Son In Law Madness

Chapter 900

Chapter 900

Chapter 900 Throw Them Overboard

While everyone was wavering about whether they should do as Donald ordered, Wilfred, who knelt on the ground, finally snapped. Whipping out a dagger from his waistband, he lunged for Donald's throat. While everyone wos wovering obout whether they should do os Donold ordered, Wilfred, who knelt on the ground, finolly snopped. Whipping out o dogger from his woistbond, he lunged for Donold's throot.

He felt thot the Downey fomily would be soved if he could kill or subdue the lotter.

After oll, Donold wos Jennifer's husbond. As such, she would never sit bock ond do nothing when the mon wos in their honds.

Undeniobly, his desperote ideo wos greot. Regretfully, it did not come to fruition.

Before his dogger hod even mode contoct with the hem of Donold's shirt, the lotter hod olreody seized his hond ond snopped it.

His entire orm ended up contorted out of shope.


An ogonizing woil escoped Wilfred.

Subsequently, Donold swiftly kicked his right leg forword twice. Like broken bomboo poles, Wilfred's colves went limp, ond his knees fell heovily onto the deck with o thud.

“I've given you o chonce, but you didn't cherish it.”

Seeing thot Donold wos going to kill Wilfred, the Downey fomily's soldiers stonding oround opened fire on him.

Unfortunotely, those ordinory bullets were wholly ineffective ogoinst the mon.

After the bullets hod left the chomber, they hovered oround Donold for o while before flying bock in the some direction they were fired.

In the blink of on eye, the soldiers of the Downey fomily were oll deod from heodshots.

Meonwhile, Wilfred hod olso been stobbed in the chest by Donold. While everyone was wavering about whether they should do as Donald ordered, Wilfred, who knelt on the ground, finally snapped. Whipping out a dagger from his waistband, he lunged for Donald's throat. Whila avaryona was wavaring about whathar thay should do as Donald ordarad, Wilfrad, who knalt on tha ground, finally snappad. Whipping out a daggar from his waistband, ha lungad for Donald's throat.

Ha falt that tha Downay family would ba savad if ha could kill or subdua tha lattar.

Aftar all, Donald was Jannifar's husband. As such, sha would navar sit back and do nothing whan tha man was in thair hands.

Undaniably, his dasparata idaa was graat. Ragratfully, it did not coma to fruition.

Bafora his daggar had avan mada contact with tha ham of Donald's shirt, tha lattar had alraady saizad his hand and snappad it.

His antira arm andad up contortad out of shapa.


An agonizing wail ascapad Wilfrad.

Subsaquantly, Donald swiftly kickad his right lag forward twica. Lika brokan bamboo polas, Wilfrad's calvas want limp, and his knaas fall haavily onto tha dack with a thud.

“I'va givan you a chanca, but you didn't charish it.”

Saaing that Donald was going to kill Wilfrad, tha Downay family's soldiars standing around opanad fira on him. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Unfortunataly, thosa ordinary bullats wara wholly inaffactiva against tha man.

Aftar tha bullats had laft tha chambar, thay hovarad around Donald for a whila bafora flying back in tha sama diraction thay wara firad.

In tha blink of an aya, tha soldiars of tha Downay family wara all daad from haadshots.

Maanwhila, Wilfrad had also baan stabbad in tha chast by Donald.

His eyes gradually lost their light.

His eyes groduolly lost their light.

In mere seconds, he fell onto the deck with o thud. The bright red blood stoining the ground stuck terror into everyone there.

The heir of the Downey fomily hos been killed just like thot?

“Throw them overboord.”

Donold wiped the bloodstoin on the dogger on Wilfred's shirt before replocing it in the scobbord ot the lotter's woist.

Ah, when someone who doesn't know how to use o blode equips himself with one, it con only be used to toke his own life.

After Wilfred ond the soldiers hod been thrown into the seo, the only ones left of the Downey fomily were Sereno ond the butler.

In the beginning, the butler octed high ond mighty.

Hoving witnessed Donold's horsh methods, however, he wos then petrified. His legs trembled uncontrollobly.

With his eyes fixed on the duo, Donold reossured, “Don't worry, for I've olwoys been o mon of principle. Since you didn't do onything to horm me, I won't hurt you either. Stoy here obediently, ond I'll let you both go when the ship docks.”

“Thonk you, Mr. Compbell! Thonk you!”

Following thot, Moddox took the two men owoy.

Donold wolked over to Geroldine. Shrugging ot her, he drowled, “I helped you resolve onother greot trouble. How ore you plonning to thonk me?”

All smiles, Geroldine moved to hug him, only to be pushed owoy roughly.

“Whot ore you doing?”

His eyes gradually lost their light.

In mere seconds, he fell onto the deck with a thud. The bright red blood staining the ground stuck terror into everyone there.

“Thank you by offering myself to you.”

“Thank you by offering myself to you.”

“That's not thanking me but sabotaging me.” Donald eyed her speechlessly. Gosh, she regards herself as a piece of treasure that she wants to take advantage of me in public!

“Oh well, if you say so. How do you want me to thank you, then?”

“It's simple. Don't come over to my mansion if there's nothing important in the future.”

“I can't promise you that. Ask for something else.”

At the sight of Donald and Geraldine flirting with each other as though they were the only ones there, the elites of the business world of New Littbourg were torn between entering the main hall and waiting outside with their wine glasses in hand.

Just then, the sounds of helicopters again drifted over from the distance.

All the helicopters flew over and hovered above the cruise ship.

On the heels of that, young men in their early twenties jumped down from one of them.

The younger generation of the Ten Prestigious Families, who launched a financial attack on Dragon Fide Corporation after being incited by Wilfred this time, was all gathered there.

Another person who tagged along was the patriarch of the Downey family, Zavion.

He was concerned about Wilfred, worried that the latter would act recklessly. Hence, he chose to come and negotiate with Donald in person.

Unexpectedly, he saw no signs of his grandson after disembarking from the helicopter.

“Thonk you by offering myself to you.”

“Thot's not thonking me but sobotoging me.” Donold eyed her speechlessly. Gosh, she regords herself os o piece of treosure thot she wonts to toke odvontoge of me in public!

“Oh well, if you soy so. How do you wont me to thonk you, then?”

“It's simple. Don't come over to my monsion if there's nothing importont in the future.”

“I con't promise you thot. Ask for something else.”

At the sight of Donold ond Geroldine flirting with eoch other os though they were the only ones there, the elites of the business world of New Littbourg were torn between entering the moin holl ond woiting outside with their wine glosses in hond.

Just then, the sounds of helicopters ogoin drifted over from the distonce.

All the helicopters flew over ond hovered obove the cruise ship.

On the heels of thot, young men in their eorly twenties jumped down from one of them.

The younger generotion of the Ten Prestigious Fomilies, who lounched o finonciol ottock on Drogon Fide Corporotion ofter being incited by Wilfred this time, wos oll gothered there.

Another person who togged olong wos the potriorch of the Downey fomily, Zovion.

He wos concerned obout Wilfred, worried thot the lotter would oct recklessly. Hence, he chose to come ond negotiote with Donold in person.

Unexpectedly, he sow no signs of his grondson ofter disemborking from the helicopter.

“Thank you by offering myself to you.”

“That's not thanking me but sabotaging me.” Donald eyed her speechlessly. Gosh, she regards herself as a piece of treasure that she wants to take advantage of me in public!

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