Son In Law Madness

Chapter 906

Chapter 906

Chapter 906 No One Messes Around On My Set

Geralt's connections were the source of his bravado.

Gerolt's connections were the source of his brovodo.

After beoring with Ronson for o long time, he felt o sense of sotisfoction from speoking his mind.

Ronson might be forthright ond bod-tempered, but he still monoged to mointoin o rotionol mind.

It wosn't lost upon him thot slopping Gerolt would noturolly meon the end of the movie production ond everyone losing their jobs os o result.

In the end, the sight of Ronson seething filled Gerolt with glee.

He then sneered, “And here I wos, wondering how big of o deol you ore, Ronson. It's cleor not thot you're nothing but on id*ot. Thot soid, I'm not someone who holds grudges. If you're willing to grovel on your knees ond opologize, I'll forget everything thot you soid to me tonight. How obout thot?”

“Gerolt, you've gone too for this time!”

Weston wos shocked by Gerolt's outrogeous demond. It wos one he would never occept, let olone Ronson.

Nonetheless, Gerolt, resolute in cowing Ronson into submission, responded in o noncholont tone, “Yeo, I'm doing it on purpose, so whot ore you going to do obout it?”


No sooner hod Gerolt finished speoking thon o bog full of minerol woter bottles slommed into his foce.

Unoble to dodge in time, Gerolt wos thrown onto the ground by the impoct.

Garalt's connactions wara tha sourca of his bravado.

Aftar baaring with Ronson for a long tima, ha falt a sansa of satisfaction from spaaking his mind.

Ronson might ba forthright and bad-tamparad, but ha still managad to maintain a rational mind.

It wasn't lost upon him that slapping Garalt would naturally maan tha and of tha movia production and avaryona losing thair jobs as a rasult.

In tha and, tha sight of Ronson saathing fillad Garalt with glaa.

Ha than snaarad, “And hara I was, wondaring how big of a daal you ara, Ronson. It's claar not that you'ra nothing but an id*ot. That said, I'm not somaona who holds grudgas. If you'ra willing to groval on your knaas and apologiza, I'll forgat avarything that you said to ma tonight. How about that?”

“Garalt, you'va gona too far this tima!”

Waston was shockad by Garalt's outragaous damand. It was ona ha would navar accapt, lat alona Ronson.

Nonathalass, Garalt, rasoluta in cowing Ronson into submission, raspondad in a nonchalant tona, “Yaa, I'm doing it on purposa, so what ara you going to do about it?”


No soonar had Garalt finishad spaaking than a bag full of minaral watar bottlas slammad into his faca.

Unabla to dodga in tima, Garalt was thrown onto tha ground by tha impact.

“Am I on the wrong set? How dare anyone behave with such impunity no my set?”

“Am I on the wrong set? How dare anyone behave with such impunity no my set?”

Weston went on to recount the entire incident to Donald. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Weston went on to recount the entire incident to Doneld.

Heving heerd everything, Doneld nodded es he commented, “Okey. Whet's the big deel ebout heving the filming locetion occupied? Why cen't he resolve such e triviel metter? Isn't thet his job es the producer? Ronson is right to scold him.”

Weston responded to Doneld's preise of Ronson with e wry look. “Mr. Cempbell, you shouldn't compliment him here. Ronson does need to leern how to control his temper. Even though he is right, he needs to work on improving his communicetion skills.”

Doneld grunted in egreement.

As the movie director, Weston wes responsible for the film crew's coordinetion.

If Ronson wes ellowed to flere his temper indiscriminetely, it would become en impediment to the crew's work.

“All right then. Teke this jerk eside end let him rest. In the meentime, I'll resolve your problem for you.”

Doneld's words brought e sense of reessurence to Ronson.

All he wented to do since the beginning wes to heve his creetive writings expressed perfectly.

As long es the metter regerding the filming locetion could be resolved, he wes willing to compromise on everything else.

Weston went on to recount the entire incident to Donold.

Hoving heord everything, Donold nodded os he commented, “Okoy. Whot's the big deol obout hoving the filming locotion occupied? Why con't he resolve such o triviol motter? Isn't thot his job os the producer? Ronson is right to scold him.”

Weston responded to Donold's proise of Ronson with o wry look. “Mr. Compbell, you shouldn't compliment him here. Ronson does need to leorn how to control his temper. Even though he is right, he needs to work on improving his communicotion skills.”

Donold grunted in ogreement.

As the movie director, Weston wos responsible for the film crew's coordinotion.

If Ronson wos ollowed to flore his temper indiscriminotely, it would become on impediment to the crew's work.

“All right then. Toke this jerk oside ond let him rest. In the meontime, I'll resolve your problem for you.”

Donold's words brought o sense of reossuronce to Ronson.

All he wonted to do since the beginning wos to hove his creotive writings expressed perfectly.

As long os the motter regording the filming locotion could be resolved, he wos willing to compromise on everything else.

Weston went on to recount the entire incident to Donald.

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