My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter



Bailey's pov Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

" Bailey?" Dad called my name to grasp my attention. With my arms folded and my gaze still outlooking the buildings we pass, I hummed in response.

I can hear dad's loud sigh and felt his eyes to shift me for a split second. " You've been in a slump since morning. Is everything okay?"

He wasn't wrong; I have been in a slump. Today is my birthday and I shouldn't have been. But waking up to no text from Kaleb distressing.

I can't remember the amount of times I checked my phone, hell I even brought my phone in the bathroom with me. I peed, bathed and brushed my teeth, all the while waiting anxiously from a text from my boyfriend.

I had been itching to text him too and ended up caving in and texted him a good morning. He didn't open the message.....which led to no reply. I was.....frustrated and sad. And admittedly even though I tried to smile my way through my family well wishes, I knew they could tell it was fake.

Even Bash who was there via video call could tell. But before they could ask why I was upset, I made an excuse to leave early.

" I'm fine." I told dad in a clipped tone, hoping he'd not question me further. It was embarrassing to have to admit that a mere boy could make me feel this way and change my mood.

" Today is your birthday kiddo." Dad playfully nudged my shoulder. " Be happy. Show off your pretty smile."

I tried to smile, I really did. I knew it was unreasonably of me to act this way when they were all trying to cheer me up.

I sighed, fixing myself in the seat and turn to dad. " I am happy dad. I have the best family, there's nothing more I wish for."

Dad grinned. " Well in that case. Your mom and I made reservations for a family dinner tonight at this newly opened restaurant down town. I'm sure you'll love it."

I nod, smiling and the rest of the ride is stifled with silence. When dad drops me off, I waved him goodbye and watch him drive away. I let out a breath, wondering if I should've called in sick and sulk at home all alone.

" Haapppyy birthday tooo youuu!"

I turn around, flushing as everyone around locked their attention on me and Kristina who was singing. She looked radiant, a wide beam resting proudly on face as she skipped over, singing. " Happy birthday to Baileyyyy.....Happy birthday to you!"

She threw her arms around me and squeezed, making me laugh. " You're so old." She snickered, making me pull away to smack her arm. I narrowed my eyes playfully as I warned. " Watch it."

" Whatever you say birthday girl." She joked, nudging me playfully. I smiled and then something clicked when I realized that I was missing someone. A friend. Well someone who was once a friend.

The smile slips off my face.

Today was the day. And she hadn't bothered to text me or call....

My heart squeezes painfully.

Kristina noticed my expression and her brows furrowed. " Are you okay?"

I nod, forcing out a small smile. She doesn't look convinced but thankfully doesn't question me. Throwing her arm around my shoulder, she guided me to the front doors.

We entered the building with a few walking up to me to wish me happy birthday. I got a bit confused when Kristina tried to hurriedly nudge me away from everyone. I sent her a questioning stare which she replied to with a smile.

" There's something I need to show you. It's in the classroom."

Intrigued, I let her pull me to the classroom, my heart beating with anticipation. When we were only a few steps away, she lets me go and pushed me lightly to the door. " You go in first."

My eyebrows furrowed. She rolls her eyes, smiling and giggled. " I promise there's not a bomb in there but something sweet."

Fascinated, I nod and took in a breath as I eat up the space between me and the door. My fingers curl around the handle and with the breath snagged in my lungs, I pushed it open.

My eyes widen at the sight before me.

My eyes fell on the cake sitting on my desk, the colorful balloons dancing in the air, and Kaleb standing there with a smile that lit up his entire face. Beside him stood Ryan and Mirabella who looked down nervously.

My heart starts to beat quickly in my chest and I find it difficult to breathe.

Did he-

Did he-

"Happy birthday, baby." Kaleb said, his voice filled with warmth and love.

I couldn't stop it, the tears rapidly blurred my vision and I went running toward Kaleb, swinging my arms around him tightly. He lifted me in his arm using one hand and swing me around with a happy chuckle slipping from his throat.

I cried, burying my face in the crook of his neck, thanking him. As he settle me down on my feet, I looked over at Mirabella who played with her fingers nervously before her. Her eyes were avoiding me and I smiled.

I took a step forward and she lift her head when I am beside her. She smiled faintly. " Happy birthday Bails."

My heart skipped and I throw my arms around her, hugging her tightly to me. " I missed you." I cried.

She cling to me, crying. " I missed you too. I'm so sorry I was blind to not see. I see it now. I see it now."

Kristina comes to join in on our hug and we cried for a few before Kaleb wanted my attention once more. He gave me beautiful flowers and told me he baked me the cake that sat prettily....okay crookedly on the desk.

" He spent the entire night trying to bake the perfect cake for you. You should see the way he ruined mom's kitchen to the point she tried to bargain with dad to sell him to replace some of the stuff he destroyed." Mirabella snorted and pointed at the cake. " This wasn't even the tenth cake he made. I think it was the fifteen-

" Okay enough." Kaleb said with embarrassment, his hand pushing at his sister's face.

I smiled at Kaleb fondly, reach over to clutch his shirt and pull him to me. Hopping on my tip-toes I lean toward his face. " Have I told you how much I love you?"

His eyes soften, showing the tenderness he held for me. " I don't mind hearing it every day."

I smiled, my lips brushing his as I whisper. " As long as you say it every day along with me."

As we all laughed and poked fun at the cake Kaleb made, I can't help but smile knowing that I made the right choice after all. I touched the icing and brought my now icing coated finger to my lips.

I licked it and giggled. " It taste good."

Just as I was about to dig in for more, the classroom door opens once more. We all snap our attention to who walked through. It was Stefan with a black box in his hand. It was huge, nearly to his chin and had a red bow on top.

Stefan smiled at me. " Happy birthday Bailey." He set the box on the desk beside mine. " Saw this in front of the school." He looked down at it confused. " It had your name on it, so I figured it was a gift?"

" From who?" Kaleb gritted out, glaring at the box.

I am as confused as him but knew I'd have to come up with something to move the tension that started to brew between the two boys. " It could be from Bash. He did say he ordered something for me. "

I smiled at Stefan. " Thanks."

I walked over to the box, wondering who sent me this. Was it my parents? Grandma Ryn? Grandma Lily?

I opened the box, placing the cover on the chair and started to dig in through the paper shreds when I felt something sharp pierce through and slice my palm. I scream, quickly retracting my hand and managing to knock the box over.

I jump back when a pile of dirt scatter beside my feet, along with shard glass pieces and shredded paper that were now decorated with my crimson blood.

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