Crazy Seduction(erotica)


Marisa walked across the lobby to the admitting desk and smiled at the man sitting on the other side of the window. Meixiu was walking beside her, and she saw the man’s eyes were jumping back and forth between them. She allowed herself a sly smile.

“We’re here to see Patricia Evans.”

“Uh, visiting hours are over.”

Meixiu leaned forward and locked eyes with the man. His mouth slowly dropped open and the entrance door buzzed as he unlocked it. Sigrid had been waiting next to the door, so she opened it. Marisa and Meixiu joined her, and they stepped inside.

The Valkyrie lean closer to the Vampire. “Meixiu, we need the camera’s shut down and all recordings of the past day deleted. Can you find the security office and get them to do that?” The woman nodded. “Come up to the room when you’re done as we’ll need help getting them out.” With another nod, she rushed away.

Sigrid and Marisa continued to the elevators. “So how did Henry sound when he called?” the tall blond asked in worry.

“Exhausted. Frightened. Desperate.”

“You went looking for him at the Javits Center?” Sigrid asked.

“I got as far as the door. The crowd was too large, and I drew too much attention. I tried calling Henry but getting a connection was impossible. So I went back to the office to wait. That’s where I got Henry’s call. He said he was here at the hospital, something had happened to all of his friends, and he needed to get them out of the hospital unobserved. There is some kind of repelling spell on the door so they should have privacy until we get them out,” Marisa explained.

“Who put a spell on the door?” Sigrid asked suspiciously.

“He didn’t say, but I can guess,” Marisa muttered.

They stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall. Two nurses were sitting at the nurse’s station, a veteran and a newbie by the look of them. Both looked up as they heard the approaching footsteps. “May I help you?” the older one asked.

“We’re here to see Patricia Evans,” Marisa said sweetly.

“Visiting hours are over. They should have told you that downstairs,” the woman replied with a frown.

“He said we could go right up as we’re close friends,” Marisa said.

The veteran nurse looked over at the trainee. “Roland is such a sucker for a pretty face,” she snorted then turned back to send them on their way. She jumped a little as a lovely third woman had suddenly appeared. A beautiful Asian girl.

“We are special friends,” Meixiu said looking deeply into the eyes of the older nurse whose expression went slack.

“Of course.” The veteran gestured for them to proceed down the hall. The younger nurse made a sound of protest then was caught by Meixiu’s gaze. She slumped in her chair, and Meixiu wobbled on her feet.

Sigrid caught her elbow. “Are you ok?”

“I haven’t had to compel so many people before. These are good people, so I haven’t fed from any of them. I’m so hungry!” Meixiu moaned.

“Let’s go see Henry. Maybe you can feed on him,” Sigrid suggested as they walked down the hall and Meixiu’s face brightened up.

“Are all of the cameras disabled?” Marisa asked.

“Yes, and the recordings for the past week have been erased. The security team will not remember anything that happened tonight.” Meixiu said wearily.

“You have been pushing yourself tonight!” Sigrid said in concern.

They suddenly wanted to turn around and move away, so they knew they’d reached the right door. Sigrid pushed through the spell and touched the door, breaking the binding in the magic, allowing it to dissipate. She knocked gently on the door. “Henry? It’s Sigrid, Marisa, and Meixiu.”

There was silence, so she tried the door, and it only moved in a short distance before it stopped.

“Henry?” Marisa called out.

The door suddenly pulled open and blond hair swooped around the edge to wrap around Marisa’s body and carry her into the room.

Marisa’s eyes were wide with surprise as she felt the full body hug as she was enveloped by glowing blonde hair. Her feet weren’t touching the ground, and she could feel the strength in the strands, but she also sensed affection in the grip. A burst of relieved and giddy giggles escaped from her. “Sandy?”

“She’s still unconscious.”Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Marisa looked to the bed and saw Henry slumped against it in a white t-shirt and jeans. What drew her attention next was the creature in the bed. It was clearly Tish but… it wasn’t. “What?” she gasped quietly. Then she noted Sandy, Dayshia, and a tall, dark-haired man all unconscious on the floor. “What?!?”

Sigrid and Meixiu moved into the room to gaze at the sleeping Humans in surprise.

“I’ll answer all your questions later. For now, we need to get them all out of the hospital before they wake up or someone comes to investigate.”

“I thought- Tish was badly injured, wasn’t she?” Marisa asked in shock. “It’s not safe to move her… is it?”

Henry’s expression was troubled and flipped between doubt and wonder. “I think we healed her. Either way, we can’t leave her here, like this!” He shook his head as he rubbed his face.

Sigrid nodded. “Marisa and I will get some gurneys. Meixiu needs to feed if you can manage it. She used too much energy clearing the way for us to get in and out unseen.”

Henry nodded, and Meixiu smiled at him gratefully. He switched his glamor to drop his clothes and Meixiu burst into giggles.

“No, I just need a little blood,” she said as she admired the view of his naked body.

“Oh! Sorry!” he said with a deep blush. The white t-shirt and jeans flashed back onto his body.

“Uh, how do I get out of this embrace?” Marisa asked.

Henry reached a hand towards the hair and immediately strands wrapped around his fingers. He smiled with a chuckle. “She’s delighted to see you!” he said, gazing fondly at the blonde locks. Marisa was gently lowered to her feet and released from the grip. The hair floated before her like a glowing cloud.

“She?” Marisa asked.

“Later,” Sigrid said and tugged Marisa’s hand to follow her out.

Meixiu moved closer to Henry, but he raised his free hand.

“Let me explain what’s going to happen, or you may find yourself in an angry tangle,” he said.

The hair moved closer then he nodded to Meixiu. She looked nervously at the hovering gold locks but slipped in against Henry’s chest and hugged him. He smiled, and she kissed him sweetly. When she pulled back, he tilted his head, and her lips went to his throat. She bit gently and quickly drank as she felt tendrils of hair wrap around her arms. She licked to seal the small wound then pulled back as the energy swept through her, recharging her spent cells.

When she opened her eyes, she noticed she was bound tight. “Henry?”

He opened his eyes blearily and saw her situation. “Sorry.” He frowned and the hair released her.

“I… will get a gurney too,” Meixiu said, watching the hovering wall of hair nervously as she backed away.

As she rushed from the room, Henry tugged the hair closer. “Friend,” he gently admonished. It touched where Meixiu fed, so he pressed the locks to his lips. Sandy sighed in her sleep.

Sigrid wheeled a cart in and looked at him curiously. “There are only three gurneys available on this floor. You have four people to extract.”

Henry looked at the group nervously. “I can carry Roger.”

She scowled at him, seeing his exhaustion. “No, that will draw too much attention. I’ll come back for him.”

Henry didn’t feel it was safe to separate them, but he just nodded as he didn’t have the will to argue. He helped gently load Dayshia on the gurney. Henry and Sigrid shared a look as Dayshia’s eyes were larger than before. Her lashes were longer and thicker as well.

“I’ll take her down to the car. Send Marisa down with Sandy next… if you can get her hair to behave. Then come down with Meixiu and Tish. I’ll come back up to get Roger.”

Henry nodded, and Sigrid wheeled Dayshia out.

Marisa pushed an empty gurney into the room and looked to him. Henry explained to Sandy’s hair what they needed to do with Sandy. He needed a name for the hair as she was an independent entity but he’d wait for Sandy to tell him.

When Marisa pulled the top sheet off, the blonde hair lifted Sandy onto the gurney and pulled the sheet over her. Marisa smiled at Henry and pushed the rolling bed out. He saw a tendril of hair wrapped around Marisa’s wrist as they stepped out the door.

He went to the bed and carefully slipped his hand under Tish’s back and slowly slid his fingers down while touching the line of her spine. He was sweating bullets, but he found no misalignments. He lifted her in his arms and laid her out on the gurney Meixiu wheeled in. She covered their patient with a blanket and were ready to go.

With a final worried look at Roger, he gathered his torn, real clothes and followed Meixiu out. At least Roger appeared Human in case anyone came to check on the room.

As they made their way through the hall, he noticed the hospital was so quiet. Too quiet. “Where is everyone?” he asked.

Meixiu gave him a slight smile. “There wasn’t many here, but those that are will rest until we leave.”

He didn’t want to know what she meant by that, so he let it go.

They made it to the side entrance where Sigrid gave them a relieved look. “I’ll take Meixiu back up with me. You get Tish into the truck.”

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