Crazy Seduction(erotica)


As Meixiu guided the three ladies upstairs to get them towels, Sigrid joined Marisa in the kitchen at the back of the house. They could see the gazebo from there and Henry, sitting in it looking off into the woods.

“Maybe we should go see if he’s ok or needs anything?” Marisa asked.

Sigrid shook her head. “No, I think he needs a little space for the moment.”

“What are we going to do about Queen Mab?” Marisa asked in a worried tone.

Sigrid gave her a smirk. “What are we going to do? What makes you think we can do anything?”

Marisa’s face fell.

“It’s Henry’s bargain to make. We’ll offer him advice beforehand, but you know the Fae are holding all the cards.”

“Mother’s not going to accept that you know.”

Sigrid nodded with a smile. “And I’ll ask her the same question. What makes her think she can do anything?”

They both sighed and watched Henry peacefully communing with nature; allowing him this breathing space.

Chapter 39

Nate sent a text to his buddy Joey and let him know he’d see him this afternoon to drop off his luggage. He was going to do something for Jo he should have done a long time ago. Had he known.

Taking one last look around the apartment, he saw no evidence of his having lived there. He’d jammed his stuff into two old army duffle bags.

He let himself out of the apartment, locking it behind himself and pitched the keys through the old mail slot so she’d see them on the living room floor and know it was permanent.

He took a taxi to Joey’s place and dropped the bags off in the small second bedroom Joey used as a gym. His buddy was letting him crash there until Nate got himself a new apartment of his own.

He packed his toiletries and a few changes of clothes in his backpack for a visit with Henry. Next, he sent a text to Jo to ensure she was still on for meeting him at their favorite intimate restaurant. He’d called the owner to reserve the booth in the back corner as it had the most privacy. Jo replied she was still up for it and would be there.

The next part was the trickiest step in his plan. He was going to call upon a talent he’d spoken with Camila about but hadn’t yet attempted.

He let Joey know he’d be out of town for a few days and took a taxi to a florist shop in Jo’s old neighborhood. He walked in and looked around nervously. He was in uncharted territory, and he prayed he wouldn’t make matters worse with what he was about to attempt.

A woman approached him with a professional but toothy smile. She was maybe in her late fifties, petite in stature but curvy with extra padding in her boobs, tummy, and ass. She wore her long blonde hair pinned up, but it wasn’t a flattering look.

“You look like you might need some help,” she chirped with a light British accent.

He smiled at her and saw her posture improve just a little and her already wide smile widen just a little more. “Yes, I’m hoping I might speak with Bev Livingston.” His eyes dropped to her name tag and saw her title said store manager. She caught the direction of his eyes, and she lifted her heavy breasts a little higher.

“Oh! Are you a friend of hers?” the woman asked curiously, beginning to preen.

He nodded and turned on the charm. “My name’s Nathan. Bev dated my roommate.” Here was where he needed to stretch his wings so to speak. He leaned in a little closer to the woman and locked eyes with her. He smiled and felt her attention lock into him. “I need to speak with her, privately.” As instructed, he gently pushed the woman mentally with his will and saw her sway slightly as her eyelashes flutter. Too much. He eased off.

“Oh, I think I can arrange something for you,” she said quietly and grinned at him with a twinkle in her eye. He nodded gratefully, and she headed into the back room. A moment later, she poked her head back out the door and gestured for him to follow. He did and spotted Bev standing with her back to them. The older woman tilted her head towards the younger woman to indicate he should proceed as she stepped back out into the store, checking out his ass in the process.

“Hello, Bev.”

The woman in question squeaked and spun to face him. Tall and slim, auburn hair tied up in a long ponytail, she still had the pretty, girl-next-door wholesomeness he recalled when she was with Jo.

“Nathan! What are you doing back here? It’s staff only,” she said glancing to the door. Still a stickler for the rules he observed with a small smile.

“Your manager said I could be here.”

Bev frowned slightly. She knew he’d charmed his way in and disapproved. She wasn’t impressed, but he didn’t hold that against her.

“I want to apologize. For my part in… what went wrong.”

Her chin came up, and she crossed her arms. Defensive. Not a good sign. Change in tactics. More honesty.

“Truthfully, I want to apologize for being the leading cause,” he said sincerely. Bev’s frown deepened, but her arms relaxed a little.

“I wouldn’t say you were-” she began.

“If you speak to any of the women I dated more than once you’ll see how my involvement in their lives has affected them. These used to be sweet, kind, and generous women and now they’ve become bitter, manipulative, and generally unhappy people. Speak to their friends or former friends. They’ll tell you. I did that. The only consistent variable in the equation is me. I’m poison in a relationship.”

Now she was shaking her head in denial with her frown still in place. She might have partially believed him, but she denied it even to herself.

“Jo was spared most of that because… we’re only friends. But I did have an impact. I paraded an endless stream of women past her, and this poisoned her as well.”

“Jo got what she wanted-”

“No. No, she didn’t. She’s not happy. Not like she was when she was with you. She rarely smiles. Her humor is becoming darker. She’s losing hope.”

Bev sucked in a breath as, for her, this was a significant loss.

“I’ve poisoned her mind, but it isn’t too late. I’ve been so selfish for so long. I wanted her friendship no matter the cost to her. But I’ve seen what that’s doing to her and… I love her too much to continue.”

Bev’s eyes were wide with worry.

“I’ve moved out of her apartment, and I’m leaving her life. She needs to heal. For her, it’s still possible.”

Bev gasped. “She’s going to be so hurt!”

Nate knew Bev had depths to her he’d never witnessed, but her empathy for her ex took his breath away.

“You can’t honestly believe you’re responsible for changing those women!” she said.

“I do, but my belief isn’t as important as the facts. I spoke to their friends. The ones who would speak to me. The story was the same in every instance. They went from sweet innocence to….” Nate’s expression froze as he looked into Bev’s gentle eyes, now filled with puzzled concern. “You! Oh my god, I never realized.”


“I was looking for you!” He caught the stiffening of her posture. “No, not you specifically. What you and Jo had. That’s what I’ve been searching for. I was subconsciously choosing women like you so I could be as happy as Jo was! As happy as my parents are. Something I’ll never have.”

Bev stepped closer and reached out to touch his arm. “You can’t give up!”

Nate’s heart felt lighter as he saw the strength of her compassion. He needed to push forward. This visit wasn’t for him.

“I’m not important here and now. Is it too late for Jo? Have you moved on?”

Bev’s eyes locked on his and he saw the pain there. She shook her head slightly.

“Jo never stopped loving you. I led her from her truth because I wanted her for myself and I wasn’t the friend I should have been. Please don’t give up on her!”

Bev had tears in her eyes now. “She hurt me!”

“She never would have if it hadn’t been for me! I know she regrets that every day! I have to save her from my influence, so I’m leaving. I have to be the friend I should have been before.”

“You can’t leave her-”

Bev’s compassion was swinging his way, and he couldn’t have that. He pulled his arm from her gentle grip and gave her a small smile. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I’m missing the important bits that you and Jo have which make long-term relationships last. Jo needs you more than me. She always has. I finally understand that.”

Bev pulled him into a fierce hug, and he allowed himself a moment to enjoy the pure emotion. Then he gently pushed her back. He looked into her eyes.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“She’s going to be waiting for me at Christov’s at 6 pm, in the booth in the back corner. I gave the manager a letter to give to her at 6:30 pm or earlier if she tries to leave. It may seem manipulative for me to say this but she’s going to need you more today than she ever has.”

“A letter?!? You should tell her in person!” Bev gasped in shocked outrage.

Nate shook his head sadly. “I’m not as strong as you. I’d cave if I had to deal with her tears and she needs this. I love her too much to stay.”

“You know you sound crazy when you say that,” Bev said with a worried expression.

“She’s on a downward spiral. This mercy is going to feel like abandonment. Will you save her?” Nate asked earnestly.

Bev looked into his eyes, seeing his concern. She nodded shakily then looked to the clock on the wall then the door to the shop anxiously.

“I don’t get to leave for another hour!” she exclaimed.

Nate felt the weight of the world sliding from his shoulders. “Give me a moment,” Nate said and walked back out to the front. The manager immediately approached him with an eager smile once more. Maybe he pushed her a little hard earlier. He looked to her name tag again. Meredith. Right. He could do this.

“Are you finished with Bev?” the woman asked with what she probably thought was a sultry smile.

He glanced out the front windows as if he was looking for someone watching the shop. The manager followed his eyes nervously and squeaked when she looked back to see he was much closer to her.

He dropped his voice to a deep rumble and looked deeply into her eyes. “Yes, Bev will keep an eye on someone important. I have to leave the city, tonight.” Meredith watched him with wide eyes. “Before I leave,” He moved closer still, brought his lips to her ear, and flexed his will once more to make her accept the words he was about to say. “I have to make love to you, or I’ll regret the missed opportunity for the rest of my life!”

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