M.I N.E endless Love

Chapter 37

He logged into the internet and saw that there were demands of explanation from the public to confirm if Camilla truly was his girlfriend or not.

A faint grin appeared on Rodrigo’s lips, this is the first step in his Revenge. He wanted to assign Joel but remembering what he said in the car earlier, he assigned his chief bodyguard to the task.

Joel had remained quiet that entire morning. He doesn’t know why but felt Camilla was suffering for an unjust cause. He felt she couldn’t do that. Even if she does it, Rodrigo should talk to her and ask her why she did that.

It wasn’t exactly one hour, Joel heard that Rodrigo was holding a press meeting with Journalists. He was surprised. He was doing that and he didn’t know before everyone else?

When the conference Hall was set, Rodrigo stood up and left his office. He walked past Joel and went downstairs. The latter simply followed, he is the boss and he doesn’t have to always inform him before doing anything.

Rodrigo went to the conference Hall of his company and Joel stood at the Presidential entrance. The other bodyguards were with Rodrigo and stood before her.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

” I am grateful that you all made it here within the shortest period of notification” Rodrigo said and paused. He cleared his throat with a slight cough and looked at the four to five journalists present with their microphone at hand.

These few of them were enough. It wouldn’t take ten minutes before the social media would be filled with the news and he would personally sponsor it by all the television stations. The game of revenge was about to begin.

” Concerning what you all heard the previous day, I want to clear your doubts. Camilla Dickson used to be my secretary and an employee of this company.

I won’t deny that I had some intimate moments with her, but in what circumstances did it happen? She was a worthless waitress who sells her body to sustain herself and her family in addition to the meagre salary she earns.

She was actually can whore, a prostitute which I picked up from the more and polished to be my sex slave. She was my puppet unused to satisfy my sexual desires and wants.

I guess the intimacy made her find a way of discovering a little about my privacy and she used it against me. It was an intimacy of duty not based on love.

No man in his right senses should fall in love with a prostitute and a characterless woman. I really didn’t forget she has no identity considering the fact that she was picked up on a dunghill.

She definitely must have taken after her irresponsible parents, an object for sexual satisfaction. She has proven herself that no matter if a swine is picked up and dressed, it will never stop being a swine…”Rodrigo said and paused.

He looked around and heard murmurings from the few people present. Satisfied that his words were hitting target, that is exactly what he wants to hear.

Meanwhile he continued ” I was to be engaged to Emma Martins for a long time now, I guess our engagement comes up soon. In a few days, we are getting engaged, Emma and I and then I hope you would be fully convinced that nothing emotional or bonding existed between that criminal Camilla Dickson and I…”

That was too much for Joel to hear. He dashed out and left the conference Hall entirely. How can Rodrigo do this to Camilla? How can he do this to a woman he once loved?

Emma was now jumping for joy. It worked, and worked. Now she is getting engaged to Rodrigo. She had always wanted him to think about her and be engaged to her and not that riff-raff.

Now he willingly was ready to be engaged to her. She would now be addressed as Rodrigo Campbell’s woman. What a great title.

She was excited and her happiness was on par with her mother’s. Ella knew her daughter was finally taking what rightfully belonged to her. They had succeeded in pushing that thing away and Emma taking her place.

” Ensure you send that fellow away as fast as you can” Ella instructed and Emma nodded. She must ensure that she cleans everywhere and leaves no clue or evidence behind.

The bastard played his cheese well. He had to be rewarded and she must keep her promises to him. She can’t let him be discovered and then ruin her happiness of being Rodrigo’s woman.

While the mother and daughter pair were happy and jumping for joy, Lola Campbell couldn’t. She knew she had crossed the Rubicon for being part of the conspiracy against Camilla.

What if Rodrigo discovers the secret later in life? How will she feel, will he ever be able to forgive her for her role in separating himself and Camilla?

But what really happened to the company’s documents? Was it truly missing or it’s in Ella’s custody? It should be the latter option.

But the aspect of shooting the company’s security official and having him killed was not part of the game. Now, the poor girl had gone to jail and her daughter Mirabel was one of the people who testified against her.

But in all, Camilla was innocent. Tha girl was innocent. She didn’t know it would vgo this extent. She only told Ella and her daughter that she has a point to use against Camilla and they should think of other ways.

The point she referred to was to lie against her that she accepted money from her and agreed to break up. She didn’t think it would ever make her go to jail. But now, she didn’t know anything else that Ella and her daughter planned until she saw them executed.

When she saw Camilla in the news handcuffed and taken to prison and now, Rodrigo’s press release, she couldn’t help it but found her heartbeat became irrational.

She didn’t know her Son was going to take it this far. He should never have said such horrible words to injure a woman’s self esteem and dignity. She didn’t believe it a bit when he said she was a prostitute and a whore.

Rodrigo could never end up with a woman that is of such character. That girl saved him and Rodrigo always said he is indebted to her. Why did he say such words about her?

She needs to see Ella and ask her how she did it. She called her and they both agreed to meet the next day by evening at a designated place.

When Felix Freeman heard and saw what had befallen Camilla, he couldn’t sit still anymore. He stood up and went to find Jared.

He didn’t find him. He went to search for Sara Dickson and discovered her coffee shop was being demolished already. He was surprised.

Was Rodrigo doing this to them? He went closer and asked and he was told Rodrigo sponsored those men to destroy the coffee shop and everything in the building should be burnt.

Ahhhh this was too much. After saying such horrible suicidal words about Camilla he was destroying her mother’s business as well?

He never believed all the rubbish that Rodrigo said. Camilla was pure inside out when he left her. She could never have become a prostitute and a whore like he described her.

He is certain that Camilla wouldn’t let him have sex with her easily. If she was that type, they both would have had sex long before he jilted her. But she is decent and reserved.

He was doing that to get revenge on her for what she was said to have done. Camilla can never have murdered someone. She’s so fragile and kind. How can she do that?

There is something that is yet to be analysed. Something isn’t right. There’s a reason for all these. But he cannot confront Rodrigo for his own safety.

He quietly left the demolished coffee shop as men gathered all the instruments in that shop and set them on fire.

But where is Sara and Jared Dickson?

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