Crazy Seduction(erotica)


He didn’t know what they wanted. He couldn’t see them and that frustrated him.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

Why was it so bloody dark?


That intense impression came from the minds around him. They were starving! The urgency to talk, to communicate with them was driving him to distraction as was the background of desperation he felt in his mind. Some of them were very weak. He moved around the perimeter of the room, but there was no light and no unlocked doors. He needed light as the minds did.

The rainbow! He could get some light into the room! He desperately reached towards the wall and used his will to rip space apart in a brilliant flare of multicolored light. He kept up the pressure and the gap widened in the rippling rainbow. The space in the gap filled with yellow skies, a red hillside, and the reddish-orange sun. It was low in the sky and shone its brilliant light straight through the gap to strike the still beings in the huge chamber. Light scattered everywhere as their bodies absorbed and directed the beam. Henry looked away from the gap and saw they were in a large school gymnasium!

He felt their collective sigh in his mind as the sunlight fed the beings he was now able to see. Henry was dazzled by how beautiful they were! Multicolored glass in a generally humanoid shape but in various shapes and sizes.

The prism effect within their bodies directed the light wider and further back until the light touched every glass being. They began to glow from within their cores. Henry felt their desperation easing, and a grand joy began to fill them. This light was exactly what they needed. It was where they needed to be. The glass beings began to move towards the opening. Henry was getting tired from holding it open so he pushed his own urgency through his link to them and they all moved faster. The closer they got to the rip to the alternate dimension, the more energy they pulled from the light and the faster they moved.

Finally, there were only three left on this side of the tear which was beginning to collapse. These stopped beside Henry. He felt their gratitude, but they all pointed away from the rip and slightly to the right. He listened. He felt a single mind crying out to them. It felt them leaving and didn’t want to be left behind. He sent his assurance to the three, and they rushed through the opening to join the others. Henry watched them moving away down the hillside, and the feeling of the contentment which filled them bled through to him. As he released his grip on the gap, something huge and black rushed through the tear into the dark gym before the opening collapsed completely. Frightened, Henry’s mind fled the chamber and flew away into the night, drawn towards the solitary mind. The enormous distance flashed by in an instant.

Henry found himself floating on the mountaintop plateau next to the last glass being. He was weary beyond measure, but he’d promised. He felt the loneliness in this one and sent assurances, feeling its hope in return. He reached out with his will once more, envisioning the hillside once again and a smaller tear flashed into existence. The effort to widen it enough for the being to step through drained him severely.

The Glass Man could see the others down the hill, and his happiness surged through their link, and this gave Henry a little strength. As it walked towards the opening, Henry heard angry screaming and turned to see a group of soldiers running towards the Glass Man to prevent his escape. The soldier in the lead seemed to be the one in charge as he was screaming most violently and pointing his gun at the rift.

Henry desperately tried to block the soldiers and a second tear appeared before them. This one showed only yellow sky. Keeping it open was impossible for Henry in his weakened state, and it collapsed shortly after the squad leader tumbled through. His scream of rage turned to terror then silence as the small rift snapped shut. The squad of soldiers slammed to a stop, frozen in shock. They watched the Glass Man step through the first opening and walk away into the red field. Through the opening, in the far distance, they saw their leader plummet from the sky into a river of lava before the rift snapped closed. Henry watched the men share nervous glances then turn and walk away.

Weary beyond measure, Henry turned to face home, but he didn’t have the strength to make the journey. Instead, he let his mind drift upwards into the sky to join with the Fae spell and hoped it would guide him the long way home.


Siobhan woke to the sound of her cell ringing. She blinked blearily at it and fumbled it before she managed to hit the answer button.

“Hello?” she mumbled.

“Siobhan? I’m so sorry to call you but Henry was grabbed at the dance club, and I don’t know how to reach anyone else at VRL!” a voice frantically babbled.

Siobhan was immediately awake when she heard Henry was in danger. She sat up. The voice- “Sandy?”


“Take a breath and tell me what happened. Who grabbed Henry?”

“We don’t know! There was another gas attack like the one on the subway, and everyone was tearing their clothes off to have sex or trying to escape the dance club! Henry carried me outside, but a fight broke out, and he got pulled into it. Roger thinks he saw someone pulling Henry away. Once the police cleared the fight, there was no sign of him.”

Siobhan was stunned. She didn’t know who would have kidnapped Henry. “Is Roger with you?”


“Put him on, please.”

She heard the sound of the phone being passed then Roger’s voice. “Hello?”

“Can you describe the person who took Henry?” Siobhan asked.

“It looked like the guy who came to Stanley’s condo after the kidnapping. Hey! His family has the shittiest luck when it comes to being grabbed! OWW! Fuck! Stop it! I’m sorry!”

Siobhan heard female voices raised in anger and Roger taking slaps.

“What did he look like?” Siobhan called out.

“Shit! Stop! She’s asking me a question! Fuck- uh, look like? Uh- like an aristocratic snob. Smaller than Henry but he dragged him away.” Roger said with a pained voice.

“So Henry didn’t go willingly,” Siobhan asked to clarify.

“No but… he took a few punches from the crowd and… he might have been a little drunk,” Roger said reluctantly.

Siobhan heard Sandy arguing with Roger. She heard something about only one drink. Roger then admitted to spiking his drink to help him relax. More screams of outrage and the sound of slaps. There was a loud clunk noise and a shriek followed by fumbling sounds.

“Siobhan, are you there?” Sandy asked in a panic, having picked up the dropped phone.

“Yes. I’m going to call Marisa. She has keys to Henry’s place,” she said.

“You think they took Henry there?”

Siobhan heard the other women at Sandy’s elbow. “Where? Took him where?” they asked in annoyance.

“Shhh! I can’t hear! She said home! Go ahead,” Sandy said.

Siobhan smiled in spite of her worry as she knew these women liked Henry very much. “I’m not one hundred percent sure but it’s the first place to look. Marisa will also let the others know.”

“We’ll meet her there! Thanks, Siobhan! You’re the best!” The line went dead.

Siobhan blinked at her cell in surprise. Sighing, she looked at the clock and was glad it was Sunday as she wasn’t getting back to sleep any time soon. She’d sleep later. She made the call.


Marisa, Sigrid, and Meixiu stepped off the elevator at Henry’s building into an argument in the hallway before his unit.

“You will all leave. Last chance!” A small, wide and hairy man in a dressing gown growled at three ladies in party dresses.

“Not until we hear Henry’s ok! Oh, thank god! Marisa!” Sandy gushed in relief as she saw them coming.

The small man turned and locked eyes with Sigrid who fought back a snarl as she picked up the scent of a demon.

“Is there a problem here?” she asked.

“Noisy bitches are knocking on the door!” the man growled, his eyes never leaving Sigrid’s.

“All’s quiet now. I’d say it’s time to move on,” Sigrid said between her teeth, sounding a little like a female Clint Eastwood.

The demon panicked as it leapt for the stairwell door, slammed through, and ran down the stairs.

All eyes turned to Sigrid in silence as she struggled not to give chase.

Marisa recovered first. “You knocked on Henry’s door?”

Sandy jumped and looked to the gorgeous blond. She smiled and nodded then her smile dropped away. “He’s not answering!”

Marisa moved to the door with her keys then looked back at the nervous expressions. “I’ll be going in. Alone. I don’t know what state Henry will be in if he’s home, so this is to preserve his dignity. No arguments or you’ll deal with Sigrid.” She finished with a smile to take the sting out of her words, but they glanced at the intimidating woman nonetheless.

Tish, Dayshia, and Sandy stood back as Marisa let herself in and locked up behind herself.

“Which unit did the unpleasant one live in?” Sigrid asked to draw their attention away. Dayshia pointed to the first door past the stairwell. Sigrid saw it was across from Michelle Beaumont’s condo. She moved to stand before the door. She reached out to almost touch its surface then pulled her hand back as she’d felt the sickening evidence of its inhabitation. No one else would likely notice, but Valkyries were particularly sensitive to their spoor. She pulled out her phone and sent an email for a clean-up team to visit the unit. She CC’d Johann Bruger, the property manager.

The original tenant whose shape the demon had stolen would be dead, likely smeared over the walls inside. She needed to start hunting the demon soon, while the trail was fresh and before it took another host. It wouldn’t be back.

She noticed the three ladies looking curiously at her and Meixiu. “Oh! I’m sorry. I’m Sigrid Gunderan, Head of Human Resources at VRL. This is Meixiu, my friend and roommate.”

“I’m Sandy Marlow. This is Tish Evans and Dayshia Morrison.” She glanced at the door nervously. “Shouldn’t she-”

The door opened, and Marisa stepped back out into the hall. She smiled at the nervous and eager expressions. “Henry is inside, asleep. He has a few bruises on his head and face. He also stinks of Rum. A lot of it.” She scowled. “He can’t drink! He’s such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.”

“I could kill Roger!” Tish hissed.

“Can we see him?” Sandy pleaded.

Marisa shook her head. “He’s in no shape for a visit. In the afternoon maybe? I’ll let him know you were here checking on him,” she said with a sympathetic smile.

Sandy smiled at her. “You’re as protective of Henry as you were for Stanley.”

Marisa nodded with a smile then saw Sigrid gesturing and turned her attention to her.

“Do you need me for a bit? I’m curious about that creep who ran away earlier,” she asked.

Marisa nodded. Sigrid stepped into the stairwell and was gone.

Dayshia looked at the others with wide eyes and a grin. “Damn! She’s my new definition of badass!”

Marisa and Meixiu chuckled and nodded while the others grinned.

Sandy moved forward and hugged Marisa. “Thank you for taking such good care of Henry. I’m so sorry we lost track of him at the club.”

“Not your fault. Just keep him away from alcohol and keep an eye on that fellow, Roger,” Marisa said with a frown.

“Oh, we’ll deal with Roger,” Tish promised.

“Give me your number, and I’ll give you mine,” Marisa said to Sandy as she pulled out her cell.

That done, Dayshia and Tish waved and pulled Sandy with them to the elevator and left.

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