Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“Creatures of insatiable lust! Rapist and defilers of Human females!” She gave him a crooked smile at his frown as she continued to brush her fingers over his kilt. “That was how the Humans of the time described your people. They had no love for the Satyr race. Well, the males didn’t. The females liked them just fine. Maybe just a little too much perhaps. Back then, the Human race was slightly more primitive than it is today and females had no say at all. The Human men hunted down every last one-” she stopped with a smile. “Every last one but you. All because your kind were better lovers than the Human males could ever hope to be. It was their jealousy that drove their murderous desires.”

Stanley’s body was getting mixed signals as it always did with Mab. She could be so damn sexy as she stroked him to full rigidity effortlessly, but her words threatened to drive his desires away.

“I’ve had many Satyr lovers. They were the only ones who could truly satisfy my needs.” She pouted as she contemplated how long it had been. “I’ve been thinking about what went wrong at the orgy I threw in your honor.”

Henry’s mind immediately flashed to the death of the two servants. “Murder always ruins a party,” he thought to himself.

“It had all the necessary ingredients to trigger your lust, but you remained fully in control of yourself throughout the party. Unaffected.” Queen Mab murmured as she gently squeezed the bulge pressing against his kilt.

His breathing was becoming rough as her fingers skillfully drew his pleasure higher and higher.

She reached down and lifted the edge if his kilt up so she could see the naked flesh of his cock. She purred happily when she saw how large and hard it was.

Henry still had trouble accepting the alien looking appendage was attached to him. He certainly felt its connection, however.

“Henry, you’re in your early twenty’s, yes?” she asked gently as she went back to teasing his cock with her long fingers.

“Yes,” he grunted through clenched teeth.

“How much time per day were you allowed to remain in Satyr form.”

He struggled to think as his body throbbed with need. “Uh… 6 to 7 hours. While I slept.”

“Ahhhhh, that’s it. Crafty old witch. You were only allowed to fraternize with the Humans as a Human. Your true body hasn’t matured yet. Soon though, I think. Satyr’s reach sexual maturity early. The first experiences, until you learn some control, should be entertaining,” she purred. She took a grip on his shaft and began to pump him vigorously.

She had him right on edge, so this stroking pushed him over the edge quickly. “Cumming!” he moaned as he felt his balls tighten up. He leaned his head back and closed his eyed as she skillfully milked his cock. When he finished, he opened his eyes and saw that was exactly what Mab had been doing. As she released his spent cock, she held up a glass beaker full of his cum and examined its contents with a satisfied smile on her crimson lips.

“Thank you, Henry. I’ll see you tonight.” With that, she strode away, off to do who knows what with his ejaculate. He knew it was full of the Wild Magic which was toxic to wielders, like her. Maybe it was for the spellcasting tonight? He somehow didn’t think so.

He began to feel defiled. He wasn’t much more than a lab rat to the Queen, and now that she’d gotten what she wanted, it was back into the cage for him. He stood there in the washroom as his emotions went off the rails.

His body began to tremble then shake as his revulsion to her touch caught up to him.


Henry jolted awake as someone pushed and pulled at his shoulder. He yanked himself away from the unwanted touch and tumbled off a bench to land on a concrete floor. He blinked in a daze as he looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. A cage?!? “Wha? Where am I?”This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’re in jail, fuckwit.”

The voice was very nasal and came from the side. Henry glanced that way into the angry, bloodshot eyes of the large police officer that brought him to the station. Right. He was at the police station.

Henry pushed himself to his feet and looked to his right into the concerned eyes of Mary Carsten.

“You ok? That was one hell of a nightmare,” she said gently, and he saw in her eyes that she somehow knew it was more. Unsettled, he just nodded and sat back on the bench. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. Queen Mab was there again, so his eyes snapped open, and he leaned forward to rub his hands together as they’d suddenly gone cold.

There was a loud noise from down the hall then the click of heels on concrete as they all turned their heads towards the sound.

An officer with a grim look on his face was leading an Indian beauty with a matching grim expression.

Henry sagged with relief. His text had reached Marisa. The cavalry had arrived.

The officer unlocked his cell and gestured for him to exit. Henry joined them in the hall, and the cell door was locked again.

“Mr. Gable. Are you well?” Mahati asked him. He nodded, still a little shaky from the dream. “Which of these officers is responsible for illegally forcing you to accompany him to the station?” she asked as she looked in the other two cells.

Henry pointed to the man with the broken nose. He got a cold look in return.

Mahati took in the damage to the man’s face. “Were you responsible for his injuries?”

Henry looked at her in surprise. He pointed to Mary. “No, she did that after he attacked her.” He saw Mary give him a little smile and the other officer cursed quietly.

“We are done here,” Mahati stated and headed off back down the hall.

Henry glanced at the officer in the hall who gestured for him to follow, so he did. When they walked into the area where the fight broke out, he saw the Captain standing in their way.

“Captain Lowes. Several officers in this precinct, including yourself, have violated my client’s civil rights. These are serious offenses, and I’ll be filing a grievance with the city-”

“It’s a murder investigation-”

“No Captain, it is not. I’ve read the police and the coroner’s reports. It’s a suicide which you and some of your men have chosen not to accept. You have stepped beyond the bounds of the laws you are duly sworn to uphold,” Mahati insisted.

“How the fuck did you get your hands on-” the captain began when four men in suits entered the squad room and approached. The man in the lead held up his badge.

“Captain Lowes? I’m Captain Danson of Internal Affairs. Come with me, please,” the man insisted.

Huffing with annoyance the precinct captain left with the man and stepped into one of the interrogation rooms.

Mahati spoke to one of the officers, and they walked away to come back a few moments later with Henry’s shoulder bag. He accepted it and went through the contents to ensure everything was still there.

“The fuck?” Henry quietly growled as he pulled his destroyed cell from the bag. There were smudges of a boot heel on the cracked screen. He held it up incredulously for Mahati to see. She scowled then nodded.

Mahati put her hand around Henry’s arm and guided him out. When they reached the street, a black SUV pulled up, and the lawyer guided him into the back seat. The door closed and she touched something on the edge of the door. Henry felt his ears pop gently and looked to her.

“A privacy screen. Now we can speak. Your text reached Ms. Villamor but was lean on content,” she said with a frown.

“They weren’t going to let me call anyone. The fight between the two officers caused a distraction, so I grabbed my cell and banged out a quick text. Help, Pct, and the station number were all I had time for.” He looked at her in puzzlement. “How did you find out about the officer’s suicide so quickly?”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “Don’t question our firm’s methods when they lead to your freedom.” He nodded with wide eyes, so she returned his questioning look. “What’s your involvement with this case?” she asked.

He gave her an unhappy look.

“I’m your lawyer. I need to know.”

He sighed. “I- I was with Officer Carsten in her home when the cop who killed himself broke in. I woke, and he was standing at the end of the bed. He-” Henry stopped himself from telling her about Mary’s ex shooting her. He’d never be able to explain how she survived. “They screamed at each other then he put the gun to his head and-” Henry stopped talking as the scene suddenly flashed back in his mind, and his stomach threatened to heave its empty contents. He tried the window button with trembling hands, but it didn’t budge. He looked at her desperately. “Air! Now!”

Mahati disabled the privacy field, and Henry’s window went down. He put his face into the gap and took deep, slow breaths. A few minutes later he raised the window and settled back against the seat with his eyes closed. The shakes had finally settled down. The field went back on.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the lawyer was staring intently at him, so he turned his eyes back to the window. He didn’t want to talk about this anymore. Not with her at least. Definitely with Marisa, Sigrid, Camila, and Mr. Duncan. He looked to Mahati and shrugged.

The lawyer frowned at him and moved on. “They said they had physical proof of your presence at the time of the event. What could that have been?”

He forced his mind back to the morning and twitched as he relived the man shooting himself. He pushed past that moment. “I threw up in the toilet, but I flushed. My fingerprints would be on the toilet handle- and a glass I drank water from…” A shocked expression slipped over his face as a realization struck. “oh shit. The condom.”

She nodded seriously. “Yes, that would speak of immediacy. Now, why were you having sex with the officer?”

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