Dangerous Billionaire

Chap 85

Chapter 85

I won’t give up

During the day the atmosphere was very hot. Lexi just went through some paperwork that he had to sign. Regarding the big project of building a City Park, Lexi was not too worried about it.

The most frightening thing at the moment was the largest shares of Ricardo Group owned by someone else. Thirty percent in his name. Ten percent in the name of Mr. Samuel and nine percent in the name of Mrs. Anna. Fifty-one percent of the shares were owned by others. There were as many as thirteen entrepreneurs who owned it.

What if all the shares that were outside succeed in belonging to the Kim Foundation. It’s over because Ricardo Group would fall into the hands of Fredy Kim.

Lexi was no stranger to The Elder of the Kim family, Fredy Kim, had several times met the man in several events. Lexi never said hello.

Now, he never expected such a great man and a good businessman, is the grandfather of his wife. Yes, Fredy Kim is the grandfather of Jessica, the woman he loves so much and who knew where she was now.

” Mr. Lexi, ” Arsene called as he walked closer to the man sitting in the chairman’s chair.

“Yes, what?”

Arsene’s voice made Lexi awake from his reverie. The man scooped his face rough and frowned to divert his mind for a moment so as not to think too much about the wife. Whatever happened, for a week it was undeniable that Jessica had dominated his entire heart and mind.

“So when you want to travel to Singapore, soon is Miss Jessica’s birthday? Fredy Kim is preparing a festive feast to introduce her granddaughter to all corners of the world.” Arsene just read the news. Yes, although the boss did not yet have enough evidence to dispel the accusations of the Kim family against both parents. What’s wrong he went to The Lion temple to see Jessica. Yes, who knew he could secretly meet and asked her about their marriage? Love needs to be fought.

“I didn’t have the courage to meet with Fredy Kim, you think what I did to Jessica in the past can be forgiven. Meeting him is like looking for my death. Moreover, the evidence I have is not necessarily able to convince him that dad is innocent.” Lexi lowered his head. Honestly one week was a long time for him not to meet with Jessica. If he could, he would go to Singapore and see Jessica.

However, back to reality. Space, time and fate have not yet allowed them to be together.

“Sir, you don’t have to meet Fredy Kim. You just need to see Miss Jessica. You have to explain something. I’m sure Miss Jessica couldn’t have just left. The last time I saw her, she was very sincerely in love with you sir. She also hoped that the baby would grow up. Plus, she’s ready to be the mother of your children!” Arsene said, pausing for a moment, watching Lexi’s increasingly downcast face. Although sometimes smiling, the smile implied the pain he felt.

Lexi threw out a long breath, hoping to slightly reduce the burden on his heart.

“You will regret it if you just stay silent without daring to fight for what you want Sir!” Arsene followed the direction of Lexi’s gaze out the glass, looking up at the sky this afternoon.

Lexi did not respond. He was looking for a way to get to Jessica as soon as possible.

“When is Jessica’s real birthday?” Lexi asked, so far he did not know the exact birthday of his wife.

“One more week, if you can get there two days before the birthday event so you can plan everything. Meet Miss Elsa Daniar Kim, without the knowledge of other members of the Kim family,” Arsene explained. “For corporate matters, in the meantime I can handle it Sir. Moreover, Mr. Samuel now often comes to the office to replace you.”

“All right.”

Lexi walked back to his chair, sitting back and thinking Jessica in his memory. That’s what he could do when longing became a pain and only meeting could be the cure.

* * *

This afternoon the weather was very sunny around the campus where Jessica was studying. There wasn’t much interest on the first day of class.

Beryl was always by his side being his friend as well as his bodyguard. Not only that, without Elsa’s knowledge. Kim’s grandfather also hired a spy who would always keep an eye on his grandson’s movements.

As previously planned, there was Daniel who would always take the time to drop off and pick up the younger sister. This afternoon, he was waiting for his sister in the parking lot with his black SUV car.

The man was waiting for his sister. Not long after he saw Elsa with Beryl, he called her name.

“Beryl, thank you for accompanying Elsa today,” Daniel said as he was friendly to his little friend.

“Yes, Daniel, you are welcome.”

Beryl smiled back at the man. Then, he turned to look at Elsa or Jessica who was beside him. Including what was in the girl’s heart, Beryl could feel that she was no longer the same as Jessica. Could the loss of her future baby made her relationship with Mr. Lexi take away all her happiness and loneliness? Beryl was trying to bring back that cheerful smile. If possible, he wanted back in a relationship with Jessica as before, before Lexi came into his life.

They waved their hands to Beryl then Daniel drove a four-wheeled vehicle across campus.

Cars running at medium speed cut through the streets of the city. Daniel sat behind the wheel, while Elsa sat beside him.

“Did you have a good day?” Daniel asked. Elsa’s presence slightly healed the wounds of losing both parents. The man was very excited, and determined to make Elsa happy. He wanted to make up for the dozen years he wasted not looking for his sister.

“Yes. I’m very happy,” Elsa said. Her name is Elsa now. She began to have to forget the name Jessica. Of course, in order to forget all the bad memories, but there were sweet memories that are still neatly placed in his heart. For the moment she was unable to open it, scared, and could not move on from there.

“Elsa, today I’m going to take you to the boutique to choose a dress,” Daniel said as he ran the car opposite the route to the house.

“Dress for what?” Elsa asked. Over time, she also got used to calling Elsa because everyone around her called her by that name.

“Oh, you don’t know?” Daniel joked.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Elsa asked, trying to distract conversation.

“No, I don’t have a girlfriend yet, I’m still busy taking care of the company and showering my younger sister with attention. I’m afraid she’s jealous that I have a girlfriend!” he said.

Elsa remembered last night she had exchanged messages with Chelsea, often his sister’s best friend asked about her first brother.

“Really? What if there is a girl who secretly likes you, will you open your heart to her?” Elsa really wanted to know. Although she did not ask obviously, she knew if Chelsea had feelings for her brother.

“It remains the same, in the near future I do not intend to enter into a relationship with anyone. I have to focus on you, and also help David in the company.” Daniel smiled warmly, he didn’t know what Elsa had in mind. Just like him, her sister also had a lot of love for him.

Elsa nodded in understanding.

“Let’s continue this conversation later, we have to go down now.” Her older brother stopped his car in the parking area of a multi-storey building. “We have arrived, there is Sany, a famous clothing designer who has been waiting for your arrival Elsa!” he said, getting out of the car. He walked in a circle, and opened the door to Elsa.

Daniel walked side by side with Elsa entering a boutique. Yes, Sany is one of the designers with high flying hours and is trusted by the upper middle class to design clothes in various events.

Upon arrival at the boutique, the woman, who works as a clothing designer, greeted the arrival of Daniel and Elsa. She was believed by the Kim family that she is a great designer. Who didn’t know the Kim family? Most Singaporeans knew them.

“Please look here, Miss. Many days ago, your brother came here and ordered some dresses for your birthday party?” Sany showed a line of elegant peach-colored dresses.

Elsa stepped forward and saw about eight dresses that were on the trolley hanger. All of them are peaches, only they have different models.

“I chose this one and this one!” Elsa chose two dresses at once.

“You can choose all of that Elsa,” Daniel said, seeing the younger sister who looked a little confused.

“Miss, you may better try them on, and then choose the dress you like best.” Sany served friendly.

“I choose this!” Elsa said as she was very confident in her choice. She just wanted to choose the dress fastly. She wanted to go home as soon as possible. She wanted to go into her room and lock herself in there. The only place where she could cry without anyone knowing.

Yes, how smart she pretended to be in the presence of his family and friends. Elsa still could not let go about her past that she lost her future baby.

“Alright, pack three dresses! Who knows when Elsa will change her mind!” Daniel asked. Then, he paid and chased Elsa who had walked first out of the boutique.

Elsa cried. It was so hard for her. It was not easy to accept her past.

* * *

Lexi returned to the apartment. He couldn’t face Mrs. Anna and Mr. Samuel. It was better that he was alone and did not pretend to be fine in front of his parents.

By returning home to the apartment he did not need to wear a mask. He could cry anytime in his apartment.

It’s getting dark. The twilight changed with the darkness of the night. He chose to sit on the balcony with occasional views to the vast sky. He looked at the crescent moon. Yes, although not under the same roof, he was still under the same sky with Jessica. In another part of the Earth, Lexi believed that his wife was also looking at the crescent moon tonight.

The man was constantly looking for a way to get to Jessica. He remembered Beryl. Yes, Jessica once said that her male friend was studying in Singapore.

Although he once was jealous and disliked Beryl. This time there was no other way but to contact that guy.

Lexi’s right hand moved to grab his phone in his pants pocket. Then he immediately called Mr. Arman, Chelsea’s father, to get Beryl’s number.

The phone call was connected.

“Hello,” Mr. Arman on the other end of the phone.

“I am sorry to bother you,” Lexi said.

“Yes, Sir. Is there a problem with my work?” He didn’t usually get a phone call from his boss outside of work.

“No, I just wanted to ask for Beryl’s number, I’m sure Chelsea would have Beryl’s number. I want to ask for your help to ask Chelsea for Beryl’s number, is that okay?” Lexi asked. He knew that Chelsea played an important role in Jessica’s leaving his house. In order to maintain a good relationship with Mr. Arman, Lexi did not want to make a problem about it. He was sure Jessica was in control. He thought that his wife did not really want to leave his house.

“Of course, Sir. Wait a minute, I’ll call Chelsea and ask for his number,” Mr. Arman said

“Okay, I’ll wait.”

The phone call ended.

While waiting for a phone call from Mr. Arman, Lexi opened his chat room with Jessica. All messages were still checklist one. That meant Jessica never activated her number again.From NôvelDrama.Org.

[Baby you’re fine right, here every night I miss you ]

Lexi sent that message. In his heart he always prayed for Jessica to activate the data network on her cell phone. His eyes turned to look far into the stars. He hoped they could share all his love to his wife.

Lexi’s eyes returned to the screen. He stared at the message he had just sent via WhatsApp. He checked his message to Jessica that checklist two, it meant Jessica had read the message from him. Without waiting long Lexi immediately called the wife, but her number was again inactive.

“Hufft!” Lexi was disappointed. Then, he replied to a message from Mr. Arman who had sent Beryl’s number.

After saying thank you, Lexi immediately called Beryl’s number.

“Hello,” Beryl, who immediately received a phone call from him, greeted.

“Hello Beryl, it’s me, Lexi.” Lexi doubted Beryl would immediately hang up the phone call from him.

“Why do you call me?” Beryl asked curtly.

“May I ask for help, I would love to meet Jessica. But, I don’t have access to meet her,” Lexi complained.

“Same sir, I don’t have access to see Jessica either,” Beryl was forced to lie. He was afraid that Lexi was depriving him of the opportunity to be close to Jessica.

“Well then, this week I’m going to Singapore, I hope we can meet. I want to talk to you!” Lexi forced. Beryl’s only hope so he could meet his wife.

“Whatever, Sir!”

Beryl ended the phone call just like that.

The more Beryl behaved strangely and avoided him, the more Lexi was convinced that knew something about Jessica.

* * *

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