Crazy Seduction(erotica)


The collapse of the environment illusion spell caught everyone by surprise. The magic dissolved in a rapidly expanding wave, spreading outwards from Ikehorn’s position. The Ogre and Henry fell to their knees, but Ikehorn remained standing and stared at the shocked expressions of the gathered people. He looked to Mab who sent a runner from the room, likely to confirm the illusion breaking wave remained within the chamber. There were a lot of illusions that needed maintaining in the rooftop castle. The room now showed its rich wood paneling. The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with the riches of the Queen’s priceless library of books and ancient scrolls. These were just copies as the originals never left her castle in Ireland.

Henry pushed himself up to his hooves and reached a hand down to the Guard. That one was blinking in confusion but pushed the offered hand away and managed to stand on his own. He gave Henry and Ikehorn a troubled look then walked away.

Queen Mab approached with an odd smile on her face. She looked excited and angry at the same time. “That was an extraordinary display. You used far too much magic for one spell, but I cannot deny you achieved the desired result.”

Ikehorn bowed deeply, and Henry glanced at him then nodded to the Queen to acknowledge her weak praise.

Her smile widened. “Now we get to the fun part of the evening. It’s time to join the party!” She offered her arm, keeping her eyes on Henry’s. Ikehorn sagged with relief as they walked away. Mab paused and looked over her shoulder.

“Ikehorn, keep an eye on our three guests until they wake. See to their needs. If they are up to it, you may bring them to the party in the Great Hall.”

“Yes, my Queen,” he said with a bow.

He was to be a nursemaid. It was clear to him now that the Queen was going to relieve him of his duties as her enforcer. When he thought of that, he was surprised to realize he didn’t mind anymore. The idea would have left him feeling suicidal once, but now…

He just wanted to go home.


Lise-Anne walked with Clive and Isaac as they followed the Queen and her Satyr escort. Missing from their group was Michelle, who remained with the sleepers as an excuse to avoid a party she was too shy to attend.

Looking forward, she examined Henry Gable. While everyone else wore their glamors, he remained in his true form, and she had to admit he was an imposing figure. They were going to join a party already underway. Considering the ease with which the Fae expanded rooms with illusions she was looking forward to seeing what they’d done with this Great Hall. She was also curious to see who the other guests were, if there were any.

The Queen stopped before the staircase and turned to address the group following her. Three of her guards were waiting there.

“The Great Hall is on the fourth floor midway down the corridor. My men will guide you. Henry and I will make our appearance after you’ve joined my other guests. Enjoy!” With that, she stepped into the elevator with Henry, and they were gone.

“This way,” one of the guards indicated and gestured for them to follow him. He began to climb the stairs, and Lise-Anne moved forward with the others following.

Soon they were all walking down the corridor on the fourth floor. Lise-Anne glanced back and saw Henry’s coworkers were showing expressions indicating various degrees of nervousness. Aside from the resting Succubus and her dark-skinned male protector, the dark-skinned female in the leather jacket had also remained behind to watch over the three sleeping women. Michelle had company.

The rest of the group stopped before a large set of double doors.

Two of the guards opened the doors, and the sound of music poured through them. Sweet, decadent, and sensual, the sounds drew them further into the room as their eyes tried to take it all in. The music was designed to make you want to stay, to listen to the next song, to be a part of it, but it was only one component in the trap.

The most profound element for most was the ceiling. Once more it was covered with an illusion, but this time it was a star-filled night sky, amplified significantly to be brighter and more densely clustered than ever seen before. The stars were fantastically brilliant amongst colorful nebulae which painted the room with shades of blues, greens, reds, and gold. When the hallway doors closed behind them, the full impact of the vibrant colors took their breath away.

Once their eyes freed themselves from the splendor of the skies above they saw the outer edges of the vast chamber furnished with large circular sofas the occupants had to climb into. Plush cushions filled each, making them resemble beds. There was a dance floor in the center of the vast room, surrounding a circular DJ’s booth. A good number of the partygoers were enjoying themselves there. Servants were circulating with trays of drinks, food, and drugs.

Mab had set them up for a surprise, and it wasn’t entirely pleasant. The servants were naked males and females barely out of their teens. Their youth was part of the illusion. The males all appeared to be blue-skinned Djinn with gold ankle and wrist slave bands and piercings in sensitive places. The females all had wet skin and long wet hair to look like Naiads, fresh water nymphs. And all of the servants were exquisitely lovely. So far so good.

The cruelty of this illusion was the fact that neither race existed any longer. Back at the dawn of the Hidden Races, representatives of the Naiads and the Djinn swore their people would not hide amongst the Humans.

So they were executed. Down to the last one.

They’d never been numerous to begin with, but it was a savage massacre none-the-less and remained a black mark on the souls of the descendants of those original members of the Council.

Lise-Anne found their inclusion at the party to be particularly disturbing. It was as if Mab was sending a message to the Council. She turned to share a troubled look with Isaac. His attention was drawn away by a group approaching from behind her. She glanced back, and her eyes went wide in surprise.

“Chancellor Mugawee! I wasn’t aware you were in town!” she said in greeting to the leader of the Hidden Races Congress. She nodded to the two congress officials accompanying him, Ilsa Klöckner, Minister of Finance and Elena Velázquez, Minister of Environment. Lise-Anne hadn’t expected to see these three until the congressional meeting next month.

The Chancellor was wearing the glamor of a slim, 5′ 6″ African man in his mid-sixties with greying hair. Lise-Anne knew he was one of the Ninki Nanka, though she’d never seen his real shape. The threat of him shifting to it was often enough to calm contentious members of the Congress in heated arguments. Seeing him in this venue was more than a little alarming as he rarely traveled and never to the States.

The man gave Lise-Anne a frustrated look. “The surprise trip was courtesy of our host and was more like a summons than an invitation as we passed through a door in the congressional offices into an audience chamber next to this hall. I suspect most of these guests arrived the same way.”

Queen Mab kidnapped the Chancellor and two ministers? Lise-Anne and Nils gasped in shock.

“The Regent has been most gracious, so far. Are you aware of her agenda for this event?” Mugawee asked and received a shake of their heads. He looked around with a sigh. “I don’t think I’ve ever found myself in stranger company.”

Lise-Anne followed his eyes and gasped once more.

She had to agree with him.


With the grand illusions to catch their attention, the new arrivals couldn’t be faulted for not noticing the other guests whose normally exceptional appearance was rendered mundane by the backdrop.

It was Meixiu’s surprised squeak that drew her friend’s attention. Sigrid looked to her. “What’s wrong?”

“That’s Kate Kardellian! And that’s Beyond with Jay-D!” she gasped excitedly, seeing the celebrities she recognized from TV. Her eyes darted from group to group, and she sucked in an excited breath. “Oh! Oh! Cara Delevine and Miranda Carr!” At Sigrid’s questioning look, she explained. “They’re famous supermodels!”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Meixiu’s head was spinning. There were so many famous people in attendance. She could see others she didn’t recognize but may have been celebrities from other countries. She gasped when she spotted the members of a K-Pop band on the dance floor with two gorgeous ladies from India who could easily have been Bollywood celebrities. It was a multicultural celebrity blitz!

Sigrid and Camila shared a glance, and Roy’s expression became grim.

“Fae Queen, super-secret hidden castle, magic driven décor, and Human celebrities. Henry’s still in his natural form.” He looked at the others in his group.

“This is going to be bad,” he rumbled.


As the Chancellor and his ministers made their way towards the doors, Lise-Anne’s head was turning quickly in all directions identifying the rich and famous Human celebrities in attendance. She spotted current NYC Mayor William de Blastio reclining in a nearby couch with a drink in his hand. He seemed to be dazzled by the stellar display above.

She slipped her cell into her palm. She had some precautionary measures to make. With a frown, she realized there was no signal which meant there was a shield on the vast room. Considering the nature of the guests attending, that containment would actually work in her favor. She queued up some texts to have certain assets activate the moment signal was available again. The cell went back into her pocket.

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