M.I N.E endless Love

Chapter 36

“Camilla is going to be sent to prison, aren’t you going to do anything about it?” Joel asked. He had come to find Rodrigo the previous night and found him on the sofa, sleeping.

He knew he was probably feeling hurt. He went to help him but a thick stench of alcohol was coming from him. He was drunk. He supported him and helped him into his bedroom.

If he wasn’t drunk last night, he wanted to ask him to take things gently. He shouldn’t be rash in his decision and actions towards Camilla. He should go and find her and hear her put first.

Camilla doesn’t look like someone who could do that. She cannot do any of those things she claimed to do. Perhaps she was being manipulated or threatened to do and say such words.

But Rodrigo was not in his right state of mind. He had waited this morning but it appears it would be late if Camilla was already pronounced guilty and sentenced to jail.

“Are you in your right mind to ask me such a question?” Rodrigo asked. What nonsense was Joel sprouting? He should do something about a criminal?

” I think you need to see her, Rodrigo. Camilla doesn’t look like someone…”, Joel was saying when Rodrigo yelled at him to stop.

“Don’t talk about that criminal with me again if you don’t want to get fired! Looks are deceptive and I won’t be deceived twice by the same person. Don’t call Camilla’s name before me ever again”Rodrigo yelled and it seemed his heart was getting pained the more he talked about her.

His eyes had gone red and he eyed Joel with utmost irritation. He seemed to want to tear his Jaws apart for mentioning Camilla’s case before him.

Joel didn’t say anything again. Love gone sour. Only that is left in Rodrigo’s heart towards Camilla was a thick concentrated form of hatred. He now detest her and wouldn’t want to even hear her name.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Camilla was brought in handcuffs to the court. She was charged for thieft and murder. And the two people who testified against her were The senior security official of the Campbell’s group and Mirabel, Rodrigo’s sister.

Camilla has no lawyer and the government lawyer who was offered to help Camilla was helpless when the latter didn’t utter any word to him.

He couldn’t help her if she didn’t allow him. That way, the judgement was passed and Camilla was to spend the rest of her life in jail.

The murder was done deliberately. Hence for an intentional murder, the capital punishment is the final verdict.

Camilla looked round, maybe she would find Rodrigo, but she didn’t see him. His sister testified against her that she was a thief and wanted to rob them of their company.

And the fellow who discovered her intention, she shot him and he died. The surveillance camera was brought and her voice was heard as well in the recording.

Mirabel looked at the ugly woman being led away and shook her head. She’s definitely a beautiful woman but a beast inwardly. She has good and innocent looks. Her heart was filled with maggot and rottenness.

Despite that Camilla was looking more terrible than she was the previous day, Mirabel cannot deny the fact that she is a beautiful woman.

Her hair was rumpled and dirty, looking so unkept and unattractive as it poured over her face. Her face was swollen and her left ear was paining her badly.

As she was led away, she took a quick glance and didn’t see her mother nor brother. She shivered but simply walked behind the prison warder as she was taken and transferred to the prison.

She was given prison wear and she was assigned a number. Just when she was going away, she was called back that someone was waiting to see her. She felt a little relief, perhaps her mother and brother.

But she turned and was surprised to come face to face with Rodrigo. His hands in his pants pocket and he stared at her with red eyes, looking her from her head to her toes. She immediately looked away, bowing her head. Those eyes were emitting fire and daggers at her.

She knows him too well. When he has such looks, his actions are definitely brutal and ruthless. He is at the height of displeasure. He would do drastic things next.

He snarled and a look of disdain showed on his countenance. Camilla was stealing glances at him from her split vision because she appeared to bow her head, unable to meet his gaze.

“So, this is how you are going to end right? I was stupid not to realise on time that low lives like you can be so ampitious and could do anything for money.

I thought you were real, but didn’t know you were a whore. You planned everything back then right? You pretended to save me and ended up in my bed, so you could find a way to steal away my wealth.

You are so cheap and I regretted giving my body and heart to you. But for all you’ve done, I will make you pay and you will wish you never met me.

I hate you Camilla Dickson. I will make you suffer for aborting my unborn child. You took away what I wanted so badly. I won’t spare you too when I avenge your wickedness.

I had forgotten that you were a trash picked up from the dunghill. I should have known that nothing good can ever come from you. Bastard!!” Rodrigo bellowed and walked away.

As he walked away that day, he knew a line of partition had been drawn. He and Camilla now belong to two separate worlds. He would not come to see her ever again. Her Chapter was closed in his heart and despite he had nothing for Emma Martins, he was going to get engaged to her and hurt Camilla badly.

Rodrigo asked to see the head of the prison warders. He was taken to a well furnished Office and he had a whisper like conversation with him.

Camilla’s tears fell off her eyes. Only now, was she able to sob. She was taken to her prison and there she found another woman there.

She wasn’t alright at all. She started sobbing profusely, she was trying to conceal her voice from being heard but she was shivering and sniffling.

Rodrigo was her only hope. She thought he would understand that something was wrong. He would trust and believe her. She had spoken to him yesterday but he didn’t get her lines of words.

She had told him nothing seems the way they are. She had asked him if he doesn’t believe his Mom and sister too. She was invariably telling him not to believe them.

That nothing he was seeing it hearing seemed the way they are. She was indirectly sending him a message that she was only acting and none of it was real.

But it appeared Rodrigo was not concerned about what she said but his mother and sister said. He was so interested in their utterances that he didn’t pay attention to her words.

He understood him well and should know she could never do so. Her entire body aches. Her scalp hurt her so terribly. There is no doubts, there was an injury there.

She tried to feel it but it was too painful for her touch and it was swollen. Her cheeks were swollen as well and she knew definitely that part of her face was red in complexion already.

She was feeling pain. Only then did she remember that she was pregnant as well. She sobbed so much that the older woman with her in the cell shook her head.

This happens whenever a new roommate is brought. They would sob as if they were going to kill themselves. She knew exactly how this young lady felt.

But she knew with time, she would overcome it and be strong, living her life as normal as she too had become after seven years of imprisonment.

She wasn’t going to stop her. When she’s sobbed to her fill, she would calm down. She would on her own stop sobbing once she has poured her emotions out.

What about her mother and brother? She hopes that scoundrel kept to his promises? She hopes they let her mother go and not hurt them both.

She had done all she was asked to do in exchange for the lives of her parents. This was what the fellow wanted, to see that Rodrigo turned his back on her and their world ceased to exist.

But how did they handle the issue of the pregnancy? How did they know she was pregnant despite trying her best to conceal it?… Could it be after Emma met her in the hospital?

She did all these to her, to see her detested by Rodrigo. She wouldn’t mind if Rodrigo ends up with another and never believed her for the rest of his life but he shouldn’t end up with Emma.

Camilla sobbed until she could no longer sob. She became weak, having not eaten for a whole day. She became very weak and tired.

When Rodrigo returned to the company, he thought of what to do next, his revenge was about to begin…

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