Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 72 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 72 Two Months

Mallory’s POV

Per my usual routine of late, I woke up nauseated, rushing to the bathroom to empty my stomach. Today though, there was more than one reason for my abdominal gymnastics. Today, I was leaving Black Moon territory for the first time since my attempted abduction. Today, I would find out if my pup had only two or all three of the Alpha triplets as potential dads.

“Feeling better?” Clay asked, coming into the bathroom just as I was brushing my teeth.

I gave him a wilting look before spitting into the sink.

“I usually get a reprieve around mid- morning but given the events of the day, I’m not sure the butterflies are likely to settle down at all. Do I have time for a shower before we go?”

“Of course, love. Take your time.” Clay answered, kissing my temple then bending over to address my belly. “Be nice to your mom, little one. She could use a break.”

He kissed my belly and left me to my shower. I let the warm water ease the tension in my muscles. Logically, I knew I had nothing to worry about. I would be with my mates and they would keep me safe. I just wished we didn’t have to go so far from home.

Then there was the paternity issue. I tried to cling to Clay’s and Cary’s reassurances that it didn’t matter who the father was. But seeing was believing so I wouldn’t truly feel that weight lifted until we knew for sure. Part of me still worried that as soon as the doctor laid out the timeline, they would change their tune.

I met the guys in the kitchen after I dressed and we all walked out together. Based on all the activity surrounding the three vehicles traveling with us, you would think we were dignitaries with our own motorcade. My eyes widened at the sight of several large guns being loaded into one of them.

“Don’t worry, daring. It’s just a precaution.” Cary assured me.

“I’m not worried.” I lied. “I’ve just never seen a real gun before.” That part was true.

“I wish we didn’t have to use them. Most honorable wolves wouldn’t. Unfortunately, we can’t trust Alpha Quade to be an honorable wolf.” His low growl left no doubt how he felt about the man.

We rode in the middle SUV with a driver and another warrior up front, The other two cars held four warriors each. It was all a bit much if you asked me but no one had. So I did my best to relax and ignore all the fanfare.

My mates were worried that Quade might have eyes on all the exits. If he did, our little parade would be a dead giveaway that someone worth protecting was traveling. But Clay said he would rather make a statement that I was well protected than risk traveling without security and blindly hope we weren’t detected.

“So who is this doctor you’re taking me to?” I asked Cary, nervous about seeing a doctor I didn’t know.

I’d known all the doctors in Black Moon since childhood so there was a comfort level there. But I guess something could be said for not having a man you’ve known since you were a pup seeing your lady parts then seeing them at dinner that night. Maybe a female doctor I’d never met would be a good thing.

“Her name is Emily Diaz. She’s really great and well-respected in the field of obstetrics. I think you’ll like her.” Cary said.

“You must know her pretty well if you were able to get us an appointment for the very next day with just a phone call.” I observed belatedly.

“Not that well.” Cary mumbled.

Well that didn’t sound suspicious at all. Insert eyeroll here.

“Mal has a point. We’re taking our mate to see this doctor, entrusting her with our unborn pup. How do you know her brother?” Clay inserted.

“I met her at a bar.” He rushed out, hoping to gloss over that detail. “But I reviewed her credentials. She really does have a great reputation.”

I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped at the implication of that information.

“You’re taking the mother of your pup to be seen by one of your former hook-ups!” I accused, my voice escalating to a high-pitched screech.

“I-,” He closed his mouth, turning to stare out the window, refusing to meet my eyes.

“Turn the car around!” I demanded. “I don’t need a doctor that badly. We can wait until I find another doctor. Preferably one you haven’t slept with!”

I unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed over Clay to sit on his other side. I had been sandwiched between them but I didn’t want to be anywhere near Cary at the moment. I was so pissed! At him for being so thoughtless and at myself for letting the hurt look on his face make me feel guilty.

“It was a long time ago, Mal. I honestly didn’t think about it.” Cary twiddled his thumbs in his lap, his eyes trained on them like they were the most fascinating things he’d ever seen. “I was just so excited about the pup and I want you both to have the best care. That was my only motivation, I swear!”

“Please, little wolf.” Clay begged. ” Don’t you want to see our pup? Cary can wait in the car if it makes you feel better.”

I could see the driver glancing at us in the rearview mirror, waiting for instructions from his Alphas on whether to turn around or stay the course. But they were waiting on me to decide. I did want to see the pup and I was anxious to know my due date. I supposed I could endure an hour with one of Cary’s exes. It wasn’t like I could avoid the whole female population forever anyway.

“Fine.” I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. “But only because we’d probably have to go three states over to find a female doctor he hasn’t slept with.”

“Thank you, baby.” Clay kissed my head and pried my arms apart to hold my hand.

The rest of the trip was spent in silence. I may have been brooding a little. I was well aware of Cary’s past exploits and I chose to accept him anyway so I knew it wouldn’t be fair to keep holding that over him. I just didn’t expect to come face to face with one so soon, and especially not in the form of my OB doc. I thought that entitled me to at least a small pout.

Our convoy of vehicles pulled up right in front of the City General Hospital where Dr. Diaz practiced. My passenger door opened but where I expected to find one of our warriors, Cary stood waiting for me instead. I refused to meet his gaze as I slid out of my seat.

“I’m so sorry, darling.” He whispered, wrapping me in his arms and holding me to his chest. “I would take it all back if I could. But you should know nothing before you mattered. My heart didn’t truly start beating until I held you in my arms. You’re the only woman I ever have or ever will love.”

“I do know that.” I replied, resting my forehead on his chest and letting his scent calm me and my wolf. “I’d just rather not have your past staring me in the face, literally.”

“I understand. I wouldn’t like that either if I were you. I promise the minute you feel uncomfortable, we’ll leave.”

“I’ll be fine. Let’s go!”

I clasped his hand in mine and Clay took my other hand as we walked into the building together. Cary checked us in and we took a seat. My nerves had returned tenfold and I hadn’t even realized I was practically bouncing in my seat until Clay put his hand on my knee to hold me still.

“Mrs. Collins.” The receptionist called.

I gave Cary a sideways glance to see him smirking like an idiot.

“It will be true soon enough. Minor technicality.” He said.

We were led back to a room and I was given a gown to change into. Both my mates eagerly assisted me in changing, especially the part that involved getting naked. Then they helped me onto the exam table to wait for the doctor to come in.

A few minutes later, a petite woman with curly blond hair and a winning smile walked into the room. Raven was growling in my head at the idea that this woman had been with her mate, forcing me to swallow the growl building in my chest. But as she came closer, I could see a mate mark on her neck and it helped to ease my mind knowing she’d no longer be interested in Cary.

“Mallory? I’m Dr. Diaz, but please call me Emily.” She held out her hand to me, completely ignoring my mates and making me her sole focus.

I was starting to like her already.

“Nice to meet you.” I greeted. “Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.”

“Of course! I’m happy to be of service to the future Luna of Black Moon! Now, I just have a few questions for you, then I’ll do an exam and we’ll take a look at your pup.” She explained.

She asked me how I’d been feeling and before I could respond, both my mates answered for me.

“Tired.” Clay told her.

“Sick.” Cary tattled. “She vomits every morning.”

“That’s all normal.” She assured them.

“But there are some things you can try that might help. And we can always consider medication if it gets too bad.”Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“But she’s lost weight. That can’t be healthy.” Cary worried.

“Not if it continues, but a little bit early on is expected. Let’s take a look at this pup and I’ll know more about how worried we should be. Now, lie back for me momma.” She instructed.

I did as she said, Clay and Cary coming to stand on either side of me, eyes glued to the ultrasound screen.

“Depending on how far along you are, I may or may not be able to tell. But if I can, do you want to know the sex?” She asked.

“What do you want, little wolf?” Clay checked with me.

“I think I want it to be a surprise. Is that okay?” I looked back and forth between the two of them to gauge their response.

“That’s perfect, darling.” Cary agreed and Clay nodded.

“Surprise it is.” I confirmed for Dr. Diaz.

She ran the wand over my belly, swirling it around a few times but so far, I hadn’t seen anything of note on the screen. Then suddenly, a whooshing sound filled the room, fast and furious, almost like it was echoing. That was immediately followed by a distinctly discernible hand coming into view.

Then another hand, and a foot, and an adorable little round head. I was in awe, looking at our pup. But my awe quickly turned to panic when another head and more hands became visible. That couldn’t be right. My mates apparently thought the same.

“Isn’t that too many body parts?”

Clay’s tense tone belied his worry.

“Actually, it’s just the right amount of parts.” Emily confirmed. “For triplets.”

“What?” Clay asked, dumbfounded.

“Fuck, yeah!” Cary celebrated.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” І announced.

The doctor wiped off my belly and my mates helped me to a sitting position. Cary wisely picked up the trash can and set it next to me. I just stared straight ahead, unable to process the information, until Emily spoke again and I snapped to attention.

“I’m actually surprised you aren’t showing more with three babies of that gestational age, but that may be due to your nutritional deficits. We’ll keep an eye on it but they seem healthy for now.”

“What do you mean ‘gestational age’? How far along am I?” It was the moment of truth.

“Based on measurements, you appear to be right at two months pregnant. As you know, shifter pregnancies are longer than full wolves but shorter than humans. That puts you due in about three and a half months but with triplets, you could deliver as early as four and a half months. We’ll have to keep you under close observation when we get to that point. ”

She continued talking but her words fell away. All I could hear was “two months.” That meant Colton could be the biological father. I would have to tell him. Fuck!

Emily stepped out so I could get dressed. As soon as she left the room, I waited for my mates to say something, expecting the worst. But they were nothing but excited.

“Triplets! Can you believe it? Three pups!” Clay enthused.

“Of course I believe it! My boys are excellent swimmers!” Cary’s response reflected his usual narcissism.

“We’ll have to ask mom what to expect since she has experience carrying triplets.” Clay added.

“Aren’t you excited, darling? I know it’s a lot but we’ll be here to help you every step of the way.” Cary vowed.

“Um, yeah. I’m excited. Just a bit overwhelmed.” That was a reasonable response, right?

Emily came back in, interrupting our conversation which I was glad of. I needed more time to wrap my head around the news. She walked me across the hall to the bathroom to give a urine sample and told me to meet her back in the room when I’d finished. I was thankful for a few minutes to myself, even if I had to pee in a cup to get it.

When I was done, I exited the bathroom to find a gentleman wearing a lab coat and a stethoscope around his neck waiting for me.

“Hi, Mrs. Collins. I’m one of the nurses here. Dr. Diaz asked me to escort you to her office. They needed the room for another patient.” He explained.

“Oh, okay.”

I followed him down the hall then turned down another hall lined with offices rather than exam rooms. We passed door after door but it didn’t register that something wasn’t right until I saw the green exit sign at the end of the corridor.

“Where are you-” I looked over my shoulder to ask but before I could get the words out, I felt a prick in my neck and the floor fell out from under my feet.

My eyelids refused to stay open but I felt the cool outside air on my face just before the world went black.

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