Royal shuffle: Vampire’s mate

Chapter Thirty-one


The days went by, and ran into weeks, and I found that Leo was indeed a slave driver. It made sense why he would want to train me himself. I run triple the number of times I did before, I had begun lifting heavier, and have learnt how to dodge punches faster than the speed of light.

On several occasions, I’ve had guest classes with the king, Leopold, their head warrior, their strongest vampire, and I could indeed feel myself getting stronger. I felt like I was almost there. I just didn’t have a wolf. I was hanging on to what my mother said about my wolf appearing when I needed her the most. I was a royal, why haven’t I ever shifted? Not even once. The doctors had answered that question for me, but I would still ask it.

Apparently, I had been given hormone suppressing drugs in the early stages of my life, so I more or less lived like an omega while being an alpha the whole time. I scoffed and picked up the pace as I ran around the field. I was still getting used to this. It made me look at everyone differently, I didn’t feel the need to be so…humble…anymore.

I sighed, and came to a stop before the king who was carrying my son. He was probably the happiest of everybody in all of this. There has been a Permanent smile on Leovanni’s face as he witnessed the whole activities. Apparently, this was way more fun for him to watch than some cartoon his mates preferred watching.


He cooed, and reached out his hands to me. I kissed his tiny fingers, and went up to I and Leo’s room, and jumped in the shower. I stood under the blast of liquid, and sighed as the hot water massaged the knots in my shoulders, and my legs. I sighed in relief as I felt all the grime and sweat begin to wash off of me. I heard the bathroom door open, and blushed as Leo stepped in in all his naked glory. I couldn’t help but blush, no matter how many times we were intimate, I would never get over the sight of seeing him naked. He chuckled as he slid open the shower slide, and got into the space with me.

I smiled at him. “Hey.”

“Hi…” He wrapped his arms around me, and buried his nose in my neck. “Do you feel sore?”

I surveyed my body, and shook my head.

“Good. Because you’re ready.”


“You’re ready to fight your uncle.”

I cringed when he called him that. I never thought of that man as a relative, not even when I have confirmed that I am in fact his relative. I’d rather chew stone.

“Don’t call him that…”

“Alright…” Leo chuckled. “When do you want I do this?”

I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. I don’t think I could ever be ready for this. But this was just something that needed to be done. It was for the greater good.

“I’ll be ready in five days.”

“You’ll be fine. I promise,” Leo said and pulled me closer to him.

I nodded, and leaned back against him. “What is the next step?”

“You said five days. I would call for a council meeting after this shower, and we’ll meet in three days. Unfortunately, he cannot be challenged just like that,” Leo said, snapping his fingers.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“We have to convince the council that the duel is needed.”

“What if they disagree?” I asked.

“There are two options. One, retreat and let that bastard keep the throne forever. Two, go to war with the wolves and wipe out the royal family.”Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Wow. I didn’t know that.”

“Now you do. You will need to be present at the meeting.”

“Why?!” I was shocked.

I didn’t plan to be anywhere near him until it was time to fight.

“You’re the one dueling for the throne. You have to be at the meeting.”

“But why must they be consulted?”

“One of the roles of the council is to maintain peace. If we disrupt that peace by challenging without consulting them, we can be found guilty of trying to disrupt that peace and they will send an army after us. Wolves, vampires and humans. We don’t want that,” Leo stated.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I was about to fight the king of wolves; what was one stupid meeting that I couldn’t handle? Besides, it’s a gathering of old people, how bad could it be?

“So, you’re trying to tell us that he isn’t the rightful owner of the throne?” A councilman said, pointing towards the werewolf King where he sat on the other side of the rather large and round conference table.

“Yes,” I said.

“And how do you know this?”

“My mother told me.”

My hands balled into fists as laughter bubbled from Prince William.

“Your mother was a lowly peasant and is dead. How did she get the information to give to you?”

“My adopted mother was the one who raised me. My birth mother is Queen Mirabelle Brown.”

The werewolf king sat up in his chair, how eyes widened with surprise. I couldn’t help but smile.

“That’s not possible…” he said.

“Why do you say so?”

“She’s dead. She didn’t have a child with my brother,” the king answered.

“No. You simply didn’t know they had a child.”

“There’s no proof of that!!!” King Alexander slammed his hands on the table.

“There is…” Leo said, pulling out all the documents that we had come with, and sliding them across the table to the councilors.

They flipped through the pages and their eyes opened in shock.

“In addition to that…”

I pulled out the necklace that my birth mother had given to me in the dream, and held it up. I had found out that it wasn’t just any jewelry but the royal jewel. It was passed down from Queen to Queen. It wasn’t just any piece of jewelry, and everyone in the room knew it.

“Where did you get that?” King Alexander asked in a shushed tone.

“Oh, this…” I laughed, and wore the necklace round my neck, turning around for Leo to fasten the clasp.

“Even if you’re my brother’s child, you can’t take the throne. I am already seated on it, and I have heirs,” He said smugly.

“Yes. But I think we’re forgetting one critical law that is almost as old as us wolves.”

“And what is that?”

“I wish to challenge you, King Alexander to a duel for the throne of my father.”

Silence greeted my declaration, and then almost at once, the room erupted in laughter. The humans, King Alexander and his wolves that had accompanied him. They doubled over, and laughed to their hearts content.

“Child…” King Alexander drawled. “You can’t be serious. I’ll crush you before you can call for mommy.”

He threw his head back and laughed again.

“That’s for me to worry about. Do you accept the challenge?”

King Alexander sat back in his chair and crossed his legs. “Why would I accept it? Why would I waste my precious time fighting a little brat? It’s unbecoming or a king.”

“Well, that means you’re afraid of a little girl. What will your subjects think? They’ll call you a coward. One who hides in the face of battle. You’ll be labeled as a scaredy-cat cat that couldn’t even grow the balls to fight the daughter of his brother whom he murdered in cold blood.”

I could see the anger in his face, and I smiled. I could tell this his pride was bruised. That was exactly what I was hoping for. Alpha males were very prideful creatures. This confirmed it.

“Fine. I’ll agree to this ruse that you want us to play. I’ll try not to end you too quickly. You won’t win,” He declared.

“We’ll see, your majesty.”

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