Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 100 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 100 Wild Animals

Cary’s POV

We made the decision to stay in Hazelwood until the trial. It allowed us to keep an eye on the Omegas who’d finally agreed to testify for us and help Nathan settle in as the new pack Alpha. We didn’t think anyone knew we were harboring the women but I had no doubt if Miles found out, there would be an attempt on their lives.

After a lot of heated discussion, we’d finally all agreed it was best not to do anything that might call attention to the location or even acknowledge the existence of the mercury cache. Our little mate had fought us tooth and nail on that point and I couldn’t blame her for that. It was hard for her to accept that her parents had been murdered for it.

Ignoring its existence like it hadn’t been the sole reason their lives were destroyed felt like a personal insult to her. She wanted it eradicated before anyone else could be hurt because of it. But to destroy it required visiting the site and it would be too easy to be followed. I had no doubt Miles was having the Hazelwood borders watched, waiting for us to slip up.

Unfortunately, the additional time spent here was taking a toll on Mallory, both physically and emotionally. Our pups were growing quickly but Mal was still nauseated and often exhausted. Couple that with the emotional strain of sifting through the remnants of her parents lives, or lack thereof, and she was at the end of her rope. Something that had us more and more worried everyday.

“I need you to eat something, little wolf.” I heard Clay fussing over Mallory in the other room.

“I’m not hungry, Clayton!” She argued with him. “You try eating while three gremlins are squirming around in your belly.”

“It sounds like world war three is about to erupt in the kitchen. We’d better go intervene before he ties her up and force feeds her.” Colton chuckled dryly.

He probably had a point. He’d threatened it before, and I knew enough of my brother to believe him capable of it. But our little mate had a stubborn streak and she could definitely hold her own against her most dominant mate.

“Yeah, let’s go.” I agreed. “She’s just as likely to rip his balls off as to let him bully her. It might be entertaining to watch but she’d regret it later if we let that happen.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Colton asked when we entered the kitchen, lifting her out of her chair and sitting her in his lap.

He knew exactly what was wrong and probably even agreed with Clay when it came to her nutrition. But Colton was the weak link in our armor and Mallory knew it. She wrapped herself around him like a wet blanket and the smug fucker grinned like an idiot. He’d probably let her starve to death if it was between that and forcing her to do something she didn’t want to do.

“Talk to your brother about that. He’s obsessed with feeding me.” She grumbled into his chest where her face was buried..

“I just want to take care of you and the pups.” Clay kneeled down beside her, lookingas repentant as he was capable of, which wasn’t much. “I’m sorry if I’m upsetting you, love.”

That was all it took for Mal to break out in tears. Which started a change reaction because that was all it took for me to snap. I scooped her out of Colton’s arms and into mine and stomped from the room with her.

“Where are we going?” Mallory sniffled as I carried her straight out the front door of the packhouse.

“I’ve been doing some exploring of the territory and found a place I wanted to show you. Now seems like a good time.” I told her, kissing her head and tucking her in close to my chest.

Mallory sighed and rested her head against my shoulder. I could feel her emotions settle in the bond and it helped calm me and my wolf. I wanted to be her place of refuge, her safe place to land, and lately I felt like I was failing. We all did.

“None of this is your fault.” Mallory seemed to read my mind. “You, Colton and Clay are taking excellent care of me. It’s just a lot all at once, you know.”

“A lot?” I snorted. “Darling, you went from thinking your mate had cheated on you to learning you were pregnant with triplets, to being kidnapped to being accused of conspiring to kill your kidnapper. That’s not a lot. That’s insanity!

“You’re entitled to a little meltdown here and there. No one blames you for it. But that’s what you have us for. To help you get back up again. We love you, sweet girl”

“I love you too.” She smiled, cupping my face in her hand. “Sometimes I wish I was just an Omega. I know Colton calls me little Omega because he wants me to know he accepts me even if I hadn’t turned out to be an Alpha wolf. But it would be so much easier, you know.

“I could be at home right now, sharing this special time with our moms, resting, and letting the three of you pamper me. I know that’s selfish of me but it’s how I feel sometimes.”

“It’s not selfish, darling. It’s what every pregnant she-wolf wants and it’s exactly what you should have. It’s what my brothers and I are going to ensure you get, as soon as the trial is over.” I promised. “I know Maeve misses you and worries about you being under so much stress. My mom does too.

“If we don’t get you and these babies back to Black Moon soon, the three of us might be excommunicated. I’m pretty sure now that you’re knocked up, we’ve outlived our usefulness as far as our mothers are concerned anyway.”

Mallory giggled at that, a tinkling, melodious sound that made my heart beat faster.

“Don’t worry! I’ll protect you!” Her tone was fierce. “There is no way the three of you are getting out of diaper duty that easily!”

It was my turn to laugh. How had I ever thought I could live without this woman? How had I convinced myself she was just an annoyance worthy of nothing more than my torment. It should have been her scorning me all along. I was never going to forget what a lucky fucker I was!

“Okay, close your eyes!” I instructed as we neared the spot I’d found when I’d let Roan out for a run the other day.

“Alright, they’re closed.” She assured me, plastering her face against my neck.

I walked her out into the middle of the field and gently set her on her feet, framing her back with my hands on her hips to steady her.

“Open your eyes, darling.”

“Oh, Cary!” She gasped. “Oh my Goddess! It’s beautiful!”Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

We were in the middle of the largest field of wildflowers I’d ever seen. Every color of the rainbow swayed together in the wind, Pale pinks and periwinkle blues, lavenders, soft yellows and vibrant oranges sat upon bright green stalks that reached our knees. If we were to sit, we could hide among them and never be found.

“Thank you for bringing me here!” Mallory breathed, turning to slip her arms around my waist and press herself against me. “This is exactly what my soul needed. To see some beauty in the world again.”

She raised up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to mine, sending fire licking through my veins. Everything about her drove me wild, her scent, her soft curves against my hard planes, and especially her taste. Her lips were my guilty pleasure and getting a taste of them was a perfect reward.

I slipped my hands under her ass and lifted her up. She immediately wrapped around me like the good little girl she was and I sank to the ground. What had started as a sweet kiss of gratitude quickly turned heated as I took her lips in a filthy hot claim.

“Fuck me, Cary!” She pressed my shoulders back and fell over me, chasing my lips. “Please! I need you to claim me. Remind me who I belong to.”

I flipped us until she was pinned underneath me, growling into her mouth as I fucked it with my tongue. Roan came forward, demanding to claim his mate and I could feel Raven, Mallory’s wolf, answering his call.

We fucked in the dirt in the middle of that field of flowers like the animals we were. Roan was feral with need, driving me to devour every delectable inch of her. He took her desire to be claimed seriously, sinking his fangs into her neck, her tits, her ass, her thighs. She was marked up from head to toe by the time we were done with her.

Hours later, as I carried her home, Mallory had a satisfied smirk on her face. She looked more content than I’d seen her in weeks and my chest swelled with pride knowing I’d put that look on her face. She was fucking stunning with her hair a gnarled mess, petals and leaves littered through it, and smudges of dirt on her cheeks from when I’d taken her doggy-style, her face pressed into the ground.

She hadn’t complained once at the wild, animalistic ways I’d taken her. In fact I was pretty sure neither of us had come that hard or that many times since the first night we marked her. My wolf was feeling particularly smug.

“Are you happy, darling?” I asked her as we walked back into the house.

“So happy. I really needed today, more than I realized.” She beamed up at me.

“What the fuck happened to you?” Colton roared the minute he spotted us.

He snatched Mal away from me, which was fair since I’d done the same to him earlier. Then his nostrils flared, smelling the evidence of what we’d been up to and he growled, storming away with her.

“Don’t be a sore loser.” I taunted him through our link.

“I’m not!” He snarled back. “I’m taking my little Omega for a warm shower since one of her mates seems to have forgotten she’s pregnant and should be treated like a princess, not rutted into the dirt like an animal.”

“She begged me to be rutted into the dirt.” I shot back. He just huffed and closed the link.

After Colton managed to get her clean, which took much longer than entirely necessary, prompting me to assume he’d done some rutting of his own, Clay actually got her to eat something. I may have pointed out that he had me to thank for working up her appetite which no one appreciated. Then we all fell into bed in an exhausted pile.

I pulled Mallory against me with her back against my chest and rested my hand on her growling belly. She had a little bump now and I loved that her body was expanding to accommodate our pups. Colton laid down facing her and splayed his huge palm out next to mine. Clay was laying between us with Mallory’s using his hard thigh for a pillow. I couldn’t imagine how that was comfortable but she didn’t seem to mind.

No one spoke as we all tried to find sleep, preferring to leave our problems for tomorrow. We’d made it through another day with no major disasters. I’d even managed to take Mallory’s mind off our troubles for a little while. That was something to celebrate.

But with every day that passed, we were one day closer to the trial that would decide our future. It helped to know we had an ace up our sleeve with Evelyn’s testimony. But if the last couple months had taught me anything, it was to never underestimate just how much evil men were capable of.

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