Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 101 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 101 Dirty Secrets

Mallory’s POV

I was so anxious I was about to crawl out of my skin. The nerves weren’t helping my already roiling stomach. My mates were already threatening to boycott the trial on the grounds of my fragile health. I had no doubt if I vomited one more time, Clay would actually follow through on the threat.

Forcing myself to swallow back the bile that kept trying to sneak it’s way out, I finished getting ready and poured all my focus into blocking my discomfort from the bond. Failing to show up today, for any reason, even a valid one, wouldn’t bode well for us. I needed to keep my shit together long enough to get through the day, no matter what it held for our future.

“Tell me the plan one more time.” Colton paced anxiously as the rest of us huddled together at our kitchen table, one last meeting before we headed into the city.

“I’m going to testify first.” Darcy answered with a surprisingly steady voice.

Braden, her mate, beamed down at her, She still looked frail from her ordeal and she was extremely skittish, startling at the slightest noise. But it was easy to see her mate’s unwavering strength had been good for her. She had a long way to go but I was starting to have hope that she could heal from her ordeal. I just hoped being forced to relive it today wouldn’t set her back.

“I’ll testify next, relating my experience of being taken from the hospital to quade’s compound. Then I’ll move into what I experienced there and what I witnessed happening to Darcy.” I chimed in next. “Then I’ll end with what happened when Quade tried to force the bond. I don’t remember much after that anyway.”

“We can testify to the state we found you in.” Cary growled. “But I think we all know that won’t carry much weight. None of it will if Miles has his way. That’s why it’s imperative he not find out the Omegas are there and prepared to testify until the very last minute.”

“I’ll slip out while you are wrapping up to let Nathan know it’s time to bring the ladies inside.” Braden added helpfully.

We didn’t have a pack link with Nathan and no phones were allowed in the courtroom so one of us would have to find a way to speak to him face to face. Braden was the only one who wasn’t legally obligated to be there so it made sense it would be him but Darcy visibly flinched when he mentioned leaving her. I squeezed her hand, reminding her she wouldn’t be alone for the short period he was gone.

Timing was everything in pulling this off. If Miles knew they were there, I had no doubt he would send someone to ensure they never made it inside. Best case scenario, Evelyn testified against her brother and the other three Council members believed her, arrested him, and we were all allowed to go home. Regina’s testimony might not even be needed.

Worst case, they don’t believe any of us. I didn’t even want to contemplate what would happen then.

“Mallory, tell me what you’re going to do if it all goes to shit.” Colton demanded.

“Go with Braden. He will sneak Darcy and I out while you create a distraction.” I reiterated the plan.

One I didn’t intend to follow. There was no way I was going to run and hide while my mates went to prison. But I also knew nothing good would come of telling them so.

“Good girl.” Clay nodded. “Nathan will meet you when the dust settles and get you somewhere safe.”

I looked away before any of them could see the lie in my eyes. I had no idea what I was going to do, but that wasn’t it. For now, I would just hope our plan worked.

After the meeting, Nathan took Darcy and Braden out to the car, giving my mates and I a few minutes alone. They all surrounded me, pressing close and trying to send reassuring vibes through our bond. In their minds, this could be their last chance to hold me if things didn’t go our way.

“I love you so much, little Omega.” Colton purred. “No matter what happens, I’m forever thankful for every moment I’ve had with you. You’re going to be an amazing mother to our pups and I’ll always have peace knowing they have you.”

He kissed me deep and long, then held me tight for a moment longer before stepping aside and letting Clay take his place.

“You’re my everything, little wolf.” He ran his thumb along my cheek, a look of pure adoration in his eyes. “If it all goes to hell today, I’ve already had more joy in this life than I ever deserved. Make sure our pups know their daddies love them. And never, ever doubt my love for you.”

Tears welled up in his eyes and it almost broke me then and there. My strong, stoic mate rarely crumbled. Seeing him on the brink now made the danger of never being with him again all too real.

“You’re going to be just fine, my sweet darling.” Cary brushed away the lone tear that escaped. “You are so strong. I know you can survive anything. I have faith we’re going to win today, but if we don’t just know, there’s no life I won’t

find you in. Keep yourself and our pups safe. And know I’m thinking of you every minute of every day.”

He kissed the top of my head then rested his cheek on it, breathing me in while I sniffled into his shirt. We shared one more group hug before joining Nathan and the others at the car. From that point on, I kept my emotions locked down tight and didn’t trust myself to speak.

The mood was somber as we filed into the Council courtroom but the anxious energy buzzing under my skin was nerve-wracking. Colton helped me into a chair and took the one next to me but I couldn’t sit still. My leg bounced and my foot tapped, sending an echo through the room that mirrored the hammer pounding against my skull.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“Don’t let him see you like this.” Colton placed a steady hand on my thigh. “That’s what he wants, to know you fear his power over you. Don’t give it to him, love.”

That was all I needed to hear to get my anxiety in check. There was no universe in which I’d willingly give Miles McIntyre power over me. He would not win. No matter what I had to do, or how long it took, I would never let that happen.

“Well. I half expected you to run. It seems we won’t have the pleasure of a hunt after all.” Miles sneered as he and the others filed in and took their seats.

“That’s enough, Councilman.” Arthur Owens took charge again. “Despite your mind-boggling determination to behave otherwise, this is not a personal grievance but a legal proceeding and will be conducted as such from here on out. Is that clear?”

“Of course.” Miles’ fury burning just below the surface was plain to see despite his plastic smile.

“Wonderful.” Arthur’s tone belied his impatience with his co-council. “Now, since our last meeting was preliminary, you’ll be given an opportunity to restate any testimony previously given and provide any additional information you deem relevant. Are there any questions before we begin?”

I had plenty of questions, the first of which being why we were even here defending ourselves in the first place, but I knew the answers weren’t going to be forthcoming so chose to hold my tongue. Satisfied that he’d given us ample opportunity to ask, Arthur invited us to begin.

I watched with rapt attention as Darcy testified. She was much more assertive in her claims and much more confident under questioning than she had been last time. Arthur, Roselyn Martin, and Nora Connely all listened attentively as she spoke, even grimacing as she related some of the more gruesome details.

It was no surprise Miles’ mind seemed to be elsewhere. We all knew his mind was already made up and we all knew why. I just hoped his distraction meant he’d truly be caught off guard when his sister strolled in and knocked him off his high horse.

Once Darcy finished, I was invited to speak. I delivered my testimony just as we’d rehearsed then sat down close to Darcy, hoping to calm her with my presence. Cary stood up to speak and as soon as he did, Braden quietly slipped out.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I panicked internally when Miles followed Braden’s exit then seemed to furiously type something on his phone.

I could feel the apprehension rolling off Cary as his testimony wound down and there was still no sign of Nathan or the Omegas. He was looking around covertly while trying to draw out his tale. I wasn’t sure, but it appeared the Council members were starting to catch on too by the way they narrowed their eyes at him.

“Mr. Collins,” Miles addressed Cary, purposely omiting his Alpha title, ” unless you have anything new to add, I’m going to have to ask you to conclude your testimaony and we’ll move into the deliberation phase. I know I’ve personally yet to hear anything compelling.”

The look of terror on Cary’s face was enough to make me tremble in fear. Something had gone wrong. Our bond was a hornet’s nest of emotions, the most prominent being regret. We’d had a good plan, but it somehow failed, and now our lives would be ripped apart because of it.

“Right. I guess I have my answer.” Miles announced smugly when Cary failed to respond. “I move to con-”

Suddenly Braden came stomping in and dropped into the chair next to Darcy, practically yanking her into his lap and faceplanting in her hair. His hair was a mess, his shirt was torn and he was dripping in sweat.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Arthur demanded.

“Ask him!” Braden pointed a thick digit in Miles’ direction.

“I assure you I have no idea what he’s referring to.” Miles shrugged in Arthur’s direction.

“I beg to differ, brother!” Evelyn spit the title like the use of it offended her.

She was leaning heavily on Nathan as she limped to the front of the room. He looked a bit worse for wear himself, one eye quickly purpling and his lip split and bleeding.

“Someone better explain what the hell is going on here, right this second!” Arthur bellowed.

“Isn’t it obvious? This bout of theatrics is clearly their last ditch effort to derail these proceedings to avoid conviction.” Miles accused.

“You always were a pathological liar, Miles. I guess I should be thankful our parents aren’t around to see what a disappointment you are.” Evelyn jeered at him then turned to address the other Council members. “My name is Evelyn McIntyre. Unfortunately, Miles is my brother. I have some information about him that I think you’ll find relevant to this hearing.”

“Please, go on.” Nora prompted, looking almost giddy at the prospect of learning all Miles’ dirty secrets.

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