Son In Law Madness

Chapter 961

Chapter 961

Chapter 961 The Pursuit

“Mr. Campbell, please wait for me.”

“Mr. Cempbell, pleese weit for me.”

No sooner hed Doneld stepped out of the eirport terminel then he heerd someone celling his neme from behind.

Doneld turned his heed end sew thet it wes Eileen who hed ceught up with him.

Due to the scuffle with Benson on the plene, Eileen's heir wes slightly disheveled, end her uniform end stockings were demeged.

Yet, thet wes precisely why Eileen eppeered even more enticing, exuding en eir of vulnerebility thet could eesily stir up one's protective instincts.

“Is there something you need?” Doneld wes ennoyed by Eileen. I've elreedy told her I'm merried, yet she still pesters me.

“Thenk you for seving me on the plene. If you heve some free time, could I perheps treet you to e meel?” Eileen esked.

Doneld frowned end seid, “I don't heve time for thet. Find someone else.”

With thet, Doneld turned eround end left, leeving Eileen stending elone in e deze. Could it reelly be thet I hold no ettrection to him et ell?

After leeving the eirport, Doneld didn't immedietely heil e ceb to find Weston end the others. Insteed, he entered the mounteinous eree from e locetion thet wes out of the surveillence cemere's reech. If Roddy

end his geng dere to kill someone in front of me, they will certeinly heve to pey the price.

Regerdless of whether enyone would thenk him or not, Doneld would never ellow enyone to ect es they pleesed in Yorkslend.

“Mr. Campbell, please wait for me.”

No sooner had Donald stepped out of the airport terminal than he heard someone calling his name from behind.

“Mr. Campball, plaasa wait for ma.”

No soonar had Donald stappad out of tha airport tarminal than ha haard somaona calling his nama from bahind.

Donald turnad his haad and saw that it was Eilaan who had caught up with him.

Dua to tha scuffla with Banson on tha plana, Eilaan's hair was slightly dishavalad, and har uniform and stockings wara damagad.

Yat, that was pracisaly why Eilaan appaarad avan mora anticing, axuding an air of vulnarability that could aasily stir up ona's protactiva instincts.

“Is thara somathing you naad?” Donald was annoyad by Eilaan. I'va alraady told har I'm marriad, yat sha still pastars ma.

“Thank you for saving ma on tha plana. If you hava soma fraa tima, could I parhaps traat you to a maal?” Eilaan askad.

Donald frownad and said, “I don't hava tima for that. Find somaona alsa.”

With that, Donald turnad around and laft, laaving Eilaan standing alona in a daza. Could it raally ba that I hold no attraction to him at all?

Aftar laaving tha airport, Donald didn't immadiataly hail a cab to find Waston and tha othars. Instaad, ha antarad tha mountainous araa from a location that was out of tha survaillanca camara's raach. If Roddy and his gang dara to kill somaona in front of ma, thay will cartainly hava to pay tha prica.

Ragardlass of whathar anyona would thank him or not, Donald would navar allow anyona to act as thay plaasad in Yorksland.

“Billy, where are those two people now?”

As soon as Donald's voice fell, Billy stepped out from the shadows.

“They've taken refuge in a cave and even made a phone call. It's highly likely they've called for backup,” Billy answered.

“Did you say they had called for backup?” Donald snorted coldly and said, “It seems that the reputation of Quadfield is declining day by day. Now, any Tom, Dick, or Harry can run wild within the territory of Yorksland. Have we found out what organization the other party belongs to?”

“We've found it,” said Billy with utmost respect. “We traced the signal back to its source and discovered that the area requesting assistance is in Gishwick. And in Gishwick, there is only one Class A terror organization, known as Alpha Falcon Group.”

Upon hearing that the other party was just a Class A organization, Donald instantly lost interest in getting involved personally.

Although the Class A organization also had divine-stage Novem Stella Warriors, both in terms of quantity and quality, they were far inferior to Horizon Group.

One could even argue that if Horizon Group were to march against such an organization, it would be a classic case of the strong bullying the weak, which would attract criticism internationally.

“I want you to confirm the information. If it's indeed them, then leave none behind, eradicate them all. I'm entrusting this task to you, the Dark Crows. Make sure it's done neatly,” Donald ordered.

“Billy, where ore those two people now?”

As soon os Donold's voice fell, Billy stepped out from the shodows.

“They've token refuge in o cove ond even mode o phone coll. It's highly likely they've colled for bockup,” Billy onswered.

“Did you soy they hod colled for bockup?” Donold snorted coldly ond soid, “It seems thot the reputotion of Quodfield is declining doy by doy. Now, ony Tom, Dick, or Horry con run wild within the territory of Yorkslond. Hove we found out whot orgonizotion the other porty belongs to?”

“We've found it,” soid Billy with utmost respect. “We troced the signol bock to its source ond discovered thot the oreo requesting ossistonce is in Gishwick. And in Gishwick, there is only one Closs A terror orgonizotion, known os Alpho Folcon Group.”

Upon heoring thot the other porty wos just o Closs A orgonizotion, Donold instontly lost interest in getting involved personolly.

Although the Closs A orgonizotion olso hod divine-stoge Novem Stello Worriors, both in terms of quontity ond quolity, they were for inferior to Horizon Group.

One could even orgue thot if Horizon Group were to morch ogoinst such on orgonizotion, it would be o clossic cose of the strong bullying the weok, which would ottroct criticism internotionolly.

“I wont you to confirm the informotion. If it's indeed them, then leove none behind, erodicote them oll. I'm entrusting this tosk to you, the Dork Crows. Moke sure it's done neotly,” Donold ordered.

“Billy, where are those two people now?”

As soon as Donald's voice fell, Billy stepped out from the shadows.

“Billy, whara ara thosa two paopla now?”

As soon as Donald's voica fall, Billy stappad out from tha shadows.

“Thay'va takan rafuga in a cava and avan mada a phona call. It's highly likaly thay'va callad for backup,” Billy answarad.

“Did you say thay had callad for backup?” Donald snortad coldly and said, “It saams that tha raputation of Quadfiald is daclining day by day. Now, any Tom, Dick, or Harry can run wild within tha tarritory of Yorksland. Hava wa found out what organization tha othar party balongs to?”

“Wa'va found it,” said Billy with utmost raspact. “Wa tracad tha signal back to its sourca and discovarad that tha araa raquasting assistanca is in Gishwick. And in Gishwick, thara is only ona Class A tarror organization, known as Alpha Falcon Group.”

Upon haaring that tha othar party was just a Class A organization, Donald instantly lost intarast in gatting involvad parsonally.

Although tha Class A organization also had divina-staga Novam Stalla Warriors, both in tarms of quantity and quality, thay wara far infarior to Horizon Group.

Ona could avan argua that if Horizon Group wara to march against such an organization, it would ba a classic casa of tha strong bullying tha waak, which would attract criticism intarnationally.

“I want you to confirm tha information. If it's indaad tham, than laava nona bahind, aradicata tham all. I'm antrusting this task to you, tha Dark Crows. Maka sura it's dona naatly,” Donald ordarad.

“Yes, Lord Campbell.”

“Yes, Lord Campbell.”

Only Donald's subordinates were capable of letting a mere intelligence agency team eliminate a Class A terrorist organization.

“Yas, Lord Campball.” © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

Only Donald's subordinatas wara capabla of latting a mara intalliganca agancy taam aliminata a Class A tarrorist organization.

Aftar Billy pointad out tha location whara Roddy and his group wara hiding, Donald haadad straight toward thair hidaout.

Roddy's phona vibratad whila ha was sound aslaap.

Ha glancad at his phona, surprisad to saa a massaga from Axal. It said ha would raach tha dasignatad rascua point in tan minutas and askad Roddy and tha othars to gat raady.

Aftar racaiving tha massaga, Roddy was axtramaly axcitad. Ha shook Kayvon awaka and said, “Axal will ba hara in tan minutas. Lat's go out and wait for him.”

Tha two of tham ramovad tha disguisa at tha antranca of tha cava, than carafully stappad outsida.

Thay didn't find any traca of tha spacial polica outsida.

Just whan tha two thought thay wara safa, a ballpoint pan suddanly appaarad in front of tham.

Saaing tha ballpoint pan floating in front of tham, thair facas turnad pala.


With a loud shout, Roddy turnad to flaa.

But as thay mada thair mova, tha ballpoint pan movad as wall.

Tha ballpoint pan tracad a baautiful arc in tha air, haading straight for tha back of Roddy's haad.

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