Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Damien Is Going Down

Unknown POV

He is a force to be reckoned with, a man that is feared and respected in the underworld. He is the only one that can help me defeat the Mafia Lord, that is why I went to look for him after Damien took Sofia away.

At first, I tried to stalk them and trace his hideout, he is smarter way than I ever imagined. His security systems are impenetrable and his house is like a fortress, with so many guards. I tried making it look like a threat from one of his enemies, I keep sending him pictures that I took when I sent some guys to trace them to the mall. But I have to cut down on my threats and emails when he intensified his already tight security system and blocked put a bug on his email that could trace my IP address and lead him right to my doorstep.

I wouldn’t have noticed it if I was doing it on my own, good thing I hired an experienced IT guy that is skilled enough to detect the bug, I would have been in big shit if he got to find me and I may also put Sofia and my entire family in danger. He wants to turn her into his sex slave, I can see it in his eye, and in his actions, he wants her for himself, that is why he took her away, ignoring the pain and tears of her family.

First, he stole the Mafia title from my family, now he stole Sofia away from us. He thinks he can get away with everything because he is the Mafia Lord, but I’m not letting him get away with this, I’m going to make him regret all his actions.

I got three guys to follow him after he took Sofia away. They were the ones that trailed him to the mall and took some pictures, but they weren’t able to trace him to his house because he made many roadblocks on the road to his private island. I wonder why he would choose to live on that haunted Island where wild animals attack unsuspecting humans.

It hurts me to know that Sofi would begin that island. It scares me to think of all the things that could happen to her on that Island, what if she’s killed by a wild animal, what if he abuses and rapes her, that animal!

God help him, if he hurts her, I’ll fucking kill him myself. I would never let him get away with it!

I’ve been hiding out here, searching for a means to get into that island, but it’s practically impenetrable. Since I couldn’t send out threat emails anymore, I decided to go on a stakeout and watch the road to his island, who knows, I could get lucky and I’ll get all the information I’ve been searching for.

I had to pay a bunch of guys to cover a lot of ground. Good thing I’ve saved up enough money from my gambling, I’ve been lucky at the tables and I’ve earned so much money. Initially, I wanted to keep it for when I will take back my place as Mafia Lord, I needed enough money to be able to defeat the current Mafia Lord, Damien Ashton. But now, all that money is going to serve a different purpose. I’m going to use it to get Sofia back from Damien, I’ll stop at nothing to get her as far away from him as possible, while I’m at it, I’ll also get my title back from him.

We have been hiding in these bushes for almost a month but there has been no activity that is worthy of pursuing. This island must be deserted or something, you don’t see any cars around you and you don’t see anyone, just a bunch of guards and their ruthless boss. I’m beginning to think that this is where he keeps his slaves, like my sister.

There is a van that’s drives through twice in a week, I asked one of my guys to check it out and after trailing the van for two days, he reported back to me that it was just a delivery van that goes to town to get supplies and bring it back to the island. His reports state that the van mostly gets hospital supplies. Other vans come and go often, but this van comes in more often, and he goes into town for hospital supplies.

This made me even more upset than I am already, why do they need so many supplies in their hospitals, could he be carrying out some kind of research on that island, would Sofia be used for some kind of research, would she be turned into a lab rat?


That dude is so dead!

He is so fucking dead if he thinks I’m going to let him ruin her life, I’m never letting him go scot-free, which is why I’m going to sneak into that island and get her out of there, then I’ll take her to a secure location and I’m going to keep her safe. I’d rather die than let him take her innocence and hurt her. I have to find my way into that island, I’ll have to sneak in.

Yes, I know it’s going to be hard because this island is practically a fortress, there is no weak point in his security system, there is absolutely no way to break in without getting killed. If his numerous guards don’t spot you on time, his booby-traps would get you. He has a bunch of crazy traps around the perimeter, you would think that he is expecting an attack from wild animals. No surprise there, I’ve heard the stories about how this island was haunted hi wild animals, wolves I think. I guess he is expecting them to come back and attack, that is why he set those crazy traps and minefield around his perimeter. Outsiders would dare to go past this spot that we are hiding out, those traps could take you unaware because only the owner of this island knows where he planted his traps.

There is only one way we can sneak in and my boys and I are working on a way to get it done. We are going to sneak into that van and get him to sneak us into the island. We know some of his usual stops and we are going to sneak in and hide in the van, the only problem now is that we have n idea what to expect when we get in there, we have to be prepared because the Mafia Lord is not someone you can mess with, he is heartless and merciless. The van is not big enough to accommodate all my boys, so only a few of us would go in while the others stand watch outside.

The plan is set and everything is ready, we agreed on the location to wait for the van, but our plans changed when we found a young girl, around Sofia’s age, sneaking out of the very same van. It was the lucky break that I have been waiting for. She must have been a prisoner on that island too. She must be so smart, even the driver of the van never realized that he has sneaked someone out of the island. She must tell me how she managed to escape, she would tell me what is going on in that island and how I can get Sofia out. She would tell me the location of his prison and the layout of the lands, I would learn how to infiltrate his building when he is sleeping and strangle him in his sleep. I just need a map of the island, and its security weaknesses, if I get all this information, then I’m good to go.

I called off our initial plans and decided to follow her and find out what she is up to. She kept looking over her shoulder, checking to know if she is being followed. She did some tricky moves in an attempt to hide her tracks and throw them off her scent, she went about in circles for a good thirty minutes, using different ATMs at different bus stops.


She is so smart. This is the kind of ladies I love to associate with. I wish Sofia was a little bit smart like this girl, but way, she could also escape from that island on her own. But no, Sofia is a good and obedient girl, she has been shielded from all of this for a very long time, now she is facing the cruel reality of life. We saw her waiting for someone, that was the perfect opportunity to pick her up and take her in for interrogation, but before we could swing into action, a Range Rover jeep stopped in front of her and took her away.


She is so smart, but we never gave up. We continued following her and she led me straight to Alfredo Black, the only man that has ever challenged the Mafia Lord in the open. I guess she has known him for some time because they look like lovers. Black is also fighting for the title, he wants it too and he is desperate to get it, so desperate that he has killed every other opponent that could stand in his way. The only person he has not been able to defeat is the Mafia Lord himself.

This could be the big break I have been searching for, No, it is actually. He has all the resources that I need to take down the Mafia Lord. We both have the same plans, but he seems to be way ahead of me. While I’m still trying to figure out a way to sneak into Damien’s island, Alfredo Black has already gotten a mole in and out of the island. I just have to pretend to be on his side, then after I use him to get Sofia and kill Damien, I’ll turn around and kill the idiot. I’m sure he would have killed me too if he discovers that I have enough money to fund an attack against him. They never consider me a threat because they think that I am broke and useless, that is the only advantage I have in this war. They would all be surprised when I outsmart them all and take back the title that has been in my family for many years.

I had to park my car some distance away so I don’t get spotted by his boys. With my telescope, I watched as she got off the car and ran into his arm, wrapping her legs around his hips as they engaged in a passionate kiss. With her still wrapped around his hips, he turned around and walked into a room, shutting the door firmly behind them. That day I the end around ah headed home, I’m sure he is going to be too busy to attend to any other business today. I abandoned my plans to sneak into the van, all I have to do now is to get Alfredo to trust me and agree to work with me, he might have some reservations about working with me because he still considers me as an enemy, but I’ve got the perfect offer to sway him to my side.

The next day, I paid a visit to Alfredo, and just as expected, he refused to see me. Ignoring the threats and warnings from his thugs, I forced my way into his hideout, demanding an audience with him. The girl from yesterday was nowhere in sight and I wondered where she has gone to.

“Nice place,” I lied when he caught me looking around his hideout. I couldn’t let him know that I had trailed the girl yesterday, I wouldn’t dare speak of her in his presence because I could be killed for possessing such information.

“Enough ass-kissing dude, why are you here, I don’t recall having any business with you, neither do I intend to, so what the fuck are you doing in my property?” he spat out.

I threw the pictures on the table, pictures of Damien and Sofia that we’re taken without their consent. He looked at them, then back at me, and then he sat up abruptly and picked them up from the table, looking confused.

“Stacy… Stacy!!!” he yelled angrily, making me arc an eyebrow curiously as I wondered what he is up to. I stopped wondering when the girl came out from a room close by, looking more stunning than she did yesterday.

“What is it Fred, why are you so upset?” she asked.

“How dare you lie to me, you bitch. I thought you said you were his girlfriend, I thought you said he was going to marry you soon…” He spoke through gritted teeth, “Then who is this girl that he has been hanging out with?” he asked furiously, throwing the pictures at her angrily. She picked it up and scowled when she saw them, I could swear that I saw her eyes turn red in anger, but it faded as quickly as it came, then she flung the pictures to the floor and stomped on them angrily.

“That is the bitch I told you about, she is a witch and she is trying to steal him away from me. I was the chosen one until she came along and I won’t let her win. I’m pregnant with his child and when I return, I will take my rightful place by his side and she would be kicked out.” She announced proudly. I got pissed when she spoke that way about Sofia, but I hid it pretty well so I don’t raise any suspicion.

“Are you sure you have his child growing inside of you? It would be a shame if you don’t end up by his side, I would have to get you replaced with someone who would be of use to me.”

“Well, if it ain’t there already, you can put it there and I’ll simply pass it off as his,” she purred softly, leaning down to capture his lips in a soft kiss.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“Nice try Stacy, I ain’t getting you pregnant. Find another way to fix this, and do it soon.” He ordered harshly, pushing her off his body. She giggled as she tried to kiss him once more but he gave her a stern look, stopping her in her tracks.

“Why are you here?” he growled out, turning his attention back to me.

“I want in, Black, I want to pay Damien back for everything he has done for my family. I know I’ve lost the title and I know there is no way I’m getting it back because I don’t have the money to run this organization, but I would rather it falls to you than that monster, Damien. I just want him gone.” I responded to him.

“Why would I want to have you in my team, you have nothing to offer me and I can’t carry you along like a dead weight.”

“You need me, Black, I’ve got information about the girl that you may want to know, if you like, you can have her to yourself after we end that bastard. I also know all about Damien’s security system and I know about his companies and various businesses. With your help, we can crumble his empire and reduce him to nothing.” I told him honestly.

“I can do all that without you, I can also get that girl without you.” He told me smugly.

“No, you can’t. I have guys planted in his company, in two weeks, he is expecting a shipment from Iowa and another coming from Japan next month. I have all the coordinates and I plan to sink his ships. You need me, Black, my tech guy is the best there is and he can hack into any security system, I could hack the cameras in his Island and we would see what he is doing at every moment.”

Okay, I admit, the last part is a big bluff, but I have a lot of information that he needs and I’m sure that he needs me. He looked at me warily, as if weighing his options and considering my offer. The girl cleared her throat lightly, making me turn to look at her, then she winked at me mischievously, leaning forward to whisper something in his ears, causing him to grin widely.

“Umm, Would you be willing to carry out a task to prove your worth to me?” he asked with a smug smile as he looked at me fixedly.

“Sure, anything.” I replied without thinking.

“Perfect, now sit here with Stacy and you two can figure out if she is pregnant, and if she isn’t, it up to you to figure out a way to get her pregnant. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done,” he said abruptly.

I was too shocked to utter a single word, why is he treating her like a whore without considering her feelings. I turned to look at her, thinking she would be hurt by his words but that wasn’t the case with Stacy, No. She looked quite eager to get on with it and she stood up and sauntered to me, wrapping her hands around my neck, “Why don’t we get started,” she let out in a tiny whisper while pushing her body close to mine, too close if you ask me. Now I know why he spoke to her that way, she really is a whore.

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