Love In Between



As Bruce stood in front of Nora, he could see the guilt written all over her face. He knew she had something to do with Ava and Chloe’s disappearance. He could feel his anger rising as he glared at her, trying to get her to confess.

“Nora, what do you know about Ava and Chloe’s whereabouts?” Bruce asked, his voice cold and menacing.

Nora, who was dressed in a white wedding gown, feigned ignorance. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bruce. I haven’t seen Ava or Chloe since the rehearsal dinner,” she stammered

Bruce could see right through her lies. “Don’t lie to me, Nora. I know you had something to do with their disappearance. Now tell me where they are,” he growled.

Nora’s expression turned cold. “I already told you, I don’t know where they are. Maybe they decided not to come to the wedding. Maybe Ava had cold feet,” she said, trying to deflect the blame.

But Bruce wasn’t buying it. He could see the guilt in her eyes and he knew she was hiding something. “You’re lying, Nora. I know you had something to do with this. Now tell me where they are,” he demanded, getting angrier by the second.

Nora’s expression turned to one of defiance. “I already told you, I don’t know. And even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you. You and Ava don’t deserve to be happy. You both ruined my life and now it’s time for me to take mine back,” she spat, her voice filled with hatred.

Bruce’s heart raced as he realized the extent of Nora’s malice. He knew she was dangerous and would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. He had to find Ava and Chloe before it was too late.

Bruce’s grip on Nora’s hand tightened as he listened to her reveal the truth about Mason and Andrew’s sinister plan to take Ava and Chloe to Mexico. His mind raced as he processed the information, anger and fear warring within him.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Why? Why would they do this?” he growled through gritted teeth.

Nora’s face twisted in a mixture of fear and guilt. “Andrew had always been jealous of your relationship with Ava. And Mason… he’s always had a grudge against Ava and her company. They saw this as a way to get rid of her and take over.”

“And you went along with it? You knew about this and didn’t say anything?” Bruce’s voice was a low, dangerous whisper.

“I-I didn’t know what to do,” Nora stammered. “I was scared of what they would do to me if I spoke out.”

Bruce let go of her hand with a disgusted sneer. “You’re just as guilty as they are. You’ll be lucky if I don’t press charges against you for kidnapping and conspiracy.”

Nora cowered before him, tears streaming down her face. “I’m sorry, Bruce. I never wanted any of this to happen. I just wanted to be with you.”

But Bruce had no sympathy for her. His mind was focused on one thing and one thing only: finding Ava and Chloe and bringing them home safely.

“I need to call the authorities and get a search party together,” he said, turning to leave. “You’ll be lucky if I don’t press charges against you for this.”

As he walked away, he could hear Nora’s sobs following him, but he didn’t spare her another glance. His thoughts were already racing ahead, planning his next move to track down Ava and Chloe and bring them back home where they belong.

Ava and Chloe were dragged out of the church, kicking and screaming as they tried to resist their captors. Ava’s voice was hoarse from shouting, and Chloe’s cries echoed through the streets as they were forced into a waiting car. Andrew and Mason were both struggling to keep the two of them under control, their faces twisted in anger and determination as they tried to subdue them.

As they were thrown into the car, Ava’s wedding dress was ripped and torn, her hair coming loose from its carefully styled updo. Chloe was sobbing, her white dress stained with dirt and grass as she clung to her mother. The car took off with a screech of tires, leaving the small Mexican village behind.

Inside the car, Ava and Chloe were thrown around mercilessly as Andrew and Mason continued to try and subdue them. Ava was struggling against their grip, trying to reach for her purse or phone to call for help, but they were too strong for her. Chloe was whimpering and crying, her small hands grasping at anything she could to try and hold onto.

The car ride was long and bumpy, the road winding through the rugged Mexican landscape as they made their way to the remote location where the wedding was to take place. Ava and Chloe were both bruised and shaken by the time they arrived, their hearts racing with fear and desperation.

As they were dragged out of the car and into the small, rundown church, Ava could see that their plan was already in motion. The priest was standing at the altar, a look of confusion on his face as he watched the commotion.

Ava knew that she had to act fast. She started to shout, trying to alert the priest and anyone else within earshot to her plight. She struggled against Andrew and Mason’s grip, her voice growing louder and more frantic as she tried to get someone’s attention.

But it was too late. Before she could say anything more, Mason clamped his hand over her mouth and Andrew pulled out a handkerchief doused with chloroform. Ava’s vision started to blur and she could hear Chloe’s screams as she passed out.

The scene was chaos, with Ava and Chloe’s screams and pleas for help echoed through the small church, and the guests looked on in shock, unsure of what to do. The priest stood at the altar, looking on in horror as the events unfolded before him. It was a scene of fear, desperation and hopelessness.

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