Sold To The Ruthless Alpha


Damien’s POV

I’m not letting her ruin this day for Sofia, not on my watch. I knew she would try to mindlink her parents or her brother, so I had her cuffed with handcuffs laced with wolfbane, locked up in a room far away from the banquet room.

When I arrived at the packhouse, I could see the omega’s going up and down as they tried to put things in order. I searched around for Sofia, and when I found her with my mom, I could not help but chuckle at her disheveled look. She looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here, she was this close to passing out and my mom never noticed. They seem to have forgotten that she is just human, she is not as strong as we all are. I knew the exact moment she spotted me coming in, she looked at me pleadingly, begging me to save her from my mom. I chuckled softly as I walked towards her.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“Are you waiting for her to pass out on your feet before you realize that she is not as strong as we are? Just take a look at her mom,”

“She needs to learn all this son. She is a luna and it is her duty to organize every formal party in this pack, I need to teach her all this.” She responds.

“I would be honored to learn all this from you, but I need to take a break mom, I fear I wouldn’t be able to stay awake during the ceremony and the people would think that I’m a weak Luna.” Sofia chipped in, causing mom to smile at her reasoning.

“You’re right Sofi, I shouldn’t have worked you so hard.” Mom told her softly.

“Well, good thing you ain’t going anywhere. You can teach her the rest later on because right now, I’m taking her up for a nap. I need her energy restored before the ceremony tonight. I’m sure you can handle it on your own, if you need extra hands, get the girls to help out. Sofia is not coming out until it’s time for the party.” I told her abruptly as I lifted Sofia into my arms and took her up the stairs. She is so drained that she slept off in my arms before we got to my room. Who would blame her, she barely sleeps in the night and now she had to stand all day because I decided to announce to the pack that she had agreed to be the luna.

It must be so stressful and overwhelming for her and it’s all my fault. I put her down on the bed and claimed in after her, pulling her into my arms as I hugged her to sleep. We had a few hours before the ceremony and I had a few things to take care of but I couldn’t lift myself off this bed, I just want to hold her in my arms as she slept. All my worries seem to disappear whenever she is in my arms, her warmth always surrounds and envelopes me whenever she is close by. I would never be able to live without her, I feel dirty and disgusting whenever I recall my past flings. How did I even end up with Stacy, how was I able to put up with that disgusting slut? It’s always going to remain a mystery to me.

“Send a message to the elders and Stacy’s parents, I need them to wait behind after the ceremony tonight. Get the video clip from when she snuck into her brothers and ran away from home. I also need a copy of her doctor’s report from when she was spotted in the hospital, I need everything ready before the party begins.” I instructed Ralph, then I asked Justin to check the security cameras and find out if the car that dropped her belonged to Alfredo. I just can’t put off that feeling that Stacy is having shady deals with Alfredo Black, it’s certainly not a coincidence that she started her rebellion right after I started getting those threatening emails about Sofia.

Besides, Alfredo was spotted in that hospital, and suddenly, he decided to leave the hospital without consulting the doctor. It just doesn’t add up, it’s too much of a coincidence. Stacy would never have been able to evade my boys on her own. She had help, someone hid her away in a safe and secure location, and I’m sure there is no other person with such power in this city, no one else but Alfredo.

The girls came to get Sofia soon enough. I let them use our room to get ready while I got dressed in the other room. As I stood by the entrance to the banquet hall waiting for her, I could help the smile that spread across my face when I think about the surprise that I have planned for her. Am sure she would love it. Mom had gone to get her, I really can’t wait to watch her walk up with me as I present her to be my family, my pack. I’m sure she would love it here, apart from the occasional rogue attacks, this pack is peaceful and prosperous. With her by my side, everything would be so perfect.

I walked into the banquet hall and I took my seat at the end of the table. I had to wait for mom’s signal before I begin the introduction. Ralph and Justin sat by my side and I could see a box beside Ralph and I assumed contained the things I asked him to put together.

“We’re ready,” mom told me through our mind link.

“For many years, I have led this pack to the best of my abilities, but you all must agree with me that an Alpha cannot work at his best without his Luna. Thank you all for your support, you’ve made it so easy for me to be your Alpha.

But today marks a new beginning. My human mate finally accepted to rule by my side as my Luna.” I announced excitedly, causing an uproar in the hall.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Sofia Blake, my one true mate.” I let out with Pride, watching as she walked towards me with a warm smile plastered on her face. She is dressed in a royal blue off-the-shoulder ball gown that’s sweeping the floor. The v-cut opening in front of her gown shows a little cleavage, making her look gorgeous and enchanting.

“Stop drooling, man, she is all yours, remember?” Ralph teased jokingly, as they both burst into laughter, teasing me as I gawked at my beautiful mate. I totally forgot about them. I can’t wait for when they would finally get mated to my sisters.

“Damn, you look amazing my love,” I let out in a whisper when she finally got to where I stood, causing her to giggle softly as a blush spread across her face.

“You ain’t looking bad yourself, You look stunning my love.” she responded with a smile, looking up into my eyes as she locked her arms with mine.

I could feel a slight tingling when our skin made contact, this could only mean that her wolf is getting stronger every day. My wolf can also sense the presence of her beast, which is why he is howling and wagging his tail happily. For a long time now, we couldn’t sense her beast because she was still in the first stage of transformation, but now, I can sense it and it’s pretty awesome. Although our wolves could feel each other all this while, our love never wavered, instead, our bond kept getting stronger every day.

The elders read the rules of our people before her and they made her swear never to share our secrets with outsiders, even her family. She had to promise to put the safety of the pack above everything else and stand by her Alpha always. I saw the smile on their faces when they also sensed her wolf, now they’ll believe me when I say that she is ready to be our Luna. It had taken longer than I anticipated, they had to make sure she understands the laws because she is human.

After the ceremony, I escorted Sofia back to my room, giving her a soft kiss before stepping out to go handle matters with Stacy. When I got back to the elder’s council, everyone was already seated and waiting for my arrival. Her parents looks so sad and I felt bad for their fate, how did they even raise her? She is so senseless and inconsiderate. I am hoping they don’t fight against my verdict when I sentence their precious little spoilt brat. I signaled Ralph to set up the huge screen on the wall,

“So, I called this meeting to let everyone know that we have finally found Stacy, or should I say Stacy has finally found her way back to us.” I added sarcastically. The shock registered on their faces and I saw the relief on her parent’s faces as they smiled happily.

“There is something else I want you to know before you get too excited about her return,

“What do you mean Alpha Damien, why shouldn’t I be glad that my missing daughter has been found?” her mom burst out furiously.

“If you were listening to me, Mrs. Yardley, you would have heard when I said that Stacy wasn’t found by anyone, rather, she came back on her own, just like she left on her own. Your daughter, Mrs. Yardley, has shown a gross disrespect for our laws and she has gotten on my last nerve.” I responded fiercely, making her gasp in shock at my outburst.

I signaled to Ralph and he hit the play button, letting them watch as Stacy sneaked away. They were all surprised at her actions but I could let them get carried away with her escape plan, I need them I’m to focus on the real deal, why was she trying to get pregnant through artificial insemination?

I gave the order and the last of the hour, our dearest Stacy was brought before us and she stood in the middle of the room, smirking evilly at me. This girl is so stupid, she still thinks she has what it takes to defeat me, well, let’s see what she got.

“This is your one chance Stacy, I’m only going to ask you once and I want you to think twice about lying to this council. Where were you Stacy, why did you leave the pack without permission?” I asked her sternly, pinning her with a gaze that says, I dare you to challenge me.

“I left because I had to save my baby. Someone was going to make me get rid of my baby. I had to leave to save my baby,” she said cunningly, rubbing her stomach to emphasize her points as she gazed pointedly at me.

“Oh, my poor baby, you got pregnant for someone, why didn’t you tell me?” her mom squeaked in amazement. Now I know why how she got to be this desperate, it’s so obvious that her parents indulge her. From her mom’s reactions, I could tell that she wouldn’t give a damn iI we had found Stacy locked up in jail for a crime she committed, she would still stand by her and support her and that is so annoying.

“Oh, wow, congratulations Stacy, who could the father of your baby be? Did you meet him out there or maybe you met him at the hospital where you went for artificial insemination?” I asked mockingly. I saw her face go white as it got drained of every color, I guess she never saw this coming which only goes a long way to prove that she is indeed very stupid. My boys had spotted her in the hospital, did she really think that I wouldn’t try to find out why she was at the hospital?

That’s plain stupid!

“Why would a pregnant woman go for artificial insemination, it just doesn’t make any sense to me.” Could you please tell us how this whole thing works because you have succeeded in getting us all confused. Please do us a favor and clarify this whole misunderstanding, would you?” I asked her in a mocking tone, knowing fully well that I got her trapped in her own web of lies.

“You need to start talking Stacy, we ain’t got all day,” I urged with a smirk when she couldn’t utter a single word.

“You shouldn’t have messed with me Stacy, “I said within me.

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