Always Yours

Chapter 27

Turns out being at the clubhouse wasn’t so bad. Ray was cool, she had been keeping me company most of the night. I had still to find out who she was though and why she was hanging around here.

Maybe a cousin?

“So, you’re not Franko’s girl?”. She asked.

We were currently sat at the bar eating burgers. Tommy hadn’t returned and the bar was still full of woman and children.

“We’re just friends”. I still wasn’t sure if we were even that.

“Franko doesn’t have girls that are friends”. She grinned.

“Then I guess I’m special”. I smiled.

I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it because it wasn’t important. If people wanted to think we were together, then so be it.

A laugh fell from her lips. “I like you. You need to come around here more often”.

Did I just make a new friend?

“I’d like that”.

“But seriously you’re not secretly dating?”.

I rolled my eyes. “No, so feel free to shoot your shot”.

“Ew”. She made a face. “Franko is like my brother; we practically grew up together. Did I forget to mention that my dad is Taz? One of Blues lifers”.

Ah so she was part of this lifestyle. Probably grew up in the thick of it just like Franko.

“Noted”. I smiled. “But if you grew up together how come I’ve never seen you at school?”.

“I’m two years older”.

“That’ll be why then”. I smiled.

The chatter in the room picked up, which caused me to turn my focus. Was something happening? And then I heard the roar of several motorcycles.

They were back.

“Looks like they’re back”. Ray spoke. “We’re free”.

Thank god.

“So, I can go home?”.

“Don’t you want to wait and see how Franko is doing?”.

“He’s not dead right?”.

“Yeah, I’m really going to like you”. She grinned. “But seriously maybe show you care just a little bit”.

I did care. Pretending I didn’t was how I dealt with how we’ll never be together. It was all an act to save myself from facing the truth about how I really felt about him.

“I do care”. Truth was I wasn’t sure I could handle hearing about Franko being hurt. He could have been killed and that thought alone made my insides hurt. “But I really do have to get home”.

“How come?”.

“My parents worry”. I shrugged. “And my shift was over twenty minutes ago”.

“Ah gotcha. My mom’s the exact same”.

“Aubrey, sweetheart, you can go home now”. Jen smiled as she approached us.

“See you around Aubrey”.

“Bye Ray”.

“I see you made a friend”. Jen spoke as we headed outside.

“She seems cool, nice”.

“She’s a sweet girl just like you”. She smiled. “Now get home safe and I’ll see you next week”.


I wasn’t imagining it. I knew I wasn’t. I was being followed. Every road I took, every turn a motorcycle would appear.

I wasn’t panicked I put two and two together and figured it was someone from the club especially after what happened. It made me feel safe knowing that if by chance anything did happen, I would be safe.

As I turned into my street the motorcycle stopped at the bottom of the road. Just as I expected it didn’t drive off until I was safely inside.

My mom and dad were on the couch watching tv. The first thing I noticed was that they were both drinking. Mom had a glass of wine and dad had a bottle of beer on the table next to him.

“There you are”. My mom lifted her legs from my dad’s lap and got to her feet. “I thought your shift finished at eight?”.

“It was super busy mom I couldn’t get away but I’m home now”.

“Dinner is on the table I’ll heat it up for you”.

“Okay thank you”. Not that I was hungry, but I would try and eat it.

“Come sit down for a minute sweetheart”. My dad turned the volume on tv down as he nodded towards the chair.

“Okay”. I frowned.

“How’s the car?”. He asked.

“Good”. I wasn’t sure where this was going. I mean I had literally only had the car a few hours. Wait, was he trying to make conversation to work another conversation into it?

“That’s good Aubrey. Your mom and I want to talk to you about this weekend”.

“What about it?”. I asked.

“Remember when we talked about dad and I going away for the weekend?”. My mom spoke as she handed me my dinner.


“How would you feel about it being this weekend? Leaving on Friday and coming home Monday morning”.

It’s not as if I couldn’t take care of myself and I was used to being left on my own anyway with the amount of time they spent at work.

I shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll be okay”.

“Are you really sure Aubrey because we don’t have to go if you don’t want us to”. My mom said.

“Mom I’ll be fine”.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay sweetheart but if you change your mind let us know”.

I wouldn’t. A full weekend without any supervision, without any curfew. I had a weekend to do whatever I wanted.

“Can I take this upstairs?”. I asked.

“Don’t be up to late Aubrey. You still have school in the morning”.

“I won’t mom”. I took my dinner plate and headed upstairs to my room.

I was hungrier than I thought. I ate everything on my plate. Sitting the empty plate on my nightstand I went about my room for clean pjs so I could get ready for bed.

Things were starting to look up. I finally had my car; my parents were giving me that little bit of independence and freedom that I needed.

I no longer felt suffocated. All I’ve ever wanted was to be able to do things without them breathing down my neck. I wanted the trust that I would be perfectly fine on my own.

That I could do things for myself. That I wasn’t stupid and irresponsible. I wanted to show them I had a good head on my shoulders, and they didn’t have to worry about me all the time.

I put my dirty clothes in the hamper before climbing into bed. I wasn’t as tired as I was earlier, and it was still early but I wanted a good sleep for school. I buried my head in my pillows and pulled my duvet up and around my neck.

Closing my eyes my mind went to Franko.

I wanted to see him. I wanted to see for myself that he was okay. No one had told me anything other than he had been shot and that he wasn’t dead. I didn’t know if he was in a hospital or if he was being treated at home.

I knew nothing.

But thinking about Franko right now wasn’t going to do me any favours when I was trying to sleep. Thinking about him was only going to keep my mind awake and my thoughts running wild.

I didn’t need the what if’s floating around in there.

He would be safe, he was safe. I knew that much.

“Aubrey”. My mom knocked before entering. “Oh, you’re in bed already”.

“Yeah”. I smiled.

“Are you sure you’re not taking too much on with work and school?”.

“I’m fine mom you don’t need to worry, and I really like working at the diner”.

“I’m really proud of you Aubrey, we both are. I know I don’t say it enough, but we really are. You’re turning into a beautiful independent young woman, and we love you very much sweetheart”.

“Thanks mom I love you too”.

It may not seem important, but those words meant the world to me. It finally felt like they were seeing me for the first time. As stupid as that sounds because I’m their daughter and they see me every day, but I mean really see me.

I liked the way our relationship was going. Giving me the freedom and space to live a little. To realise I was growing up and I wasn’t their little girl anymore.

“Okay sweetie get a good sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow”.

“Night mom”.

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