Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“Does he have proof? X-rays?” Sigrid asked.

Sandy and Dayshia both shook their heads. “Tish wasn’t allowing them to do anything until Henry arrived. Being vocal about it too,” Sandy asserted.

Henry looked back to Sigrid whose expression showed her doubt. “At a minimum, you’ll have to avoid this doctor. That probably means you shouldn’t return to work at that hospital. I’m sorry,” she suggested.

Tish seemed to be thinking about that. Then she looked up into Henry’s eyes. “If you can heal me then you can heal others!” she exclaimed.

He shook his head. “No. If we expose the fact that magic is real, then all of the Hidden Races are at risk. They’d be hunted down and killed or end up in a lab, dissected to find out how it works. A horrifying end.” He sighed. “We can live normal-ish lives, hiding in plain sight in our disguises but we can never, ever let any humans know we exist. That includes family. They can’t know!” He glanced at Sigrid, and she nodded to pick up the explanation.

“There’s a Hidden Races authority which enforces this secrecy. They are… brutally effective in ensuring the fact of our existence stays a secret. I don’t know the numbers, but apparently, we are few while the human population counts in the billions. We don’t have a census. It would be too disheartening to know just how outnumbered we are,” she said. “To start, why don’t we go downstairs and have some breakfast. Marisa and I went out to pick up some basics first thing this morning.”

Henry stepped closer to Tish. “I’m so sorry this happened to you. All of it and to all of you!” he said including Sandy and Dayshia in his apology. “I’ll make it up to you in any way I can.”

“We’ll discuss it later,” Dayshia tersely said as she moved to follow Sigrid downstairs.

The others followed, but Tish held back and touched Henry’s chest to stop him as well. He looked at her curiously.

“Drop the disguise.”

He looked at her in surprise, realizing she’d be able to see… everything. She raised an eyebrow at him, so he did as he was told.

She looked down and smiled. “Hoo. That’s what I remember. Dayshia’s right. We’ll discuss how you can make it up to us later.”

With a sexy smile, she turned and followed the others downstairs.

Henry activated his glamor once more and paused when he felt a pinch. He took a moment to adjust for the sudden tightness of his pants. He didn’t know why his glamor didn’t compensate for that.


Ikehorn stumbled into the bedchamber the Queen assigned to him in the New York castle. He leaned back against the closed door and sucked in a painful breath as his broken ribs grated together. Blood flecked his lips as his lung was punctured as well.

He locked the door and stepped away from it. He managed two steps then stopped. A tremble went through his body as he recalled the beating he’d just received. He faced the door and muttered a few words of power.

If Mab’s trained ogres tried to enter now, they’d be liquified most painfully. He knew the Queen would kill him for that, but he was never letting them touch him again.

He painfully made his way to the bed, desperate to rest on its surface. The willpower needed to suppress his healing was reaching its limit. He needed to heal himself soon, but the Queen forbade him to use his new abilities until he reached his bed, under his power.

She… hadn’t been pleased with his report that he’d been forced to heal the third human pet of the Satyr. Disclosing the truth about his new ability had been a calculated risk. He’d seen his death in her eyes at that moment. Her control was eroding badly as her new master spell drained so much energy from her. Before she struck him down, he presented the alternate trap he’d used to catch the Satyr. He explained how much more compelling it was as all three of the female pets were affected plus one male. The favor the Satyr would have to ask for left him at the mercy of the Queen.

There’d been tense moments while Ikehorn watched Mab swing between her impulse to kill him and her pleasure at now having an excellent bargaining position.

“Ikehorn, you continue to surprise me. I am very pleased with this new solution. I will summon the mages once more. This will be a new challenge for them, yes?” The Queen smiled at him, and he finally allowed himself to breathe. He bowed deeply and reverently.

“There is still the matter of your failure to fulfill my original plan because, how did you put it? Ah yes, you were forced to heal the female. It seems like you’ve forgotten how to prioritize your Queen’s needs over your own. I can help you with that,” she sweetly said as she made a gesture.

Ikehorn’s arms were suddenly caught in the tight grip of one of Mab’s pet Ogres. Large, barely sentient savages, they were loyal servants and brutal enforcers. The fact that Queen Mab now had them around her in the castle was yet another sign of her diminished capacity. Resorting to the violent thugs meant her subtlety was leaving her.

“Ikehorn, listen carefully. You are not to use your healing abilities until you reach your bed. Heal yourself before that, and it will be the last healing you do. Is this understood?”

A cold sweat flushed across his body as the Ogres smiled at the Queen.

“Don’t kill or cripple him. Aside from that, you have three minutes to show my dear Ikehorn how much damage you can do short of those two conditions.

A second Ogre grinned and made a big fist.

Ikehorn lost track of how many times the brute hit him. All of his concentration was reserved for holding back the healing impulse.

When it was over the Ogre holding his arms released his grip and Ikehorn fell to the floor.

“You may go now. Remember, not until you reach your bed,” Mab said sweetly.

His left arm was broken from the overly enthusiastic grip of his captor. He had broken ribs, a punctured lung, some missing teeth, a crushed nose, and more cuts and bruises than he could count. He pushed himself to his feet and shuffled off with as much dignity as his body allowed.

As he reached the door, he heard her snapping at the Ogres. “Clean up that blood! Not with your tongues! Revolting morons! Finish licking then mop the floor!”

Now Ikehorn’s bed was before him, but he stopped himself and slowly made his way into the washroom. He dropped his glamor to stand naked before the sink. He gently cleaned himself so he wouldn’t get the sheets dirty.

Finally, he walked back to the bed and faced it. “Thank you, Queen Mab, for the valuable lesson,” he said aloud. He picked up the sensation of her satisfaction. So… she’d been watching.

He pulled the sheets down and eased himself between them. As he fully relaxed on the mattress, he finally reached for the healing, and a massive flash of green light lit up the room.

He lay there panting from the effort and the memory of the pain. That would linger for some time.

“Ikehorn?” Mab called out.

Her voice seemed to be coming from the ceiling. “Yes, my Queen.”

“You will arrange for Henry to be here on Friday. They should arrive at 10 PM. The mages were summoned for Henry’s pet Humans. There will be a party that night with the main event at midnight. This is the optimal time for the spell. Do not fail me again.”

“Yes, my Queen.”

As his exhaustion pulled him into oblivion, he made a mental note to contact the Satyr the moment he awoke.

He wouldn’t survive another lesson from Mab.


After breakfast, Sigrid and Meixiu left to pick up groceries, cleaning supplies, toiletries, and some changes of clothes for the ladies while Marisa told them she’d sit down with the ladies and Henry to bring them up to speed on their new reality and for a question and answer period.

Dayshia spoke first. “I need to contact our boss, Margaret, and let her know we won’t be in… for a while. What do I tell her?”This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

Marisa nodded. “Tell them you took Tish to see a specialist and you may need up to a week,” she said with a shrug.

Dayshia nodded then dialed and got through to her boss. From the look on Dayshia’s face after she gave the excuse, her boss wasn’t happy. “It’s for Tish,” she finally said glancing guiltily at her friend who just nodded.

“Listen, has Roger contacted you?” Dayshia asked then her expression became worried. “Ok, I’ll keep in touch. Thanks, Margaret.” She hung up then looked at the expectant faces.

“Roger’s in the wind. He didn’t answer his cell when they called him; we probably have messages on ours too. There’s been no word of him at the hospital which is in complete chaos since our departure. Hospital administration is on everyone’s ass for the weird shit that happened last night. It seems everyone fell asleep and the techs in the security room somehow deleted a week’s worth of recordings up to last night, so they have no visuals of what happened. They’re blaming it on a gas leak.”

Marisa nodded. “Good.”

Dayshia turned her attention back to Henry. “How soon can we get these disguises?” she asked bluntly. Then she frowned. “Will this… glamor let me see you in your disguise again? It’s hard to not stare at your…” Her eyes rose from his groin to his head. “… horns. Especially with that faint pulsing glow.”

Henry stared at her. “Pulsing glow?” She nodded as she looked to them again. He shook his head as he didn’t want to know. “Glamor spells powered by the Wild Magic do strange things to the laws of physics as I’ve discovered. But you’re new eyes still see right through it, so I have no idea.” He sighed. “I’ll contact Ikehorn this afternoon to set it up.”

They walked through the house towards the sitting room and admired the art hanging on the walls. Tish stopped dead before one of them. “I’m no art expert but… is this a Renoir?”

Marisa looked to the painting of the lovely young woman brushing her hair. “I doubt Walter hung up anything but originals. I understand he wasn’t the sort to tolerate forgeries in his collection.” The others looked around at the sculptures and paintings with a new appreciation.

“That would make this art worth a fortune! Where is the owner of this house?” Dayshia asked.

“He died a couple of months ago. He was a dragon. Apparently, they really do hoard treasure,” Henry said.

Dayshia stopped to look at him in disbelief. “Really. A dragon. Firebreathing and all?”

Henry just nodded. “He was… not a nice person. He held Meixiu captive in this house for more than a century. He blinded her with magic. He… he did something bad to me as well. He’s the reason I can no longer use the glamor of Stanley.” At Marisa’s look, he stopped.

“What was that?” Dayshia said suspiciously.

“What was what?” Marisa asked.

“You just sent Henry a warning glance to shut him up,” Dayshia insisted.

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