Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“Ohhhhh!” she tittered then froze as she saw the burning desire in his eyes. “Now? Here?!?”

He nodded. “Send Bev home for the night and put the closed sign in the window. I saw a couch in the back room.” He suddenly grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest. “Can’t you feel my heart racing?” He pulled the hand slowly down his chest, over the hard muscles of his stomach and stopped over his growing erection. It was a useful skill to be able to will that into being. “Can’t you feel what you’re doing to me?” She was gasping and trembling as her fingers squeezed. “I need to be with you! Please!”

It was his begging that tipped the balance. The manager marched to the door of the back room and pushed it open. “Bev, I’m closing up early tonight so you can go home now. Quickly, dear.”

Moments later Bev hustled out of the back room with her purse and jacket, a surprised expression on her face. She glanced over to Nate then rushed out the door.

Meredith locked up behind her and flipped the open sign on the door to closed.

Nate walked backward towards the back room slowly unbuttoning his shirt, exposing the muscles of his chest. Meredith stalked after him with a wicked smile on her face. Once they reached the sofa, she pounced like a tiger and carried him down to the cushions.

It was his turn to squeak in surprise.

A little over an hour later, he gave Meredith a final kiss at the door of the shop. He admired her beautiful blonde hair spilling over her shoulders then tore himself away, missing her pleased smile. He marched away with purpose in his step. Once he was out of sight of the store, he allowed himself to sag as he began to look for a cab. He was exhausted! Meredith was insatiable! He allowed himself a smile. She was also pretty damn skilled at sex! Bedding older woman was new to him, aside from Camila of course, but she was a Succubus, so she didn’t count.

He’d done his best to not feed on her as he didn’t want to ruin Bev’s work situation.

He finally managed to get a taxi, and once he’d convinced the fellow to take him to the address, Henry gave him he settled back to rest. He checked his pocket and realized he only had three condoms left. He’d had six earlier in the day.

Thinking ahead, he wondered who was staying with Henry in this mansion? Would Marisa be there?

With that thought in his mind, he let himself nod off.

Henry felt his cell buzz and glanced at the screen. It was Nate, texting from the driveway. He left the sitting room, went to the front door and stepped outside. He saw the man smile from the back seat of the cab. The front passenger side window went down, and Henry passed the driver his credit card as Nate climbed out of the taxi. Giving the driver a good tip, Henry completed the payment and the driver headed back to the city.

Nate stood next to him gawking at the size of the building. He looked at Henry with a grin. “Who owns this?

Henry smiled at the man’s easygoing nature. “It used to belong to a lawyer… who was a dragon and did some very bad things. Then, he died. Now… I think it belongs to a friend of mine. Come on inside.”

They moved through the front door, and Nate’s eyes widened when he spotted the art on the walls. “Oh my… you weren’t kidding about the art,” he said reverently.

Henry watched his expression with interest. Clearly, the man recognized some of these paintings.

There was another knock on the front door, and Henry answered it as Sigrid and Marisa joined them in the front hall.

“Oh! Hello Nate! I wasn’t expecting to see you!” Sigrid said in surprise as she glanced to Henry.

“Uh, sorry. I invited him,” Henry said quietly.

“It’s fine Henry.” She could tell he needed his new friend to be here. Nate was smiling at Marisa, oblivious to anyone else in the room.

With a relieved smile, Henry opened the door, and Camila was suddenly in his arms. He blinked in surprise as he looked into Roy’s concerned eyes.

“Are you ok?” the big redhead asked.

“Yes, thanks,” Henry replied quietly.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Camila pulled back to look deeply into his eyes. She opened her mouth but stopped as they heard the deep rumble of a motorcycle rolling up the driveway. It stopped before the house, and the rider pulled off her helmet. Mary glared at them but locked her eyes on Henry.

“I knew if I followed him I’d find you!” she said to Henry while pointing at Roy.

Henry stepped around Camila and Roy to walk to Mary who’d parked her bike.

“Mary, I’m so glad you’re here. We can finally talk, and I can answer all of your questions. I’m so sorry I couldn’t explain earlier, but you’ll understand why soon.”

She held herself stiffly. “I heard through a contact at the station. There was another occurrence of that gas attack. This one was at the Javits Center. Affected a smaller group of women this time. That was you, wasn’t it.” It wasn’t a question. He nodded. “And was it you at the hospital where everyone fell asleep, and security wiped the footage?”

“I was there, but I didn’t do any of that.” He sighed. “There are reasons for those… actions at the hospital. To protect people. A lot of people. Can we go inside so we can explain it all?”

She still seemed hesitant, but he just waited as there was nothing he could say to make her accept his word.

Finally, she nodded, and they went inside. Nate rushed excitedly back to the front hall with an enormous grin on his handsome face. “This place is amazing!!! It’s like a museum! I recognize the style on a lot of the paintings and sculptures! Definitely some from the masters, pieces I’ve never seen before! OH! You have to see this painting in the study! It’s a scenic of a river, and I’d swear the water’s moving! It’s mesmerizing!!!” He paused in his gushing as he noticed a new face. “Oh! Hello!” he said with a nod to Mary. “Are you one of us too?”

“Nathan!” Camila and Sigrid sighed.

“Oh! So sorry! Just a little over excited about the art!” he said then looked to Mary with a chagrined smile. “Don’t mind me.”

She looked at Henry with a raised eyebrow.

“All part of the explanation,” he said.

“We brought dinner for everyone,” Roy said pointing back to the truck.

“What did you bring?” Sigrid asked.

“A little of everything. I need help carrying it in,” Roy replied.

Sigrid, Henry, and Nate followed him out and carried the bags back to the house. The scents made Henry’s stomach rumble with hunger. When he was inside, he saw Mary staring at Sandy, Dayshia, but especially Tish as they descended the stairs from their rooms on the second floor. They were wearing some simple dresses and tights purchased for them, and Tish had opted to skip the tights for her furry legs. Mary’s head whipped back to give Henry a shocked look.

He gave her a guilty nod. “They changed like you did, but in different ways. Please let me introduce Sandy Marlow, Dayshia Morrison, and Tish Evans. This is Mary Carsten.”

“She was changed too?” Dayshia asked, tearing her eyes away from Nate to look closer at Mary. “She looks human to me.”

Mary was awestruck by the beauty of Dayshia’s eyes. “Human?” she mumbled.

Henry moved past Mary but stopped next to the three ladies. “Mary’s change won’t require a disguise, but she was significantly changed.” He looked to Nate who was watching the ladies but trying not to be obvious about it.

“Dining room is down here!” Roy’s voice called out to get them moving, and Henry continued with Nate right behind him.

His friend moved close. “Is that the situation you were talking to me about earlier?”

Henry looked him in the eye and nodded grimly.

“Wow. All four?” Nate’s eyebrows rose.

“Mary was the first. A little while ago. In total there are five. There was another person in the hospital room last night. Roger Jensen. He disappeared before we could bring him back to the house,” Henry said quietly.

The dining room had one of those classic long tables that would comfortably seat twenty. He wondered if Walter had ever hosted that many people. Sigrid was setting the food out at one end. They put the bags on the table, and Sigrid and Roy began unpacking them.

“A man too? Not that I’m judging!” Nate said with a grin, and Henry snorted. He was grateful Nate was here.

“No, I have no idea how Roger received the… stuff but if I had to bet I’d say Kesini stuck some in his mouth. I saw her… collecting some after we’d… finished.” Henry replied awkwardly.

“Sorry, which one is Kesini?” Nate asked as blond hair stroked the back of his hand. He looked to the petite woman with an enormous amount of hair. Some of which was floating before him.

Henry pointed to the hair. “She is Kesini. And she is Sandy. She’s a good friend and a neighbor in my building. This is Nathan Walker, a friend I recently made.”

Sandy was smiling brightly at Nate as he shook her hand. “It’s lovely to meet you and Kesini!” he said charmingly.

“Thank you!” Sandy responded gleefully.

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