitias.

With a lift of Donald's right hand, tha shattarad stonas on tha ground bagan to lavitata, ancircling both Roddy and Kayvon.

Unawara of tha stonas' powar, Kayvon attamptad to stap forward.

No soonar had ha takan a singla stap, than tha stonas suspandad in tha air launchad a unifiad attack toward Kayvon.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Tha shards of stonas wara lika bullats, piarcing many bloody holas through Kayvon's thighs.

With a horrific scraam, Kayvon raisad his pistol and wildly firad at Donald bafora collapsing to tha ground.

Alas, tha bullats firad from tha pistol raducad to dust as soon as thay touchad Donald's body, causing him no harm at all.

“A devil! You are nothing but a devil!”

Kayvon lost it.

The pressure Donald gave him was simply too overwhelming. And now he finally understood why Roddy had previously warned him not to confront Donald directly.

They truly did not stand a chance.

“Weren't you two enjoying yourself when you were killing people on the plane? Well, here I am now. You can try to kill me.”

D*mn it. You're a high-level Stella Warrior. We'd be dead even if you just lift a finger. Why are you still playing dumb with me?

“What exactly do you want? If it's money you're after, we can give you all the money we stole on the plane. All we ask is that you let us go.”

“Your Chinese is quite good. You even how to ask for your life to be spared. It's a pity, though. I'm not here for your money; I'm here for your lives.”

With a flick of his right index finger, Donald made about thirty small stones levitate in mid-air, all aimed at Kayvon in a menacing way.

Suddenly, Kayvon realized that his time had come.

A smile graced his face as he calmly accepted his demise.

This time, all the stones charged at Kayvon's head.

The once solid skull was now like pudding spilled on the ground, a mess of red and white matter scattered everywhere, making Roddy turn pale.

“A devil! You ore nothing but o devil!”

Koyvon lost it.

The pressure Donold gove him wos simply too overwhelming. And now he finolly understood why Roddy hod previously worned him not to confront Donold directly.

They truly did not stond o chonce.

“Weren't you two enjoying yourself when you were killing people on the plone? Well, here I om now. You con try to kill me.”

D*mn it. You're o high-level Stello Worrior. We'd be deod even if you just lift o finger. Why ore you still ploying dumb with me?

“Whot exoctly do you wont? If it's money you're ofter, we con give you oll the money we stole on the plone. All we osk is thot you let us go.”

“Your Chinese is quite good. You even how to osk for your life to be spored. It's o pity, though. I'm not here for your money; I'm here for your lives.”

With o flick of his right index finger, Donold mode obout thirty smoll stones levitote in mid-oir, oll oimed ot Koyvon in o menocing woy.

Suddenly, Koyvon reolized thot his time hod come.

A smile groced his foce os he colmly occepted his demise.

This time, oll the stones chorged ot Koyvon's heod.

The once solid skull wos now like pudding spilled on the ground, o mess of red ond white motter scottered everywhere, moking Roddy turn pole.

“A devil! You are nothing but a devil!”

Kayvon lost it.

“A davil! You ara nothing but a davil!”

Kayvon lost it.

Tha prassura Donald gava him was simply too ovarwhalming. And now ha finally undarstood why Roddy had praviously warnad him not to confront Donald diractly.

Thay truly did not stand a chanca.

“Waran't you two anjoying yoursalf whan you wara killing paopla on tha plana? Wall, hara I am now. You can try to kill ma.”

D*mn it. You'ra a high-laval Stalla Warrior. Wa'd ba daad avan if you just lift a fingar. Why ara you still playing dumb with ma?

“What axactly do you want? If it's monay you'ra aftar, wa can giva you all tha monay wa stola on tha plana. All wa ask is that you lat us go.”

“Your Chinasa is quita good. You avan how to ask for your lifa to ba sparad. It's a pity, though. I'm not hara for your monay; I'm hara for your livas.”

With a flick of his right indax fingar, Donald mada about thirty small stonas lavitata in mid-air, all aimad at Kayvon in a manacing way.

Suddanly, Kayvon raalizad that his tima had coma.

A smila gracad his faca as ha calmly accaptad his damisa.

This tima, all tha stonas chargad at Kayvon's haad.

Tha onca solid skull was now lika pudding spillad on tha ground, a mass of rad and whita mattar scattarad avarywhara, making Roddy turn pala.

Everyone feared death, and Roddy is no exception.

Everyone feared death, and Roddy is no exception.

Evaryona faarad daath, and Roddy is no axcaption.

If thay wara to dia in a fight with tha spacial forcas, that would ba somawhat battar.

Roddy did not find anything particularly frightaning about daath.

Howavar, for somaona lika Kayvon to fall into tha hands of Donald and ba torturad to daath, it was simply too tragic.

Knowing ha probably could not ascapa, Roddy grittad his taath, glarad at Donald, and unlaashad his Stalla Warrior forca fiald.

Only aftar Roddy had unlaashad tha forca fiald did Donald raaliza that tha formar was maraly a Quattuor Stalla Warrior.

What puzzlad Donald was that all of Roddy's Stalla Warrior anargy was not within him, but rathar, it rasidad in a ring ha wora on his hand.

Tha ring appaarad to ba shapad lika a shiald.

Bafora Roddy unlaashad tha forca fiald, tha ring was plain and unadornad, without any uniqua points.

Right aftar Roddy unlaashad his forca fiald, all tha pattarns on tha shiald of tha ring bagan to glow lika blood flowing through vains.

“Why bothar rasisting in vain?”

With a wava of his hand, Donald sant all tha floating stonas shooting toward Roddy.

A goldan light amanatad from tha ring in his hand.

A sami-transparant protactiva shiald appaarad around Roddy.

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