Crazy Seduction(erotica)


As his right hand was still held down against Tish and his left was being held by Sandy’s hair, a coil of her hair moved to pull the sheet down for him. Henry cried out in shock. Her legs! Dark black fur was growing over them as her knee and ankle joints… relocated, causing the sheets to lift. For a brief moment, he thought she might be moving them on her own, but their lack of tone once transformed dispelled that illusion.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Her feet were shrinking into cloven hooves, much like his though smaller. He quickly glanced up to her face and saw small bone white horns slowly growing out through her ebony hair. Her eyes widened slightly, and her lashes grew and thickened. Her ears became pointed, grew fur with feathered tufts at the tips, and pointed up. Her eyebrows thickened into fur with cute little curls forming on them. All the fine hairs were disappearing on her upper torso and arms, leaving smooth skin with a slight smattering of light freckles.

She- she was becoming a Satyr right before his eyes!

But her limp legs still didn’t move. Transformed but not healed. A cruel irony.

Ikehorn was frustrated beyond measure. He’d waited in the hospital all day to speak to the Satyr, to present the Queen’s offer to heal his… pet.

But the Satyr didn’t show.

All bloody day, Ikehorn waited until the Satyr finally showed up, stinking slightly of pheromones. Fucking around while his friends needed him. That was a mark against him in Ikehorn’s book.

He’d waited further still, allowing the Satyr time to fully realize the dire nature of her injuries and become desperate for their help. Finally, he walked down the corridor with his look-away glamor active to pass by the nurse’s station unchallenged. Stopping outside the door, he prepared himself and readied his speech. He was going to present the Satyr with an offer to heal the female. He only hoped the Queen’s physicians would be able to repair such extensive damage.

He still itched to do it himself, and he savagely forced that down.

It was time. Ikehorn applied an avoidance spell on the door to keep unwanted visitors away while he was there then pushed through the door.

The power of the pheromones in the small space was still potent, and Ikehorn staggered slightly. He managed four steps into the room when his feet slowed to a stop. The scene before him defied explanation.

Two prone bodies, the ebony-skinned woman and the… blond were lying on the floor next to the bed. The blonde’s hair was now much, much longer! It gleamed and moved on its own!

The Satyr, still in disguise, stood beside the bed, braced against it in exhaustion. His left hand was gently holding the blonde’s hair, and his other was touching a female Satyr on the mattress.

What?!? NO, it was the one they’d crippled! The tall, dark-haired woman was now a female version of Gable! He did this?!?

The eyes of the Satyr had widened with panic when he first entered, but calmed when he saw who’d joined him in the room. That calm turned into confusion then suspicion. Ikehorn had no time to delay. The scene threw him, but he needed to salvage the Queen’s plan. Time to launch into his story.

“I was informed of the… injuries your friend experienced today. I’ve come here to offer you the Queen’s assistance in healing her.” His eyes strayed back to the female Satyr. Her legs still appeared to be limp and unmoving. Good.

Henry scowled, and suddenly Ikehorn found himself suspended above the floor. The hair had a grip on his wrists and ankles and carried him effortlessly to face Henry.

“Put me down, this instant!” Ikehorn snapped. He was surprised at the strength in the hair. It felt more like braided steel cable.

“My friends have been telling me again and again, never trust the Fae, especially one offering a deal. I’m slow at getting the nuances of this new reality I’m now living in, but that fact is sinking in. In the past three days, three of my friends were attacked? Dayshia and Sandy are ok but something truly horrifying happened to Tish, and suddenly you show up to offer to heal her?” He shook his head as he struggled with what his mind was screaming at him. “I’ve been told, nothing is free from the Fae. There is always a price.” He went quiet again as he turned his eyes to Tish, still sleeping peacefully. Still crippled. It couldn’t be. It was barbaric! He turned horrified and incredulous eyes back to Ikehorn.

The facts clicked into place in his mind. “Queen Mab wants something from me. Something big. She needed leverage-”

“What are you talking about?” Ikehorn asked angrily, but the hair shook him. That rattled his cool.

“You’re lying! Sandy’s… hair can tell! So help me if you don’t start telling me the truth I will instruct the hair to start pulling.

Ikehorn heard the truth in his words and desperately tried to find a way to save this situation. “I can’t tell you what she hasn’t shared with me!”

“You did this to Tish!” Gable growled, and Ikehorn felt his shoulder pop out of joint as the hair pulled a little too much. He automatically healed himself with a green flash on his shoulder. The pain though, that remained.

He noticed the Satyr had gone silent and looked at him.

“That green light! You can heal! You can heal Tish!” he exclaimed to Ikehorn.

The Queen’s plan would be ruined! He had to stop this! “I’m not a healer! I don’t know how it works! And I’ve never repaired anything this… severe. I doubt I’d have the strength or skill! I’d do more harm than good!”

Henry scowled at him again. “It’s not skill; it’s will. I may not be a wielder, but I’ve picked up that much. You need strength?” Gable dropped his glamour, tearing and ripping through his clothes. “FUCK!” He looked at his clothes in dismay. “Well… shit. Never mind!” The large Satyr held his eyes. I’ve got plenty of strength to spare, and I’ll lend you my will and desire. Let’s do this!”

Ikehorn was becoming genuinely desperate. “Wait! You said it yourself, the Fae do nothing for free! There must be compensation for doing this!” he groaned as the hair stressed his joints once more.

Henry’s eyes bore into Ikehorn’s. “The compensation is your continued survival. You… engineered the situation which caused the damage you are now going to repair. You owe Tish a debt. Now you pay it back. Besides, I can feel your need to heal her.”

Ikehorn’s face burned with directionless rage. He’d failed the Queen. Then the Satyr’s words sank in. “Wait, what do you mean you can feel it?” he asked in dawning horror.

The Satyr lifted his left hand which was still coiled with the hair. “We’re connected. The hair is feeding what it feels from you to me. I can roughly feel your need to heal her. That sentiment is the only thing keeping you from being torn limb from limb. Enough talk, time to heal.” He looked down at the unconscious female. “I’m not a wielder, but I’m starting to feel my connection to the global healing spell. I- recall the sensation of pulling it to me. I’m going to try to do it now. You do the rest. Is that understood?” Henry looked fiercely into his eyes, and Ikehorn nodded, fascinated in spite of himself.

Closing his eyes in preparation, the Satyr calmed and moments later the room began to glow with the green light of the global healing spell, becoming brighter and brighter as he drew it to himself.

The hair moved Ikehorn closer to Tish’s body and positioned his hand next to the Satyr’s much larger one. He suddenly felt the enormous accumulation of the healing power at his disposal. He also felt the incredible strength of the Satyr’s will, his desire to bring Tish’s body back to a state of perfect health once more. With a final gasp, Ikehorn gave in to his need to heal the woman and prepared the image in his mind. Perfectly aligned vertebrae and an unbroken spinal column. He felt the weight of the task settling over him and almost lost faith until the Satyr’s mind slid in next to him and presented him with the power to achieve… anything.

The room’s door burst open, and Ikehorn looked back over his shoulder as he dangled over the bed. A tall, dark-haired man was standing in the doorway slack-jawed in shock. He suddenly surged into the room as a coil of the blonde hair yanked him in by his belt buckle. He opened his mouth to yell, and another strand slipped something between his lips. The man grabbed the hair and began to choke. Then his muscles went limp as he collapsed to the floor next to the others.

Ikehorn glanced over to the Satyr who’d missed this entire exchange as he still had his eyes closed. He turned his attention back to the female Satyr and calmed his mind, allowing the offered energy to fill his being. When it felt like he might become incandescent, he directed it down through his hand touching her as he held the image in his mind.


The room exploded with green light like a flash bomb, stunning everyone including the blonde’s hair. The windows blew out and loose, small objects flew about the room as if a mighty wind circled the chamber. The Satyr released his grip on the hair and slumped next to the bed as Ikehorn dropped to the floor.

As the channel and focus point of all that energy, Ikehorn discovered he’d been least affected and recovered before his captors. Looking at the altered humans, Ikehorn’s quick mind leapt to an alternate plan. He leaned closer to the dazed Satyr. “How will you protect your friends now in their changed state? How will you disguise them?” He caught motion in the corner of his eye and leapt backward over the stirring hair, turned and ran from the room. He paused to reinforce the avoidance spell on the door as he wondered how the tall man had gotten past his original one. Then he rushed into the stairwell to run down the stairs to the ground floor. He calmly left the hospital and found a place to keep an eye on it. He pulled out his cell and contacted his team to bring the surveillance van.

As he settled in to watch for the Satyr’s next move, he hoped the seed he planted in his mind took hold. He was still outraged that he’d been used to thwart the Queen’s plan.

He had to ensure he salvaged it. His very life depended on it.

Ikehorn felt a dawning realization that he very much wished to live. He wanted… to go home.

Someone was waiting there for his return. His heart jumped in his chest.

Unsettled by these unfamiliar feelings, he tried to get his mind back on matters of import. Like serving his Queen.

Lovely blue eyes remained in the back of his mind as he watched the hospital.

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