Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 71 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 71 Changes

Mallory’s POV

As I waddled from the bed to the shower, I was seriously questioning the wisdom of my words to Clay last night. Admitting the pup would be safe no matter how hard he fucked me seemed a little short-sighted on my part now that I could barely walk for the ache between my legs.

Deciding what I really needed was a soak in a warm bath, I grabbed my favorite bath salts and headed for the tub. Unfortunately, I’d only taken a couple of steps before the pup in my belly diverted my plans. The bath products I’d been carrying hit the ground with a resounding thud as I made a mad dash for the toilet.

I heard the bathroom door hit the wall with a bang as someone flung it open but I was too busy spilling my guts into the toilet to spare them a glance. I hadn’t even had breakfast yet and somehow this kid was offended by my stomach contents.

A cool rage was placed on the back of my neck by one of my mates while the other gathered my hair and held it back in a ponytail while I hung my head over the porcelain bowl, my stomach still roiling.

“How long has she been like this?” Clay sounded strained, like a rubber band stretched to its limit about to snap.

“A few days at least.” Cary answered him, an uneasy undercurrent in his tone.

“Is this normal? Shouldn’t we take her to the doctor?” Clay fretted.

“How the fuck would I know what’s normal for an expectant she-wolf? And I tried to take her to the doctor but she won’t go.” Cary protested.

“The fuck she won’t!” Clay’s low growl set my teeth on edge.

“She is right here and can make her own decisions.” I snipped, snatching the rag off my neck to clean my face.

Cary helped me to my feet and sought to wrap his arms around me but I wriggled free. I did my best to walk normally to the sink to clean my mouth so they wouldn’t know I was sore. The last thing I needed was to give them another reason to go all protective Alpha on me.

When I headed for the bathtub, Clay was there two steps ahead of me, already turning the faucet on. I stripped off the nightgown someone had slipped on me during the night and lifted my leg to step in, wincing at the ache that flared in my pussy with the movement.

“Are you okay? What hurts, darling?” Cary was already turning side to side, his eyes roaming over me in search of an injury.

“Why are you naked?” I answered him with a question, amused to see he and Clay had both undressed.

“We were going to get in with you. Is that okay?” Clay gave me his best puppy -dog eyes so of course I agreed.

How could a grown man, a very masculine, hard-bodied man with very adult parts, melt me with his boyish smile. If being pregnant with their pup meant they were going to cling to me like toddlers with separation anxiety, I couldn’t promise any of us would survive the next few months unscathed. Would I ever bathe alone again?

“You didn’t answer me! Where are you hurt?” Cary was like a dog with a bone.

“I’m not hurt!” I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly to keep from biting his head off. “I’m just sore, um…down there.”

Clay chuckled, a self-satisfied smirk plastered on his face, then lifted me up and lowered me into the tub. He stepped in behind me and settled me between his legs while Cary sat facing us. He watched with hungry eyes as Clay soaped a cloth and proceeded to slide it up and down my thighs.

“Since it’s my fault your poor pussy is so sore, it’s only fair that I soothe away the pain.” Clay’s husky voice in my ear sent tingles straight to my core.

He gently ran the cloth through my folds, the material a thin barrier between my sensitive flesh and his fingers. He circled my entrance with one cloth covered finger then dragged it up to my clit, already swollen and aching for his touch.

My head fell back on his shoulder and his dipped to my neck where he left hot, open-mouthed kisses from my ear to my shoulder. His tongue swirled along my skin, leaving gooseflesh in its wake as he went.

Not one to be left out, Cary leaned in to suck one nipple into his mouth while massaging my other breast.

“Are these bigger? I think they’re bigger.” He observed, thumbing the hardened peaks while weighing them in his palm.

“So sensitive.” I moaned, arching into his touch.

“Mm, I think we’re very much going to enjoy all the way’s our little wolf’s body is changing. Don’t you brother?”

“Mmhm.” Cary responded, his mouth full of my tit.

Clay had abandoned all pretense of washing me, having dropped the rag in favor of skin to skin contact. I had a vice grip on his thighs, my nails digging into his skin as he worked my clit in tight little circles. Between his magic fingers and Cary’s tongue flicking my pointy-tipped nipples, I came undone in record time.

A long sensual moan broke free as I came on Clay’s hand. My body sagged against him and he stroked my arms, soothing me as I came down. My eyelids fluttered open to see Cary watching me with an almost worshipful expression.

His thick cock bobbed in the water between us, the swollen head dripping with cum. Clay’s own impressive length pressed hard and hot against my back. I reached for them both but Clay’s hand circled my wrist and trapped my arms beneath his.

“That was compensation for using you so roughly last night. Now you’re going to relax while we wash your body for real this time. Then, once you’re all clean and dry, we’re all going to have a conversation.” He declared in a tone that brooked no argument.

“I didn’t use her roughly.” Cary pouted but relented when his brother snarled at him.

Clay washed and conditioned my hair while Cary cleaned every inch of my skin very thoroughly. Briefly my mind drifted to ways Colton might participate if he were to join us but I shut down that line of thinking before it could sour my mood. I was far too relaxed and sated to ruin it by wishing for something that would never happen.

When Cary lifted me from the tub and Clay wrapped me in the world’s softest towel, I sighed in contentment. A girl could definitely get used to that kind of pampering. Suddenly their over the top attentiveness throughout my pregnancy didn’t seem so bad.

“Now, you’re going to rest while we get your breakfast.” Cary ordered, setting me on the bed and plumping the pillows behind me.

“But I’m not-” I started to argue but Clay’s warning growl had my mouth snapping shut.

“Just something light, little wolf.” His tone softened. “You need to eat for our pup.”Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay.” I nodded.

He was right. Now that I knew my symptoms were related to growing a life and not some random virus, I needed to take better care of myself. So when they came back with a croissant, some fruit, and a glass of juice, I did my best to coax my non-existent appetite out of hiding.

“Good girl.” Clay praised when I managed to eat half the croissant.

They’d planted themselves on either side of me and watched every bite I took like it was an award-winning performance. I wanted to roll my eyes but decided it would be rude to demean them for following their instincts.

“We need to talk, darling. We’re over the moon about this pup but we can’t pretend like it doesn’t change things.” Cary decided it was time to address the elephant in the room.

“Like what things?” I challenged.

“You going anywhere near Alpha Quade’s territory for one.” Clay’s adamant tone was just short of a bark. ” I hated the idea before I knew you were pregnant. Now, there’s no way I’ll let you put my pup in danger.”

“I would never put our pup in danger!” I said indignantly. “How could you think I’d be selfish enough to take that kind of risk?”

“I’m sorry, little wolf.” He apologized. “Gunner is going nuts. He’s in full Alpha mode and I’m having a hard time separating his responses from mine.”

“So what does that mean for my parents’ pack?” I asked, accepting his explanation for his outburst.

“We’ll meet with Nathan to rework the plan. Nothing will change except for your participation.” Cary assured me and Clay nodded in agreement.

“Okay. But can we just say I changed my mind? I’m not ready to tell anyone about the baby yet.”

“Why not?” Clay sounded defensive. ” Are you not proud to be carrying our pup?”

“That’s not it at all!” I rebutted.

“Then what is it, Mal? We’re ready to shout it from the rooftops and you want to hide it. Why?” He demanded.

“She doesn’t want Colton to find out.” Cary answered for me.

“Please. Just until we hear what the doctor has to say.” I pleaded.

“Done! I’ll call the infirmary and tell them we’re on our way.” Clay offered.

“People talk, Clayton.” I wasn’t sure how much of my growing aggravation was due to surging hormones or just plain being over his attitude. “How long do you think it would be until the news leaked to him? Are you going to use your Alpha bark on all of them, forbid them to speak?”

“I know a doctor in the city.” Cary interjected. “I’ll give her a call and see if she can see us.”

“It’s too dangerous to take her out of the territory.” Clay was ready to shut the idea down.

“It’s not without risks.” Cary agreed. But there are ways to mitigate it. We can take an unmarked car and a few warriors. Plus, no one would expect us to leave with her so there’s no reason to think they would assume she was with us.”

“Fine. Call her.” Clay grumbled.

Cary left the room to make his call, leaving Clay and I alone to weather the uncomfortable silence. He heaved a heavy sigh then pulled me into his lap and rested his chin on my head.

“I’m really not trying to make this difficult for you, little wolf.” His tone was remorseful. “You, and now our pup, are the most precious things in the world to me. I lose my mind a little when I think about something happening to you.”

“I know. And I don’t want to make you worry. I just feel like so much is out of my control. Not even my body is my own anymore. I need to tell Colton in my own time and that means ensuring he doesn’t find out until I’m ready.”

“This sexy body hasn’t been yours since the day our bond snapped in.” He teased, tickling my sides while I tried to wriggle away from him. “It belongs to me, and Cary, and-”

“We’re all set for tomorrow!” Cary announced as he reentered the room, cutting his brother off.

But I was too distracted by Clay’s almost statement to acknowledge him. His eyes were blown wide, a look of shock on his face like he couldn’t believe what he almost said. Cary looked back and forth between us, his brow furrowed. I gave a little shake of my head to warn him off and thankfully, he moved on.

“Did you guys hear me? We have an appointment to get a look at our pup tomorrow!” He repeated enthusiastically.

He and Clay left to make arrangements for our trip, insisting I stay in bed and rest. I grabbed the novel I’d been trying to read from the bedside table and tried to pick up where I left off but my mind kept wandering.

I rested my hands over my still flat tummy, trying to imagine the little life growing there.

“No offense baby of mine, but I sure hope you haven’t been in there as long as I think you have. It would make mom’s life a lot less complicated. But I promise your dads and I will love you either way.”

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