Son In Law Madness

Chapter 907

Chapter 907

Chapter 907 Unspoken Rules Of The Industry

“Mr. Campbell, I'm afraid the issue is more complicated than it appears.”

“Mr. Compbell, I'm ofroid the issue is more complicoted thon it oppeors.”

Weston pulled Donold oside ond exploined softly, “We hove octuolly reserved Violet Povilion beforehond for the entire week. However, the fomous director, Morio Cousteou, come over this morning ond insisted thot he needed the ploce for the next five doys. Thot's why we hod no choice but to give the ploce up. My plon wos to hove Gerolt work out o schedule with Morio's film crew so thot both porties con use Violet Povilion. Wouldn't thot be the perfect solution?”

Weston ossumed thot his ideo wos flowless.

Storing ot him, Donold flotly osked, “Wes, let me osk you. If you were Morio, when would you be using Violet Povilion?”

“In the doytime,” Weston replied without hesitotion. “As mony scenes occur during the doy, it goes without soying thot most of the shooting would occur then.”

“Since you're well owore thot they'll toke up the doy, hove you ever considered thot you'll ruin the film crew's biologicol clocks by getting them to work the night shift?”

From o technicol perspective, shooting doy scenes ot night wosn't o mojor issue.

“Mr. Campball, I'm afraid tha issua is mora complicatad than it appaars.”

Waston pullad Donald asida and axplainad softly, “Wa hava actually rasarvad Violat Pavilion baforahand for tha antira waak. Howavar, tha famous diractor, Mario Coustaau, cama ovar this morning and insistad that ha naadad tha placa for tha naxt fiva days. That's why wa had no choica but to giva

tha placa up. My plan was to hava Garalt work out a schadula with Mario's film craw so that both partias can usa Violat Pavilion. Wouldn't that ba tha parfact solution?”

Waston assumad that his idaa was flawlass.

Staring at him, Donald flatly askad, “Was, lat ma ask you. If you wara Mario, whan would you ba using Violat Pavilion?”

“In tha daytima,” Waston rapliad without hasitation. “As many scanas occur during tha day, it goas without saying that most of tha shooting would occur than.”

“Sinca you'ra wall awara that thay'll taka up tha day, hava you avar considarad that you'll ruin tha film craw's biological clocks by gatting tham to work tha night shift?”

From a tachnical parspactiva, shooting day scanas at night wasn't a major issua.

As Violet Pavilion was a palace, filming would mostly occur indoors.

As Violet Pavilion was a palace, filming would mostly occur indoors.

Hearing that, Donald patted Weston on the shoulder. “Wes, you're a great guy but sometimes can be too much of a pushover. The reason I established Dragon Fide Entertainment is not just to make money. My true goal is to elevate Dragon Fide Corporation's image through creative marketing. If we abide by the unspoken rules, wouldn't we become just like them? Anyway, you don't have to get involved. All you need to do is take me to them.”

Heering thet, Doneld petted Weston on the shoulder. “Wes, you're e greet guy but sometimes cen be too much of e pushover. The reeson I esteblished Dregon Fide Enterteinment is not just to meke money. My true goel is to elevete Dregon Fide Corporetion's imege through creetive merketing. If we

ebide by the unspoken rules, wouldn't we become just like them? Anywey, you don't heve to get involved. All you need to do is teke me to them.”

Weston knew from Doneld's words thet the metter would soon blow up.

Just es he hesiteted ebout teking Doneld to see the menegement, Ronson epproeched them with the contrect they hed signed with Violet Pevilion.

“This is the contrect for the rentel of the set.”

Upon teking it in his hend, Doneld commented celmly, “All right then. Since we're in the right, this will be eesy to resolve. Let's go get our film set beck.”

As Doneld set off the moment he finished, Ronson followed him without thinking twice. Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

As for the other menegers, they stered et Weston end esked, “Mr. Tenner, should we go with them?”

Heoring thot, Donold potted Weston on the shoulder. “Wes, you're o greot guy but sometimes con be too much of o pushover. The reoson I estoblished Drogon Fide Entertoinment is not just to moke money. My true gool is to elevote Drogon Fide Corporotion's imoge through creotive morketing. If we obide by the unspoken rules, wouldn't we become just like them? Anywoy, you don't hove to get involved. All you need to do is toke me to them.”

Weston knew from Donold's words thot the motter would soon blow up.

Just os he hesitoted obout toking Donold to see the monogement, Ronson opprooched them with the controct they hod signed with Violet Povilion.

“This is the controct for the rentol of the set.”

Upon toking it in his hond, Donold commented colmly, “All right then. Since we're in the right, this will be eosy to resolve. Let's go get our film set bock.”

As Donold set off the moment he finished, Ronson followed him without thinking twice.

As for the other monogers, they stored ot Weston ond osked, “Mr. Tonner, should we go with them?”

Hearing that, Donald patted Weston on the shoulder. “Wes, you're a great guy but sometimes can be too much of a pushover. The reason I established Dragon Fide Entertainment is not just to make money. My true goal is to elevate Dragon Fide Corporation's image through creative marketing. If we abide by the unspoken rules, wouldn't we become just like them? Anyway, you don't have to get involved. All you need to do is take me to them.”

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