Crazy Seduction(erotica)


A fight suddenly broke out in the crowd behind Henry as passions flared erratically and chaos exploded in the narrow alley.

Roger reached forward to take Sandy when Henry pulled her from his chest. The crowd behind him crashed into his back. Hands grabbed him and pulled him into the mass as he watched his friends staring at him in dismay. A fist struck his cheekbone, and he heard Dayshia scream, then he was lost in a sea of jostling, groping, and pushing bodies. Strong hands grabbed his arms from behind and dragged him bodily through the chaos into the deeper shadows.

He heard a gate open and close then he was placed back on his feet. He found himself walking unsteadily along a sidewalk; his arm held only to provide support. He looked at his guide and saw Ikehorn glaring up at him.

“You need to suppress your pheromones!” the Fae growled.

“How?” he slurred.

The Fae stopped to stare at him. “Are you drunk?” he asked incredulously.

Henry rocked on his feet as he tried to focus on Ikehorn’s face. “Shit! I only had one-” Light dawned slowly. “Bastard spiked my drink.”

Ikehorn wanted to beat the drunk senseless, but his Queen had plans for him. He sighed.

“Contain it. Pull it in and compress it down until you can lock it away,” the Fae said slowly as he looked into Henry’s glassy eyes.

Henry felt the heat radiating from his core out to the ends of his fingers, toes, and other parts. It made him feel like a balloon.

Contain it. Ok.

Closing his eyes, he envisioned the balloon deflating, getting smaller and smaller, shrinking down inside his body, centered on his core. The smaller the balloon got, the smaller the ball of heat became. It also became hotter as it shrank, but he did his best to ignore that as it became a pinpoint of white-hot plasma. He imagined sealing it inside a small glass bottle deep inside him. When the cork went on, he opened his eyes and felt at peace.

Ikehorn was staring at him oddly again.

“Are you sure you aren’t a wielder?” the Fae asked quietly.

Henry made some sudden hand movements approximating what he’d seen Master Inquisitor Leaharin do and Ikehorn’s eyes flew wide in fright.

Nothing happened of course, and Henry began to laugh, loudly. “Sorry man, that was too easy!”

Infuriated, Ikehorn pulled on Henry’s arm to drag him down the street. He pushed him into the front passenger seat of the surveillance van and buckled him in. He got behind the wheel and glanced over at the drunk who had the oddest look of concentration on his face.

“Do you hear them?” Henry mumbled then he suddenly lurched to the right and slammed his right temple against the window.

“Owwww!” Henry moaned as he gently touched his bruised face.

Ikehorn snorted in disgust and got the van moving. The next time he looked over the Satyr was half asleep. He’d get the drunk home then he’d be done protecting this damn fool! He would go immediately to speak with his Queen. He’d collected the evidence she needed.

The Human females the Satyr was with tonight were special to him. They were his weakness.

Henry dozed but struggled to remain awake as the voices were becoming clearer and more desperate.

He felt the van moving and eventually it stopped. He was pulled from the van and marched to the front door of his building. He fumbled with his keys and got into the lobby. Ikehorn looked like he might leave but Henry wobbled. Cursing under his breath, Ikehorn led Henry to the elevator, took him up to his floor and out into the hall.

Michelle Beaumont was leaving her unit when she saw the Fae struggling to get Henry to walk down the hall. She was immediately suspicious of the man’s intent, especially when she saw the bruises on Henry’s face.

“What happened to Henry?” she asked a little sharper than she intended.

The Fae sighed as he stared at the woman. “He’s drunk and got into a fight. I pulled him out and brought him home. He can take it from here.” With that, he leaned Henry against the wall, went back to the elevator and took it down.

Michelle moved closer and smelled the alcohol on Henry’s breath. “Why did you drink so much?” She muttered to herself.

“One… spiked… Roger,” Henry mumbled as he struggled to stay awake.

Michelle didn’t know who Roger was. Uneasily, she put her arm around Henry and gently guided him to his condo. She used his key to open the door and guided him inside. He kicked off his shoes, so she did the same then walked him into his bedroom.

The bed was on the floor!

She tried to set him down gently but the moment he felt the mattress under him Henry’s body went slack, and he collapsed onto it tugging her down with him. Michelle lost her balance and ended up sprawled over Henry’s chest.

“Mmmmmm…” he purred, his eyes closed.

Michelle was frozen. She’d never been with a man before, and here she was in bed with one! Granted, he was almost unconscious. Strangely, that made it easier for her. He wasn’t holding her down, and she was in complete control.

As she rested on his strong body she knew she should get off, but he felt so good, and he didn’t seem to mind. She watched his mouth.

She couldn’t.

She wouldn’t.

Nervously watching his closed eyes, she shifted slightly higher on his body and trembled when he adjusted his position under her. She could feel his breath on her face, and aside from the spice of the Rum, it wasn’t too bad. His eyes were still closed, but he had a little smile on his lips. She dipped her face closer, then closer still until her lips touched his. At first, he didn’t move, and she held her breath. She was enjoying this!

Then, ever so gently, he nibbled her lower lip with his and sparks shot through her body.

Her hand was on the door handle leaving his condo before she became aware she was fleeing. She closed the door again and rested her head against it, heart pounding. She looked over her shoulder then made her way back to the door of the bedroom. He was sound asleep and still smiling. She sighed in relief. Her lips were still tingling, but she’d had enough excitement for tonight. She left his keys on the coffee table and went to the front door to slip her shoes back on. She spun a long thread of strong silk and looped it over one side of the deadbolt handle. Then she opened the door and looped the silk under the door. Stepping out into the hall, she pulled the door closed behind herself and tugged on the silk. The deadbolt snapped into place, and she coiled the thread and tucked it into a pocket as she walked down the hall towards the elevator. As she stepped inside, she smiled and touched her lips.

She hoped Henry had sweet dreams.


Mary now had even more questions for Henry. She had no doubt he was somehow involved in the subway gas attack.

She’d found his address and arrived at his condo to see him leave in a taxi with another man. A second taxi following them had three nicely dressed ladies in it. She moved to follow, but a white van pulled out and cut her off. She held back and realized the van was tailing the taxis so following it would follow Henry.

She observed the van while the group had dinner. One of the occupants followed the group into the restaurant and left before them. They took up the chase once more when the group headed out again. She figured out they were going to a club and sure enough, the van stopped down the street from the venue, and the man exited once more and somehow managed to get into the club before the group.

Mary discovered stakeouts were tedious but things got exciting when the patrons started running out the door, and police began to arrive. When the van left without its second occupant, she made a split second decision to follow it. It didn’t go far as it stopped next to an alley two blocks away. She spotted Henry being helped along by the man who’d entered the club before them. He loaded Henry into the van, and she followed them back to Henry’s condo where she saw the man help a very drunk Henry inside. A short time later the man returned, got in the van and it drove off.

Mary sat in a little park facing Henry’s building wondering if she should barge in and demand her answers now while he was drunk. She was confused and disappointed about his involvement in the second gas attack.

Finally, she decided to wait. She was tired of sneaking around. It was time to visit the lion’s den.

She’d confront Henry at VRL directly.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.


Dark. Absolute dark. Crushing, draining dark.

Henry felt the tug again only this time it pulled his mind alone as his body rested. He felt the pull through the magic permeating his being. Magic he wasn’t even aware of while awake. The distance he traveled flew by in an instant.

He found himself in a large room. He couldn’t see anything, but it felt large and what sounds penetrated the walls gave the impression of cavernous space. Surrounding him he could feel close to one hundred distinct minds, all waiting for him to do something.

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