Crazy Seduction(erotica)


Then her eyes caught sight of someone approaching that made her breath freeze in her chest. Ever since the… presumed death of Ra’Anek, she’d been expecting to encounter another member of his family. The ‘spirit animal’ race was an insular group, but they watched out for each other. Seeing who was approaching and knowing his reputation, she wished it was a different relative. She didn’t know his real name as he never gave it out.

“Well met, Minister Hoek,” the tall, handsome man with the crooked smile said. His piercing blue eyes locked on hers.

She leaned forward and pitched her voice for his ears only. “Greetings, Huehuecóyotl! I- I wasn’t expecting to see you here!” She looked around. “But then, I wasn’t expecting to see any of these guests!” she admitted.

The tall man smiled as he looked around. “Coyote is fine. Yes, our host is up to something. Something with great potential to cause social upheaval. I couldn’t not attend as I’m drawn to such events.” He glanced around. “This certainly beats hanging around a tech expo waiting for announcements of the latest cell phone features.”

Lise-Anne stared at him with a shocked expression.

He snorted and laughed aloud. “Sorry, your expression is priceless! I don’t do that. Really.”

She gave herself a shake. “We believe Ra’Anek may have met his end. I want to give you my condolen-”

“No need.” Coyote interrupted with a smile then gave her an evaluating look. He nodded slightly. “It’s true, he’s left this plane of existence, but I expect he’ll be waiting for me in the next. Or he may decide to give this one another go.” He shrugged then looked around the room casually.

“What- what’s happening here?” she asked.

With a wide grin, Coyote shrugged again. “We’ll have to wait and see, won’t we.” He touched her arm as he moved past her to disappear amongst the other guests.

Lise-Anne’s nerves were on high alert. She wished Rand was here. She suspected she was going to need all the help she could get when this party went off the rails as Coyote’s attendance suggested. The being was an agent of mischief.

Much better than even odds.

She walked closer to the door and noted the Chancellor’s group was being directed back to the party by the guards posted there and her discomfort increased. She reached into her pocket as she wanted to check for a signal again but… her cell wasn’t there.

Her head whipped around once more, but this time she was trying to locate Coyote.

Queen Mab wasn’t the only one up to something. Shit!

Henry stood in a luxuriously appointed apartment. The entire top floor of the castle was the Queen’s personal and private space. Her quarters were huge and filled with beauty. The art, the furniture, the textiles, and even the window treatments all spoke of the wealth and style of the monarch, each acting as an accent to the beauty of the Queen herself. It was the natural setting to find her relaxing. He glanced at her, and for the first time in this visit, she did look relaxed and happy. That was a very good look on her. When the intensity dialed back just a little, Mab’s beauty tugged at Henry’s libido with the power of the sun. He felt himself reacting, and for once, he didn’t feel the prerequisite fear.

“May I offer you some Nectar? It’s the real deal, minus the gift of immortality. They used the original recipe, and it’s only mildly intoxicating. I guarantee you; it tastes better than anything you’ve ever tasted before,” she said with a gentle smile.

Henry felt the smile right down to his toes, but he shook his head faintly. “I’ve been told I need to keep in control of my mind.”

She poured herself a small glass of the golden liquid and sipped it while she kept her eyes on Henry.

Once more he felt drawn to her, and he struggled to focus on anything else other than how lovely she looked and how much he wanted her. He knew that allure was only an aspect of her glamor but his body didn’t care. Intellectually, he knew what lurked just beneath the beauty and steeled himself against his desires.

Mab swallowed delicately, and her green eyes watched him with interest. “You fascinate me, Henry. You’re an enigma of magic and a social studies puzzle wrapped into one.”

A snort of amusement burst from him in surprise. “I get the first part but the second?”

She gestured to a small couch, and they sat, turned slightly to face each other, knees almost touching.

“I’ve known many Satyrs in my life, and I’ve studied their behavior. While there were unique variations, as a group, they were confident, outgoing, and assertive. You were raised by that overbearing witch and forced to inhabit a physically diminutive Human form. Subsequently, you don’t share those traits with your ancestors. It’s classic Nature vs Nurture.”

Henry saw the point she was making and found himself agreeing with her, but she was still making him feel like a test subject in somebody’s experiment. His displeasure must have shown on his face.

“This is another difference. Your face is far more honest in exposing your true feelings than theirs did. I’ve offended you somehow.”

Henry’s first impulse was to deny her words, but he found himself unwilling to lie to the woman who lied to him so boldly.

“I’m not a lab rat. I’m a person… with true feelings. You often talk about me like I’m some kind of experiment.”

She went still and held his eyes with hers for a moment. “Do I?”

He saw she was honestly curious, so he just nodded.

“Well, I’m going to do something I rarely do so listen carefully. I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable. It’s difficult for me to relate to others and to know how my words affect them.”

Henry was stunned to hear Mab apologize. It must have been difficult for her. He didn’t trust himself to respond appropriately, so he nodded.

“While I’m expressing remorse I should mention the Orgy I threw while you visited me in Ireland. I see now you weren’t ready, both physically and mentally, to participate in such an event.” He could only look at her in surprise as she continued. “You’ve only recently begun to experience the physical manifestations of your people’s greatest gift to Humanity.”

“My what?!? Did you call it a gift?” he asked incredulously.

“For that period in history, it was a gift. The current day Humans need no assistance in over breeding. Back then, life was much harsher for early Humans. Stress reduced the female’s ability to reproduce, and the males were struggling too. Satyrs provided a much-needed respite from the daily trials of life. Once, local Satyrs would be invited into Human villages to participate in fertility ceremonies and the birth rates naturally increased. It wasn’t your people’s fault that Human females were drawn to the Satyr at the party and sought them out between these ceremonies in the hopes of a little extra stress relief. Unfortunately, the males didn’t like this.”

Henry struggled to accept that there was some value to his… pheromone sex bomb, or at least had been. He sighed. “It’s more than a nuisance. Because of suppressing it, it got stronger, and I wasn’t able to stop it when my friends triggered it. I was too exhausted to stop them from being exposed to the Wild Magic.”

“Who told you to suppress it?!?” Mab exclaimed.


“He’s not-” Mab stopped and paused as she considered her next words. “He’s weak. As I said before, he was never a strong wielder, so he wasn’t the right person to turn to for advice. But, you didn’t know.” She watched Henry for a moment. “You did change him, you know. Before, he was an excellent enforcer. Hard, decisive, and when he needed to be, vicious. Now, you’ve made him into a healer. He’s become… soft, empathetic. Those attributes don’t fit his role.”

Henry was worried at the tone she was using when she spoke about Ikehorn. Like she was considering ways to discard him. “People change. Grow. He has… new value in the way he is now.”

She just nodded and looked away.

Henry was beginning to feel awkward. “Shouldn’t we be joining the party?”

Mab smiled at him. “I’m the host. I always make a grand entrance. Eager for some fun? I can’t wait for you to meet our guests!”

“Oh? Who did you invite?”

She smiled slyly at him. “The Beautiful People.”

Henry’s eyebrows went up. Considering the glamors the Fae wore, he wondered how much more beautiful people could get.

“It’s time for me to ask for my first favor,” Mab said with a slight smile and a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

He looked to her as he instantly became tense.

She pouted at his expression. “It’s not going to be bad, I promise! I think you’ll find it very pleasurable!” she insisted as she stroked his arm.

His expressions changed from worry to surprise in a flash as he caught on. “But- the Wild Magic! It’s toxic to wielders! It’s too dangerous!”

She gave him a genuine smile and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “You’re a sweet man to be so concerned, but you needn’t worry. All that work I did when you last visited me in Ireland has given me a solution to that… little inconvenience. I have a way to make it perfectly safe!”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

Henry knew Mab would find a way to get what she wanted, but now that she was hinting at it, the reality was sinking in. He took a deep breath. “The favor? You want me to make love to you?”

She burst into giggles, and he found it very odd to hear such a gentle and happy sound coming from the older female. “Oh Henry, you are such a refreshing breath of fresh air! Such an innocent!”

He blinked at her as he was off balance once more. Wasn’t that what she wanted?

“I want to host a fertility ceremony your people were famous for.”

“Fertility- an orgy?” It suddenly became clear to him what she was after. “You’re asking me to use my pheromones to trigger an orgy?”

“Yes, Henry. Exactly that! It’s been so long since I felt truly engaged with my partner! Satyrs were the only ones capable of making the experience completely fulfilling for me. Besides, my guests are expecting something truly unique. The ancient ceremony will thrill them like nothing ever has. This favor doesn’t break any of the conditions your lawyer requested, so you will honor your promise, won’t you?” She fixed her dazzling green eyes on him, and that perfect lower lip pouted once more with devastating effect. He wanted so badly to kiss her it took his breath away.

“Yes… but- but I still have very little control over it,” he explained as his voice returned.

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