Royal shuffle: Vampire’s mate

Chapter Thirty-two


“Are you ready for this?” Leo asked, as he helped massage my knuckles.

“Yes.” I answered, nodding my head firmly.

Deep down, fear was settling in my gut. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, listening to the chirping of the birds, and the whirling of the winds, and the rustling of the leaves, and I immediately found some sort of calm.

The council had decided that the fuel would be held in the middle of the forest, surrounded by thick forestry, and a few witnesses from both sides, and a member of the council. Prince William and Princess Esmeralda stood at the other side of the circle, looking smug, and sending condescending looks my way. The councilor liked worried, a look that was mirrored by Leo, and Leopold.

I flexed my body one last time, grateful for the stretch tank top and leggings that I had opted for. Very flexible.

“If both sides are ready, kindly step into the circle,”The councilor said, his voice ringing loud and clear.

I pulled Leo’s head down and kissed him. He leaned his head on mine, and hugged me tight.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’ll be fine. I promise…”

He nodded, and slowly let his hands fall from my waist. I stepped into the large circle that had been painted with red paint. King Alexander was already in the circle wearing just a pair of shorts. His chest was littered with several scars. Most of which were claw marks. He was wearing his battle scars on him. As though he was trying to pass a message. That I couldn’t defeat him…that he was stronger than I was.

The councilor stepped into the circle with us, and looked from one end to the other. As though waiting to see if someone would stop the fight. When he saw no one was stepping forward, he lowered his head and sighed.

“Well, let’s get on with it then,” He clasped his hands together. “Here are the rules of this fight. No external weapons are allowed at any point; no stepping out of the circle, and you are allowed to change into your wolf at any time. Those are the only rules. If you break them, you’re disqualified, and everyone goes back to their former lives. Do you understand?”

I nodded my head. I had thought there would be stricter rules. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“Well then. Wait for the horn, and fight to the death.” He stepped out of the circle, and blew the horn.

I and King Alexander faced each other in a tense stand-off, I could tell he as determined to keep his blood throne, and I was determined to take it from him. We circled each other for a while, walking slowly around the circle, and then suddenly, without warning and with a speed that was almost akin to that of Barry Allen, he charged at me with his claws drawn. I charged back at him, dodging his several slashes and punches, and managing to land some of my own.

Our clash echoed through the forest, anticipation and worry hung heavy in the air. From the corner of my eye, I could see Leo, and drew strength from him. Determination was coursing through me, and I dodged every punch, and every swipe that he took at me. Moving away from his ferocious lunge. I could tell that he was becoming agitated, and I smiled. Finally, I saw a chance, an opening and I took it. He threw a punch and left his right side open. Without hesitation, I landed a series of blows to his side and his face, moving with the rapid speed that I had learnt. King Alexander staggered under the force of my blows and fell back, looking at me with fury burning in his eyes. I lifted my fists and braced myself.

His eyes changed color, and his gang elongated. Hairs appeared on his face and chest. He was half shifted. I swore under my breath, and prepared for impact. The fight was about to start. Roaring with fury, he launched a barrage of slashing attacks, his claws mostly aimed for my throat and head. I deflected as much as I could with several of them landed on my arms and chest. I could feel the blood seeping out of the cuts, and my movements were increasing the pain. He delivered a kick to my chest sending me flying back, almost out of the circle. I heard the audible gasps of Leopold and Leo and immediately collected myself, getting back on my feet.

He launched several attacks on me again, and I deflected as much as I could with skill and agility. Proud of myself despite the beating I was receiving. With fluid and precise movements, I delivered a powerful kick to his abdomen, aiming for his organs. Just as Leo had said. I let out a satisfied sigh when he stumbled back, and roared in anger and frustration.

“You seem upset. Not expecting me to last this long?” I asked smugly.

He didn’t seem to like my tone. I heard the cracking of bones, and my eyes widened. He was shifting. I took a few steps back and looked at Leo. I could see the panic in his eyes. I could smell the fear, but we both know what we signed up for. I took a deep breath and tried to quench the fear. He bared his teeth at me, and attacked. Before I could blink, I was being tossed all over the circle like a rag doll. He was much bigger in his wolf form. His paws were bigger, his swipes faster and stronger. I was almost defenseless.

King Alexander bit down on my ankle and swung his big head, sending me across the circle, I landed on my side, and heard a sickening crunch in my shoulder. That wasn’t good. I tried getting up but the reverberating pain in my midriff sent me back to the ground. I looked down to see blood pouring out from my side. I couldn’t even recall when that had happened. I stayed on the floor and accepted my fate. I looked into the dark eyes of the wolf that slowly made its way to me. He knew he had won. He didn’t see the need to continue fighting. He would finish me off slowly. Most likely for the viewing pleasure of my mate.

A single tear fell from my eye. My mate. My son. Why did my mother think that I could defeat a whole adult, alpha werewolf in a duel? At this point, I was beginning to question my sanity. My clothes were torn, and with each breath I took I could feel all the wounds all over my body. If this fight didn’t kill me, the wounds will. I looked up at the sky, looking for any sign of help.

As I clutched my side, a searing pain went though my person, causing me to cry out. I felt an unexpected burst of energy surging through me, as though liquid fire was flowing through my veins. I cried out again, and looked down at my body. I could see my wounds healing, closing up, and my eyes widened in surprise. What was happening to me?!

I gasped, my eyes widening even more in both fear and wonder as my body began to convulse. Even in this state, I kept an eye on Alexander. His head was bent to the side, and he stared at me in confusion. I began to pray that he remain confused until this was over. Whatever it was. My muscles strained and my bones began to shift beneath my skin, contorting my figure into a new shape. A fresh wave of confusion hit me, and then I gasped when my brain registered what was happening to me.

I was shifting.

My body twisted until I was on all fours, and then my body began to change with agonizing transformations. My skin was made way for black fur, and my fingers turned to claws. I could see my nose elongate in front of my face until it became a snout. My vision was much sharper, and every smell heightened. The fear that filled my body was gone and replaced with a primal intensity. The shift was finally over and I stood on all fours, and howled into the night sky. I looked around the gathering and saw that everyone was just as shocked as I was with their mouths hanging open. Leo had a smile on his face and was looking at me in admiration. King Alexander was too stunned.

widened my stance, and barked at him. Baring my teeth. Reminding him that this fight wasn’t over. He snapped out of his trance and charged at me full force. My sight was enhanced, my sense of smell, I could feel the strength coursing through my body. I guess my mother hadn’t lied after all. My wolf came when I needed her the most. I dodged his bite, and sunk my teeth into his side, enjoying his howl of pain and his blood in my mouth. It felt good. I wanted more.

A low growl emanated from my uncle’s throat and he lunged forward, launching himself at me. His fangs gleamed and his claws were ready to rend and tear. But I was equally prepared and met his attack head on. Our bodies collided with a bone jarring impact, snarls of fury echoing through the forest. The sun was beginning to set, and give way for the moon to rise. Only then did it register in my mind how long we have been at this.

His strength seemed unmatched even with the bleeding wound in his side. Taking him down was never going to be easy, his scars told me so. I wondered how I was going to defeat him. Even with my wolf, he was still too strong for me.

I dodged his attacked as much as I could, but still took a few hits in between. I could feel my fur becoming matted as the blood dried up and the damp forest soil stuck to me wasn’t doing much for my mood.

“Allow your wolf full control…” I heard my mother’s voice.

I looked around and didn’t see her. In my moment of distraction, my uncle struck his paw to the side of my face, sending me to the ground. I quickly got back up, and we began to circle each other. Study each other.

“Andrea…allow your wolf full control. She knows what to do…” my mother said gain.

I sighed. Was she in my head? How was I supposed to do that?

“Take a deep breath and let her take control. She knows what to do.”

I might as well try. I took a deep breath, and in a matter of seconds, I felt myself being pushed to the back of my own mind, and I felt a strange power coming to the forefront. I was a spectator in my own body. I watched as my wolf fought with an intensity that was borne from anger and resentment. As though she had scores to settle. Which she did. Each move was calculated and precise, and very agile. She dodged his several hits, running circles around him.

Despite the king’s superior strength, he began to slow down, his breathing became labored. My wolf noticed this, and in a final display of cunning, she feigned vulnerability, luring him in for a deadly strike. As he lunged forward, she sidestepped us and clamped her jaws around his throat in a vice like grip. Holding on very tight, sinking teeth deeper into flesh.

She could have easily snapped his neck and be done with it, but she wanted to make him suffer. She held him in that position, enjoying the sight of him trying to wriggle his way out of his jaws, while dying slowly. When she finally released him, he fell to the ground bleeding, struggling to drag air into his lungs. My wolf licked the blood on her paws, enjoying the sweet taste of victory.

I raised my paw to finish the job and then…

“Please don’t kill him!!!”

All eyes turned and landed on Esmeralda who had now fallen to her knees with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Please…” She begged in a defeated tone.

I winced as my bones began to crack and reform, and soon I was laying on the floor, naked, sweaty and bloodied. Leo was next to me in an instant, wrapping a large bedspread around me and supporting me to my feet. I looked around and it was clear that everyone could see that I was winner. I smiled, and my gaze fell on Esmerelda and William.

“Why should I let him live?” I asked, “why should I let any of you live?”

“We know we don’t deserve mercy; especially not from you. But please…let your judgement be merciful-”

“You still haven’t answered me. Why should I let you love?!” I roared, feeling my wolf itching to come out.

I wanted to tear them to shreds and make them beg for their lives. To make them suffer for all their crimes. To make them beg for my mothers’s forgiveness. I wanted to see them grovel, and roll in their own vomit.

“I would be very frank with you, Andrea-” William began.

“Alpha. I am your alpha.”

William raised his head up, I growled at him and he immediately lowered his eyes, he nodded and continued.

“Alpha…truly we don’t deserve your mercy,”

“So, kill you then?” I replied.

“But then, you will be no different from my father. Is that a legacy that you want to leave for your kids?” William asked.

My breath caught in my throat, and I sighed. I looked at Leo and he shrugged; the ball was in my court.

“Have all of them locked up. I’ll attend to them later.”

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