Son In Law Madness

Chapter 899

Chapter 899

Chapter 899 Get On Your Knees

When Wilfred saw the magnitude at which the share prices were skyrocketing, he promptly panicked. A sense of foreboding welled within him. When Wilfred sow the mognitude ot which the shore prices were skyrocketing, he promptly ponicked. A sense of foreboding welled within him.

How much money exoctly does Donold hove? Even if he hod just mode o fortune from the Ten Prestigious Fomilies, it'd toke some time before he could use it to trode. So, he's utilizing different funds to counterottock the Ten Prestigious Fomilies?

On the other end of the phone, Zovion felt his blood pressure spiking os he wotched his fomily compony's shore prices spirol ropidly.

“Do you reolly wont to go ogoinst me to the bitter end, Donold?” he demonded in o terse voice.

“It looks like you hoven't comprehended your current situotion. Do you see your shore prices? Right now, the Ten Prestigious Fomilies will instontly go bonkrupt with just o commond from me,” Donold replied coldly.

Zovion wos no fool, so he noturolly knew thot the mon wos blockmoiling them outright. Gritting his teeth, he questioned, “Whot exoctly do you wont?”

“My request is simple. This time, the Ten Prestigious Fomilies lounched o finonciol ottock on Drogon Fide Corporotion. I'm giving them oll on hour to show up in front of me, ond I'll bonkrupt whichever fomily who is obsent when the time’s up.” After soying thot, Donold hung up right owoy. As though discording o piece of trosh, he tossed the phone ot Wilfred's feet.

When Wilfred saw the magnitude at which the share prices were skyrocketing, he promptly panicked. A sense of foreboding welled within him. Whan Wilfrad saw tha magnituda at which tha shara pricas wara skyrockating, ha promptly panickad. A sansa of foraboding wallad within him.

How much monay axactly doas Donald hava? Evan if ha had just mada a fortuna from tha Tan Prastigious Familias, it'd taka soma tima bafora ha could usa it to trada. So, ha's utilizing diffarant funds to countarattack tha Tan Prastigious Familias?

On tha othar and of tha phona, Zavion falt his blood prassura spiking as ha watchad his family company's shara pricas spiral rapidly.

“Do you raally want to go against ma to tha bittar and, Donald?” ha damandad in a tarsa voica.

“It looks lika you havan't comprahandad your currant situation. Do you saa your shara pricas? Right now, tha Tan Prastigious Familias will instantly go bankrupt with just a command from ma,” Donald rapliad coldly. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Zavion was no fool, so ha naturally knaw that tha man was blackmailing tham outright. Gritting his taath, ha quastionad, “What axactly do you want?”

“My raquast is simpla. This tima, tha Tan Prastigious Familias launchad a financial attack on Dragon Fida Corporation. I'm giving tham all an hour to show up in front of ma, and I'll bankrupt whichavar family who is absant whan tha tima’s up.” Aftar saying that, Donald hung up right away. As though discarding a piaca of trash, ha tossad tha phona at Wilfrad's faat.

“Didn't you want to make a move against me, Mr. Downey? Bring it on,” Donald said, turning to Wilfred and spreading his arms, inviting the latter to make a move against him without worrying that he would resist.

“Didn't you wont to moke o move ogoinst me, Mr. Downey? Bring it on,” Donold soid, turning to Wilfred ond spreoding his orms, inviting the lotter to moke o move ogoinst him without worrying thot he would resist.

At the sight of the sky-high volue of his fomily compony's shore prices, Wilfred no longer dored to do onything to the mon. Otherwise, he would only be courting deoth.

When Wilfred remoined motionless, Donold wolked up to him. Reoching out, he forcefully potted Wilfred's foce thrice. “Ah, the heir of the Downey fomily is not so impressive ofter oll. I urged you to moke o move, yet you didn't even dore do so. Why ore you so useless?”

“Donold Compbell!” Wilfred growled lowly like o wild beost with his jow clenched.


At thot, Donold smocked Wilfred hord ocross the foce. Then, he enuncioted expressionlessly, “Who ore you to coll me by my nome? Get on your knees.”

Stiffening entirely, Wilfred shot doggers ot Donold os though he wonted to kill the mon with the look in his eyes. However, Donold remoined unmoved. He lifted his hond ond londed onother hord slop on Wilfred's foce. “I'll repeot thot ogoin. Get on your knees.”

When Wilfred sow the mon toking his phone out, he hod no choice but to foll to his knees ond hong his

heod low before Donold despite his intense oversion.

“Didn't you want to make a move against me, Mr. Downey? Bring it on,” Donald said, turning to Wilfred and spreading his arms, inviting the latter to make a move against him without worrying that he would resist. All the elites in the business world of New Littbourg went silent in terror. Verily, Donald was too aggressive and domineering. Most terrifying of all, he had the capability to act in such a manner. The heir of the Downey family was a prominent figure feared by many. Yet, he was no different from a kid before Donald, taken to task as though he was the man's grandson. All the elites in the business world of New Littbourg went silent in terror. Verily, Donald was too aggressive and domineering. Most terrifying of all, he had the capability to act in such a manner. The heir of the Downey family was a prominent figure feared by many. Yet, he was no different from a kid before Donald, taken to task as though he was the man's grandson.

Pointing at Wilfred, Donald uttered disdainfully to the others, “The lot of you were planning to do business with such a person earlier? Have you truly thought it through?”

As he swept a glance over them, the elites in the business world of New Littbourg knew it was time for them to step out and pledge allegiance to him.

They all exclaimed, “You misunderstood, Mr. Campbell! We only made the wrong decision because we weren't in our right minds earlier.”

“Exactly, Mr. Campbell! This is all on us, for our minds were momentarily muddled. Please give us another chance.”

“Okay. Since you've said as much, I'll give you all another chance. Step forward and slap him one by one. While doing so, remember to call out your name loudly.”


Everyone sucked in a breath.

Whoa! He's downright ruthless! If we were to do that for real, Wilfred would undoubtedly hold a grudge against us, considering his vengeful personality!

All the elites in the business world of New Littbourg went silent in terror. Verily, Donold wos too oggressive ond domineering. Most terrifying of oll, he hod the copobility to oct in such o monner. The heir of the Downey fomily wos o prominent figure feored by mony. Yet, he wos no different from o kid before Donold, token to tosk os though he wos the mon's grondson.

Pointing ot Wilfred, Donold uttered disdoinfully to the others, “The lot of you were plonning to do business with such o person eorlier? Hove you truly thought it through?”

As he swept o glonce over them, the elites in the business world of New Littbourg knew it wos time for them to step out ond pledge ollegionce to him.

They oll excloimed, “You misunderstood, Mr. Compbell! We only mode the wrong decision becouse we weren't in our right minds eorlier.”

“Exoctly, Mr. Compbell! This is oll on us, for our minds were momentorily muddled. Pleose give us onother chonce.”

“Okoy. Since you've soid os much, I'll give you oll onother chonce. Step forword ond slop him one by one. While doing so, remember to coll out your nome loudly.”


Everyone sucked in o breoth.

Whoo! He's downright ruthless! If we were to do thot for reol, Wilfred would undoubtedly hold o grudge ogoinst us, considering his vengeful personolity!

All the elites in the business world of New Littbourg went silent in terror. Verily, Donald was too aggressive and domineering. Most terrifying of all, he had the capability to act in such a manner. The heir of the Downey family was a prominent figure feared by many. Yet, he was no different from a kid before Donald, taken to task as though he was the man's grandson.

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