Love In Between



As Bruce drove to the airport, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of urgency and fear for Ava and Chloe’s safety. He knew he had to act fast in order to rescue them before it was too late. While on the way to the airport, he made a quick call to one of his friends who lived in Mexico. He explained the situation to him and asked for his help in alerting the Mexican police.

“Hey, it’s Bruce. Listen, I need your help,” Bruce said, his voice rushed and panicked.

“What’s going on?” his friend, Carlos, asked.

“Ava and Chloe have been taken to Mexico by my ex-partner and her cousin. They’re planning to force Ava to marry him and I need your help to alert the police,” Bruce said, his voice shaking with emotion.

“I’ll make the call right away,” Carlos replied, “I’ll also send a team to the airport to meet you and escort you to the location they’re being held.”

“Thank you, Carlos. I really appreciate this,” Bruce said, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

Before going to the airport, he ties up Nora and asks Roxie to call the police. He also called one of his friends in Mexico, who was a high-ranking police officer, to inform him of the situation and to alert the Mexican authorities.

As Bruce sat on his private jet, racing towards Mexico, his mind was filled with worry and fear for Ava and Chloe’s safety. But then, he remembered the teddy bear he had bought for Chloe. He had placed a tracking device inside it, just in case of emergencies like this. He quickly pulled out his phone and accessed the app that was connected to the device. To his relief, the bear’s location was showing up on the map. He quickly shared the location with his friend in Mexico and asked him to alert the local authorities.

With a newfound sense of hope and determination, Bruce focused on the task at hand. He studied the map, trying to figure out the best route to take once he landed in Mexico. He knew time was of the essence and every second counted.

As the jet flew over the vast expanse of Mexico, Bruce couldn’t help but think about Ava and Chloe, and how much he loved them. He made a silent promise to himself that he would do everything in his power to bring them back safely, no matter what it takes.

As the jet finally touched down on the runway, Bruce’s friend was there to meet him. Together, they quickly hopped into a car and set off towards Chloe’s last known location. Bruce’s heart was pounding with anticipation as they drove through the bustling streets of Mexico. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins and all he could think about was getting to Ava and Chloe as soon as possible.

As they neared their destination, Bruce’s friend received a call from the police. They had found Ava and Chloe and were on their way to rescue them. Bruce felt a wave of relief wash over him as he heard the news. He knew that the worst was over and they were going to be okay.

When Roxie called the police to arrest Nora, she felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her. She had always known that Nora was up to no good, and now she finally had the proof she needed to put her behind bars. As she hung up the phone, she could only hope Ava and Chloe were okay wherever they were and Bruce would find them soon, so she reached for her phone and dialed Bruce’s number.

As she dialed Bruce’s number, her heart was pounding with excitement. She knew he would be overjoyed to hear the news that Ava and Chloe had been found. And she wasn’t disappointed. As soon as Bruce picked up the phone, she could hear the joy in his voice. “Roxie! You won’t believe it. I found Ava and Chloe. They’re safe and sound.”

Roxie let out a cry of excitement. “That’s amazing news, Bruce! I’m so happy for you and Ava and Chloe. I can’t wait to see them.”

Bruce was beaming with happiness. “I know. It’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can’t wait to bring them home and start our new life together. And I have you to thank for all your help, Roxie. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Roxie felt a warm glow spread through her chest. She had always cared for Bruce and Ava like family, and she was glad she could be there for them in their time of need. “Of course, Bruce. I’m always here for you. Now go and bring your girls home safe.”

As Bruce hung up the phone, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Roxie. She had always been a loyal friend to Ava and him and he was grateful for her help. He knew that with her help, Ava, Chloe and him would come out of this whole ordeal stronger and closer as a family.

As Roxie hung up the phone with Bruce, she couldn’t contain her excitement. The next day at the office, she immediately told everyone in the office the good news, and they all cheered and hugged her. She felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that Ava and Chloe were safe and sound. She couldn’t wait to hear all about their adventure in Mexico and how they managed to escape from Andrew and Mason.

She sat down at her desk and began to process the events of the past few days. She couldn’t believe how much had happened in such a short amount of time. It was a whirlwind of emotions and she was just glad it was all over.

She couldn’t wait to see Ava and Chloe back in the country and to hear all about their harrowing experience. She knew that Ava would have a lot of healing to do, but she also knew that with Bruce by her side, she would be just fine.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

As she sat at her desk, she couldn’t help but smile. She was just glad that everything had worked out in the end and that Ava and Chloe were back safe and sound. She knew that there would be a lot of work to do in the coming weeks and months, but she was more than ready for it. She was just happy that her best friend and boss was back and that everything was finally back to normal.

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