Crazy Seduction(erotica)


The first thing they noticed was her arms. The muscles were larger and more defined. Tish had been an avid gym rat and kept fit, but this was… almost Henry’s level of fitness.

They both squeaked with surprise when the dropping blankets exposed her black furred lower half.

“She’s a Satyr?!?” Sandy exclaimed.

Tish stirred and stretched. A full body stretch, including her legs, right down to her… hooves.

“Hey,” Tish said with a little smile on her lips as she looked up at her two friends. “Wow, the drugs they gave me are doing weird things to my head. You guys look funny,” she said weakly.

“How… how are you feeling?” Sandy asked.

“So goooood!” she said, smiling broadly. She ran her fingers down her hard stomach muscles and, with a little frown, over her thighs. She squeezed and poked the muscles in her legs as her eyes widened.

“Uh, I can feel that. Guys! I can feel my legs! I CAN FEEL MY LEGS!” she cried out excitedly and sat up, sharply. She stared down at her furred legs ending in cloven hooves, and her eyes rolled back as she slumped back to the bed. Kesini caught her on the way down and eased her back against the pillows.

Henry entered the room and saw the shaken expressions on Sandy’s and Dayshia’s faces. Sandy turned to look at him.

“Why is she a Satyr?” she asked cautiously.

He frowned with a conflicted expression. “I don’t know. The magic typically decides. Ikehorn suggested it was because I was in contact with her during her transformation. Tish held my hand pressed against her stomach the entire time she changed.”

“Who’s Ikehorn again? A doctor?” Dayshia asked.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

Henry shook his head. “He’s Queen Mab’s man. Her enforcer.” His expression turned dark. “He’s the one responsible for the attacks on you, Sandy and Tish.”

“WHAT?” Dayshia gasped. The others crowded into the room to hear this.

“Queen Mab wants something from me. She needed leverage, so she told her man to set up an accident for one of you. They knew I was aware of the Fae healers and Ikehorn would offer their services to heal the one he’d arranged to have injured.

“How do you know he didn’t do it himself?” Sigrid barked.

Henry looked into her eyes and slowly shook his head. “He didn’t. When he healed Tish, we were momentarily connected. I shared my strength and will as well as the power from the global healing spell. I… I felt his relief at being able to heal her. He’d been there. He was responsible for engineering the circumstance under his Queen’s orders, but he didn’t personally injure Tish.”

“He’s still guilty,” Sigrid insisted.

“Yes, and he’s aware of the fact. He apologized last night. By healing Tish, he eliminated the reason I would have for calling upon Mab for healing my friend. Except, now that I’ve ruined their chance to lead normal human lives, pulling them into the crazy magic shit we have to deal with, the only way I can make amends is to get them glamors of their own. The only ones with the skills to do that are the Fae. This means I have to make a deal with Mab.”

“We could go to the Hidden Races Council with their case and…” Sigrid began but gave up on the point as there was nothing they could do to compel Queen Mab to do the right thing. “Shit. What does she want?”

Henry shivered as he relived the moment in the washroom of his room in Mab’s Irish castle. “She wants me.”

“No! She can’t have you!” Marisa exclaimed.

Sandy looked worried after seeing Marisa’s fear. “What do you mean she wants you?”

Henry gave Sandy a grim smile. “Mab is ancient… immortal, I think. She’s an incredibly powerful witch. She’s also quite mad and can be terrifying. She told me… Satyrs were the only creatures… able to satisfy her.”

“She’d cripple one of us just to have sex with you?” Dayshia scoffed. “Are you sure that’s not your ego talking?”

Henry gawked at her and burst into laughter. When he got control back, he smiled at her. “I wish it was that simple.”

“She can’t have sex with you! She’s a wielder! She’s linked to the old realm of magic. Your Wild Magic is toxic to her!” Marisa insisted.

Henry shrugged. “If it isn’t sex, do you think she’s going to ask me to rebuild her office network servers? I’m out of answers here. This is Queen Mab. Probably the second most powerful witch in existence. She can likely magic up a foolproof condom.”

“Who’s more powerful?” Dayshia asked.

“Baba Yaga,” Sigrid and Marisa said in unison.

Sandy’s eyebrows went up. “Baba? Henry’s Baba?”

He nodded. “She raised me from a baby but hid all references to magic the entire time.”

“Also a terrifyingly powerful being,” Sigrid muttered.

“Not to me,” Henry frowned sadly.

“So you just have to have sex with this Queen, and she’ll give us disguises?” Dayshia asked.

Henry, Sigrid, Marisa, and Meixiu gave her looks which clearly expressed what they thought of her oversimplification.

“What? Is she hideous?” Dayshia asked defensively.

He shook his head. “No. She’s as intensely beautiful as she is dangerously insane. Understand, if she is looking for sex it won’t be for a quickie. She’ll have something more long-term in mind.” He looked away, and a violent shudder went through his body. He rolled his neck to ease the tension out of it and his shoulders. “Getting a glamor is no picnic either-”

“Henry!” Marisa barked, scowling at Henry for scaring the ladies.

“Sorry, but they deserve to know.”

“Not helpful right now,” Marisa asserted. She looked to the nervous women. “It’s ok. I’ll help ease you through it. I had to have my glamor replaced after my first night with Stanley. I overdosed on his magic. It’s not compatible with the old realm’s magic, so it burned out my original glamor.”

“How do you overdose on magic?” Sandy asked, but Tish began making noises like she was coming around again.

Henry switched back to his human glamor. Sandy pulled him forward so Tish would see him first.

Long lashes fluttered as her eyes slowly opened.

“Henry?” she said whisper quiet.

“Yes. I’m here.”

“I’m having bad hallucinations. I think the drugs are too strong. Call the nurse,” Tish asked.

“You’re no longer in the hospital. The drugs would have worn off last night. We had to take you out last night after we healed your back,” he explained gently.

Her eyes locked on his and began to tear up. “I knew… I knew you were the only one-”

Henry winced. “Yeah. You might want to hold onto that gratitude. It was my fault you were injured-”

“Henry! You didn’t force them to attack your friends!” Sigrid insisted.

“They targeted my friends because they wanted something from me,” he growled over his shoulder. “Sandy, Dayshia, and Tish would have been better off if they’d never met me!”

Sandy made a sound of protest. Dayshia just gave him an evaluating look. Tish was confused.

“The fastest way to explain what happened to you is to show you. First off, magic is a real thing. Accepting that as fact will help you accept the next things you are about to see. I’m wearing a disguise made of magic. I don’t know how it works, but I can turn it on and off. I’m going to turn it off so you can see the real me. Ok?” he said gently. Tish nodded nervously.

Henry moved closer to the bed so his naked state would be hidden by the mattress when he switched. He dropped his glamor, and her eyes went very wide. “Oh! It’s you! We saw you! It was…” Her brows went down as the how if it slipped into her mind.

He nodded. “Yes, I’m the Satyr you saw in Sandy’s mind when we were all linked. I was Stanley then.”


“The magic that disguised me to look like Stanley… became unusable. I had to get a new disguise. When I did, it looked nothing like Stanley so I couldn’t keep being him. I had to become Henry.”

“Why did you tell us you died?” Tish asked quietly.

“To protect myself, and to protect people like me. People like you are now. Humans can never know about us, and you’re no longer human.” His eyes dropped in shame. “That’s my fault too. I was exhausted and lost control last night. We had unprotected sex. The magic in me affected you three.”

“Unprotected sex? I was in a bed with a broken back! How did we have sex?” Tish exclaimed.

Henry looked away as his face heated up. “You uh, you used your hand. You caught a significant amount of my… stuff. It’s saturated with the Wild Magic. You… swallowed it. Sandy and Dayshia did as well, before you, just… more directly.” Sandy’s cheeks warmed up as her eyes twinkled with a secret thrill.

Tish nodded as she could picture that. She locked eyes with him. “You made me a Satyr?”

“Not intentionally. The magic seems to be random in picking how it will affect humans, but you were holding my hand against your stomach. Maybe that guided the transformation process? I have no idea. Magic isn’t my forte,” Henry said.

He switched back to his human disguise. “I’m going to arrange for you three to get glamors of your own. This way you can go back to your lives. You can never show your true selves to a human. There are a number of rules actually.”

Tish nodded as she looked down at her body with troubled eyes. “So I have a new body?”

He shook his head. “It’s the same one, just transformed by magic.”

She slowly nodded as she thought about that. “This transformed body should feel weird and unnatural… but it doesn’t. I’d- I’d like to stand up now,” Tish said.

They moved back, and she sat up and slid her legs over the edge of the bed.

“I- I don’t have… normal feet! How do I stand?” she asked timidly.

Henry smiled. “My first time was a little scary too, but hooves are amazingly stable.”

Tish put hers on the floor and pushed herself off the bed. She wobbled just a little then settled into it.

“How do you feel?” Sandy asked.

Tish smiled a little tremulously. “Good… I feel… amazing! Strong!”

Henry glanced at Sigrid with a small smile then gave Tish and encouraging smile. “Satyr’s are strong.”

She frowned. “You healed my back with magic?” Henry nodded. “Yesterday, Doctor Sumeer examined me. He told me I’d never walk again. If I get this disguise that lets me look human again, how do I explain this?” She gestured at her being able to stand.

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