Crazy Seduction(erotica)


He scowled at her. That was rather private.

She glared in return, and he sighed. “I was riding the train and an orgy spontaneously broke out-”

“The gas attack in the train!” she gasped. “It was on the news!”

“Uh, yeah. I think that was just me. I don’t know anything about gas but the passengers all just started having sex around me, and I was so… incredibly horny,” he sighed at the memory. “She pushed me into her patrol car. She didn’t take me to the station but to her place instead. We had sex. Talked afterward and fell asleep.” His expression became bleak. “Then that happened.”

Mahati was staring at him. “You caused a group of strangers to have sex in public, were taken into custody but instead of being charged you were taken to the officer’s home to have sex.”

He looked at her for a moment then nodded.

“So we could claim you were both affected by the gas,” Mahati suggested.

He nodded slowly.

“Obviously, your being the source of the gas will remain a secret,” she insisted, and he just stared at her because, yes, that was obvious.

She had the good grace to look embarrassed as she realized what she’d said. She then stared at him haughtily. “It is also obvious to me that you require counselling for the trauma of watching the officer commit suicide. I’m going to recommend this to the head of HR at VRL.”

He nodded once more and sagged in the seat. Spending a night in jail wasn’t exactly restful. He yawned broadly.

“I also recommend you get some sleep today. I’ll inform your office that you are taking the day off,” she insisted.

He looked to her to protest but just nodded instead. She was right. He needed this. “Thank you.”

She nodded to him and looked out her window. It was her turn to look lost in thought. She needed answers.


Siobhan stretched on her bed, enjoying the feel of the luxurious silk sheets. She glanced over at the gorgeous hunk sleeping next to her, currently facing away. She’d have to thank Marisa for bowing out this time. She knew Nate was attracted to her gorgeous friend but he’d certainly shown her a good time.

They’d also had such a fascinating talk before things got physical. She’d discovered that Nate had grown up thinking he was Human! He’d only learned of his true nature close to a year ago on Hallowe’en. A rather aggressive Succubus tried to make him her slave, but he’d escaped. He’d been looking for another Succubus since that day. One who wouldn’t try to enslave him.

Siobhan promised to take him to VRL this morning to meet Marisa and Camila.

He’d lost his job when his boss became infatuated with him, and it got awkward at the office. He said he learned a lesson from that time.

They’d enjoyed a bottle of wine. Due to Nate’s elation at having finally succeeded in finding Marisa after almost a year, Nate had gotten a little tipsy. Then a little frisky. That suited Siobhan just fine. She showed Nate a few tricks of her own. He’d been so enthralled that she made him forget the condom he’d initially insisted on using. She wasn’t keen on the feel of latex, so she was very pleased when he’d given in.

The sex had been very good for her, and it must have been good for him as well as he was still here. She couldn’t recall what happened after they’d finished. She must have fallen asleep. That was a little embarrassing.

She felt him stir and turned her face to smile at him as he turned his head to face her. He blinked his eyes open then they blinked wide open.

“Uh, hello,” he said cautiously.

She snorted in amusement. “That’s a strange morning greeting! Did I snore or fart in my sleep?”

His eyes widened further. “Siobhan?”

“Was I that unmemorable?” she pouted.

He shook his head. “No! It was amazing! I thought maybe you were a twin sister. It’s- weren’t you blond last night? Was that a wig?”

She frowned in confusion. “What are you on about?” She reached up and felt the slick softness of her seal pelt. She recognized its feel. She panicked as she never showed anyone her pelt! Selkie’s had a bad track record of having their pelt’s stolen. She leapt from the bed, backing away, and pulled her hands forward. Instead of the pelt, she was looking at the mahogany brown hair. Incredibly soft, thick, luxurious hair and lots of it! It hung down to her ass! Thankfully it continued to have the gentle waves her blond locks had. She might be able to say it was dyed but the length! She ran her fingers through and over it. It felt like her seal pelt, but this hair was attached to her head.

She rushed back to the side of the bed and pulled her purse open, but the pelt wasn’t inside. She panicked, but her hands went to her hair again as she stepped back once more, eyes on Nate’s look of confusion. Her mind just kept telling her the hair was her pelt.

“What? What? What?” she muttered to herself in shock as she ran her fingers through the silkiness. That felt so good! Familiar. She wrapped the silky locks around herself as she settled to the floor.

Nate scrambled to the edge of the bed and stared in open-eyed wonder as a mahogany brown seal blinked back at him. The seal’s head tipped up and up until it folded back and the fur parted. Siobhan’s face was there, and the look of peace on her features made Nate relax. She rose up to her feet again, and the seal just became her hair once more.

Large brown eyes opened, and she gave herself a little shake to calm her trembling. “Oh my, that felt better than it ever has!”

“What… what are you?” Nate asked in wonder.

She smiled at him. “That’s one of those forbidden Hidden Races questions but considering I just showed you the most private thing I do, I suppose telling you I’m a Selkie is no worse.”

She moved to stand before her dressing mirror and froze. “I don’t understand! How did this happen?” In the corner of the mirror, she caught his expression change to a look of guilt. She turned back to him with hands on hips.

“Was I wearing a condom last night?” he asked cautiously. She shook her head. “It’s only happened once before, with a human woman, and the change then wasn’t so good. It’s why I wear condoms. Not sure why I didn’t last night,” he muttered.

“The wine,” she said.

“Oh.” He looked bleakly at her. “I’m so sorry!”

She held up her hands. “Aside from the hair color and length change, it’s… not so bad. It may be an improvement,” she said, with just a slight tremble in her voice. Truthfully, the magnitude of this change was rocking her world! Having her pelt with her, as part of her while she was in her Human form was a dream come true! She no longer had to worry about someone stealing her purse or getting their hands on the pelt!

The fact that she’d changed so dramatically was terrifying, but the final result was so much better she was having a hard time being upset about it.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

The only drawback she could see at the moment was, how was she going to explain how her hair grew so much overnight? As it was her pelt, she couldn’t bring herself to cut it.

This could be problematic.

“Should I show you my true form now that I’ve seen yours?” Nate asked timidly.

Her attention returned to him, and she smiled. “Show me yours, and I’ll show you mine?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, kinda like that. Have you ever seen an Incubus before?”

“No. Let’s see it then,” Siobhan said.

He climbed off the bed and closed his eyes. Then he opened them, glanced to the sides and turned himself slightly. He gave her a little embarrassed smile then his eyes closed once more. There was a reverse flash where the light around him suddenly dimmed and in his place was a creature made of darkest night. His skin had silver spots which made his obsidian skin look like a starry night sky. His powerfully built body was dreamy, but his cock was dauntingly large.

Then he opened his wings, and she understood why he’d turned his body. When they stretched out, they easily touched the far walls. A fifteen-foot wingspan?

“You can fly?” she squeaked.

“I’m not sure. I’m still building my wing strength. The first time I opened them was last year, and they were very weak. They’re much stronger now, but I don’t know where I’d go to practice unseen.”

She nodded, approving his caution. “Your coloring is unique!”

“So Oletha told me. Of course, she’d also planned on keeping me chained. For that and these,” he said pointing his thumb over his shoulder at his wings.

“Oletha was the Succubus you told me about last night?”

He nodded grimly. “Marquise Oletha Thanemark. From the UK. I do my best to keep tabs on her in case she returns. Luckily, she’s a famous artist, so her fans make noise in the art trades and online when she moves from place to place. She’s returned to New York City about six times since we first met. Nothing in the last few months though.”

“She’s determined to find you,” Siobhan said with a worried frown.

“Luckily I’m renting a room from a friend and I pay her cash, so my name isn’t on any address listings,” he said with a smile.

“Camila may be able to help you with your issue with the Marquise.”

“Anything she could do to make that nutcase leave me alone would be welcome!” Nate exclaimed.

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